DAVIS FMS 3.9.3 User Manual

FMS 3.9.3
DriveRight Fleet Management Software Version 3.9.3 Users Manual Rev. K (9/16/2009) Product Number: 8186 Davis Instruments Part Number: 7395.194 Davis Instruments Corp. ©2009. All rights reserved. This product complies with the essential protection requirements of the EC EMC Directive 2004/108/EC; Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC; and Eco-Design Directive 2005/32/EC>0.5 watt no-load adapter. DriveRight™ is a registered trademark of Davis Instrument Corp. CarChip™ is a trade­mark of Davis Instruments Corp. Windows™ is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Table Of Contents
DriveRight FMS Help....................................................................................................................... 1
Welcome to DriveRight Fleet Management Software ..................................................................... 1
Getting Started Menu................................................................................................................... 1
Getting Started Menu ...................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction to DriveRight FMS ....................................................................................................... 1
What's New for DriveRight FMS 3.9.3.............................................................................................2
Prior Release Notes ........................................................................................................................ 3
DriveRight Fleet Management Software v3.9.2 Release Notes............................................... 3
DriveRight Fleet Management Software v3.9.1 Release Notes............................................... 4
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.8 Release Notes ................................................... 5
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.7.2 Release Notes ................................................ 5
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.7.1 Release Notes ................................................ 5
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.7 Release Notes ................................................... 6
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.6 Release Notes ................................................... 7
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.5 Release Notes ................................................... 7
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.4 Release Notes ................................................... 8
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.3 Release Notes ................................................... 8
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.2 Release Notes ................................................... 9
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.1 Release Notes ................................................... 9
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.0 Release Notes ................................................. 10
Architecture.................................................................................................................................... 11
Database Selection Guidelines ..................................................................................................... 12
Converting 2.04-2.06/2.6.1 Database to DriveRight FMS Format ................................................ 13
Setup Overview ............................................................................................................................. 15
Tool Bar ......................................................................................................................................... 17
List of Toolbar Icons ............................................................................................................... 17
Quick Reference ........................................................................................................................ 19
FMS Quick Reference ................................................................................................................... 19
Data Management.................................................................................................................. 19
Data Management Reference Menu ............................................................................................. 19
DriveRight FMS User's manual
Database Bac
kup Considerations ................................................................................................. 20
Active Database Size Recommendations ..................................................................................... 21
Backup........................................................................................................................................... 22
Restore .......................................................................................................................................... 23
Export Menu .................................................................................................................................. 25
Import Menu................................................................................................................................... 26
CarChip Quick Reference ...................................................................................................... 26
CarChip Quick Reference.............................................................................................................. 26
Adding Drivers, Vehicles and CarChips ........................................................................................ 26
CarChip Considerations ................................................................................................................ 27
CarChip Settings............................................................................................................................ 27
Downloading CarChip Guidelines.................................................................................................. 28
Download CarChip ........................................................................................................................ 28
DriveRight Quick Reference................................................................................................... 29
DriveRight Quick Reference .......................................................................................................... 29
Adding Drivers, Vehicles and DriveRights..................................................................................... 29
DriveRight Settings........................................................................................................................ 30
DriveRight Settings: Verify DriveRight Calibration ........................................................................ 30
DriveRight Settings: Setup GPS.................................................................................................... 31
Downloading Requirements .......................................................................................................... 32
Download DriveRight..................................................................................................................... 33
Download Palm.............................................................................................................................. 34
Mapping Quick Reference Menu............................................................................................ 36
Mapping Quick Reference Menu................................................................................................... 36
How to Create Maps...................................................................................................................... 36
Creating a Trip Map....................................................................................................................... 37
Creating a Day Map....................................................................................................................... 38
Creating an Accident Log Map ...................................................................................................... 38
Export: GPS to MapPoint .............................................................................................................. 39
Export: Accidents to MapPoint ...................................................................................................... 41
Import GPS Data Into MapPoint .................................................................................................... 42
How to View Maps......................................................................................................................... 43
Table Of Contents
Viewing Trip Maps
......................................................................................................................... 44
Viewing Day Maps......................................................................................................................... 44
Viewing Accident Log Maps .......................................................................................................... 44
Accident Log Map Features........................................................................................................... 45
Day Map Features ......................................................................................................................... 51
Viewing Trips in Overview Mode................................................................................................ 55
Viewing Individual Trips ............................................................................................................. 56
Viewing Trips in Overview Mode................................................................................................ 58
Viewing Individual Trips ............................................................................................................. 59
Trip Map Features ......................................................................................................................... 61
Mapping Menu............................................................................................................................... 69
DriveRight FMS Mapping Requirements....................................................................................... 70
Viewing GPS Plot Information ....................................................................................................... 71
Wireless Quick Reference Menu............................................................................................ 71
Wireless Quick Reference Menu ................................................................................................... 71
How to Add a Base Station............................................................................................................ 72
How to Add a Wireless On-Board Module..................................................................................... 73
How to Select an Operating Region .............................................................................................. 75
How to Scan for Wireless On-Board Modules............................................................................... 76
How to Set Up an Automatic Wireless Download ......................................................................... 78
How to Start a Manual Wireless Download ................................................................................... 80
How to Upgrade Firmware............................................................................................................. 81
Menu Commands....................................................................................................................... 83
Menu Commands Menu ................................................................................................................ 83
File Menu................................................................................................................................ 84
File Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 84
Backup........................................................................................................................................... 84
Restore .......................................................................................................................................... 86
Import Menu................................................................................................................................... 88
Import: FTP Import......................................................................................................................... 88
