The DM9102A is a fully integrated and cost-effective single
chip Fast Ethernet NIC controller. It is designed with the low
power and high performance process. It is a 3.3V device
with 5V tolerance then it s upports 3.3 V and 5V signaling.
The DM9102A provides direct interface to the PCI or the
CardBus. It supports bus master capability and fully
complies with PCI 2.2. In media side, The DM9102A
interfaces to the UTP3,4,5 in 10Base-T and UTP5 in
100Base-TX. It is fully compliance with the IEEE 802.3u
Block Diagr am
Parallel to
Parallel to
Spec. Its auto-negotiation function will automatically
configure the DM9102A to take the maximum advantage of
its abilities. The DM9102A is also support IEEE 802.3x fullduplex flow control.
The DM9102A supports two types of power-management
mechanisms. The main mechanism is based upon the
OnNow architecture, which is required for PC99. The
alternative mechanism is based upon the remote Wake-OnLAN mechanism.
Boot ROM /
MII Interface
LED Driver
Version: DM9102A-DS-F03
August 28, 2000
MII Management Control
& MII Register
Table of Conten ts
Single Chi p Fast E thern et NIC c ont roller
General Description .............................................................1
Block D iag ra m...................................................................... 1
I = Input, O = Out put, I/O = Input / O utput, O/D = Open Drain, P = Power,
LI = reset Latch Input, # = asserted Low
PCI Bus and CardBus Interface Signals
Pin No.
113INT#O/DInterrupt Request
114RST#ISystem Reset
115PCICLKIPCI system clock
117GNT#IBus Grant
118REQ#OBus Request
119PME#O/DPower Management Event.
3IDSELIInitialization Device Select
21FRAME#I/OCycle Fra me
23IRDY#I/OInitiator Ready
24TRDY#I/OTarget Ready
26DEVSEL#I/ ODevice Se lect
Pin NameI/ODescription
This signal will be asserted low when an interrupt condition
as defined in CR5 is set, and the corresponding mask bit in
CR7 is not set.
When this signal is asserted low, DM9102A performs the
internal system reset to its initial state.
PCI bus clock that provides timing for DM9102A related to
PCI bus transactions. The clock frequency range is up to
This signal is asserted low to indicate that DM9102A has
been granted ownership of the bus by the central arbiter.
The DM9102A will assert this signal low to request the
ownership of the bus.
Open drain. Active Low. The DM9102A drive it low to
indicates that a power management event has occurred.
This signal is asserted high duri ng the Configuration Space
read/write access.
This signal is driven low by the DM9102A master mode to
indicate the beginning and duration of a bus transaction.
This signal is driven low when the master is ready to
complete the current data phase of the transaction. A data
phase is completed on any clock both IRDY# and TRDY#
are sampled asserted.
This signal is driven low when the target is ready to complete
the current data phase of the transaction. During a read, it
indicates that valid data is asserted. Du rin g a write, it
indicates the target is prepared to accept d ata.
The DM9102A asserts the signal low when it recognizes its
target address after FRAME# is asserted. As a bus master,
the DM9102A will sample this signal that insures its
destination address of the data tran sfer i s recog nized by a
This signal is asserted low by the target device to request the
master device to stop the current transaction.
The DM9102A as a master or slave will ass ert this signal low
to indicate a parity error on any incoming data.
This signal is asserted low when address parity is detected
with PCICS bit31 (detected parity error) Is enabled. The
system error asserts two clock cycles after the falling address
if an address parity error is detected.
This signal indicates even parity across AD0~AD31 and
C/BE0#~C/BE3# including the PAR pin. This signal is an
output for the master and input for the slave device. It is
s ta b l e and va l id on e c l ock a f t er the address phase.
During the address phase, these signals de fine the bus
command or the type of bus transaction that will take place.
During the data phase these pins indicate which byte lanes
contain valid data. C/BE0# applies to bit7-0 and C/BE3#
applies to bit31-24.
