Data sheet
Micro Plate Heat Exchanger (MPHE): XB37
Description Micro Plate Heat Exchangers - a revolutionary
technology from Danfoss.
Characterized by their unique plate pattern,
MPHEs enable heat to be transferred more
efficient than any previous model of heat
• Energy and cost savings
• Better heat transfer
• Lower pressure loss
• More flexible design
• Longer life time
more on:
XB37 is brazed heat exchanger, designed and
configured for District Heating, District Cooling
and other Heating applications.
Pressure Equipment Directive (PED).
1-pass heat exchanger XB37 Cu
No. of
plates, n
16 004H7271 004H7286 004 H7301 0 04B1676 00 4B1691 004B1706
20 004H7272 004H7287 004H7302 00 4B1677 0 04B1692 00 4B170 7
26 004H7273 004H7288 004H7303 004 B1678 004B1693 0 04B17 08
30 004 H7274 0 04H7289 004H7304 00 4B1679 00 4B1694 00 4B170 9
36 004H7 275 004H7290 004H7305 004B1680 0 04B1695 00 4B171 0
40 004H7276 00 4H7291 004H7306 004B1681 00 4B1696 0 04B 1711
Thread G1
50 004H7277 004 H7292 004H7307 004B1682 00 4B1697 00 4B1712
60 004H7278 004H7293 004H7308 004B1683 004 B1698 0 04B17 14
70 004H7279 004H7294 004H7309 004B1684 0 04B169 9 0 04B 1715
80 004H7280 004H7295 00 4H7310 004B1685 004B1700 0 04B17 16
90 004H72 81 004H7296 004H 7311 004B1686 004 B1701 00 4B1717
100 004H7282 004 H7297 004 H7312 004B1687 00 4B1702 0 04B1718
110 004H7283 004H7298 0 04H7313 004B1688 0 04B17 03 0 04B17 19
120 004H7284 004H7299 004 H7314 004B1689 004B1704 0 04B172 0
20 mm connection length 50 mm connection length
XB37L-1 XB 37M-1 X B37H -1 X B37L-1 XB 37M-1 X B37H -1
Code No. Code No.
004H7270 004H7285 004H7300 004 B1675 004B1690 00 4B170 5
© Danfoss | 2018.08
VD.GS.Z4.02 | 1

Data sheet Micro Plate Heat Exchanger (MPHE) XB37
Ordering (continued)
1-pass heat exchanger XB37 Cu +
Picture No. of plates, n Connection
16 004H4760 00 4H474 5 00 4H4730
20 004 H4761 004H4746 00 4H4731
26 004H4762 004 H4747 00 4H4732
30 004H 4763 0 04H4748 00 4H4733
36 004H4764 0 04H 4749 004H4734
40 004H476 5 00 4H4750 004H4735
50 004H4766 0 04H4751 004 H4736
60 004H4767 004H 4752 00 4H4737
70 004H4768 004 H4753 004H4738
80 004H4769 00 4H4754 00 4H4739
90 004H4770 0 04H4755 0 04H 4740
100 004 H4771 00 4H4756 0 04H 4741
110 0 04H4772 004H 4757 0 04H4742
120 00 4H4773 004 H4758 004H4743
Available on request
1-pass heat exchanger XB37 StS
Picture No. of plates, n Connection
16 004H4668 004H4653 004H4638
20 004H4669 004H4654 004H4639
26 004H4670 004H4655 004H4640
30 004H4671 004H4656 004H4641
36 004H4672 004H4657 004H4642
40 004H4673 004H4658 004H4643
50 004H4674 004H4659 004H4644
60 004H4675 004H4660 004H4645
70 004H4676 004H4661 004H4646
80 004H4677 004H4662 004H4647
90 004H4678 004H4663 004H4648
100 004H4679 004H4664 004H4649
110 004H4680 004H4665 004H4650
120 004H4681 004H4666 004H4651
Available on request
20 mm connection length
XB37L-1 XB 37M-1 X B37H -1
Code No.
004 H4759 00 4H474 4 004H4729
Thread G1
20 mm connection length
XB37L-1 XB 37M-1 X B37H -1
Code No.
004H4667 004H4652 004H4637
Thread G1
2 | VD.GS.Z4.02
Accessories - Tailpieces
Picture Description Connection Code No.
Weld- on
G 1/15 mm 004B2904
G 1/18 mm 004B2905
G 1/22 mm 004B2906
G 1/DN 15 004B2901
G 1/DN 25 004B2903
G 1/G ¾ 00 4B2913
Accessories - Insulations
Type coverage (p late nos)
10-20 10-26 10-30 00 4B1721
26-36 30 -40 36-50 00 4B1722
40-50 50-70 60-90 0 04B17 23
60-80 8 0-100 100 -120 0 04B17 25
90 -100 110 -12 0 / 004B1726
110 -12 0 / / 0 04B172 7
Code No.
Accessories - Bracket set
Picture Code No.
00 4B172 8
© Danfoss | 2018.08