Import: Import Data From .............................................................................................................. 90
Import GPS Data Into MapPoint .................................................................................................... 91
DriveRight FMS User's manual
Export Menu
.................................................................................................................................. 92
Export: FTP Export ........................................................................................................................ 93
Export: GPS to MapPoint .............................................................................................................. 94
Export: Accidents to MapPoint ...................................................................................................... 96
Export: Export Data To .................................................................................................................. 97
Print ............................................................................................................................................... 98
Print Preview.................................................................................................................................. 99
Print Setup ..................................................................................................................................... 99
Clear Screen.................................................................................................................................. 99
Exit............................................................................................................................................... 100
Setup Menu .......................................................................................................................... 100
Setup Menu ................................................................................................................................. 100
Current Location .......................................................................................................................... 101
Users Menu ................................................................................................................................. 101
Users: Login................................................................................................................................. 102
Users: Browse/Add...................................................................................................................... 102
Users: Change Password............................................................................................................ 103
Preferences Menu ....................................................................................................................... 104
Preferences: Units ....................................................................................................................... 104
Preferences: Backup Options...................................................................................................... 105
Preferences: Download Options.................................................................................................. 106
Night and Weekend Settings ....................................................................................................... 108
Preferences: Database Browser.................................................................................................. 109
Host Mode Menu ......................................................................................................................... 109
Host Mode On.............................................................................................................................. 109
Host Mode Setup......................................................................................................................... 110
Remote Modem Setup - Using Hyper Terminal .......................................................................... 111
Communications Port - CarChip Settings.................................................................................... 115
Communications Port - DriveRight Settings................................................................................ 116
SmartCard Reader....................................................................................................................... 117
Default DriveRight Settings Menu ............................................................................................... 118
Default DriveRight Settings Wizard ............................................................................................. 118
Table Of Contents
Default DriveRight Settings
View/Set .......................................................................................... 120
Unit Settings ................................................................................................................................ 121
Safety Settings............................................................................................................................. 123
Timer Settings.............................................................................................................................. 124
Alarm Settings ............................................................................................................................. 125
Security Settings.......................................................................................................................... 126
GPS Settings - Default DriveRight Settings ................................................................................ 128
Default CarChip Settings ............................................................................................................. 129
Digital Input labels ....................................................................................................................... 130
Corporate Structure ..................................................................................................................... 131
DriveRight Menu................................................................................................................... 133
DriveRight Menu.......................................................................................................................... 133
Add DriveRight Wizard ................................................................................................................ 134
Download DriveRight................................................................................................................... 136
DriveRight Settings...................................................................................................................... 138
DriveRight Settings: View/Set...................................................................................................... 138
DriveRight Settings: Restore ....................................................................................................... 139
DriveRight Settings: Setup GPS.................................................................................................. 140
DriveRight Settings: Verify DriveRight Calibration ...................................................................... 141
Read Accident Log ...................................................................................................................... 142
Read Tamper Log........................................................................................................................ 143
Set Time and Date....................................................................................................................... 143
Set Odometer .............................................................................................................................. 144
Set Service Alarms ...................................................................................................................... 145
Set Drivers List ............................................................................................................................ 146
Clear DriveRight .......................................................................................................................... 148
CarChip Menu ...................................................................................................................... 148
CarChip Menu.............................................................................................................................. 148
Add New CarChip Wizard............................................................................................................ 149
CarChip Settings.......................................................................................................................... 151
CarChip Settings: View/Set ......................................................................................................... 151
CarChip Settings: Restore........................................................................................................... 153
DriveRight FMS User's manual
Download CarChip
...................................................................................................................... 154
Set Time and Date....................................................................................................................... 154
Set CarChip LED ......................................................................................................................... 155
Set CarChip Alarm....................................................................................................................... 156
Set Anomalous Vehicle ............................................................................................................... 157
Reset Check Engine Light ........................................................................................................... 159
Display CarChip Memory............................................................................................................. 160
Clear CarChip Memory................................................................................................................ 160
SmartCard Menu .................................................................................................................. 161
SmartCard Menu ......................................................................................................................... 161
SmartCard Download .................................................................................................................. 161
Setup Card................................................................................................................................... 162
SmartCard Transfer to DriveRight............................................................................................... 164
Transfer to DriveRight Settings ................................................................................................... 164
Identification Settings - SmartCard.............................................................................................. 165
Calibration Settings - SmartCard................................................................................................. 167
Unit Settings - SmartCard............................................................................................................ 168
Timer Settings - SmartCard......................................................................................................... 169
Safety Settings - SmartCard........................................................................................................ 170
Alarm Settings - SmartCard......................................................................................................... 171
Security Settings - SmartCard ..................................................................................................... 173
GPS Settings - SmartCard .......................................................................................................... 174
Drivers List................................................................................................................................... 175
Clock Adjustment......................................................................................................................... 176
SmartCard Clear Transfer Data................................................................................................... 177
SmartCard Erase......................................................................................................................... 178