These are multiplexed address and data bus si gnals. As a
bus master, the DM9102A will drive address during the first
bus phase. During subsequent phases, the DM9102A will
either read or write data expecting the target to increment its
address pointer. As a target, the DM9102A will decode each
address on the bus and respond if it is the target being
Boot ROM and EEPROM Interface (I ncluding multip lex mode or d irect mode)
Multiple x mo de
Pin No.
Pin NameI/ODescription
I/O, LI Boot ROM address and data bus (bits 0~7)
Boot ROM address and data multiplexed lines bits 0~7. In
MUX mode, there are two consecutive address cycles, these
lines contain the boot ROM address pins 7~2, out_enable and
write_enable of Boot ROM in the first cycle; and these lines
contain address pins 15~8 in second cycle.
After the first two cycles, these lines contain data bit 7~0 in
consective cycles.
BPAD1 is also a reset latch pin. It is Boot ROM address and
data bu s when normal operation. When at power on reset, it is
used to pull up or down externally through a resister to select
Version: DM9102A-DS-F03
August 28, 2000
the WOL as pulse or DC signal.
0 = WOL pulse mode (default)
1 = WOL DC mode
BPAD2 is also a reset latch pin. It is Boot ROM address and
data bu s when normal operation. When at power on reset, it is
used to pull up or down externally through a resister to select
the PME as pulse or DC signal.
0 = PM E pulse mode (default)
1 = PME DC mode
BPAD7 is also a reset latch pin. It is Boot ROM address and
data bu s when normal operation. When at power on reset, it is
used to pull up or down externally through a resister to select
LED mode.
0 = LED mode 0 (default)
1 = LED mode 1
72BPCS#OBoot ROM Chip Selec t
Boot ROM or external register chip select signal.
73BPA0/WMODEO, LI Boot ROM address line/WOL mode selection
This multiplexed pin acts as boot ROM address bit 0 output
signal during normal operation. When at power on reset, it
used to select the type of WOL signal.
0 = WOL high active (default)
1 = WOL low active
74BPA1/PCIMODE#I/O, LI Boot ROM address line / PCI mode selection
This multiplexed pin acts as the boot ROM address bit 1 output
signal during normal operation. When RST# is active (low), it
acts as the input system type. If the DM9102A is used in a
CardBus system, this pin should be connected to a pull-up
resistor; otherwise, the DM9102A consider the host as a PCI
0 = PCI mode (default)
1 = CardBus mode
79EECKOEEPROM Serial Clock
81SELROMIMultiplex or Director mode s election
83,84,85,91,92,93,94NCNCIn Multiplex mode, these pins are not connected.
The DM9102A will read the contents of EEPROM serially
through this pin.
The DM9102A will use this pin to s erially write opcodes,
addresses and data into the EEPROM.
This p in p r ovid e s th e cl oc k for the EEPR OM d ata tra n sfe r.
This pin will enable the EEPROM during loading of the
Configuration Data.
0 = Multiplex mode (default)
1 = Direct mode
Single Chi p Fast E thern et NIC c ont roller
Version: DM9102A-DS-F03
August 28, 2000
Direct mode
Pin No.
Pin NameI/O
Single Chi p Fast E thern et NIC c ont roller
Boot ROM data input/EEPROM data in
This is mu ltip le xed pin u se d by EE DI a n d MD0.
When boot ROM is selected, it acts as boot ROM data inp ut .
When ROMCS select the EEPROM, the DM9102A will read
the contents of EEPROM serially through this pin.
Boot ROM data input bus
MD1 is also a reset latch pi n. It is Boot ROM address and
data bu s when normal operation. When at power on reset, it
is used to pull up or down externally through a resister to
select the WOL as pulse or level signal.
0 = WOL pulse mode (default)
1 = WOL level mode
MD2 is also a reset latch pi n. It is Boot ROM address and
data bu s when normal operation. When at power on reset, it
is used to pull up or down externally through a resister to
select the PME as pulse or level s ignal.
