Datrend Oxitest Plus 7 User manual

Oxitest Plus7
Pulse Oxim ete r Tester
Operating Manual
Oxitest Plus7
Pulse Oximeter Tester
Operating Manual
© 2003-2010 Datrend Systems Inc.
Unit #1 - 3531 Jacombs Road
Tel 604.291.7747 or 800.667.6557
Fax 604.294.2355
e-mail customerservice@datrend.com
To order this manual, use Part Number 6100-105
Revision History
Description Date
C - 5 year warranty
- Ver. 2: "Adjust SpO2" menu
Datrend Systems Inc. (“D SI”) agrees to a lim ited copyright release that allows you to reproduce m anuals and other printed materials for use in service training programs and other technical publications. If you would like other reproductions or distributions, submit a written request to Datrend Systems Inc.
Unpacking and Inspection
Follow standard receiving practices upon receipt of the instrument. Check the shipping carton for damage. If damage is found, stop unpacking the instrument. Notify the freight carrier and ask for an agent to be present while the instrument is unpacked. There are no special unpacking instructions, but be careful not to damage the instrument when unpacking it. Inspect the instrument for physical damage such as bent or broken parts, dents, or scratches.
Our routine method of shipment is via common carrier. Upon delivery, if physical damage is found, retain all packing m aterials in their original condition and contact the carrier immediately to file a claim .
If the instrum ent is delivered in good physical condition but does not operate within specifications, or if there are any other problems not caused by shipping damage, please contact your local sales representative or D SI immediately.
Standard Terms and Conditions
Refunds & Credits
Please note only serialized products (products labeled with a distinct serial number) and accessories are eligible for partial refund and/or credit. Non-serialized parts and accessory items (cables, carrying cases, auxiliary modules, etc.) are not eligible for return or refund. In order to receive a partial refund/credit, the product must not have been damaged, and must be returned complete (meaning all manuals, cables, accessories, etc.) within 90 days of original purchase and in “as new” and resalable condition. The Return Proced ure must be followed.
Return Procedure
Every product returned for refund/credit must be accompanied by a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number, obtained from Datrend C ustom er Service. All item s being returned must be sent prepaid (freight, duty, brokerage, and taxes ) to our factory location.
Restocking Charges
Products returned within 30 days of original purchase are subject to a minimum restocking fee of 15%. Products returned in excess of 30 days after purchase, but prior to 90 days, are subject to a minimum restocking fee of 20%. Additional charges for damage and/or missing parts and accessories will be applied to all returns. Products which are not in “as new” and resalable condition, are not eligible for credit return and will be returned to the customer at their expense.
This instrument was thoroughly tested and inspected and found to meet DSI's manufacturing specifications when it was shipped from the factory. Calibration measurements are traceable to the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) and/or the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Devices for which there are no NRC/NIST calibration standards are measured against in-house performance standards using accepted test procedures.
Warranty and Product Support
Datrend Systems Inc. ("DSI") warrants this instrument to be free from defects in materials and workm anship under norm al use and service for one (1) year from the date of original purchase. This warranty will be automatically extended to a maximum of five (5) years from the date of original purchase provided that calibration is performed on an annual basis by a Datrend Authorized Service Center (refer to Section 6.2 of this manual).
This warranty is subject to the following limitations:
!Oxitest Battery Pack: 90 day limited warranty !Standard Accessories: 90 day limited warranty !Re-calibration of the instrument, which has a recommended annual calibration frequency, is not
covered under the warranty.
During the warranty period DSI will, at our option, either repair or replace a product that proves to be defective at no charge; provided you return the product (shipping, duty, brokerage and taxes prepaid) to DSI. Any and all transportation charges incurred are the responsibility of the purchaser and are not included within this warranty. This warranty extends only to the original purchaser and does not cover damage from abuse, neglect, accident or misuse or as the result of service or modification by other than DSI. IN NO EVENT SHALL DATREND SYSTEMS INC. BE LIABLE FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES.
No warranty shall apply when damage is caused by any of the following:
!Power failure, surges, or spikes, !Dam age in transit or when moving the instrument, !Improper power supply such as low voltage, incorrect voltage, defective wiring or inadequate fuses, !Accident, alteration, abuse or m isuse of the instrument, !Fire, water damage, theft, war, riot, hostility, acts of God, such as hurricanes, floods, etc.
Only serialized products (those items bearing a distinct serial number tag) and their standard accessory items are covered under this warranty. PHYSICAL DAMAGE CAUSED BY MISUSE OR PHYSICAL ABUSE IS NOT COVERED UNDER THE WARRANTY. Items such as cables and non-serialized modules are not covered under this warranty.
This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights, which vary from province to province, state to state, or country to country. This warranty is limited to repairing the instrument to DSI's specifications.
When you return a DSI instrument for service, repair or calibration, we recommend shipment using the original shipping foam and container. If the original packing materials are not available, we recommend the following guide for repackaging:
!Use a double-walled carton of sufficient strength for the weight being shipped. !Use heavy paper or cardboard to protect all instrument surfaces. Use non-abrasive material around
all projecting parts.
