V.34 Integrated Data/ Fax/Voice/Speakerphone Modem Device Set
The DM336P integrated modem is a four chipset
design that provides a complete solution for state-ofthe-art, voice-band Plain Old Telephone Service
(POTS) communication. The modem provides for
Data (up to 33,600bps), Fax (up to 14,400bps), Voice
and Full Duplex Speaker-phone functions to comply
with various international standards.
The design of the DM336P is optimized for desktop
personal com puter applications and it provides a low
cost, highly reliable, maximum integration, with the
minimum am ount of support required. The DM336P
modem can operate over a dial-up network (PSTN) or
2 wire leased lines.
The modem integrates auto dial and answer
capabilities, synchronous and asynchronous data
transmi ssions, seri al and parallel interfaces, various
tone detection schemes and data test modes.
Block Diagram
The DM336P modem’s reference design is preapproved for FCC part 68 and provides minimum
design cycle time, with minimum cost to insure the
maximum amount of success.
The simplified modem system, shown in figure below,
illustrates the basic interconnection between the
MCU, DSP, AFE and other basic components of a
modem. The individual elements of the DM336P are:
• DM6380 Analog Front End (AFE). 28-pin PLCC
• DM6381 ITU-T V.34 Transmit Digital Signal
Processor (TX DSP). 100-pin QFP package
• DM6382 ITU-T V.34 Receive Digital Signal
Processor (RX DSP). 100-pin QFP package
• DM6383 Modem Controller (MCU) built i n Plug &
Play (PnP). 100-pin QFP package
Font End
Address &
Data Bus
Version: DM336P- DS-F02
August 15, 2000
V.34 Integrated Data/ Fax/Voice/Speakerphone Modem Device Set
Table of Conten ts
General Descri pti on ............................................... 1
• Selectable world wide call progress tone detection
• Compromise and adaptive equalizer providing
channel impairment compensation
• The channel impairment compensation
• Plu g and Play (PnP) support
• Integrated UART 16550
• Enhanced 8031 compatible micro-controller
• 8 selectable interrupts
• Parallel and serial interfaces supported
- 6-, 7- and 8- bit charac ter support
- Even, odd, mark and none parity detection and
- 1 and 2 stop bit support
- Auto DTE data speed detection through ”AT”
• Access up to 128K bytes external program memory
• Access up to 64K bytes external data memory
• NVRAM to store two user configurable, switchable
profiles and three programmable telephone
• Full duplex data mode test capabilities
- Analog loop test
The DM336P integrated modem device set contains 4 VLSI devices as described below:
• DM6383 Modem Controller Unit with PnP for ISA (MCU)
• DM6380 Analog Front End (AFE)
• DM6381 ITU-T V.34 Transmit Digital Signal Processor (TX DSP)
• DM6382 ITU-T V.34 Receive Digital Signal Processor (RX DSP)
Version: DM336P- DS-F02
August 15, 2000
V.34 Integrated Data/ Fax/Voice/Speakerphone Modem Device Set
• Chip 1 : DM6383 M odem C ontroller Un it With PnP For ISA (MCU)
DM6383 Description
The DM6383 Modem Control Unit (MCU) is designed
for use in high speed internal and external modem
applications. Its interface is compatible with the
DM6381/DM6382 Transmit and Receive Digital
Signal Processor Chipset. The DM6383 incorporates
a micro-cont r oller 80C31, virtual 16550A UART (with
FIFO mode), I/O and Plug & Play control logic. The
DM6383 Block Diagram
PC Data Bus
PC Address Bus
IRQ & R/W Control
RS 232 Interface
PnP Control
Virtual 16550
DM6383 MCU performs the general modem control
fu nctions. It is also designed to provide Plug and Play
capabilit y for IS A bus systems by implementing PnP
control logic. The PnP logic supports hardware &
software selectable options to allow users to
configure the internal modem card without jumpers.