0 = PM E pulse mode (default)
1 = PME level mode
MD7 is also a reset latch pi n. It is Boot ROM address and
data bu s when normal operation. When at power on reset, it
is used to pull up or down externally through a resister to
select LED mode.
0 = LED mode 0 (default)
1 = LED mode 1
73MA0/WMODEOBoot ROM address output line/WOL mode selection
74MA1/PCIMODE#O, LIBoot ROM address output signal/PCI mode selection
77MA2OBoot ROM address output signal
78MA3/EEDOOBoot ROM address output/EEPROM data out
Boot ROM or EEPROM ch ip se lection.
This multiplexed pin acts as boot ROM address output bus
during normal operation. When RST# is active, it is used to
pull up or down externally through a resister to select WOL
High active or LOW active. (WMODE)
0 = WOL high active (default)
1 = WOL low active
This multiplexed pin acts as a boot ROM address output
signal during normal operation. When RST# is active, it acts
as th e in pu t s ys te m type . If t he DM 9102A is used i n a
CardBus system, this pin should be connected to a pull-up
resistor; otherwise, the DM9102A consider the host as a PCI
0 = PCI mode (default)
1 = CardBus mode
This is multiplexed pin used by MA3 and EEDO.
Version: DM9102A-DS-F03
August 28, 2000
79MA4/EECKOBoot ROM address output/EEPROM serial clock
80MA5OBoot ROM address output signal
81MA6/SELROMO/LIBoot ROM address output/Multiplex or Direct mode selection
83,84,85MA7~MA9OBoot ROM address output bus
87MA10/LINK&ACT#OBoot ROM address output signal/Link & Active LED
88MA11/FDX#OBoot ROM address output/Full-duplex LED
89MA12 /
90MA13/SPEED10#OBoot ROM address output signal/10Mbps LED
MA14~MA17OBoot ROM address output bus
OBoot ROM address output/ 100Mbps LED
Single Chi p Fast E thern et NIC c ont roller
When The DM9102A will use this pin to s erially write
opcodes, addresses and data into the EEPROM.
This is multiplexed pin used by MA4 and EECK .
This p in p r ovid e s th e cl oc k for the EEPR OM d ata tra n sfe r.
This multiplexed pin acts as boot ROM address output bus
during normal operation. When RST# is active, it is used as
multiplex and direct mode selection :
0 = Boot ROM interface is in multiplex mode (default)
1 = Boot RO M interface is in direct mode.
In DIR mode , this pin r ep resents the Boot ROM address bit
10 when at the time of boot ROM operation. When Boot
ROM is not accessed, this pin acts as traffic-and- link led in
LED MODE 0 or traffic led in LED MODE 1.
In DIR mode , this pin r ep resents the Boot ROM address bit
11 when at the time of boot ROM operation. When Boot
ROM is not accessed, this pin acts as full-duplex led.
In DIR mode , this pin r ep resents the Boot ROM address bit
12 when at the time of boot ROM operation. When Boot
ROM is not accessed, this pin acts as speed-100 led.
In DIR mode , this pin r ep resents the Boot ROM address bit
13 when at the time of boot ROM operation. When Boot
ROM is not accessed, this pin acts as speed-10 led.
LED Pins (Please refer to p.11 “NOTE: LED Mode” for details.)
Pin No.
Version: DM9102A-DS-F03
August 28, 2000
Pin NameI/ODescription
OLED output pin, active low
/ ACT#
/ FDX#
/ SPEED100#
mode 0 = Link and traffic LED. Active low to indicate normal
link, and it will flash as a traffic LED when tran smit tin g or
mode 1 = traffic LED only
OLED output pin, active low
mode 0 = Full duplex LED
mode 1 = Full duplex LED
OLED output pin, active low
mode 0 = 100Mbps LED
mode 1 = 100Mbps LED
Network Inter face
Pin No.
Miscellaneous Pins
Pin No.
71TEST2ITEST mode control 2
75TEST1ITEST mode control 1
95WOL/CSTSCHGOWake up signal/Card Status Change
97X2OCrystal feedback output pin used for crystal connection only.