!Use at least four inches of tightly packed, industrial-approved, shock-absorbent material all around
the instrument.
DSI will not be responsible for lost shipm ents or instruments received in dam aged condition due to improper packaging or handling. All warranty claim shipments must be made on a prepaid basis (freight, duty, brokerage, and taxes). No returns will be accepted without a Return Materials Authorization ("RMA) number. Please contact Datrend at 1-800-667-6557 to obtain an RMA number and receive help with shipping/customs documentation.
Warranty Disclaimer
Should you elect to have your instrument serviced and/or calibrated by someone other than Datrend Systems, please be advised that the original warranty covering your product becomes void when the tam per-resistant Quality Seal is removed or broken without proper factory authorization. W e strongly recommend, therefore, that you send your instrument to Datrend Systems for service and calibration, especially during the original warranty period.
In all cases, breaking the tamper-resistant Quality Seal should be avoided at all cost, as this seal is the key to your original instrument warranty. In the event that the seal must be broken to gain internal access to the instrument (e.g., in the case of a customer-installed firmware upgrade), you must first contact Datrend Systems at 1-800-667-6557. You will be required to provide us with the serial number for your instrument as well as a valid reason for breaking the Quality Seal. You should break this seal only after you have received factory authorization. Do not break the Quality Seal before you have contacted us! Following these steps will help ensure that you will retain the original warranty on your instrument without interruption.
Unauthorized user m odifications or application beyond the published specifications m ay result in electrical shock hazards or improper operation. Datrend Systems will not be responsible for any injuries sustained due to unauthorized equipment modifications.
Nellcor is a registered trademark of Tyco Healthcare
QBasic™ and Visual Basic™ are trademarks of Microsoft Corp.
MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
Table of Contents
1. Specifications..................................................................... 1
2. Overview......................................................................... 5
2.1 General Description........................................................... 5
2.2 Detailed Description........................................................... 6
3. Operation. ....................................................................... 9
3.1 General Description........................................................... 9
3.2 Powering Up, and Modifying the Oxitest Plus 7 Menu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1
3.3 Setting Display Contrast....................................................... 1 2
3.4 Choosing an Oximeter........................................................ 1 3
3.5 Selecting an SpO level....................................................... 1 4
3.6 Selecting a Heart Rate........................................................ 1 5
3.7 Selecting a Pulse Amplitude. .................................................. 1 5
3.8 Status Indicator. ............................................................ 1 6
3.9 Selecting Motion Artifact Simulation.............................................. 1 7
3.10 Selecting Auto Presets........................................................ 1 8
3.11 Selecting Alarm Tests. ....................................................... 1 8
3.12 Saving and Printing Test Results................................................ 2 2
3.13 Using the Nellcor Sensor Port.................................................. 2 4
3.14 ECG Trigger Output.......................................................... 2 6
3.15 Recharging the Battery. ...................................................... 2 7
4. Computer Control and RS-232....................................................... 2 9
4.1 Electrical Interface........................................................... 2 9
4.2 Mechanical Interface. ........................................................ 3 0
4.3 Functional Description........................................................ 3 0
4.4 Command Definitions......................................................... 3 1
4.4.1 Select Oximeter and Initialize Simulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1
4.4.2 Set SpO Command................................................... 3 2
4.4.3 Set Heart Rate Command............................................... 3 2
4.4.4 Set Pulse Amplitude Command. ......................................... 3 2
4.4.5 Activate Artifact Simulation.............................................. 3 3
4.4.6 Activate Auto Preset Protocol............................................ 3 3
4.4.7 Download Test Report. ................................................ 3 3
4.4.8 Download Manual Record............................................... 3 4
4.4.9 Download Auto Preset Test Record....................................... 3 4
4.4.10 Download Alarm Test Record............................................ 3 4
4.4.11 Erase All Test Records................................................. 3 4
4.4.12 Command Summary................................................... 3 5
4.5 Programming Example. ...................................................... 3 6
5. Test Usage Guidelines............................................................. 3 9
5.1 General Rules. ............................................................. 3 9
5.1.1 Interpretation of Results. ............................................... 3 9
5.1.2 Probe/Sensor Interface................................................. 4 0
5.2 Diagnosing Sensor Faults. .................................................... 4 8
5.3 Cross-Manufacturer Compatibility............................................... 4 9
Table of Contents # Page i
6. Routine Maintenance. ............................................................. 5 1
6.1 Probe Cleaning. ............................................................ 5 1
6.2 Calibration. ................................................................ 5 2
Table of Contents # Page ii