Mode Selection
I/O Control Logic
External ROM,
RAM Interface
Modem Control
DM6383 Features
• Control interface support
• Supports parallel and serial i nterfaces
• Includes a micro-controller 80C31
• Maximum access 128K bytes external program
• Maximum access 64K bytes external data memory
• Provides automatic con figuration capability to
• Configuration selectable by software
• Interrupt lines selec table
• I/O base conflict avoidable
4 Final
• Includes a virtual 16550A UART compatible parallel
• Fully programmable serial interface:
- 6- , 7- or 8-bit characters
- Even, odd, or no-parity bit generation and
- 1 and 2 stop bit gener ation
- Baud rate generation
• Includes I/O control logic f or modem control
Version: DM336P- DS-F02
August 15, 2000
DM6383 Pin Configuration
V.34 Integrated Data/ Fax/Voice/Speakerphone Modem Device Set
V.34 Integrated Data/ Fax/Voice/Speakerphone Modem Device Set
DM6383 Pin Description
Pin No.Pin NameI/ODescription
1 - 8UD0 - UD7I/OData Bus Signal, in internal modem:
These signals are connected to the data bus of the PC I/O slot.
They are used to transfer data between the PC and the DM6383.
Modem Control Output, in external Modem:
Memory address mapping of the contr oller is E800H.
9/IORII/O Rea d:
An active low signal used to read data from the DM6383.
11/IOWII/O Writ e :
An active low signal used to write data to DM6383.
12/AENIAddress Enable:
This is an active low signal to enable the system address for
13 - 24A11 - A0ISystem Address:
These signals are connected to the bus of PC I/O slot. They are
used to select DM6383 I/O ports.
25, 36, 52,
26, 27, 28,
29, 33 - 35
31XTAL1ICrystal Oscillator Input
32XTAL2OCrystal Oscill ator Output
37TEST2ITest Pin (see description of pin 99)
38EAB/VPIExternal ROM Select:
These are 8 interrupt request pins. Only one pin, which i s decoded
from Configuration Register, can be activated, the other pins are
left floating. The active pin will go high when an interrupt request i s
generated from the DM6383.
An active high signal used to power-on reset the DM6383.
Should be connected to low state.
Memory address mapping of the contr oller is E400H.
This signal is used to sw itch external program memory between
bank 0 (lower 64K bytes) and bank 1 (upper 64K bytes) when the
EPROM for system use is 27010 (128Kx8 bits). Otherwise, this pin
is not connected.
I/OController Port 1 I/O
6 Final
Version: DM336P- DS-F02
August 15, 2000
V.34 Integrated Data/ Fax/Voice/Speakerphone Modem Device Set
DM6383 Pin Description (continued)
Pin No.Pin NameI/ODescription
47P0.0OModem Contr o l Output (memory map i s bit 4 of DAA)
53RXDIController Serial Port Data Input
54TXDOController Serial P ort Data Output
55ALE/POController Address Latch Enable:
Output pulse for latching the low byte of the address during
accesses to the extern al memory.
56/PSENOController Progr am Store Enable :
This output goes low during a fetch from external program memory.
57/WROController External Data Memory Write Control
58/RDOController Extern al Data Memory Read Control
59IRQ3OInterrupt Request (see description of pin 26)
60 - 67CA15 - CA8OController Address Bus
69 - 76CA7 - CA0OController Address Bus
77 - 84D7 - D0I/OController Data Bus
86TXRCLKITransmitter Baud Rate Clock Input (Controller INT 0)
87RXRCLKIReceiver Baud Rate Clock Input (Controller INT 1)
88/PORODSP Reset Output
89, 90SEL1, S E L2OModem Co ntro l Out put (Memory map is bit 1-2 of DAA at memory
address D000H)
91 - 94A12 - A15ISystem Address:
These signals are connected to the bus of the PC I/O slot. They are
used to select the DM6383 I/O ports.