102BGRESIBandgap Voltage Reference Resistor.
Pin NameI/ODescription
Pin NameI/ODescription
OLED output pin, active low
I100M/10Mbps differential input pair.
O100M/10Mbps differential output pair.
Single Chi p Fast E thern et NIC c ont roller
mode 0 = 10Mbps LED
mode 1 = Link LED
These two pins are differential re ce ive input pair for
100BASE-TX and 10BASE -T. They are capable of receiving
100BASE-TX MLT-3 or 10BASE-T Manchester encoded
These two pins are differential o utput pair for 100BASE-TX
and 10BASE-T. This output pair provides controlled rise and
fall times designed to filter the transmitter output.
The clockrun# signal is used by the system to pause or slow
down the PCI clock signal. It is used by the DM9102A to
enable or disable suspension of the PCI clock signal or restart
of the PCI clock. When the clockrun# signal is not used, this pin
should connected to an external pull-down resistor.
In normal operation, this pin is pull e d-high.
In normal operation, this pin is pulled lo w.
This is multiplexed pin to provide Wake on LAN signal or Card
Status Change. In a PCI system, it is used as a WOL signal. In
a CardBus system, it is used as the Card Status Change
output signal and is asynchronous to the clock signal. It
indicates that a power management event has occurred in a
CardBus system. The DM9102A can assert t his pin if it detects
link status change, or magic packet, or sample frame. The
default is “normal low, active high pulse”. DM9102A also
support High/Low and Pulse/Level options.
Leave this pin open if oscillator is used.
Crystal or Oscillator input. (25MHZ50ppm)
25MHz Oscillator or series-resonanc e, fundamental
frequency crystal.
Version: DM9102A-DS-F03
August 28, 2000
101BGRESGIFor Bandgap circuit
116ISOLAT E#IIsolate
Power Pins
Pin No.
Pin NameI/ODescription
AGNDPAnalog ground
AVDDPAnalog power, +3.3V
DGNDPDigital ground
DVDDPDig ita l p o w e r, +3 . 3V
Single Chi p Fast E thern et NIC c ont roller
It connects to a 6200, 1% error tolerance resistor between
th i s p i n and BGRESG pin t o p r o vide a n accurate current
reference for DM9102A..
It is used together with the BGRESG pin.
This isolate signal is used to isolate the DM9102A from the
system, and it is suitable for LAN on motherboard. When
isolate signal is active low, it disables the DM9102A function
and the DM9102A will not drive any outputs and sample inputs.
In this case, the power consumption is minimum.
LED Mode
Pin No.
Version: DM9102A-DS-F03
August 28, 2000
Link and traffic LED
Full-duplex LED
100Mbps LED
10Mbps LED
Traffic LE D
Full-duplex LED
100Mbps LED
Link LED
Single Chi p Fast E thern et NIC c ont roller
Register Definition
PCI Configuration Registers
The d efiniti o ns of P CI Co nfi gur a tion Registers are based on
the PCI specification revision 2.2 and provides the
initialization and configuration information to operate the PCI
interface in the DM9102A. All registers can be accessed
The default value of PCI configuration registers after reset.
DescriptionIdentifierAddress OffsetValue of Reset
Command & StatusPCICS04H02100007H
MiscellaneousPCILT0CHBIOS determine
I/O Base AddressPCIIO10HSystem allocate
Memory Base AddressPCIMEM14HSystem allocate
Reserved--------18H - 28H00000000H
CardBus ICS pointerCIS24H00000000H
Subsystem IdentificationPCISID2CHload from SROM
Expansion ROM Base AddressPCIROM30H00000000H
Capability PointerCAP_PTR34H00000050H
Interrup t & L ate nc yPCIINT3CHSys te m al locate b it7 ~0
Device Specific Configuration RegisterPCIUSR40H00000000H
Power Management RegisterPCIPMR50HC0310001H
Power Management Control & StatusPMCSR54H00000100H
with byte, word, or double word mode. As defined in PCI
specification 2.1, read accesses to reserve or
unimplemented registers will return a value of “0.” These
registers are to be described in the following sections.