Wireless Menu...................................................................................................................... 178
Wireless Menu ............................................................................................................................. 178
Add New Base Station................................................................................................................. 179
Add New Wireless On-Board Module.......................................................................................... 180
Scan Wireless On-Board Modules .............................................................................................. 182
Setup Automatic Wireless Download .......................................................................................... 184
Table Of Contents
Start Manual
Wireless Download ................................................................................................ 186
Wireless Download Status........................................................................................................... 187
Upgrade Firmware....................................................................................................................... 189
Select Operating Region ............................................................................................................. 191
Database Menu .................................................................................................................... 192
Database Menu ........................................................................................................................... 192
Company Locations..................................................................................................................... 193
DriveRights .................................................................................................................................. 193
CarChips...................................................................................................................................... 194
Driver Groups .............................................................................................................................. 195
Wireless Devices ......................................................................................................................... 195
Drivers ......................................................................................................................................... 196
Fleets ........................................................................................................................................... 196
Vehicles ....................................................................................................................................... 197
Trips............................................................................................................................................. 197
Accident Logs .............................................................................................................................. 198
Tamper Logs................................................................................................................................ 199
Trip Addresses............................................................................................................................. 200
Days............................................................................................................................................. 200
Download Dates .......................................................................................................................... 201
GPS ............................................................................................................................................. 201
Odometer Logs ............................................................................................................................ 202
Safety Score ................................................................................................................................ 203
Trouble Codes ............................................................................................................................. 203
Readiness Codes ........................................................................................................................ 204
CarChip Parameter Logs............................................................................................................. 206
Maintenance ................................................................................................................................ 207
Filter For Deleting Trips ............................................................................................................... 208
Filter For Deleting Accident Logs ................................................................................................ 209
Filter For Deleting Tamper Logs.................................................................................................. 210
Filter For Deleting Days............................................................................................................... 211
Filter For Deleting Download Dates............................................................................................. 212
DriveRight FMS User's manual
Filter For
Deleting GPS ............................................................................................................... 213
Filter For Deleting Odometer Logs .............................................................................................. 215
Filter for Deleting CarChip Parameter Logs ................................................................................ 215
Reports Menu....................................................................................................................... 217
Reports Menu .............................................................................................................................. 217
Accident Log Report .................................................................................................................... 217
Driver Safety Score Report.......................................................................................................... 218
Driver Safety Score Summary Report ......................................................................................... 220
Exception Reports ....................................................................................................................... 221
Excessive Speed Report ............................................................................................................. 222
Night Driving Report .................................................................................................................... 223
Hard Braking Report.................................................................................................................... 224
Hard Acceleration Report ............................................................................................................ 226
Time Over Speed......................................................................................................................... 227
Database Reports........................................................................................................................ 228
Vehicles Report ........................................................................................................................... 228
Trip Addresses Report................................................................................................................. 229
Drivers Report.............................................................................................................................. 230
Usage Report............................................................................................................................... 230
Trip Summary Report .................................................................................................................. 232
Vehicle Activity Report................................................................................................................. 234
Graphical Day Report .................................................................................................................. 236
Tamper Logs Report.................................................................................................................... 238
Odometer Report......................................................................................................................... 240
Relationship Report ..................................................................................................................... 242
Days Since Last Download.......................................................................................................... 242
Wireless Download Status Report............................................................................................... 243
Mapping Menu...................................................................................................................... 244
Mapping Menu............................................................................................................................. 244
Open Map .................................................................................................................................... 244
Save Map..................................................................................................................................... 245
E-Mail Map
................................................................................................................................... 246
Table Of Contents
Select Mapping Tool.................................................................................................................... 247
Set Speed Ranges ...................................................................................................................... 247
Help Menu ................................................................................................................................... 248
Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................................... 249
Troubleshooting Menu................................................................................................................. 249
Device Communication Problems ............................................................................................... 249
Database Connection Problems.................................................................................................. 250
Wireless Device Communication Problems ................................................................................ 250
SmartCard Desktop Reader Device Communication Problems.................................................. 258
Installing Drivers for the SmartCard Desktop Reader.......................................................... 258
Miscellaneous Problems.............................................................................................................. 262
Contacting Davis Instruments...................................................................................................... 263
Index ............................................................................................................................................ 265
DriveRight FMS Help
Welcome to DriveRight Fleet Management Software
Click on the topics below for help using DriveRight® Fleet Management Software (FMS) version
Getting Started
Quick Reference
Menu Commands
| Getting Started | Quick Reference | Menu Commands | Troubleshooting
September 17, 2009
Getting Started Menu
- How to get your DriveRight software rolling.
- Basic info and quick links for routine tasks.
- Everything you can do in DriveRight FMS.
- Help when you have problems.
Getting Started Menu
The following help topics will help you getting started with DriveRight Fleet Management Software.
Introduction to FMS
What's New for DriveRight FMS 3.9.3
Release Notes for Versions 3.9.2, 3.9.1,
Database Selection Guidelines
Converting VMS 2.04-2.06 Data for FMS
Setup Overview
Tool Bar
Back to Home
| Getting Started | Quick Reference | Menu Commands | Troubleshooting
3.8, 3.7.2, 3.7.1, 3.7, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, and 3.0
Introduction to DriveRight FMS
DriveRight FMS User's manual
The DriveRi DriveRight data on your Windows-compatible computer. More specifically, FMS provides tools for acquiring, sorting, tracking, analyzing and printing data, and viewing and printing reports for a number of individual DriveRight consoles and CarChip devices at a number of different locations.