95/PNPENIPnP Mode Enable:
This pin will be detected to enable/disable the PnP mode. When it
is pulled down by a resistor (3.3K ~ 4.7K), the DM6383 can enter
the PnP mode when it receives the PnP initial key sequence. When
disconnected, an internal pull up will disable the Plug and Play
97/TUCSOTX DSP Register Select Output:
Memory address mapping of the contr oller is F000H.
98PS1OModem Control Port Select Output:
Memory address mapping of the contr oller is D800H.
99TEST1ITest Pin: Used for system configuration and test mode
Version: DM336P- DS-F02
August 15, 2000
System Configuart io n
Internal mode
External mode
Test mode
Test mode
V.34 Integrated Data/ Fax/Voice/Speakerphone Modem Device Set
DM6383 Functional Description
1. Operating Mode Selection
The DM6383 MCU can be used with both internal and
external modems. When it works within an internal
modem, pin TEST2 and TEST1 must be in a low state.
The DM6383 includes a virtual UART and supports a
paralle l in t e rfa c e .
When DM6383 works within an external modem, pin
TEST2 must be in a low state, and pin TEST1 must
be in high. The virtual UART will be disabled and the
RS232 serial interface, enabled.
TEST2TEST1System Configuration
LOWLOWInternal Modem
LOWHIGHExternal Modem
HIGHXTest Mode
2. Micro-control ler (80C31) Reference
DM6383 supports a bank switch control pin to switch
external program memory between lower 64K bytes
(bank 0) and upper 64K bytes (bank 1) of 27C010.
In this mode, two instructions must be included in
software to switch bank 0 to bank 1:
With the same way, it can also switch back to bank 0
The clock source of the virtual UART logic is fixed at
1.8432MHz. The clock is derived from the external
crystal used by the DM6383 controller. Therefore, the
UART 1.8432MHz c lock must be obtained through
division. When the operating frequency of the
DM6383 controller changes, the divider should be
changed accordingly. This divider is specif ie d by the
Configuration Register which can be written by the
DM6383 controller. The address mapping of the
register is D4000H: ( DM 6383 cont r oller memory
Bit 0: Always 0.
Bit 6-1: B6 - B1 define the clock divider range from 2
to 64 (even number).
Bit 7: Not used.
b. UART Baud Generator Divisor Latch Register:
Address EC00H
Read only
bit7 bit6 bit5bit4 bit3 bit2bit1 bit0
dat7 dat6 dat5 dat4 dat3 dat2 dat1 dat0
By reading this register, the micro-controller can
monitor the value of the low byte divisor latch of the
virtual UART baud generator (see DLL in next section)
and determine the baud rate clock itself.
c. Modem Status Controller Register (MSCR):
Address E000H
* For detailed information about mi cro-controller,
please see Programmer's Guid e to 8031.
3. Micro-controller Register Description
a. UART Clock Register :
Address D4000H Reset State: 06H
Write Only
Xdat6 dat5 dat4 dat3 dat2dat10
8 Final
Write only
bit7 bit6 bit5bit4 bit3bit2bit1bit
The advantage of this register is that the modem line
status information can be passed to the virtual UART
by the micro-controller. The resulting signals are Ring
Detect (/RI), Carrier Detect (/DCD) , Data Set Ready
(/DSR) and Clear To Send (/CTS).
Version: DM336P- DS-F02
August 15, 2000
V.34 Integrated Data/ Fax/Voice/Speakerphone Modem Device Set
d. Modem Outp ut Port Register: Address D000H
Write only
bit7 bit6 bit5bit4 bit3 bit2bit1 bit0
These 4 bits work as output ports in response to the
88th, 89th, 90th and 47th pins of this chip (see pin
* When reset condition occurred, the I/O and Interrupt
configuration registers must be reset to default
value according to bit 0 - bit 5.