Key to Defa ult
In the register description that follows, the default column
takes the form <Reset Value>
<Reset Value>:
1Bit set to logic one
0Bit set to logic zero
XNo default value
<Access Type>:
RO = Read only
RW = Read/Write
R/C: means Read / Write & Write "1" for Clear.
Version: DM9102A-DS-F03
August 28, 2000
Single Chi p Fast E thern et NIC c ont roller
Identification ID (xxxxxx00 - PCIID)
3116 150
Device ID
Vendor ID
16:319102hROThe field identifies the particular device. Unique and fixed number for the DM9102A
is9102h. It is the product nu mber assigned by DAVICOM.
0:151282hROThis field identifies the manufacturer of the device. U nique and fixe d n umber f or
Davicom is 1282h. It is a registered number from SIG.
Slave mode Fast back to Back
User Definable
66MHz Capability
New Capability
Mast Mode Fast Back-To-Back
SERR# Driver Enable/Disable
Address/Data Steeping
Parity Error Response Enable/Disable
VGA Palette snoop
Memory Write and Invalid
Special Cycle
Master Device Capability Enable/Disable
Memory Space Access Enable/Disable
I/O Space Access Enable/Disable
Version: DM9102A-DS-F03
August 28, 2000
310R/CDetecte d Par ity Er ror
The DM9102A samples the AD[0:31], C/BE[0:3]#, and the PAR signal to
ch eck p a rity and t o se t p ar it y e r r ors. I n slav e m od e , t h e pa r i ty c heck falls
on command phase and data valid phase (IRDY# and TRDY# both
active). While in master mode, the DM9102A will check during each data
phase of a me mory read cycle for a parity erro r During a memory write
cycle, if an error occurs, the PERR# signal will be driven by the target. This
bit is set by the DM9102A and cleared by writing "1". There is no effect by
writ ing " 0" .
300R/CSignal For System Error
This bit is set when the SERR# signal is driven by the DM9102A. This
system error occurs when an address parity is detected under the
condition that bit 8 and bit 6 in command register below are set.
290R/CMaster Abort Detected
This bit is set when the DM9102A terminates a master cycle with the
master-abort bus transaction.
280R/CTarget Abort Detected
This bit is set when the DM9102A terminates a master cycle due to a
target-abort signal from other targets.
270R/CSend Target Abort (0 For No Implementation)
The DM9102A will never assert the target-abort sequence.
26:2501R/CDEVSEL Timing (0 1 Se lect Me dium T iming)
Medium timing of DEVSEL# means the DM9102A will assert DEVSEL#
signal two clocks after FRAME# is sample “asserted.”
240R/CData Pa rity Error Detec ted
This bit will take effect only when operating as a master and when a Parity
Error Response Bit in command configuration register is set. It is set under
two conditions:
(i) PERR# asserted by the DM9102A in memory data read error, (ii)
PERR# sent from the target due to memory data write error.
230ROSlave mode Fast Back-To-Bac k Capable (0 For Not Support)
This bit is always reads "1" to indicate that the DM9102A is capable of
accepting fast back-to-back transaction as a slave mode device.
220ROUser-Definable-Feature Supported (0 For Not Support)
210RO66 MHz Capable (0 For No Capability)
201RONew Capabilities (1 For Good Capability)
This bit indicates whether this function implements a list of extended
capabilities such as PCI power management. When set this bit indicates
the presence of New Capabili tie s. A val u e of 0 means that this funct ion
does not implement New Capabilities.
19:100ROReser ved
90ROMaster Mode Fast Back-To-Back (0 For Not Support)
The DM9102A does not support master mode fast back-to-back capability
and will not generate fast back-to-back cycles.
