Danfoss VLT HVAC Drive FC 102, VLT AutomationDrive FC 302, VLT PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112, VLT AQUA Drive FC 202 Operating Instructions Manual

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Operating Instructions
VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112
VLT® HVAC Drive FC 102 • VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202 VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the Manual
1.2 Additional Resources
1.3 Document and Software Version
1.4 Products Covered
1.5 Functional Overview
1.5.1 Intended Use 3
1.5.2 Foreseeable Misuse 4
1.5.3 Thermal Motor Protection 4
1.5.4 ATEX ETR Thermal Monitoring 4
1.5.5 Tripping Function 4
1.5.6 Safe Separation 4
1.5.7 Safe Disconnection Principle 4
1.6 Motor Requirements
1.6.1 Motor Limits and Rules 5
1.6.2 Additional Motor Requirements 5
1.7 Approvals and Certications
1.8 Symbols, Abbreviations, and Conventions
2 Safety
2.1 Safety Symbols
2.2 Qualied Personnel
2.3 Safety Precautions
3 Installation
3.1 Safety Instructions
3.2 Installation of Sensor Circuit Wires
3.3 Installation of the VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112
4 Commissioning
4.1 Operation and Maintenance
4.1.1 Monitoring Sensor Resistance 12
4.2 Parameter Set-up
4.2.1 Alarm Handling 13
4.3 Parameter Set-up for Ex-e and Ex-n Motors
4.3.1 Maximum Current 14
4.3.2 Maximum Current Limit 14
4.3.3 Minimum Motor Frequency 14
4.3.4 Maximum Motor Frequency 15
4.3.5 Minimum Switching Frequency 15
Contents Operating Instructions
MG33V302 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. 1
4.3.6 Disable Protection Mode 15
4.3.7 Safe Torque O Functionality 15
5 Application Examples
6 Maintenance and Troubleshooting
6.1 Maintenance
6.2 Troubleshooting
6.2.1 Alarm/Warning Code List 19
6.2.2 Description of Alarm Word, Warning Word, and Extended Status Word 19
7 Technical Specications
7.1 Mains Supply
7.2 Control Inputs and Outputs
7.3 Ambient Conditions
7.4 Other Specications
7.5 Safety Characteristics of the Built-in MCB 112
VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112
2 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. MG33V302
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the Manual
This manual provides information for safe installation and commissioning of VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 used with a Danfoss VLT® frequency converter with Safe Torque O (STO). The manual is intended for use by qualied personnel only.
VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 is also referred to as MS 220 DA.
The operating instructions are intended for use by qualied personnel. Read and follow the operating instructions to use the frequency converter safely and professionally, and pay particular attention to the safety instructions and general warnings. Keep these operating instructions available with the frequency converter at all times.
VLT® is a registered trademark.
1.2 Additional Resources
This manual is targeted at users already familiar with the VLT® frequency converters. It is intended as a supplement to the manuals and instructions available for download at vlt-drives.danfoss.com/Support/Technical-Documentation/. Read the instructions shipped with the frequency converter and/or frequency converter option before installing the unit, and observe the instructions for safe installation.
Document and Software Version
This manual is regularly reviewed and updated. All suggestions for improvement are welcome. Please send suggestions via email to techcom_change_request@danfoss.com, including a reference to the document version. Table 1.1 shows the document version and the changes applied.
Edition Remarks
MG33V3xx Replaces MG33V2xx.
Editorial changes.
Now covering the complete system.
Table 1.1 Document Version
Products Covered
The VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 is available for the following types of frequency converters:
VLT® HVAC Drive FC 102.
VLT® AQUA Drive FC 202.
VLT® AutomationDrive FC 302.
1.5 Functional Overview
1.5.1 Intended Use
The VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 is intended to:
Protect electrical motors against inadmissible heating due to overload.
Protect explosion-protected motors in explosive atmospheres caused by gases, vapours, or mists, Zone 1 and Zone 2, and/or in explosive atmospheres caused by dust, Zone 21 and Zone
22. Refer to marking G for Zone 1 and Zone 2. Refer to marking D for Zone 21 and Zone 22.
All functions in the MCB 112 serve to protect both non­explosive-protected motors and explosive-protected motors in regular operation and in case of failure.
The VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 is designed in accordance with EN 60947-8 (VDE 0660 part 0302). Only connect PTC thermistor sensors according to DIN 44081 and 44082 (EN 60947-8).
The VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112 is only functional if it is built into the frequency converter. The option cannot be used as a stand-alone.
Introduction Operating Instructions
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1 Markings of the Frequency Converter
A sticker is delivered with the option as spare part or with the frequency converter to signify ATEX certication. Apply this sticker to the front of the frequency converter in which the ATEX module is integrated. The sticker indicates that the ATEX module is installed in the frequency converter.
MS 220 DA / MCB112
Code no.: 130B1137
Motor protection inside
See manual
for additional instruction
PTB 14 ATEX 3012U
II (2) D [Ex tb][Ex tc]
II (2) G [Ex e] [Ex d] [Ex n]
Illustration 1.1 Label to Apply to Frequency Converter
Foreseeable Misuse
Any use not expressly approved by Danfoss constitutes misuse. This also applies to failure to comply with the specied operating conditions and applications.
Danfoss assumes no liability of any sort for damage attrib­utable to improper use.
Only operate with explosion-protected 3-phase motors which are built, tested and labelled separately for frequency converter use.
Zone 0 and Zone 20 are not applicable to electric motors. To avoid explosion, only use motors in:
Zone 1/21.
Zone 2/22.