4. UART(16550A) Emulat io n Registers
a. Receiver Buffer (Read), Transmitter Holding
Register (Write)
e. PnP Isolation & Resource Data Port: Address
Write only
The PnP isolation and resource data can be bytesequentially written to the corresponding memory
(built-in SRAM) through this register.
The default I/O base and IRQ data stored in 94C46
should be loaded to this register by micro-controller,
and then enable the default configuration. Microcontroller can also get the current I/O base and IRQ
information by a read from thi s regist e r.
The configuration determined by this register should
be disabled when the register detects the Initiation
Key described in the next section.
Bit 6: When this bit is set to inform micro-controller
that the current I/O base and IRQ data should
be stored to 93C46 as the default setting at the
next power-on reset through programming the
Auto-configuration Register, this bit should be
cleared by micro-controlle r.
Address: 0 (DLAB=0) Reset State 00h
bit7 bit6 bit5bit4 bit3 bit2bit1 bit0
dat7 dat6 dat5 dat4 dat3 dat2 dat1 dat0
When this register address is read, it contains t he
parallel received data. Data to be transmitted is
written to this registe r .
b. Interrupt Enable Register (IER): Address 1
Reset State 00h, Write Only
bit7 bit6 bit5bit4bit3bit2bit1bit0
This 8-bit register enables the four types of interrupts
as described below. Each interrupt source can
activate the INT output signal if enabled by this
register. Resetting bits 0 through 3 will disable all
UART interrupts.
Bit 0: This bit enables the Received Data Available
Interrupt (and timeout interrupts in the FIFO
mode) when set to logic 1.
Bit 1: This bit enables the Transmitter Holding
Register Empty Interrupt when set to logic 1.
Bit 2: This bit enables the Receiver Line Status
Interrupt when set to logic 1.
Bit 7: When bit 7 is set, it enables hardware
configuration set according to bit 0-bit 5
(Jumper mode) and load the proper value of
PnP Registers including I/O and Interrupt
Configuration Registers. This bit will be reset,
when it receiv es PnP I nitial Key sequence.
Version: DM336P- DS-F02
August 15, 2000
Bit 3: This bit enables the MODEM Status Interrupt
when set to logic 1.
Bit 4-7: Not used
V.34 Integrated Data/ Fax/Voice/Speakerphone Modem Device Set
c. Interrupt Identification Register (IIR): Address 2
Reset State 01h, Read only
bit7 bit6 bit5 bit4 bit3bit2bit1bit0
In order to provide minimum software overhead
during data transfers, the virtual UART prioritizes
interrupt s into four levels as followed: Receiver Line
Status (priority 1), Receiver Data Available (priority 2),
Character Timeout Indication (priority 2, FIFO mode
only), Transmitter Holding Register Empty (priority 3 ),
and Modem Status (priority 4).
The IIR register gives prioritized information as to the
status of interrupt conditions. When accessed, the IIR
indicates the highest priority interrupt that is pending,
as indicated by bi ts INT D( 2- 0) .
D3 D2 D1D0 Priority LevelInterrup t T ypeConditionReset
0001---0110HighestReceiver Line
0100SecondReceiver Data
0000Four thModem StatusClear to Send, Data Set
Holding Register
Bit 0: This bit can be used in either a prioritized
interrupt or polled environment to indicate
whether an interrupt is pending. When this bit is
a logic 0, an interrupt is pending, and the IIR
contents may be used as a pointer to the
appropriate interrupt service routine. When bit 0
is a logic 1, no interrupt is pending, and pol ling
(if used) continues.
Bit 1-2: These two bits of the IIR are used to identify
the highest priority interrupt pending, as
indicated in the table below.
Bit 3: In character mode, this bit is 0. In FIFO mode,
this bit is set, along with bit 2, when a timeout
interrupt is pending.
Bit 4-6: Not used
Bit 7: This bit is set when FCR0 = 1.