80RWSERR# Driver Enable/Disable
This bit controls the assertion of SERR# sign al output. The SERR# output
will be asserted on detect ion o f an address parity error and if both this bit
Single Chi p Fast E thern et NIC c ont roller
Version: DM9102A-DS-F03
August 28, 2000
Single Chi p Fast E thern et NIC c ont roller
and bit 6 are set.
70ROAddress/Data Stepping (0 For No Stepping)
60RWParity Error Response Enable/Disable
Setting this bit will enable the DM9102A to assert PERR# on the detection
of a data parity error and to assert SERR# for reporting address parity
50ROVGA Palette Snooping (0 For Not Support)
40ROMemory Write and Invalid (0 For Not Implementation)
The DM9102A only generates Memory write cycle.
30ROSpecial Cycles (0 For Not Implementation)
21RWMaster Device Capability Enable/Disable
When this bit is set, DM9102A has the a bility of master mode operation.
11RWMemory Space Access Enable/Disable
This bit controls the ability of memory space acc ess. The memory access
includes memory mapped I/O access and Boot ROM access. As the
system boots up, this bit will be enabled by BIOS for Boot ROM memory
access. While in normal operation using memory mapped I/O access, this
bit should be set by driver before memory access cycles.
01RWI/O Space Access Enable/Disable
This bit controls the ability of I/O space access. I t will be set by BIOS after
power on.
Revision ID (xxxxxx08 - PCIRV)
Class Code
Class Code
Revision Major Number
Revision Minor Number
31:8020000hROClass Code (020000h)
This is the standard code for Ethernet LAN controller.
7:40011RORevision Major Number
This is t he s il i co n- ma jo r r evisio n nu m ber that will increase for the subsequent
versions of the DM9102.A.
3:00001RORevision Minor Number
This is t he s il i co n- m ino r r evisio n nu m ber that will increase for the subsequent
versions of the DM9102A.
Revision ID
Version: DM9102A-DS-F03
August 28, 2000
Miscellaneous Function (xxxxxx0c - PCILT)
3116 150872324
BISTHeader TypeLatency TimerCache Line Size
Built-In Self Test
Header Type
Latency Timer For The Bus Master
Cache Line Size For Memory Read
31:2400hROBuilt In Self Test ( 00h Means Not Implementation)
23:1600hROHeader Type ( 00h Means single function with Predefined Header Type )
15:800hRWLatency Timer For The Bus Master.
The latency timer is guaranteed by the system and measured by clock cycles.
Wh e n t h e F R A M E# a s s e r t e d a t t h e b e g i n n i n g of a m a s t er pe r i o d by t he D M9102A,
the value will be copied into a counter and start counting down. If the FRAME# is
de-asserted prior to count expiration, this value is meaningless. When the count
expires before GNT# is de-asserted, the master transaction will be terminated as
soon as the GNT# is removed.
While GNT# signal is removed and the counter is non-zero, the DM9102A will
continue with its data transfers until the count expires. The system host will read
MIN_GNT and MAX_LAT registers to determine the latency requirement for the
device and then initialize the latency timer with an appropriate value.
The reset value of Latency Timer is determined by BIOS.
7:000hROCache line Size For Memory Read Mode Selection ( 00h Means Not
Implementation For Use)
Single Chi p Fast E thern et NIC c ont roller
I/O Base Address (xxxxxx10 - PCIIO)
31 0
I/O Base Address
I/O Base Address
PCI I/O Range
I/O or Memory Space Indicator
1 7 8
Version: DM9102A-DS-F03
August 28, 2000
Single Chi p Fast E thern et NIC c ont roller
31:7UndefinedRWPCI I/O Base Address
This is the base address value for I/O accesses cycles. It w ill b e compared to
AD[31:7] in the address phase of bus command cycle for the I/O resource access.
6:1000000ROPCI I/O Range Indication
It indicates that the minimum I/O resource size is 80h.