1. Specifications

1.1 Saturation (SpO )
Masimo, Nellcor, and Nellcor OEM's (e.g., Critikon; Protocol Systems; Philips; etc.):
Variable from 55% to 100% in steps of 1% SpO presets at 55, 70, 80, 90, 93, and 97%
All other supported oximeters:
Variable from 70% to 100% in steps of 1% SpO presets at 70, 80, 90, 93, and 97%
1.2 SpO Accuracy
All supported oximeters except Datex and Invivo oximeters:
±1% at specified SpO presets
Datex and Invivo oximeters:
±1% at 97, 93% SpO ±2% at 90, 80, 70% SpO
Nellcor and Nellcor OEM's only:
±1% at 55% SpO
Ne llco r ac c urac y spe c ifie d w ith e ithe r DS100A se nso r, o r with SpO c alibration
selected via Nellcor Port.
Specifications/Chapter 1 # Page 1
1.3 Heart Rate
Variable from 20 to 250 beats per minute (BPM) in 1 BPM steps
Presets: 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240 BPM Accuracy: ± 1 BPM
1.4 Pulse Amplitude
Variable from zero (no blood flow) to 100% (normal adult pulse) in 1% steps.
Presets: 100%, 30%, 10%, and 5% Accuracy: ± 1%
1.5 Signal Artifact
Four preset simulations:
Movement Tapping (Spike artifact) Shivering (Tremor artifact) Shake Table (2.5Hz Sinewave)
1.6 Auto Presets
Nine preset patient simulations.
Factory default Auto Presets: Normal Adult Hypoxia Tachycardia Bradycardia Low Perfusion No Perfusion Movement Artifact Neonate Tremor (Shivering Artifact)
Auto Preset parameters may be user-programmed via the RS-232 port.
Specifications/Chapter 1 # Page 2
1.7 Alarm Tests
Five automated test sequences for determining oximeter alarm response time to Low SpO ; Low Heart Rate; High Heart Rate; Low Perfusion; and Motion Artifact conditions. Also determines time required for oximeter alarm to self-clear after test conditions are returned to normal.
Alarm Test parameters may be user-programmed via the RS-232 port.
1.8 Memory
Auto Preset and Alarm Test results saved in battery-backed, non-volatile Memory, along with up to 20 PASS/FAIL records from manually-conducted tests. Test results in Memory may be printed as a Test Report via optional external Printer, or may be downloaded via RS­232 port to personal computer or automated tester.
1.9 Pulse Oximeter Make / Model
Major makes and models supported. Refer to the Oxitest Plus 7 product CD, or
www.datrend.com, for a detailed listing.
1.10 User Interface
LCD - 20 character x 2 line
Keypad - 15 keys:
PULSE OX, SPO (%), HEART RATE (preset), HR, HR, PULSE AMP (preset),
PUL , PUL, PASS, FAIL, AUTO (preset), ALARM TEST, START/STOP (alarm test), ERASE (memory), PRINT
1.11 Nellcor Port
Allows temporary connection of Nellcor pulse oximeter sensors for selection of sensor­specific SpO calibration curve. Intended for high-accuracy testing of all Nellcor disposable