DriveRight FMS features include:
Tracking drivers, vehicles, locations, and service
Viewing, graphing, printing and saving "accident log" information
Multiple user levels
Ability to download DriveRight information via the optional SmartCard
Ability to download DriveRight and CarChip information via the optional Wireless
Tamper logs
Sorting data and creating reports according to user-defined selection criteria
Summarize data by day and by trip
Integrated Microsoft MapPoint, Google Earth
Compare vehicles, drivers, or groups of drivers
ght Fleet Management Software (FMS) allows you to store, view, and manipulate
Download System
, and Google MapsTM support for mapping
of GPS data
FTP Export / FTP Import data
See also:
Back to Getting Started
| Getting Started | Quick Reference | Menu Commands | Troubleshooting
What's New for DriveRight FMS 3.9.3
DriveRight Fleet Management Software version 3.9.3 includes the following changes:
FMS is now compatible with MapPoint 2009.
A Graphical Day Report has been added and can be accessed from Reports > Graphical
Day Report menu.
A Hard Acceleration Report has been added to Reports > Exception Reports.
CarChip "restore settings" feature has been added to this release and can be accessed
from the CarChip > CarChip Settings > Restore. This command will reset the CarChip settings with the database record of the selected CarChip.
DriveRight FMS Help
A "Set Anomalous Vehicle" command is now available in FMS. The anomalous vehicle can be set using Add New CarChip wizard. It can also be set through CarChip > Set Anomalous Vehicle or CarChip > CarChip Settings > Set command. Please note that this feature is not for pre-CAN versions of CarChip. Supported excepted vehicles and protocols depend on the firmware version.
Oracle login password has been encrypted to improve security.
Connection and query timeout for Microsoft SQLServer has been increased to 120
Calculation of Time Over Speed has been improved to be more accurate.
The calculation of Max Download Days in the Driver Safety Score report has been
modified for accuracy.
SmartCard Reader Driver has been upgraded in FMS Setup programs.
Print and Print Preview for the Accident Log Report have been fixed.
This release was built with CarChip.dll
Back to Getting Started
| Getting Started | Quick Reference | Menu Commands | Troubleshooting
Prior Release Notes
DriveRight Fleet Management Software v3.9.2 Release Notes
DriveRight Fleet Management Software version 3.9.2 includes the following changes:
Google Earth
Users may select their mapping tool from Mapping > Select Mapping Tool. Once a mapping tool is selected, Trip Maps, Day Maps and Accident Log maps will be generated using the selected mapping tool. Mapping with Google Maps requires an internet connection and a web browser to work. Mapping with Google Earth requires a copy of that program, which may be downloaded at no charge from Google’s web site.
New wireless device firmware version 10E0 is available in this release. User may update
the firmware of Base Stations and Wireless On-Board Modules through Wireless > Upgrade Firmware.
To improve performance and reduce the file size of the Access database, FMS will
compact the database when the user exits if MS Access is the database type currently in use. This process will not require the user's confirmation. In case of error, an error message will be logged in EventLog.txt.
and Google MapsTM are added as additional mapping tools to MapPoint.
Import/Export, FTP Import/Export, and Backup/Restore features are now supported for
the database table TroubleCodes and ReadinessCodes.
DriveRight FMS User's manual
The Database > Maintenance menu is now enabled/disabled properly according to user's privileges.
In filter dialogs of Driver Safety Score report and Driver Safety Score Summary report,
the current location is used as default selection for Company Locations list.
The Company Name field in Add/Edit Company Location dialog is fixed to allow company
name up to 40 characters and will automatically scroll horizontally.
In Trip Summary Report, dashes are displayed for the Idle Time column if the trips are
from DR500.
This release was built with CarChip.dll
DriveRight Fleet Management Software v3.9.1 Release Notes
DriveRight Fleet Management Software version 3.9.1 includes the following changes:
A new comprehensive report is added to this release to show Vehicle Activities. Users
can generate a report for a date range, selected vehicles, or drivers with exception limit settings. This report can be viewed in FMS report viewer or in an Excel file. It can be accessed from the Reports menu, and Email support has also been added to this report.
Weekend and Night settings have been moved from the Usage Report to the system
level and can be accessed from Setup->Preferences. These settings are now shared by the Usage Report, Wireless Download, and the Vehicle Activity Report.
The GPS map has been improved to show coordinates within (-3, 3).
This release was built with CarChip.dll
DriveRight Fleet Management Software version 3.9. was a Beta Release, and included the following changes:
Idle time feature (CarChip only) is implemented in this release. Idle time for each trip is
stored in database Trips table. A user may run the Trip Summary Report to show the idle time for each trip and total idle time for a driver or vehicle. The report can be viewed in FMS report viewer or in an Excel file, and Email support has also been added to this report.
FMS is improved to handle trouble codes during download to avoid trouble codes missing
Oracle database migration issues to FMS 3.8 release are solved.
A problem was corrected wherein DriveRight type was not being displayed when adding
a new DriveRight device.
The text limit for user name and password was increased for FTP Import and Export.
This release was built with CarChip.dll
DriveRight FMS Help
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.8 Release Notes
DriveRight Fleet Management Software version 3.8 includes the following changes:
The CarChip Fleet Pro (# 8246) model is now supported in this release.
GPS has been implemented for CarChip Fleet Pro and is included in the CarChip
Settings and Add New CarChip Wizard -Parameters/GPS Settings dialog boxes in the
CarChip menu. The GPS setting allows you to turn on the GPS logging and subsequent mapping feature. This setting works only with a CarChip Fleet Pro model connected to the optional GPS (# 8251, 8128) modules. The GPS data is stored in the database and allows you to create Trip Maps, Day Trips Maps and Accident Maps.
