El signo de exclamación dentro de un triángulo indica la existencia
de importantes instrucciones de operación y mantenimiento en la
documentación que acompaña al producto.
El doble cuadrado indica equipo de Clase 2. The double square indicates Class 2 device.
No exponga este equipo a lluvia o humedad. Do not expose this device to rain or moisture.
No emplace altavoces en proximidad a equipos sensibles a campos
magnéticos, tales como monitores de televisión o material
magnético de almacenamiento de datos.
No existen partes ajustables por el usuario en el interior de este
The exclamation point inside an equilateral triangle is intended to
alert the users to the presence of important operating and
maintenance (servicing) instructions in the literature accompanying
the product.
Do not place loudspeakers in proximity to devices sensitive to
magnetic fields such as television monitors or data storage
magnetic material.
No user serviceable parts inside.
The D.A.S. Audio AERO series offers two
units for applications requiring precise control of the
vertical coverage andhigh sound pressure levels.The
AERO-48 is an externally powered, three-way, high
efficiency line arraymodule which integrates two 15”
low frequency units with 4” voice coils, four 8” midrange devices which utilize 2.5” voice coils and two
compression drivers with 3” coils and 1.5” exit
geometry ina singleunit. Thecompression drivers are
coupled to two Serpis high frequency plane wave
adaptors insuring coherent high frequency summing
and the generation of a flat, isophasic wave front.
When increased sound pressure level in the low
frequency range is required, the system can be used
inconjunction withthe AERO-218subwooferunit.
The system is ideal for applications such as
large-scale outdoor/indoorevents inarenas, stadiums
or theaters. Use of the DSP-3VS digital processor is
recommended for the AERO-48 and the DS
the subwoofer system. Not usingthe
processor with the AERO-48 will adversely affect the
soundquality andmay damagesystem components.
The model AERO-48 includestwo 15GN 15”
cone transducer with 4” EFW voice coils and
Neodymium magnet assemblies in a bass-reflex
configuration.Four 8MN, 8”speakersarranged ona V
shape, incorporating 2.5” EFW voice coils,
Neodymium magnet assemblies and TAF cooling
system are used for mid-range reproduction. High
frequencies are handled by two M-10N high
frequency compression drivers with 3” EFW coil,
Neodymium magnet and 1.5” exit coupled to twin
SERPIS plane wave guide. The SERPIS plane wave
adaptor alsoserves asa heatsink for thecompression
The AERO-218includes two 18GN 18”
cone transducers with 4” EFW voice coils and
Neodymium magnets. This cabinet is intended for
applications when extending the frequency range of
thesystem isrequired.
Both units are manufactured using 15/18
mm Finnish Birch plywood. The AERO-48 enclosure
shape istrapezoidal with5º angles.The AERO-218
enclosure is rectangular. The Aero-48 system
incorporates captive rigging hardware which is
compatible with one another and designed toprovide
a fast, simple and safe rigging by means of quick
release safetypins. Splayangles canbe changedfrom
0º to 3.2º in 0.8º increments and from 3.2º to 9.6º in
Tofacilitatetransport, theAERO-48 unitsare
equipped with a PL-48 front dolly panel attached by
means ofthe rigginghardware. The frontdolly panelis
useful when rigging systems. The PL-48S, a metal
dolly for vertically stacking 3 to 4 AERO-48 units is
available as an accessory. The AERO-218units
canbe movedby wayof thefour rearlocated casters.
The loudspeakers used in the system
feature advanced technologies; new TAF (
cooling systems,Neodymium magnetic circuits
total air
which allowfor importantweight reductions, titanium
diaphragms for the high frequency sections,and lowmid frequency cones manufactured using crossed
fibers andelastic suspension thatprovide exceptional
stabilityin thevertical plane.
Thismanual containsneeded informationfor
flying DAS Audio line array systems, description of
the elements and safety precautions. To perform any
operations related to flying the system, read the
present document first, and act on the warnings and
advice given. The goal is to the allow the user to
become familiar with the mechanical elements
required to fly the acoustic system, as well as the
safety measures to be taken during set-up and
Only experienced installers with adequate
knowledge of the equipment and local safety
regulations should fly speaker boxes. It is the user's
responsibility to ensure that the systems to be flown
(including flying accessories) comply with state and
The working load limits in this manual are
the results of tests by independent laboratories. It is
the user's responsibilityto stay within safe limits.It is
the user's responsibility to follow and comply with
safety factors, resistance values, periodical
supervisions and warnings given in this manual.
