Danfoss WVS 32, WVS 40, WVS 50, WVS 100 Installation guide [ar]

Installation guide
Pressure operated water valve WVS 32 – WVS 100
WVS 32 WVS 40 WVS 50 - WVS 100
Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 3
Fig. 4 Fig. 5
Pressure operated water valve, types WVS 32 – WVS 100
Technical data
R22, R1270, R134a, R290, R404A, R407A, R407C, R4 07F, R410A*,
Refrigerant side
Water side Fresh water and brine
Max. test pressure
Refrigerant side Pe= 29 bar = 2900 k Pa R410a/R744 (CO2) Pe= 60 bar = 6000 kPa Water side Pe= 16 bar = 1600 kPa
Opening differential pressure
WVS 32 – WV S 40
WVS 50 – W VS 100
For complete list of approved refrigerants, visit www.products.danfoss.com and search for individual code numbers, where refrigerants are listed as part of technical data.
R448A , R449A, R450A, R452A, R507A, R513A, R600, R60 0a, R717
* High pressure refrigerants version (45, 2 MWP) only
Min. 0.5 b ar = 50 kPa Max. 4 bar = 400 kPa Min. 0.3 b ar = 30 kPa Max. 4 bar = 400 kPa
Fig. 1–3
1. Flare connection
2. Weld nipple
3. Bellows element
4. Push rod
5. Regulating nut
6. Top part 6a. Cover
7. Pilot insert
8. Spindle
9. Teflon sleeves
10. Insulating disc 10a. Gasket
12. Valve cover
15. Servo piston *)
16. Bottom screw
17. Drain plug
18. Gasket
19. Strainer assembly, complete *)
20. Self-cleaning strainer
21. Pilot nozzle
24. Servo spring **) *) Please state valve size **) See table Fig. 6
Screws connecting pilot unit with valve body to be tighten with 8.5 Nm.
WVS is to be fitted in the cooling water inlet with flow in the direction of the arrow and with the bellows element facing upwards. It is recommended that a strainer should be inserted before the valve.
The bellows element is to be connected to the pressure side of the refrigeration system at a point where pressure pulsations from the compressor do not affect the valve, e.g. on the top of the condenser or after the oil separator. The pressure line must be connected so that impurities cannot enter it. See Fig. 5.
Do not remove white insluting disk (10). It needs to be always fitted
between pilot element and valve housing.
Remove the cover (6a). WVS can be set to begin opening at a condensing pressure of min. 2.2 bar = 220 kPa and max. 19 bar = 1900 kPa.
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The valve is completely open when the condensing pressure has increased by 1 bar = 100 kPa above the preset opening pressure. A lower condensing pressure is obtained by turning the regulating nut (5) anticlockwise (to slacken the regulating spring) – and vice versa. When the refrigerating system stops, the condensing pressure falls, and so the WVS closes.
The pressure operated water valve must shut off the cooling water when the refrigeration system is stopped. If not, it may be due to the fact that large impurities have settled on the valve seat of the servo piston or pilot cone. The strainer (20) or the pilot nozzle (21) may be clogged up.
Impurities can be removed as shown in Fig. 4. Insert a screwdriver between the pilot cone spindle (8) and the push rod (4). Tilting the screwdriver forces the pilot cone down, and the valve opens to full cooling water flow.
If still the valve does not close tightly, shut off the cooling water supply to the water valve. Unscrew the strainer assembly (19) and clean both the strainer and the pilot nozzle.
If the strainer or pilot nozzle is not clogged up, dismount the top part (6) and the valve cover (12), which can be done without relieving the system of its pressure. Remove the strainer assembly from the valve cover, clean it, and apply a coat of water-resistant, acid-free grease to it. Fill the same kind of grease into the space over the Teflon sleeves (9). It may be necessary to grind the pilot cone in its seat. Clean the servo piston and valve seat and apply a coat of water- resistant, acid­free grease to the servo cylinder and the servo piston guide.
The pilot channels in the valve cover can be cleaned after the screws have been unscrewed from the sides of the valve cover.
Check whether the O-rings need replacement.