DriveRight Wireless Download System functionality has now been added for CarChip
Fleet Pro. Along with the CarChip Fleet Pro GPS/Wireless Interface Module (# 8251), the Base Station (# 8130), Wireless On-Board Module (# 8129), and the Configuration Cable for Wireless On-Board Module (# 8131) give your fleet the ability to download data directly from CarChip Fleet Pro models to FMS without physically removing the DriveRight devices from the vehicle. The data moves wirelessly from the vehicle to the FMS database. The actions that can be taken when wirelessly downloading a Carchip Fleet Pro can be edited in the Edit CarChip
dialog box.
The Download Options
sample downloading settings.
The Carchip Parameter Logs
The following dialog boxes have been added to supplement the CarChip Parameter Logs database table: Filter for CarChip Parameter Logs
Filter for Deleting CarChip Parameter Logs
Audible alarm volume can now be adjusted in the Set CarChip Alarm
CarChip Fleet Pro model of Carchip.
Trouble codes are recorded during trips more accurately.
The Add New User
Structure as one of the application options.
The factors in the Driver Safety Report Formula
score more accurate.
MSDE installation is no longer supported by FMS installation. MSDE must be installed
manually before FMS is installed if MSDE is the database you which to use.
dialog box has changes to give you more flexibility in the speed
database table has been added to the Database Menu.
, Print CarChip Parameter Logs, and
dialog box for the
and Edit User dialog boxes have been changed to add Corporate
are improved to make the performance
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.7.2 Release Notes
DriveRight Fleet Management Software version 3.7.2 includes the following changes:
Fixed an issue regarding the PIN code transferred by the SmartCard Reader not being
recognized by the DriveRight Device.
Duplicate database record error issue was resolved.
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.7.1 Release Notes
DriveRight FMS User's manual
Right Fleet Management Software version 3.7.1 includes the following changes:
Password encryption has been added for better security.
The ability to add multiple Super Users to the database added. Open the Update User
Privileges dialog box or Add New User dialog box to add or edit Users and change the
User Type.
The Driver Safety Score
when Km/hr is selected as the unit of measure in the Units
The CarChip
LED state, have been made by the user in FMS.
The ACS SmartCard Desktop Reader Proprietary Driver is the only driver to be used with
FMS. The ACS Proprietary Driver installation process has now been simplified. If the PC/SC driver was installed, it must be removed
Database configuration process has been improved to enforce database security and
avoid object ownership problems in MS SqlServer database.
database table automatically updates if any changes, such as Alarm and
and Excessive Speed Report changed to accurately calculate
dialog box.
and the ACS Proprietary Driver must be
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.7 Release Notes
DriveRight Fleet Management Software version 3.7 includes the following changes:
DriveRight Wireless Download System functionality is added to FMS. The Wireless Menu
contains commands for configuring wireless devices, controlling the wireless communication and downloading features for the Wireless Download System. These new features, along with the Base Station (# 8130), Wireless On-Board Module (# 8129), and the Configuration Cable for Wireless On-Board Module (# 8131) give your fleet the ability to download data directly from the DriveRight devices to FMS without physically removing the DriveRight devices from the vehicle. The data moves wirelessly from the vehicle to the FMS database. The features that are added to support wireless download are:
o Wireless Menu
o Manual Wireless Download Icon added to FMS toolbar.
o Wireless Devices
o Wireless Download Status Report
FTP Export
possible database tables that you can export.
Add Users
DriveRight\Wireless Download System, CarChip and SmartCard Devices.
- The Wireless Menu, in conjunction with the Wireless On-Board Module (# 8129), Base Station for Wireless Download System (# 8130), and the Configuration Cable for Wireless On-Board Module (# 8131) allows you to create a wireless connection between your fleet vehicles and the FMS software.
database table, Edit Base Station, Edit Wireless On-Board Module,
and Select Wireless Device Fields to Print
added to the Reports Menu.
dialog box now include the Wireless Download database table in the list of
dialog box now permits user accessibility definitions for the
added to the Database Menu.
DriveRight FMS Help
Improved many features regarding the FMS database installation and configuration. See The Database Selection Guide for more information and for the installation procedures regarding these new improvements. The database improvements are:
o Fixed a previous issue with the User's PC name being used as a server alias name in
the SQLServer database configuration process.
o Stored procedures for installing and configuring the Oracle database are now
integrated into the FMS installation process. There is no need to create the stored procedures manually unless FMS encounters problems when creating them.
o Database migration from a previous release to the current release has now become a
seamless feature. In previous releases, after FMS was upgraded, the connection with the database had to be re-established. Now, FMS automatically uses the previously configured database.
Data validation added to make sure that the ID numbers assigned to each CarChip and
DriveRight are unique.
The Pin Code and the Driver Logout time can now be transferred to the DriveRight via
the SmartCard.
The Current Location
is now displayed in the FMS title bar.
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.6 Release Notes
DriveRight Fleet Management Software version 3.6 includes the following changes:
Disable Console Login feature added to the Security Settings tab in the Review
DriveRight Security Settings dialog box, DriveRight Device Settings dialog box, and the
Default DriveRight Settings Login feature on a DriveRight console if a SmartCard Reader is present. This feature is available for DriveRight 600
Disable Console Login column added to the DriveRight
Console Login column displays the Console Login status of each DriveRight in the database.
Disable Console Login added to DriveRight database table Print
Set Odometer
has been disabled for the DriveRight 600E device only.
dialog box. The Disable Console Login feature disables the
E devices only.
database table. The Disable
dialog box.
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.5 Release Notes
DriveRight Fleet Management Software version 3.5 includes the following changes:
The current selected location is now displayed on the title bar of FMS. This allows you to
know which location's data is currently being viewed through any window or table in the FMS software.