01ROI/O Space Or Memory Space Base Indicator
Determines that the register maps into the I/O space.( = 1 Indicates I/O Base)
Memory Mapped Base Address (xxxxxx14 - PCIMEM)
Memory Mapped
Memory Base Address
Memory Range Indication
I/O or Memory Space Indicato r
1 7
31:7UndefinedR/WPCI Memory Base Address
This is the base address value for Memory accesses cycles. It will be compared to
the AD[31:7] in the address phase of bus command c ycle for the Memo ry r esource
6:1000000ROPCI Memory Range Indication
It indicates that the mini mum Mem ory resource size is 80h.
00ROI/O Space Or Memory Space Base Indicator
Determines that the register maps into the memory space( = 0 Indicates Memory
Subsystem Identification (xxxxxx2c - PCISID)
Subsystem IDSubsystem Vendor ID
Subsystem ID
Subsystem Vendor ID
31:16XXXXhROSubsystem ID
It can be loaded from EEPROM word 1 and different from each card.
15:0XXXXhROSubsystem Vendor ID
Unique number given by PCI SIG and loaded from EEPROM word 0.
Version: DM9102A-DS-F03
August 28, 2000
CardBus CIS Pointer (xxxxxx28 - CCIS)
This Card Information Structure (CIS), also known as tuples,
is a set of data structures saved in a nonvolatile memory on
the CardBus Card. The data stored in CIS describes the
product. Included in this data are the product
manufacturer’s name, product name, and most importantly,
the hardware description. The CIS is supported in the boot
ROM space or the memory space (serial ROM).
CIS is read upon card insertion into the socket. The
software entity that traditio n all y r eads the CIS is usually
known as Card Services and Socket Se rvices (CS & SS).
ROM Image
Addre ss Space Offset
Single Chi p Fast E thern et NIC c ont roller
The CCIS pointer register is a read-only 32-bit reg ister.
This register points to one of the possible address space
where the card information structure (CIS) begins. The
pointer is used in a CardBus environment. The content of
CCIS is loaded from the serial ROM after a hardware reset.
A value o f 0 in th is re g iste r ind ica tes tha t C IS is n ot
Addre ss Space Indicato r
31:28NoteR/WROM Image
The 4- bi t ROM image fiel d value when the CIS reside in an expansion ROM.
27:3NoteR/WAddress Space Offset
This field contains the address offset within the address space indicate d b y the
address space indicator field (CCIS<2:0>)
2:0NoteR/WAddress Space Indicator
This field indicates the location of the CIS base address. The value of 2 indicates
that the CIS is stored in the serial ROM, and 7, indicates that the CIS is sto re d in the
expansion ROM.
note : read from serial ROM
Version: DM9102A-DS-F03
August 28, 2000
Expansion ROM Base Address (xxxxxx30 - PCIROM)
Single Chi p Fast E thern et NIC c ont roller
ROM Base Address
ROM Base Address
18 17
31:1000hRWROM Base Address With 256K Boundary
PCIROM bit17~10 are hardwired to 0, indicating ROM Size is up to 256K Size
9:1000000000ROReserved Bits Read As 0
00RWExpansion ROM Decoder Enable/Disable
If this bit and the memory space access bit are bot h set to 1, the DM9102A will
responds to its expansion ROM.
Capabilities Pointer (xxxxxx34 - Cap _Ptr)
Capability Pointer
7:001010000ROCapability Pointer
The Cap_Ptr provides an offset (default is 50h) into the function’s PCI Configuration
Space for th e loca tion o f the f ir st t er m in th e Capabilitie s Linked List. The Cap_Ptr
offset is DOUBLE WORD aligned so the two least s ignificant bits are always “0”s
Maximum Latency Timer
Minimum Grant
Interrupt Pin
Interrupt Line
31:2428hROMaximum Latency Timer that can be sustained (Read Only and Re ad As 28h)
23:1614hROMinimum Grant
Minimum Length of a Burst Period (Read Only andRead As 14h)
15:801hROInterrupt Pin read as 01h to indicate INTA#
7:0XXhRWInterrupt Line that Is Routed to the Interrupt Controller
The value depends on mainboard.