After fitting or overhaul the water valve must be flushed vigorously for some minutes in order to remove any impurities from pipelines, etc. See Fig. 4.
If there is any risk of the valve bursting due to frost during standstill periods, it should be drained of water. It can be done unscrewing the drain plug (17)
and the bottom screw (16).
Trykstyret vandventil, types WVS 32 – WVS 100
Tekniske dat a
R22, R1270, R134a, R290, R404A, R407A, R407C, R4 07F, R410A*, R448A,
Vandside Ferskvand og brine
Maks. prøvetryk
Kølemiddelside Pe= 29 bar = 2900 k Pa R410 a/R 744 (CO2) Pe= 60 bar = 6000 kPa Vandside Pe= 16 bar = 1600 kPa
WVS 32 – WV S 40
WVS 50 – W VS 100
For komplet liste over godkendte kølemidler, besøge www.products.danfoss.com og søg efter individuelle bestillingsnumre, hvor kølemidler er opført som en del af tekniske data.
R449A, R450A , R452A, R507A, R513A, R600, R600a, R717
* Højtryksversio n (45,2 MWP)
min. 0.5 b ar = 50 kPa maks. 4 b ar = 400 kPa min. 0.3 b ar = 30 kPa maks. 4 b ar = 400 kPa
Fig. 1–3
1. Flaretilslutning
2. Svejsenippel
3. Bælgelement
4. Trykstang
5. Reguleringsmøtrik
6. Topstykke 6a. Dæksel
7. Pilotindsats
8. Spindel
9. Teflonmanchetter
10. Isolationsskive 10a. Pakning
12. Ventildæksel
15. Servostempel *)
16. Bundskrue
17. Bundprop
18. Pakning
19. Komplet filterindsats *)
20. Selvrensende filter
21. Pilotdyse
24. Servoeder **) *) Angiv ventilstørrelsen **) Se tabellen fig. 6
Skruer, der forbinder pilotenhed med Ventilhus der skal spændes med 8,5
WVS monteres i kølevandstilgangen med gennemstrømning i pilens retning og med bælg-elementet opad. Det anbefales at montere et smudsfilter foran ventilen.
Bælgelementet tilsluttes køleanlæggets
trykside et sted, hvor trykpulsationer fra kompressoren ikke vil få nogen indvirkning på ventilen, f. eks. på toppen af kondensatoren eller efter olieudskilleren. Trykrøret skal tilsluttes sådan, at eventuelle urenheder ikke kan løbe ind i røret. Se fig. 5.
Fjern ikke den hvide isolationsskive (10). Isolationsskiven skal altid være monteret mellem pilotelement og ventilhus.
Fjern dækslet (6a).
WVS kan indstilles til at begynde at åbne ved et kondenseringstryk på min. 2.2 bar = 220 kPa og maks. 19 bar = 1900 kPa.
Ventilen er helt åben, når kondenseringstrykket er steget 1 bar = 100 kPa over det indstillede åbningstryk.
Lavere kondenseringstryk opnås ved at dreje reguleringsmøtrikken (5) mod venstre (reguleringsederen slækkes) – og omvendt. Når køleanlægget stopper, falder kondenseringstrykket, og WVS vil derfor lukke.
Trykstyret vandventil skal lukke tæt for kølevandet når køleanlægget er stoppet. Hvis den ikke gør det, kan årsagen muligvis være, at større snavs-partikler har sat sig fast på servostemplets eller pilotkeglens ventilsæde. Måske er filteret (20) eller pilotdysen (21) tilstoppet.
Snavspartikler kan man forsøge at erne som vist på fig. 4. Stik en skruetrækker ind mellem pilotkeglens spindel (8) og trykstangen (4). Når skruetrækkeren vippes, presses pilotkeglen nedad, og ventilen åbner for fuld kølevands-gennemstrømning
gennem ventilen. Hvis vandventilen stadig ikke lukker tæt luk da for kølevandet til vandventilen. Skru filter-indsatsen (19) af og rens både filteret og pilotdysen. Er filteret eller pilotdysen ikke tilstoppet, afmontér så topstykket (6)
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