Three new options in Database Menu: Readiness Code Database,
Database, and Batch Editing.
The Readiness Code Database
codes and the status of each code if you use the CarChip Fleet device.
allows you to view all the monitored readiness
Trouble Code
DriveRight FMS User's manual
The Trouble Code Database
recorded in a vehicle using the CarChip Fleet device.
The Batch Editing
displayed in all the tables in the database of various trips.
The CarChip
logs speed measurements.
Miscellaneous Settings
Settings dialog box. Miscellaneous Settings allows you to control the settings for extra
features on the CarChip, such Alarm and LED. The CarChip Settings allows you to chose the update interval the CarChip device now records speed. Previously, the Vehicle Speed and Update Interval boxes were defaults and could not be user defined. Now, the Interval at which vehicle speed is sampled can be selected.
A new option was added to the Download Options
the number of hours of GPS data you want the DriveRight device to store.
Fixed a previous issue with the DriveRight and FMS software not recording a second trip
that happens within the same minute as a previous trip. The DriveRight device and FMS software now display all trips, even those having the same starting times.
New database stored procedures have been added. If the software is accessing a
database run on a MS SQL Server or Oracle server, some specialized installation may be required. See The Database Selection Guide for more information and complete instructions.
database table has changed to display the interval the CarChip device now
feature allows you to re-assign drivers or adjust speeds
has been added to the Add CarChip Wizard and to the CarChip
allows you to review any trouble code records
dialog box also
dialog box that allows you to specify
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.4 Release Notes
DriveRight Fleet Management Software version 3.4 includes the following changes:
New option in Setup Menu: Corporate Structure
you to create a hierarchical representation of fleets and how they are distributed company wide. This feature is used in conjunction with the Driver Safety Score Report the Reports Menu.
A new option in the Drive Safety Score Report: Specify Drivers with Mileage option,
which displays all drivers with mileage for the specified time period.
The Serial Port options for both DriveRight and CarChip changed to Communication Port
in the Setup Menu, with added USB support.
USB support for Fleet CarChips added.
. The Corporate Structure option allows
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.3 Release Notes
DriveRight Fleet Management Software version 3.3 includes the following changes:
The Inclusion of using an on-board and desktop reader and SmartCard system to transfer
data from the DriveRight 600 unit to a computer. This added feature has created the following changes to the FMS software.
o New menu option in the Setup Menu: SmartCard Reader
SmartCard reader type. The SmartCard Reader requires USB driver installation before the SmartCard Reader can be determined and set up.
. Lets you select the
DriveRight FMS Help
o Ne
Setup Card
Transfer to DriveRight
Clear Transfer Data
GPS Settings
and SmartCard menus. Allows you to turn the GPS logging and subsequent mapping feature on. Works only with DriveRight 600 units with GPS modules.
w menu: SmartCard Menu options for setting up, monitoring, and maintaining all the SmartCards and DriveRights using the SmartCard System. The SmartCard menu options are:
- Downloads information stored on a card to a selected base from a
SmartCard Reader.
- Allows you to select user and vehicle information for a card.
- Uses the card to transfer settings and information to a
DriveRight or multiple DriveRight devices.
- Clears the settings and data that sets the DriveRight
- Erases all data stored on the SmartCard
included in the DriveRight Settings dialog box in the Setup, DriveRight
. The SmartCard menu contains several menu
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.2 Release Notes
DriveRight Fleet Management Software version 3.2 includes the following changes:
Automated mapping
of GPS data.
New Report: Driver Safety Score Summary
calculates driver scores and average scores for each month for a 3, 6, or 12 month time period. Each driver’s score is calculated for each selected month and displayed in an excel file. The data generated by this report is saved in the Safety Score table in the FMS database. You can sort this report by end date score, report average scores, or driver name and can choose to group the drivers by their location if multiple locations are selected.
New database table: Safety Score
Summary Report.
Driver Safety Score Report
Driver Safety Score Report Formula
Exclusive Driver option added to the Vehicles Table
trip data to be assigned to the default driver even if other drivers are listed in the data.
The Tamper Log Report now displays the time between unplugging from a vehicle and
downloading a DriveRight as well as the time between downloading a DriveRight and reconnecting it to a vehicle.
replaces Driver Performance Score Report.
. This table is generated by the Driver Safety Score
replaces Driver Performance Score Formula.
. The Drive Safety Score Summary report
. Selecting this option will cause all
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.1 Release Notes
The most important change in DriveRight Fleet Management Software version 3.1 is support for the CarChip Fleet device. DriveRight FMS 3.1 also includes two new reports.
CarChip Fleet Support
Download CarChip Fleet data into the DriveRight FMS database.
DriveRight FMS User's manual
Store trip info, accident logs, and tamper logs.
View and set CarChip Fleet configuration in both the device and FMS database.
Note: DriveRight FMS 3.1 does not store engine data and diagnostic trouble logs in the database. This information can be downloaded and viewed using the CarChip software included on your DriveRight FMS 3.1 CD.
New Reports
Time Over Speed Limit Exception Report
Days Since Last Download Report
DriveRight Fleet Management Software 3.0 Release Notes
DriveRight 3.0 is a total redesign of the earlier versions of the software. We designed and developed the software with an aim to provide:
Robust database server support, to be able to handle large data.
Flexibility to configure and connect to more than one DataBase Management System
Better Reports for both viewing and printing.
Improved Database Browser.