Device Specific Configuration Register (xxxxxx40h- PCIUSR)
Single Chi p Fast E thern et NIC c ont roller
3130 29161580
Device Specific
Link Event enable/disable
Sample Frame Event enable/disable
Magic Packet Event enable/disable
Link Event Status
Sample Frame Event Status
Magic Packet Event Status
Device Specific
25 24 23
310RWDevice Specific Bit (sleep mode)
300RWDevice Specific Bit (snooze mode)
290RWWhen set enable Link Status Change Wake-up Event
280RWWhen set enable Sample Frame Wake-up Event
270RWWhen set enable Magic Packet Wake-up Event
260ROWhen set, indicates link change and Link Status Change Event occurred
250ROWhen set, indicates the sample frame is received and Sample Frame Event
240ROWhe n s e t, i n d ic a t e s th e Ma g i c Pa c k et i s re c e i v ed and Ma g i c p a c k e t E ve n t o cc u r r e d
23:1600hROReserved Bits Read As 0
15:800hRWDevice Specific
7:000hROReserved Bits Read As 0
Version: DM9102A-DS-F03
August 28, 2000
Power Management Register (xxxxxx50h~PCIPMR)
3116 15087
PM CNext Item PointerCapability ID
Power Management Capabilities
Next Item Pointer
Capability Identifier
These five bits field indicate the power states in which the function may assert
PME#. A value of 0 for any b it indicates that the function i s n o t c apabl e of asserting
the PME# signal while in that power state.
bit27 Æ PME# support D0
bit28 Æ PME# support D1
bit29 Æ PME# support D2
bit30 Æ PME# support D3(hot)
bit31 Æ PME# support D3(cold)
DM9102A’s bit31~27=11000 indicates PME# can be asserted from D3(hot) &
26:2200000ROReserved (DM9102A not supports D1, D2)
211ROA “1” in d ica t es t ha t th e fun c t ion r eq u ir es a devic e sp ec ific initiali za tion sequence
following transition to the D0 uninitialized state.
201ROAuxiliary Power Source
This b it is o n ly me aning ful i f bi t31 i s a “1 ” .
This bit is “1” in DM9102A indica tes that support for PME# in D3(cold) requires
auxiliary power.
190ROPME# Clock
“0” indicates that no PCI clock is required for the function to generate PME#.
A value of 001 indicates that this function complies with the Revision 1.0 of the PCI
Power Management Interface Specification.
A value of 010 is for DM9102A/A that complies with the revision 1.1 of the PC I
Power Management Interface Specification.
15:800hRONext Item Pointer
The offset into the function’s PCI Configuration Space pointing to the location of
next item in the function’s capability list is “00h”
7:001hROCapability Identifier
When “01h” indicates the linked list item as being the PCI Power Management
Single Chi p Fast E thern et NIC c ont roller
Version: DM9102A-DS-F03
August 28, 2000
Power Management Control/Status (xxxxxx54h~PMCSR)
Single Chi p Fast E thern et NIC c ont roller
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16151498721 0
R/W0 0 0 0 0 0R/W0 0 0 0 0 0R/W
This bit is set when the function would normally assert the PME# signal
independent of the state of the PME_En bit. Writing a “1” to this bit will clear it.
This bit defaults to “0” if the function does not support PME# generation from
D3(cold).If the function supports PME# from D3(cold) then this bit is sticky a n d
must be explicitly cleared by the operating sy stem each time the operating
system is initially loaded.
It means that the DM9102A does not s upport reporting power consumption.
Write “1” to enables the function to assert PME#, write “0” to disable PME#
This bit defaults to “0” if the function does not support PME# generation from
If the function supports PME# from D3(cold) then this bit is sticky and must be
explicitly cleared by the operating system each time the operating system is
initia lly loaded.
1:000RWThis tw o bits field is both used to d et ermine the current power sta te of a function
and to set the function into a new power state. Th e definitions given below.
00 : D0
11 : D3(hot)
Version: DM9102A-DS-F03
August 28, 2000
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