8 port 10/100M Fast Ethernet Swit ching Control ler
The DM8108 is an 8 port 10/100Mbit/s nonblocking
Ethernet switch with on-chip address-lookup engine. The
DM8108 provides a low-cost, high-performance switch
solution with PHYs and single SGRAM.
The DM8108 provides eight 10/100Mbit/s Fast Ethernet
interface. In half-duplex mode, all ports support backpressure capability to reduce the risk of data loss for a long
burst of activity. In the full-duplex mode of operation, the
device uses IEEE std. 802.3 frame-based pause protocol
for flow control. With full-duplex capability, port 0 – 7 s upport
1.6Gbit/s aggregate bandwidth connections. The DM8108
also supports port trunking/load balancing on the
Block Diagram
Contro l &
10/100Mbit ports. This can be used to group ports on interswitch links to increase the effective bandwidth between the
The internal address-lookup engine supports up to 16.25K
unicast and unlimited multica st and broadc ast addresses.
This engine performs destination and source addresses
book-keeping and comparison which also forwards
unknown destination address packets to all ports.
The DM8108 is fabricated with a .35um technology.
Working at 3.3V, the inputs are 5V to le ran t and the outputs
are capable of directly driving at TTL leve ls.
LED Control
Version: DM8108-DS-P02
November 25, 1999
Low cost Fast Ethernet Switching Controller.
O Provide packet switching functions between
10/100Mbps, auto-negotiated on-chip Fast
Ethernet ports and a proprietary Full-duplex
Expansion port.
O Cascade max. 8 DM8108s without extra glue
logic for 64-port configuration.
Incorporates three 802.3 compliant 10/100Mbps
Media Access Controllers
O Direct interface to MII (Media Independent
O Half/Full Duplex Support for individual port (upto
O IEEE 802.3 100Base-TX, T4.FX compatible
Auto-negotiation supported through Serial MII
High-performance Distributed Switching Engine
O Performs packet forwarding and filtering at full
O 148,800 packets/sec. on each Ethernet port
Direct support for packet buffering
O Glue-less interface with 1 or 2 Mbytes of SDRAM
O 32 bit memory bus configuration
O 66 Mhz – 90Mhz memory bus speed
O Up-to 1.1K buffers, 1536-byte each, allocated to
receive ports
Support Store and Forward switching approach
8 port 10/100M Fast Ethernet Swit ching Control ler
O Low last-bit to first-bit out del ay
O Allow mixed speed Ethernet packet switching
O Allow conversion between different protocols
Flow control
O Support partitioning function
O Support back-pressure while lack of internal
O Support 802.3x PAUSE function in full duplex
O Support up to 4-port trunking for 800Mbps
Advanced Address Learning and Searching
O Self learning mechanism
O Cache 128 address entries internally
O Record up-to 16K Uni-cast MAC addresses and
unlimited Multicast and Broadcast addresses
O Automatic aging scheme
O Broadcast filtering rate control
Expansion Bus
O Up-to 8 SW devices can be cascaded via
expansion bus without extra logic
O Full duplex mode transfer
O Less Bus overhead
O Automatic flow control
Complete status report to a simple LED interface
Suitabl e for low cost Switc h market to replace
0.35m process, 3. 3V wit h 5V tolerant I/O
208-pin PQFP package
Version: DM8108-DS-P02
November 25, 1999
8 port 10/100M Fast Ethernet Swit ching Control ler
8 port 10/100M Fast Ethernet Swit ching Control ler
Pin Description
Please refer to the “Strap pin default value after reset section” for the detail description of the
Strap pins.
DRAM Interfac e
Pin No.Pin NameI/ODescription
139 – 146,
148 – 155,
157 – 164,
166 – 173
183 – 184,
186 – 189,
191 – 195
177SRAS*ORow address strobe for SDRAM
178SDCAS*OColumn address strobe for SDRAM
180SDWE*OWrite cycle indication, internally pulled up
182SDQMOData Mask f or SDRAM
179SDCS*OChip select for SDRAM
Expansion B us
MD(31:0)I/ODRAM data lines 31 – 0
MA(10:0)I/ODRAM address lines 10-0; strap pins during reset
MA9: 0= enable limit4, 1=disbale limit 4
MA8: DRAM size selection; 0= 1M, 1=2M
MA7-0: Auto-negotiation enable for port 7-0; 0= enabled
Pin No.Pin NameI/ODescription
204RXDVCLKI/OExpansion port’s receiving data valid
208 – 205RXD8[3:0]I/OExpansion port’s receive data input
202 – 199TXD8[3:0]I/OExpansion port’s transmit data output
Strap pins during reset:
TXD8[2:0] = device # setting
TXD8[3] = dram timi ng
LED Interface
Pin No.Pin NameI/ODescription
2LEDCLKOLED data clock
4LEDDOLED data: active low. Data stream that contains LED indicators per
port. The data is shifted out and should be qualified by LDSTB* to
clock into ext er nal regi st er s to driv e L EDs.