Better organization of data coming from different locations.
Improved user interface.
Important Features in DriveRight 3.0
Flexible Database support for almost any relational database which supports SQL
language, and has a OBDC driver.
Supports the following relational database servers: MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server and
Free support for MS Access and MSDE, which are ideal for small fleets with a single
A location field was added to the database tables to facilitate ”r;rolling up” data which
makes it possible to manage data from many locations in one database.
FTP export and import data through the internet making it easier to move data from one
location to another.
Automatic backup and ”r;zipping” of data with the option of keeping a fixed number of
months in the database to help speed up operations.
The ”r;Add DriveRight” wizard makes adding a DriveRight to the program simpler and
less prone to mistakes.
Elimination of redundant reports and the addition of several new reports.
Reorganized reports menu with several new and redesigned reports.
DriveRight FMS Help
Improved viewing and printing of reports.
New ”r;usage” report to help trace night and weekend driving.
Improved exception reports for Excessive Speed, Hard Braking, and Night Driving.
A ”r;Relationship” report that shows a list of all DriveRights, which vehicles they are
assigned to, along with a default driver if one has been assigned.
Improved browser with user-configurable colors, fonts, and field widths.
Simplified filter support to make it easier to select what you want.
Use of standard calendar control for specifying dates.
Email support for all Excel generated reports.
Supports Palm PDA download of DriveRight consoles.
Operational differences between DriveRight 3.0 and earlier versions
The operation of DriveRight 3.0 is very similar to 2.x, but there are some fundamental changes that you should be aware of.
In 2.x the vehicle table contained all the information about a particular DriveRight, in
addition to information on the vehicle. However, in 3.0 a new table was introduced, the DriveRights table, which stores DriveRight console information. Vehicle information is stored in the vehicle table, and DriveRight information is stored in the new DriveRights table. In 3.0 , a DriveRight must be ”r;assigned” to a vehicle. When your old data is converted, for each vehicle in 2.x a new DriveRight and vehicle is created in the 3.0 database.
Note: A DriveRight is identified using it’s DriveRight ID, and a particular vehicle is identified using it’s Vehicle ID.
Note: A ”r;relationship” report was added to the program to help clarify the relationship between vehicles, DriveRights, and drivers.
The ”r;Set DriveRight” option in 2.06/2.6.1 appears as ”r;View/Set” in the
”r;DriveRight/DriveRight Settings” menu. Unlike 2.06/2.6.1, when changes are made to a DriveRight using this option, they are also stored in the DriveRight table.
Adding a new DriveRight to the program can now be done more easily using the Add
New DriveRight wizard which steps you through the process and helps clarify where you stand with respect to the calibration of the DriveRight.
You will also notice that every table now has a ”r;location” field. The location field was
added to facilitate ”r;rolling up” of data from many locations so they can be managed in one database.
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DriveRight FMS User's manual
Right Fleet Management Software (FMS) architecture allows the software to be connected to any of the Database Servers we support. The communication between DriveRight FMS and Database is done through an OBDC connection by means of an OBDC driver. Currently DriveRight FMS supports MS Access, My SQL, MSDE, SQL Server and Oracle databases. Other databases may be added in the future.
The following figure illustrates how DriveRight FMS connects to the back-end Database Server.
Note: DriveRight can only be connected to one database at a time.
When DriveRight FMS is opened for the first time, the user is prompted to select the database type to be used for this installation. Based on the user's selection, a connection is established to one of the OBDC drivers. The database type is stored in the configuration file.
See also:
Database Selection Guidelines
Setup Overview
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Database Selection Guidelines
DriveRight FMS Help
Please installing a database for your installation. We included a printed copy of the Database Selection Guide with your DriveRight FMS as well as a PDF version that can be found in the DriveRight FMS program folder. The Database Selection Guide can also be downloaded from the
Automotive Support
DriveRight Fleet Management Software (FMS) supports the following databases.
Single-User Databases:
Multi-User Databases:
See also:
Setup Overview
refer to the DriveRight FMS Database Selection Guide for information on choosing and
section of our web site.
o MS Access (Microsoft Access)
o MSDE (Microsoft Desktop/Data Engine)
o MS SQL Server (Microsoft SQL Server)
o Oracle
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Converting 2.04-2.06/2.6.1 Database to DriveRight FMS Format
A separate conversion utility, OldToNew, has been included with the DriveRight FMS software to allow the conversion of existing DriveRight 2.04, 2.05, 2.06 and 2.6.1 database files for use with DriveRight FMS.
Note: This conversion utility can only be used with databases created by DriveRight 2.04, 2.05,
2.06 or 2.6.1. If you are using an earlier version of the DriveRight software you must first upgrade to one of the supported versions.
Use the following procedure to convert your existing DriveRight database for use with DriveRight FMS:
1. Install and run DriveRight FMS before you convert your data to the new format.
2. Verify the current location in DriveRight FMS using the Current Location command in the Setup Menu. This location information will be associated with all the 2.x data when converted into the new database format.
DriveRight FMS User's manual
3. To import data to a new location, select the Company Locations command in the Database Menu in DriveRight FMS, then click the Add New button in the Company Locations browse window.
4. Go to Startup>Programs>DriveRight and run OldToNew.
5. To import data, select the location from the drop down list.
6. Click the Browse button to select the DriveRight 2.x tables directory (By default it is C:\Program Files\DriveRight Software\tables).