Overrun Error, Pari ty
Error, Framing Error or
Break Interrupt
Receiver Data Available
or Trigger Level Reached
No characters have been
read from or written to the
Rx FIFO during
programming time
interval, and the Rx FIFO
is not empty
Transmitter Holding
Register Empty
Ready, Ring Indi c ator or
Data Carrier Detected
Reads the Line Status
Reads the Receiver
Buffer Register or the
FIFO Drops Below The
Threshold Value
Reads The Receiver
Buffer Register
Reads the IIR Register or
(if source of interrupt)
Writes To The Transmitter
Holding Register
Reads the Modem Status
10 Final
Version: DM336P- DS-F02
August 15, 2000
V.34 Integrated Data/ Fax/Voice/Speakerphone Modem Device Set
d. FIFO Control Register (FCR): Address 2
Reset State 00h , write only
bit7bit6 bit5bit4bit3bit2bit1bit0
This is a write only register at the same location as
the IIR, which is a read only register. This register is
used to enable the FIFOs, clear the the FIFOs, set the
RxFIFO trigger level, and select the type of DMA
Bit 0: Writing a 1 to FCR0 enables both transmit and
Bit 1: Writing a 1 to FCR1 clears all bytes in the
Bit 2: Writing a 1 to FCR2 clears all bytes in the
Bit 3: Setting FCR3 to 1 will cause the RXRDY and
Bit 4-5: Reserved
receive FIFOs. Resetting FCR0 will clear all
bytes in both FIFOs. When changing from FIFO
mode to Character mode (and vice versa), data
is automatically cleared from the FIFOs.
RxFIFO and resets its counter logic to 0.
TxFIFO and resets its count er logic to 0.
TXRDY pins to change from mode 0 to mode 1
if FCR0 = 1.
This register is available to maintain compatibility with
the standard 16550 register set, and provides
information to the internal hardware that is used to
determine the number of bits per character.
WLS1WLS2Word Length
005 bits
016 bits
107 bits
118 bits
Bit 0-1: WLS0-1 specif ies the number of bits i n each
transmitted and received serial character.
Bit 2: This bit specif ies the number of stop bits in
each transmitted character. If bit 2 is a logic 0,
one stop bit is generated in the transmitted data.
If bit 2 is a logic 1 when a 5-bit word length is
selected via bits 0 and 1, one and a half stops
are generated. If bit 2 is a lo gic 1 w hen either a
6-, 7- or 8-bit word length is select ed, two stop
bits are generated. The Receiver checks the
first Stop-bit only, regardless of the number of
Stop bits selected.
Bit 3: Logic 1 indicates that the PC has enabled the
parity generation and checking.
Bit 4: Logic 1 indicates that the PC is requesting an
even number of logic 1s to be transmitted or
checked. Logic 0 indicates that the PC is
requesting odd parity generation and checking.
Bit 6-7: FCR6, FCR7 are used to set the trigger level
for the RxFIFO i nterrupt.
FCR6FCR7RxFIFO Trigger Level
e. Line Control Register (LCR): Address 3
Reset State 00h, Write Only
bit7bit6bit5 bit4 bit3 bit2bit1bit0
Version: DM336P- DS-F02
August 15, 2000
Bit 5: When bit 3, 4 and 5 are logic 1, the parity bit i s
transmitted and checked by the receiver as
logic 0. If bits 3 and 5 are 1 and bit 4 is logic 0,
then the parity is transmitted and checked as
logic 1.
Bit 6: This is a Break Control bit. When it is set to
logic 1, a break condition is indicated.
Bit 7: The Divisor Latch Access bit must be set to
logic 1 to access the Divisor Latches of the
baud generator during a read or write operation.
It must be set to logic 0 to access the Receiver
Buffer, the Transmitter Holding Register, or the
Interrupt E nable Register.