Product improvement by means of research and
development is ongoing at D.A.S. Specifications are
subjectto changewithout notice.
To this date, there is no international
standard regarding the flying of acoustic systems.
However, it is common practice to apply 5:1 safety
factors for enclosures and static elements. For slings
and elements exposed to material fatigue due to
friction andload variation the followingratios must be
met; 5:1 for steel cable slings, 4:1 for steel chain
slings and 7:1polyester slings. Thus, anelement with
a breaking load limit of 1000 kg may be statically
loaded with 200 kg (5:1 safety factor) and
dynamicallyloaded with142 Kg(7:1 safetyfactor).
When flying a system, the working load
must be lower than the resistance of each individual
flying point in the enclosure, as well as each box.
Hanging hardware should be regularly inspected and
suspect units replacedif in doubt. This isimportant to
avoid injury andabsolutely no risks shouldbe taken in
this respect. It is highly recommended that you
implement an inspection and maintenance program
on flyingelements, including reportsto be filledout by
the personnelthat willcarry out theinspections. Local
regulations may exist that, in case of accident, may
require you to present evidence of inspection reports
andcorrective actionsafter defectswere found.
Absolutely no risks should be taken with
regards to publicsafety. Whenflying enclosures from
ceiling support structures, extreme care should be
taken to assure the load bearing capabilities of the
structures so that the installation is absolutely safe.
Do not fly enclosures from unsafe structures. Consult
a certified professional if needed. All flying
accessories that are not supplied by DAS Audio are
theuser's responsibility.Use atyour ownrisk.
DAS Audio AERO-48 line array systems,
include 2 rigging structures on each side of the box.
Manufactured from zincplated steel they are painted
black and are affixed to aninternal plate with special
crop resistant screws. Two special stainless steel
guides are assembled to each of the structures:
G1A48(front guide)and G2A48(back guide),allow for
stacking or flying of boxes.
Splay angles can be
changed from 0º to 3.2º in 0.8º increments and from
3.2º to 9.6º in 1.6º increments.
To lock both guides,
six (6) quick release safety pins (supplied) must be
The G1A48 front guide provides a solid
connection to the box and whatever is on top of it,
while the G2A48 rear guide determines the vertical
splay angle (whether stacked or flown), as a function
ofthe holewhere thepin getsinserted.
To aid the setting of the G2A48 guide in the
corresponding holein the topbox, eachhole is labeled
with an associated angle, both for stacked and flown
applications. To fit the guides into the holes, highly
resistant 8 mm quick release pins with a ball safety
lock areused.
Aero-48Manual del usuario/ User´s manual31
For flying boxes and defining the splay
angle, the pins must beinserted in the slot of guide 2,
G2A48, whereas for stacking (), the pin goes
throughthe tophole ofthe guide.
C) PlatformPL-48
The PL-48dolly panels facilitate transport of
the AERO-48 systems. They can also be used to
facilitate flyingthe systems.Each cover isattached to
the enclosure by using the flying hardware attached
to each box and is fixed with the quick release safety
All ofthe elements neededto rigor stack the
systems are integralto the enclosure (
and the quick release safety pins). The additional
items needed are the AX-AERO48 flying grid(bumper
bar), chains and hoists, the PL-48 or PL-48S dolly
platformsand theAX-COMBOflying grid.
The AX-AERO48 grid is made from 100 x50
x 6mm steel tubing and is designed to handle great
loads. It features a center reinforcement bar that is
also used for the lifting slings. The force of both the
rear and the front chain hoist will determine the tilt
angle of the whole array. The structure will be
attachedto thefirst enclosureof thearray bymeans of
the guides G1A48, G2A48, and six quick release
G1A48, G2A48
Pickup points
D) PL-48S
The PL-48S platformis a valuableaccessory
which allows up to 3 or 4 AERO-48 units to be
transported in a stacked position, ready to be flown.
The PL-48S is made from steel and has 4 heavy duty
casterswith lockingbrakes.