7. Click the Convert button to start the conversion. Once the data is converted you will see a success message.
DriveRight FMS Help
Note: The conversion process can take a long time depending on the size of your 2.x database. You can interrupt the conversion at any time by clicking the stop button, but this is not recommended.
8. All the 2.x data has been converted into the new database format for DriveRight FMS.
9. Go to DriveRight FMS and view various tables using the Database Menu commands to make sure the data has been converted properly.
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Setup Overview
The initial setup of your DriveRight FMS consists of the following operations:
1. Select and Install Database
Before you run the software for the very first time you will need to select the database to be used with DriveRight FMS. Refer to the Database Selection Guide for information on choosing and installing a database.
If you select MS Access, DriveRight FMS will install the necessary components during the FMS installation. If you select MySQL, MSDE, MS SQL Server, or Oracle, you will need to install and configure the database before installing DriveRight FMS. See Database Selection Guidelines more information.
2. Install DriveRight FMS
Insert the DriveRight FMS CD and follow instructions.
3. Initial Program Configuration when you first run DriveRight FMS.
Refer to the DriveRight FMS Getting Started Guide for initial program configuration information.
4. Install the drivers for accessories you want to use.
Install drivers for the SmartCard Desktop Reader Refer to the DriveRight FMS Getting Started Guide for instructions on installing the accessory drivers. See Wireless Device Communication Problems wireless device driver. See SmartCard Reader Device Communication Problems installing or re-installing your SmartCard Desktop Reader Device driver.
5. Converting DriveRight 2.04, 2.05 & 2.06 Databases
If you have a DriveRight database created using version 2.04, 2.05, or 2.06 of the DriveRight Vehicle Management Software, it needs to be converted for use with DriveRight FMS. Click this link to display a help window that explains how to convert these databases (Convert Database
6. DriveRight FMS Software Setup
Check the following configuration preferences and make any necessary changes:
and wireless devices if you want to use them.
for help with installing or re-installing your
for help with
DriveRight FMS User's manual
Set Units - Select your unit preferences for the data displayed in the dialog boxes,
database browser, and reports.
Backup Options
- Allows you to set the number of months of data to keep in the current
Download Options
- Use this option to:
Synchronize the DriveRight device date and time with your computer after each
Choose how the software will treat the Driver ID, If a downloaded device is either a
500, 600 or 600
E model. Once set, this preference will be uniform for all devices.
Customize the download options for CarChip devices.
To determine how the speed samples taken from the CarChip Fleet and CarChip
Fleet Pro are saved in the database.
7. Set Default DriveRight Settings Wizard
The values entered in this setup are used as default settings when you add new DriveRight devices to the database. You can set DriveRight default values using the Default DriveRight
Settings Wizard in the Setup Menu. Check the default settings to make sure they suit your
8. Set Default CarChip Settings
The values entered in this setup are used as default settings when you add new CarChip devices to the database. You can set CarChip default values using the Default CarChip Settings command in the Setup Menu. Check the default settings to make sure they suit your application.
Note: If you are using both DriveRight and CarChip devices in your fleet, be sure to set the Safety Settings uniformly for both types of devices.
9. Select the Communications Port and Test Communications
Select Communications Port - DriveRight from the Setup Menu to select the
communications port used to connect to a DriveRight device.
Select Communications Port - CarChip from the Setup Menu to select the
communications port used to connect to a CarChip device.
Click Auto Detect in the Communications Port dialog box to test communication.
10. CarChip / DriveRight Considerations
If both a CarChip device and DriveRight console are installed in the same vehicle, you
will need to create duplicate entries in the DriveRight FMS databases for the vehicle and driver. Otherwise you will see duplicate trip data in your DriveRight FMS reports.
If you have multiple communications ports, you can connect a CarChip to one
communications port and DriveRight to another. If you do not have multiple communications ports we recommend you buy a serial switch box to switch between the two devices or a serial extension cord to make plugging and unplugging the download cables more convenient.
11. Building Your Database Tables
DriveRight FMS Help
When you add a DriveRight or a CarChip you will need to assign a default vehicle. When you add a vehicle you will need to assign a default driver. So, it is most efficient to add the drivers first, the vehicles second and the DriveRights third.
1. Add all drivers.
2. Add all vehicles.
3. Add all DriveRights and CarChips.
When you add a CarChip you will need to assign it to either a vehicle or a driver. If you
assign CarChip to a vehicle, all the downloaded data is assigned to the default driver of that vehicle. If you assign a CarChip to a driver, all the downloaded data is assigned to that driver and the vehicle will be unallocated.
o If a CarChip will only be used in one vehicle, assign it to that vehicle.
o If a CarChip will be used by only one driver, assign it to that driver. A CarChip
assigned to a driver can be used in multiple vehicles.
12. Using the Software
You are now ready to start using DriveRight FMS.
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Tool Bar
To get information about an FMS menu or tool bar icon, click on the command or icon in the illustration:
Note: To see the full toolbar, expand the Online Help window to full screen.
List of Toolbar Icons
Database Icons
View Trips Database
View DriveRight Database
View CarChip Database
View Drivers Database
DriveRight FMS User's manual
View Vehicles Database
Add Device Icons
Add New DriveRight Wizard
Add New CarChip Wizard
Report Icons
Driver Safety Score Report
Trip Summary Report
Vehicle Activity Report
Usage Report
Odometer Report
Accident Log Report
File Menu Command Icons
Print Preview
Clear Screen
Data Download/Export Icons
Download DriveRight
Download CarChip
Download Palm
Export GPS Data to MapPoint
Manual Wireless Download
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