V.34 Integrated Data/ Fax/Voice/Speakerphone Modem Device Set
f. Modem Control Register (MCR): Address 4
Reset State 00h
bit7 bit6 bit5bit4 bit3 bit2bit1 bit0
Bit 0: This bit asserts a Data Terminal Ready
condition that is readable via port P1.1 of microcontroller 8031. When bit 0 is set to logic 1, the
P1.1 is forced to logic 0. When bit 0 is reset to
logic 0, the P1.1 is forced to logic 1.
Bit 1: This bit asserts a Request To Send condition
that is readable via port P3.4 of the microcontroller 8031. Bit 1 affects P3.4 in a manner
identical to that described above for bit 0.
g. Line Status Register (LSR): Address 5
Reset State 60h, Read only
bit7bit6bit5bit4 bit3 bit2 bit1 bit0
This register prov ides status i nformation to the host
PC conc erning the data transfer. Bit 1-4 indicate the
error conditi ons that produce a Receiver Line Status
interrupt whenever any of the corresponding
conditions are detected. The Line Status Register is
intended for read operations only.
Bit 0: Set to l ogic 1 when a received charac te r is
availab le in the RxFIFO . This bit is reset to logic
0 when the RxFIFO is empty.
Bit 1: An Overrun error will occur only after the
RxFIFO is full and the next character has
overwritten the u nread FIFO data. This bit is
reset upon reading the Line Status Register.
Bit 3: This bit is the Framing Error (FE) indicator. Bit 3
indicates that the received character did not
have a valid stop bit. Bit 3 is set to a logic 1
whenever the stop bit following the last data bit
or parity bit i s detec ted as a zero bit (spacing
level). The FE bit is reset whenever the CPU
reads the contents of the Line S tatus Register.
The FE error condition is associated with the
particular character in the FIFO to which it
applies. This err or is revealed to the CPU when
its associated charact er is at the top of the
FIFO.h. Modem Status Register (M SR ):
Address 6 Reset State, bit 0- 3: low, bit 4-7:
input signal.
Bit 4: Thi s bit is a Break Interrupt (BI) indic ator. Bit 4
is set to logic 1 whenever the receiv ed data
input is held in the Spacing (logic 0) state for
longer than a full word transmission time (that is,
the total time of Start bit + data bits + Parity +
Stop bits). The BI indicator is reset whenever
the CPU reads the contents of the Line Status
Register. The BI error condition is associated
with the particular character in the FIFO to
which it applies. This error is revealed to the
CPU when its associated character i s at the top
of the FIFO.
Bit 5:This bit is a Transmitter Holding Register Em pty
indicator. Bit 5 indicates that UART is ready to
accept a new character for transmission. In
addition, t his bit c auses UART to issue an
interrupt to the CPU when the Transmit Holding
Register Empty Interrupt Enable is set high. The
THRE bit is reset to logic 0 when the host CPU
loads a character into the Transmit Holding
register. In the FIFO mode, this bit is set when
the TxFIFO is empty, and i s cleared when at
least 1 byte is written to the TxFIFO.
Bit 2: A value of logic 1 indicates that a received
character does not have the correct even or
odd parity as selected by the Even Parity Select
bit. This error is set when the corresponding
character i s at the top of the RxFIFO. It will
remain set until the CPU reads the LSR. This
Parity Error indication is associated with the
particular character in the FIFO to which it
applies. This err or is revealed to the CPU when
its associated charact er is at the top of the
12 Final
Bit 6: This bit is the Tran s mitte r E mpt y indicator. Bit 6
is set to a logic 1 whenever the Transmitter
Holding Register (T HR ) i s em pty, and is reset to
a logic 0 whenever the THR contains a
character. In FIFO mode, this bit is set to 1
whenever the tr ansmitter FIFO is empty.
Bit 7: In character mode, this bit is 0. In FIFO mode,
this bit is set when there is at l east one parity
error, framing error, or break indication in the
FIFO. If there are no subsequent errors in the
FIFO, LSR7 is cleared when the CPU reads the
Version: DM336P- DS-F02
August 15, 2000
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