Organization and Headings..........................................................................................................................................................5
Special Text Formatting................................................................................................................................................................. 5
WS FW, WS Configurator and Default Configuration..........................................................................................................5
To help you quickly find information in this manual, the material is divided into sections, topics,
subtopics, and details, with descriptive headings set in bold type. Chapter or section titles appear at the
top of every page in large bold type.
Special Text Formatting
Controls and indicators are set in bold black type.
WS FW, WS Configurator and Default Configuration
The WS function block is complaint with the WS403x/WS503x FW version > 12.00 with the unit
Configured with the DanfossDefault 2.0 configuration.
Most of the objects are available also on previous FW version, but in that case it is recommended to check
the object index and sub-index.
In case of WS503x the DanfossDefault 2.0 configuration is designed to manage the information available
on CAN1 and not on CAN2.
In case of WS customized configurations it’s required to check the alignment of the objects information
before to use the blocks. In case of more clarifications, please contact Danfoss support.
FaultFault output, a bitwise code where multiple items can be reported at a time:
CommDataBus that includes the signals used to define the status of the communication with WS403x/
Going in one level to the WS_Config page, more details are available in order to facilitate the developers
in the usage of the WS Library.
Four pages are shown:
WS_Objects includes the details of all available objects for communication
SDO_Communication: Service Data Objects (SDOs) are used for direct access to WS403x/WS503x
devices. With these service data objects, WS403x/WS503x objects can be read and written, where
communication always takes place as a logical 1:1 connection between two nodes (e.g. a configuring
node and a node to be configured). This page is blocked and can’t to be modified.
Inputs: includes more details about the inputs of WS_Config page
Outputs: includes more details about the outputs of WS_Config page
0x00: Status OK
0x01: Aborted while we tried to read
0x02: Local device aborted while we tried to read
0x04: Aborted while we tried to write
0x08: Local device aborted while we tried to write
Upload: Bus that contains diagnostic communication information being read.
Download: Bus that contains diagnostic communication information being written.
Busy: communication with WS403x/WS503x in progress.
Parameter Type: Boolean
Value range: False / True
Unit: NA
Going into the WS Objects page the user can include different Objects Sets specific for the WS403x or
WS503x based on the unit used.
Each Objects Set has an input bus (ObjRqst) and an output bus (Object). By default only a subset of the
supported object are already included (Device_Vars_ and Positioning_).
ObjRqstBus that include all the parameter buses that contains the most important WS403x/WS503x
Objects Sets bus. Each Object Sets buses includes the following control signals:
Read: request a read an object from WS403x/WS503x
Only available for the objects that have the R (Read) permission.
Parameter Type: Boolean
Value range
False (Do not read the object)
True (Read the object from the WS403x/WS503x)
Unit: NA
Write: request to write to an object on the WS403x/WS503x
Only available for the objects that have the W (Write) permission.
Parameter Type: Boolean
Value range
False: Do not write an object
True: Write “*_Data” to the object on WS403x/WS503x
Unit: NA
Length: Determines the length of the data to be sent, minimum size is one.
Parameter Type: U8
Value range: 1 to 100
Unit: NA
Str_Data: Is always an array that contains the data to be written. If the object is Read only
set to an array of size one with any data
Parameter Type: *_Data(*)
Value range: 0 to 255
Unit: NA
On the WS_Config page the output CommData Bus contains communication data for the current
message. The Upload bus is shown below. The Download bus has a similar set of signals.
WS503x objects. Each Object Set buses includes the following control signals:
Str_Data: Contains the data read from the object, the data type varies. See
ObjDict_DataType on this bus for real-time information to process the data.
Parameter Type: Array[x]U8
Value range: number of bytes varies
Unit: NA
ObjDict_X (x): various parameters that give information about the related object
Value range: NA
Unit: NA
ReadSuccess: Pulses true when an object was successfully read, see Data for the
updated information.
Parameter Type: Boolean
Value range: False / True
Unit: NA
WriteSuccess: Pulses true when an object was successfully written.
Parameter Type: Boolean
Value range: False / True
Unit: NA
User Manual
WS403x/WS503x Function Block Library
The full interface to a single R/W object:
Custom objects
When reading or writing an object it is recommended to monitor the Read/WriteSuccess to verify that the
message was properly received. By monitoring the Fault signal one can see if communications were
StatusStatus output, a bitwise code where multiple items can be reported at a time:
0x0000: Status OK
0x8008: A parameter value is out of range
Note: Block will not store data in this case. Send and Receive capabilities are also disabled
FaultFault output, a bitwise code where multiple items can be reported at a time:
0x00: Status OK
0x01: WS403 aborted while we tried to read
0x02: Local device aborted while we tried to read
0x04: WS403 Aborted while we tried to write
0x08: Local device aborted while we tried to write
Custom_ Object Set can be used to include additional objects that not are included to the WS403x/
WS503x Danfoss Default Configuration 2.0 (i.e. some internal variables used to map customized
information received from CAN bus). In that case it is recommended to rename the page with the name
of the Group of Objects (press Q than, click on the page and edit the page name),
Write the description of the Object Set and based on the different Objects type use the predefined pages
for each object.
Change the name of the page with the name of the object, then enter to the object page and set the
object characteristics (index, sub-index, the bus names will need to be updated, etc…).
Do not introduce WS objects that are not available on the WS unit selected (i.e. Objects specific for
WS503 are not included on WS403 or customized objects not defined on WS unit), for more details see
Appendix A.
Objects that are unneeded can be deleted.
If a duplicated Object Set is placed on the project the ‘linked page’ symbol will be shown on the page and
to the end of page name will be added automatically and index number (PageName_# #: index number).
Change the bus names 'Custom' and 'Obj_Name_Str' according with the custom object created (object
group and object name).
Connect the signals Str_Data, Length, Read and Write to the application in order to manage the object.
Assign CP to all the relevant object characteristics (xx_Data, ObjDict_Index, ObjDict_SubIndex, etc...).
We recommend that the application developer include the expected object signals control (for example
the signal range limitation check, etc..).
WS403x and WS503x has some variables that can be used to manage the behavior of the device . Each
device variable have a specific page and indicate the index and sub-index address. Each page has an
input bus (ObjRqst) and an output bus (Object)
The device parameters require the WS to reset before they take effect.
Parameter name: DevApp_MasterMode
Define the WS403x or WS503x connection mode to DTS portal. The device mode will be active after a
reset of the unit. If bit 7 is set when writing the value, then the reset will be performed immediately.
Data TypeU8
Access TypeR/W
Low Limit0
High Limit255
Default Value2
Values description:
Parameter name: DevCfg_VerStr
User defined text to describe the current configuration version.
Change this description every time you create a customized DOD configuration and use to add a version
Data Typearray of character (string)
Access TypeR/W
Low Limit0
High Limit32 characters
Default Value‘WSxxx Danfoss Default 2.0’
0: Data Logging/File Transfer mode
2: Real Time Connection mode (Default value)