Strap pin during re set:
0: expansion port with fast speed
1: expansion port with lower apees
3LDSTBI/OLED data strobe: active high. Used to strobe the LD into an external
Strap pin during re set:
0: force link
1: link detection through serial MII
Preliminary 7
Version: DM8108-DS-P02
November 25, 1999
8 port 10/100M Fast Ethernet Swit ching Control ler
MII Interfa ce
Pi n No.Pin NameI/ODescription
22 – 19TXD0(3:0)BTransmit data for port 0; synchronous to TXCLK0.
38 – 36TXD1(3:0)BTransmit data for port 1; synchronous to TXCLK1.
54 – 51TXD2(3:0)BTransmit data for port 2; synchronous to TXCLK2.
70 – 67TXD3(3:0)BTransmit data for port 3; synchronous to TXCLK3.
89 – 86TXD4(3:0)OTransmit data for port 4; synchronous to TXCLK4.
105 –102TXD5(3:0)OTransmit data for port 5; synchronous to TXCLK5.
121 –118TXD6(3:0)OTransmit data for port 6; synchronous to TXCLK6.
137 –134TXD7(3:0)OTransmit data for port 7; synchronous to TXCLK7.
16 – 13RXD0(3:0)IReceive data for port 0; synchronous to RXCLK0.
32 – 29RXD1(3:0)IReceive data for port 1; synchronous to RXCLK1.
48 – 45RXD2(3:0)IReceive data for port 2; synchronous to RXCLK2.
64 – 61RXD3(3:0)IReceive data for port 3; synchronous to RXCLK3.
83 – 80RXD4(3:0)IReceive data for port 4; synchronous to RXCLK4.
TXEN(7:0)BTransmi t Enabl e: Activ e high , synchronous to TXCLK; indicate that
the transmission data is valid.
Strap function during reset-TXEN(7:0): 0 = port 7-0 full duplex
TXCLK(7:0)ITransmit Clock: Provides the timing reference for the transfer of
TXEN, TXD signals. It is 25MHz for 100Mbps and 2.5MHz for
Strap function during reset-TDX0[0]: 0=80Mhz, 1=66Mhz CLOCK operation
TXD0[1]: 0=enable partition mode, 1=disable partition mode
TXD0[2]: 0=enable expansion por t, 1=disa ble e xpansion port
TXD0[3]: 0=init only, 1= enable BIST
Strap function during reset -TXD1[2 :0]: te st mod e
TXD1[3]: 0=enable CRC, 1=disbale CRC
Strap function during reset -TXD2[2:0]: device # setting
TXD2 [3]: DRAM timing 0=fa st, 1= slo w
Strap function during reset -TXD3[0]: 0=max. packet size 1536, 1=max. packet size 1518(default)
TXD3[1]: 0=enable back_pressure, 1= disable (default)
TXD3[3:2]: age strap pins
00= 64 sec. 01= 128 sec.
10= 256 sec. 11= disbale
Strap function during reset –
TXD4[0]: 0= port 0 trunking enable 1= port 0 no trunking (default)
TXD4[1]: 0= port 1 trunking enable 1= port 1 no trunking (default)
TXD4[2]: 0= port 2 trunking enable 1= port 2 no trunking (default)
TXD4[3]: 0= port 3 trunking enable 1= port 3 no trunking (default)
Strap function during reset –
TXD5[1:0]: br oadcast f iltering rate selection
00 = 8k/sec 01 = 16k/sec
10 = 64k/sec 11= disable
Version: DM8108-DS-P02
November 25, 1999
8 port 10/100M Fast Ethernet Swit ching Control ler
99 – 96RXD5(3:0)IReceive data for port 5; synchronous to RXCLK5.
115 - 112RXD6(3:0)IReceive data for port 6; synchronous to RXCLK6.
137 - 128RXD7(3:0)IReceive data for port 7; synchronous to RXCLK7.
72MDCLKI/OSerial MII management interface clock signal: 1MHz clock for MDIO
73MDIOI/OSerial MII management interface data; this bi-direction line is used to
RXCLK(7:0)IReceive clock for port 7 – 0; synchronous to RXD, RXDV,RXER; has
same clock rate as TXCLK.
RXDV(7:0)IReceive data valid indication for port 7 – 0.
RXER(7:0)IReceive data error indication for port 7 – 0.