: 75Kg (165 lbs)
Dimensions: 144x93x10 cm
B) Chainhoists
AX-AERO48 flyinggrid (bumper bar), whichshould be
used with two hoists, one located inthe front and the
other inthe rear.The hoists shouldhave a minimumof
1 Ton loadcapacity when flying up 8units and a 2 Ton
loadcapacity whenflying 9to 16units.
Aero-48Manual del usuario/ User´s manual32
57x36.6x4 in
All units in a column will be flown from the
Chain hoist load capacity
The AX-COMBO is a rigging adapter to be
used when Aero-28 units are needed to be flown
under AERO-48 units asdowfill systems. Maximum 6
CA-28A unitsand 8 CA-28/CA-28B unitscan be flown
from this rigging grid. The AX-COMBO includes front
and rear steel guides which permit variation of the
angle between it and the last AERO-48 cabinet in the
cluster.Anglesvary from1.8º to9.6º.
: 16.5Kg (36.3 lbs)
Dimensions: 143x60x5cm (56.3x23.6x2in)
The safety factor is defined as the
coefficient between the
breaking load limit and the
maximum safe working load limit (SWLL). In this
case, the breaking load limit of each of the flying
points is 4,000 kg (8,820 lbs) as determined by
destructive testing in independent laboratories. With
a 10:1 safetyfactor, atotal amount of 1,600kg (3,527
lbs) can be flown from the 4 flying points. Each flying
point has a capacity of 400 kg (882 lbs) with a 10:1
4 x 400Kg (10:1)
he maximum number of units that can be
suspended from the AX-AERO48 flyinggrid is 16. The
maximum limits established by the manufacturer
shouldnever beexceeded.
The AX-COMBO is joined to the last AERO48 cabinet using G1A48 and G2A48 included steel
guides and6 quickrelease pins.The angle dependson
the hole of the rigging structures where the pins are
inserted, through the slots of G2A48. The first AERO28 unit is joined to the AX-COMBO using its G1A and
G2Aincluded camlinks.
Theuseoftwohoistswitha loadcapacity as
expressed on the previous page is mandatory. It
should be kept in mind that at certain moments, the
complete load may be supported by only one of the
This is why the load capacity of the individual
hoist must be superior to the weight of the array
Aero-48Manual del usuario/ User´s manual33
AERO-48 units can be transported by using
the frontpanel dollyPL-48 orby usingthe PL-48Ssteel
dolly which can transport a maximum of 3 AERO-48
stackedin anarc or4 unitsstacked vertically.
The Aero-218SUBcan be transportedon the
rear located casters. Their rectangular shape
facilitates stacking without the use of the rigging
When few units are to be used (minimum
systems recommended is 6 units) or when the dolly
platforms cannot be used due to a lack of space, the
enclosures willhave tobe hung “oneby one”.The first
step will to attach the AX-AERO48 grid structure to
the hoists.The chain slings needto be attached tothe
structure using the shackles provided with the grid.
Once this has been accomplished, the grid structure
can be placed in a vertical position by lifting the rear
hoist and lowering the front hoist so that the rear of
the grid is on top and the front of the grid at the
bottom,ready toreceive thefirst box.
Before installing the AERO systems it is a
good idea to run a simulation with the AEROWARE
program utilizing the venue dimensions. This way we
can determine the needs that should be met by the
rigging structures such as hoists, cranes, beams,
rigging points, etc. Besides providing weight
information, the program also provides users with
splay angle information, safety pin positions and
It isextremely important toassure that each
and every one of the aforementioned structures is
capable of supporting a superior load than that of the
Inspection is the next step after planning
and acquiring all the necessary parts needed to
elevate thesystems. All parts,including the hardware
attached tothe enclosure,the safetypins, etc. should
be thoroughly inspected before each use. Units
exhibiting deformations, cracks or any other defect
shouldbe replacedwith newunits.
It is important to establish an inspection
routine for the complete rigging system before each
event or installation as well as establishing the
maximumload specificationsof thehoists tobe used.
The next stepis to attach thefirstunit to the
grid by introducing the G1A48 and G2A48 guides in
the receiving points ofthe grid structure and assuring
them with the six safety pins. The safety pins should
be inserted in the slot of the G2A48. It is very
important to make sure that the pins have been
insertedand lockedcorrectly.