and re-usable sensors.
Specifications/Chapter 1 # Page 3
1.12 Serial / Printer Interface
Mechanical: 5 Pin Mini-DIN Electrical: Bi-directional RS-232. 9600 baud, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop.
1.13 Power Supply
Battery: 7.2V rechargeable. Capacity: 1.4 Ah Battery life: 40 hours continuous
1.14 Environment
15 C to 40 C, 10% to 90% RH Indoor Use Only Category II Pollution Degree 2 Altitude 2000m (max)
Note: Mains supply voltage fluctuations not to exceed +/- 10% of the nominal supply
1.15 Standard Accessories
AC Adapter (all models): 100-240 VAC 50/60 Hz to 12 VDC adaptor; P/N: 3000-025
And one of the Blade Sets for P/N 3000-025:
North America: P/N: 3000-401
Europe: P/N: 3000-402
United Kingdom: P/N: 3000-403
Australia: P/N: 3000-404
1.16 Optional Accessories
For a complete list of available accessories, visit www.datrend.com or contact Datrend Customer Service (see section 6.2 for contact details)
Specifications/Chapter 1 # Page 4

2. Overview

2.1 General Description

The Oxitest Plus 7 Pulse Oximeter Tester is a portable, battery operated device designed to test the operation of pulse oximeters and their optical sensors. In use, a pulse oximeter sensor is placed on the Oxitest Plus 7 probe. Oxitest Plus 7 transmits an optical signal to the pulse oximeter sensor which simulates a predetermined oxygen saturation (SpO ) level, at a given heart rate and signal strength (pulse amplitude). Proper operation of the pulse oximeter is confirmed if the parameters measured by the oximeter match those generated by Oxitest Plus 7.
Oxitest Plus 7 provides four simulations of patient motion artifacts: gross body movement,
tapping the oximeter sensor, shivering or trembling, and shake table laboratory test. Oxitest Plus 7 also provides 9 preset simulations to test oximeters under realistic clinical conditions, and five automated oximeter alarm tests. High accuracy testing of Nellcor sensors is available through the use of Nellcor’s sensor specific calibration curves. Auto Preset, Alarm and manual test results may be output to a printer, or downloaded to a PC or automated tester for easy documentation.
Most problems with pulse oximeters can be traced to complete or partial failure of the oximeter sensor (the photo sensor, one of the two light transmitting elements [LEDs], the cable, or the connector). Oxitest Plus 7 will assist in diagnosing sensor failures by providing an indication of the status of the oximeter’s LEDs.
For comprehensive testing of sensors when no pulse oximeter is available, Datrend provides a companion test instrument: Sensitest.
Overview/Chapter 2 # Page 5