CRS(7:0)ICarri er sense; acti ve high. Ind icates that either the tra n smit or
receive medium is not Idle. CRS is not synchronous to any clock.
COL( 7:0 )IC ollis ion De tect ; active high. Indicates a collision has been detected
on the wire.
This input is ignored during full duplex operation and in the half duplex
mode while TXEN of the same port is low.
data reference. Connected to all PHY ports; It is an input pin if t he
device # is not 0 in SDRAM mode; else, it is an output pin.
transfer control Information and status between the PHY and the
DM8108. It conforms to the IEEE-802.3 specifications.
This signal may be connected to the PHY devices of all ports.
Pulled down if not used.
Preliminary 9
Version: DM8108-DS-P02
November 25, 1999
Functional Description
8 port 10/100M Fast Ethernet Swit ching Control ler
Fast Ethe rnet P orts Functiona l Overv iew
The DM8108 is a high-performance, low-cost Fast
Ethernet Switching Controller which provides packet
switching between eight on-chip, 10/100 Mbps ports
and one optional expansion port. It is suitable for the
auto-sensing 10/100Mbps switch application.
Switching Architecture
The switching architecture is based on the shared memory
and handshaking signals to swi tch pack ets between on-chip
ports hard-wired.
For an incoming packet, the receiving port’s MA C s to r es i t in
the receiv ing buff ers if it i s a good packet. At the same
time, the switching engine determines which port the packet
will forward to and update the address table which will be
used for future packet forwarding reference.
Fast Ethernet Ports
The DM8108 integrates eight Fast Ethernet ports, working
at 10/100Mbps (half-duplex) or 20/200Mbps (full-duplex)
with of f-the-shelf PHY chips. The inte rface is glu e-less
through Media Independent Interfaces (MII). The autonegotiation function determines the port’s operating mode.
With auto-negotiation disabled, the po r ts can be forced to
operate at a certain mode, if so desi red. Each port i n c ludes
the Media Access Control function (MAC), LED signals for
Link, Co llis io n, R e ce ive/Tra ns mit, Ha lf/Full duplex and
Rece ive Bu ffer Full indica tio ns .
Address Recognition
The DM8108 in a system can recognize up t o 1 6K Uni -c ast
MAC addresses and unlimited Multica s t/ Broadca st MAC
addresses. An intelligent address recognition mechanism
enables filtering and forwarding packets at full Ethernet wire
speed. The DM8108 provides an address self-learning
mechanism. As each DM8108 learns new address, it
updates the address table in the storage.
8 port 10/100M Fast Ethernet Swit ching Control ler
Packet Routing
As any port in the DM8108 receives a packet, the DM8108
will p ut th e re ce ived data in the receiving buffer and start the
address recognition at same time.
1. If the destination address is pointed to a local port
other than receiving port, the DM8108 will update the
Transmit Descriptor of the target port with the buffer
location and byte count information and wait for
2. If the destination address is pointed to a port located in
other devices, the DM8108 will update the
Transmit Descriptor of the expansion port with the
receiving buffer location and byte count information
and wait for transmission.
3. I
f the destination address is not found in the Address
Table, the DM8108 will update all the Transmit
De s cr ip to r s , exc e pt th e one of t he r ec eivi ng port, for
4. For the Multicast/Broadcast addresses, the DM8108
simply updates all the Transmit Descriptors, except
the one of th e re ceiv i ng p o rt or t h e ports that are
disabled, for Transmission.
5. For bad packet, the DM8108 simply discards it.
6. If the receiving buffer or the Transmit Descriptor for a
particular port is full, the packet will be lost.
The DM8108 is targeted for the non-managed Ethernet
Switching application. No management functions provided.
DRAM Interfac e
The DM8108 interfaces to 1M or 2M bytes of SGRAM or
SDRAM. The DRAM is used to store incoming packets as
well as he address table and Transmit Descriptors. The
DRAM can operate at up to
512kx16 SGRAM are required respectively for 1M or 2M
shared memory size.
Expansion B us
The expansion bus contains Receive Port and Transmit
Port. Each po rt is 4- bit wide.
The Receive Port takes the incoming packet into a FIFO
that has to be distributed to the Receiving Buffer
immediately. At the same time, the DM8108 will check th e
destination and source addresses to determine the target
port and update the Address Table if necessary.
The Transmit Port is dedicated for transferring packets out
to other switching members if the Transmit Descriptor for
this port saying the transmission is pending.
90MHz. One 256k x32 o r
Total of 8-DM8108 can be cascaded for a 64-port switching
Network Manage ment Fea tures
Preliminary 11
Version: DM8108-DS-P02
November 25, 1999
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