1.5.3 Thermal Motor Protection
According to ATEX Directive 94/9/EC and Standard EN 60079-14, motor overload protection is a requirement. The MCB 112 monitors the temperature in the motor windings with an ATEX-approved motor overload protection device. If there is a critical temperature level or a malfunction, switch o the motor. If the frequency converter is equipped with 3–6 PTC thermistors in series
according to DIN 44081 or 44082, the MCB 112 oers ATEX-approved monitoring of the motor temperature. Alternatively, an external ATEX-approved PTC protection device can be used.
1.5.4 ATEX ETR Thermal Monitoring
The ATEX ETR thermal monitoring function only applies to Ex-e and Ex-n motors and is only available for VLT
AutomationDrive FC 302 frequency converters.
The FC 302 with
rmware version V6.3x or higher is equipped with an ATEX ETR thermal monitoring function for operation of Ex-e motors according to EN 60079-7 and Ex-n motors according to EN 60079-15. Combined with an ATEX-approved PTC monitoring device like MCB 112, the installation does not need an individual approval from an approbated organisation, that there is no need for matched pairs.
The feature makes it easier to apply Ex-e and Ex-n motors instead of the more expensive, larger, and heavier Ex-d motors. The use of Ex-e and Ex-n motors is possible by ensuring that the frequency converter limits the motor current to prevent the motor from heating up.
Tripping Function
The MCB 112 includes a tripping stage for PTC thermistor sensors with safe potential separation of supply voltage from ground. The tripping function switches o the +24 V DC directly at terminal 37 on the frequency converter.
The PNP logic output terminal X44/10 signals the status in case of failure. The MCB 112 works according to the closed-circuit principle. The device trips in case of short circuit or line interruption.
Safe Separation
The PTC thermistor circuit (T1, T2) has a safe separation of low-voltage electric circuits PELV, see chapter 3.2 Instal- lation of Sensor Circuit Wires.
Safe Disconnection Principle
The Safe Torque O function disables the control voltage of the power semiconductors or the frequency converter output stage. Disabling the control voltage prevents the inverter from generating the voltage required to rotate the motor.
VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112
4 Danfoss A/S © 01/2015 All rights reserved. MG33V302
Frequency Converter
Logic Out
Control Card
Potentially explosive
3~ Ex-Motor
Safe Channel T37
Safe Stop T37
+24 V
PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112
Non-explosive hazard zone
91 92 93
96 97 98
Converter module
Illustration 1.2 Block Diagram of the System
1.6 Motor Requirements
1.6.1 Motor Limits and Rules
For every certied motor with increased safety, the manufacturer supplies a data list including limits and rules. During planning, installation, commissioning, operation, and service, respect the limits for:
Minimum switching frequency.
Maximum current.
Minimum motor frequency.
Maximum motor frequency.
Furthermore, respect the following:
Do not exceed the maximum allowable ratio between frequency converter size and motor size. The typical value is I
VLT, n
Consider all voltage drops from the frequency converter to the motor. If the motor is running with lower voltage than listed in the U/f charac­teristics, current might increase and cause an alarm.
Multi-motor applications are not allowed. Only connect 1 motor to the frequency converter.
Additional Motor Requirements
The Ex-e motor must be approved for operation in hazardous zones (ATEX Zone 1/21, ATEX Zone 2/22) in combination with frequency converters. The motor must be certied for the particular hazardous zone.
The Ex-n motor must be approved for operation in hazardous zones (ATEX Zone 2/22) in combination with frequency conveters. The motor must be certied for the particular harzardous zone.
The motor can be placed in Zone 1/21 or 2/22 according to motor approval. The frequency converter must always be installed outside of the hazardous zone.
Only operate explosion-protected 3-phase motors with frequency converters, if the motors are built, tested, approved, and labelled separately for this mode.
When the usage of the motor and its thermal protective device are approved for frequency converter operation, use the MCB 112 for each ignition protection system for all motor types. For motors of Ex-e and Ex-n-type ignition protection, which are OEM-approved for frequency converter operation in Ex-harzardous areas, consider and use the requested limitations in the frequency converter’s ATEX ETR thermal monitoring settings.
The necessary parameters and conditions can be found on the nameplate or the documentation of the motor. To prevent prohibited temperatures, the motors are equipped as standard with thermal winding protection, which has to be evaluated by a suitable device like MCB 112. The motors must not be operated as a group drive.
Approvals and Certications
Certication number: PTB 14 ATEX 3012U
Certicates and declarations of conformity are available. Contact a local Danfoss partner.
Operating Instructions
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1.8 Symbols, Abbreviations, and Conventions
Abbreviation Description
ETR Electronic thermal relay. LCP Local control panel. NC Not connected. PNP Positive negative positive (transistor). TNF Nominal response temperature.
Table 1.2 Abbreviations
AbbreviationReference Description
ATEX ATEX Directive
ATmosphere EXplosibles
HFT EN IEC 61508 Hardware fault tolerance: HFT=n
means that n+1 faults could cause a loss of the safety function.
Power drive system (safety-related).
PFD EN IEC 61508 Average probability of failure on
demand, value used for low­demand operation.
SFF EN IEC 61508 Safe failure fraction [%]; percentage
of safe failures and dangerous detected failures of a safety function or a subsystem related to all failures.
SIL EN IEC 61508
EN IEC 62061
Safety integrity level.
Safe Torque O.
SRECS EN IEC 62061 Safety-related electrical control
Table 1.3 Abbreviations Related to Functional Safety
Numbered lists indicate procedures. Bullet lists indicate other information and description of illustrations. Italicised text indicates:
Parameter name.
VLT® PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112
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