2.2 Detailed Description

Pulse oximeters commonly utilized in hospitals are based on the principle of the absorption of light by blood, at two separate wavelengths, 660 nm and 940 nm. Specifically, the relationship between the absorption of light for Oxygenated Haemoglobin (HbO ) and reduced Haemoglobin (Hb) allows the calculation of HbO , and subsequently oxygen saturation.
A typical pulse oximeter probe incorporates one 660 nm light emitting diode (LED) and one 940 nm LED on the transmitting side of the sensor, and one broad spectrum photosensitive element on the receiving side of the sensor. The pulse oximeter activates the LEDs in a particular sequence which allows the received signals to be correctly interpreted. The light passes through a portion of the body of the patient, commonly the finger, ear, toe, scalp, etc., and falls on the photosensitive element, which translates the attenuated light signals into electrical signals.
Using various means, the pulse oximeters interpret the ratio of the attenuated signals at the two wavelengths as a percentage of oxygen saturation. A more detailed description of the process, and the scientific principles of pulse oximetry can be found in the article “Knowing Your Pulse Oximetry Monitors”, S. Ackerman and P. Weith, Medical Electronics, February, 1995, pp 82-86.
A block diagram of the Oxitest Plus 7 is provided in Figure 1. The Oxitest Plus 7 incorporates a probe, resembling a finger, which is placed between the transmitting and receiving elements of the oximeter. The Oxitest Plus 7 probe intercepts the light signals produced by the pulse oximeter and generates pulses of light that are controlled in level, and which simulate the light levels which would normally be received by the pulse oximeter’s photosensitive element, at predetermined oxygen saturation levels.
Overview/Chapter 2 # Page 6
Figure 1 - Block Diagram
A photodiode in the Oxitest Plus 7 probe intercepts the oximeter's red and infrared light signals, and generates an electrical signal which is analysed by the Oxitest Plus 7 microprocessor. The microprocessor, in turn, produces control signals to drive an LED in the Oxitest Plus 7 probe, with the correct timing and amplitude appropriate to the oximeter under test. Light from the
Oxitest Plus 7 LED is detected by the photodiode in the oximeter sensor, causing the oximeter to
display simulated SpO and heart rate indications.
Overview/Chapter 2 # Page 7
Overview/Chapter 2 # Page 8

3. Operation

3.1 General Description

The Oxitest Plus 7 provides a quick and efficient method of testing the overall operation of a pulse oximeter, its cable and sensor. A test is performed by applying the oximeter sensor to the Oxitest
Plus 7 probe, after first setting up the test parameters on Oxitest Plus 7. The features of Oxitest Plus 7 are depicted in Figure 2 and Figure 3, and are referred to throughout the rest of section 3.
The following procedure should be followed for correct operation:
1. Turn the Oxitest Plus 7 ON by rotating the test probe 90 degrees from its protective storage compartment.
2. Following power-up, select an oximeter make (Pulse Ox) from the menu. Set the SpO ,
Heart Rate and Pulse Amp to the desired settings using the appropriately labelled push
button keys on the front panel. See sections 3.2 through 3.7 for further details. Default values for SpO , Heart Rate and Pulse Amp on selection of a new oximeter are 97%, 60
BPM and 100% respectively.
3. Turn on the oximeter and examine the sensor to determine which side has the LEDs (this side will radiate red light). Apply the sensor to the test probe, orienting the sensor with the
LEDs on the underside of the probe.
4. Wait for the Oxitest Plus 7 to display "RED+IR OK!" on its LCD.
5. Change Oxitest Plus 7 SpO and Heart Rate and note the oximeter's response. Verify the oximeter alarms when SpO and/or heart rate exceed corresponding alarm thresholds. Optionally, decrease the Pulse Amp and note how the oximeter's SpO and heart rate may
be affected by low tissue perfusion.
6. Remove the oximeter sensor from the test probe.
7. Select a new oximeter (if required) and go back to step (3), or turn Oxitest Plus 7 OFF by rotating the test probe back into the storage compartment.
Operation/Chapter 3 # Page 9
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