Rigging should be carried out by experts
familiar with the way the systems function and their
On occasions, it may be convenient to have
additional tie down points to impede the array from
twistingor swinging.
Aero-48Manual del usuario/ User´s manual34
The quick release pins(3 and 4) must be
inserted through the slot of G2A48
Once the first unit of the array has been
attached to the AX-AERO48, the assembly should be
lifted by way of the rear hoist until the wheels of the
PL-48dolly platform lift off theground. From thispoint
on, the front hoist can be used to lift the box into a
Lifted by way of the rear hoist
until the wheels of the PL-48
dolly platform are off the ground.
Lift with the front hoist
until the box is in a
horizontal position.
Swing the G2A48 guide
into place and secure it
with the safety pin.
Once the splay angle between the first two
boxes has been determined, the front of the box can
be lifted into place. Three people will be needed to
undertake thisoperation, two tolift the boxand one to
fitthe G1A48guide andsafety pinsinto theupper box.
Once the firstbox has been placed at0º and
raised approximately 75cm (30 in) the second box of
the array can be placed nearby. Once located in
position, the G2A48 guides of the second box should
be freed and inserted in the rear located receiving
points of the suspended box and secured with the
Lift the box and free
the G1A48 guides.
35Aero-48Manual del usuario/ User´s manual
Lift the box and introduce the
G1A48 guides securing them
with the safety pins.
Once the boxes have been joined, the front
dolly panels can be removed. The next boxes should
be attached “one by one” using the methods
described. Finally, the array should be hoisted to the
correct height and secured with slings to avoid
The PL-48 platform can be used to easily
transport AERO-48 units to the assembling area. To
use this method ofassembling and hoisting the array,
there must be enough space to permit linking all the
boxesfrom thefront ofthe therigging hardware.
The first step will be to attach the AXAERO48 grid and the 2 hoists. Once this has been
accomplished, the grid structure can be placed in a
vertical position by lifting the rear hoist and lowering
the front hoistso that the rear of thegrid is on top and
the frontof the gridat the bottom,ready to receivethe
Rigging points
The nextstep is to attachthe first unit tothe
grid by introducing the G1A48 and G2A48 guides in
the receiving points ofthe grid structure and assuring
them with the (6) safety pins. The safety pins should
be inserted in the slot of the G2A48. It is very
important to make sure that the pins have been
insertedand lockedcorrectly.
This method is more time consuming than
assembling an array by the “all at once” procedure,
but is appropriate forsituations due to a lack of space
in which to array the system. During the process, the
safety pins should be checked making sure they are
secured correctly. Once the complete array has been
lifted into place, additional slings should be attached
tosecure thearray andavoid swinging.
36Aero-48Manual del usuario/ User´s manual
Once the first box is attached to the
structure, the remaining boxes should be brought to
the arrayand attachedrepeating theprevious steps (1
and 2) using G1A48 guides and safety pins per side
making sure that the pins have been inserted and
Rear hoist FIRST!!
same manner until all the array units are attached to
one another. For example, if we are assembling a six
unit array, the process will be repeated six times.
When all theunits are attached, the complete arrayis
readyto behoisted.
lifted from the rear hoist (3) so that the rear of the
enclosures come together due to their trapezoidal
shape. The front motor will be used only to take up
slack in thechain, all the weightshould be on therear
hoist. Proceed in this manner until the wheels of the
last enclosure are off the ground. From here on, the
arraycan nowbe liftedwith bothmotors.
Proceed to attach theremaining units in the
The complete assembly should begin being
The front motor will be used only to take up
slack in the chain,all the weight should be onthe rear
hoist. When the wheels of the last enclosure are off
theground thearray canbe liftedwith bothmotors.
Rear hoist FIRST!!
When the rear of the enclosures come
together,the G2A48 rear guides should be positioned
(4) into the hardware of the box above, inserting (5)
the safety pinsin the correct angleposition. Since the
boxesare flown,the safetypins shouldbe inthe slotof
theG2A48 guide.
As the array assembly is lifted (6 & 7), the
PL-48platforms shouldbe removed.
Once thecomplete array has beenlifted into
place, additional slings should be attached to secure
thearray andavoid swinging.
37Aero-48Manual del usuario/ User´s manual
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