Danfoss VLT FCD 303, VLT FCD 322, VLT FCD 305, VLT FCD 330, VLT FCD 335 Operating Instructions Manual

VLT®FCD Series
Introduction to FCD 300
Software version ...................................................................................................... 3
High voltage warning ............................................................................................... 4
Warning against unintended start ............................................................................. 4
................................................................................ 3
Installation ........................................................................................................... 7
Mechanical measurements ..................................................................................... 7
Mechanical dimensions, FCD, motor mounting ........................................................ 7
Mechanical dimensions, stand alone mounting ........................................................ 7
Mechanical installation ............................................................................................. 8
General information about electrical installation ...................................................... 10
Electronics purchased without installation box ....................................................... 10
EMC-correct electrical installation .......................................................................... 11
Diagram ................................................................................................................. 13
RFI switches J1, J2 ................................................................................................ 13
Location of terminals .............................................................................................. 14
Mains connection ................................................................................................... 16
Pre-fuses ................................................................................................................ 16
Motor connection ................................................................................................... 16
Direction of motor rotation ..................................................................................... 16
Mains and motor connection with service switch ................................................... 16
Connection of HAN 10E motor plug for T73 .......................................................... 16
Parallel connection of motors ................................................................................. 17
Motor cables .......................................................................................................... 17
Motor thermal protection ....................................................................................... 17
Brake resistor ......................................................................................................... 17
Control of mechanical brake .................................................................................. 18
Electrical installation, control cables ....................................................................... 19
Connection of sensors to M12 plugs for T53, T63, T73 ........................................ 20
Electrical installation, control terminals ................................................................... 21
PC communication ................................................................................................ 21
Relay connection ................................................................................................... 21
Connection examples ............................................................................................ 22
Programming, FCD 300 ............................................................................... 26
The LCP 2 control unit, option ............................................................................... 26
Parameter selection ............................................................................................... 29
Operation & Display ............................................................................................... 31
Setup configuration ................................................................................................ 31
Load and Motor ..................................................................................................... 39
DC Braking ............................................................................................................ 43
Motortype, par, 147 - FCD 300 ............................................................................. 48
References & Limits ............................................................................................... 49
Handling of references ........................................................................................... 49
Reference function ................................................................................................. 53
Inputs and outputs ................................................................................................. 57
Special functions .................................................................................................... 66
PID functions ......................................................................................................... 68
Handling of feedback ............................................................................................. 70
Serial communication for FCD 300 ........................................................................ 77
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VLT®FCD Series
Control Word according to FC protocol ................................................................. 81
Status Word according to FC Profile ...................................................................... 83
Fast I/O FC-profile ................................................................................................. 84
Control word according to Fieldbus Profile ............................................................ 84
Status word according to Profidrive protocol ......................................................... 85
Serial communication ............................................................................................. 88
Technical functions ................................................................................................ 96
All about FCD 300 ......................................................................................... 101
Service ................................................................................................................. 101
Warnings/alarm messages ................................................................................... 102
Warning words, extended status words and alarm words ................................... 105
Aggressive environments ...................................................................................... 106
Cleaning ............................................................................................................... 106
Derating for running at low speed ........................................................................ 107
Galvanic isolation (PELV) ...................................................................................... 107
Derating for air pressure ...................................................................................... 108
Emission test results according to generic standards and PDS product standard 108
General technical data ......................................................................................... 109
Ordering form - FCD 300 ..................................................................................... 115
Technical data, mains supply 3 x 380 - 480 V ..................................................... 116
Available literature ............................................................................................... 117
Factory Settings ................................................................................................... 118
Index .................................................................................................................... 125
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VLT®FCD Series
FCD 300 Series
Operating instructions Software version: 1.5x
These operating instructions can be used for all FCD 300 Series frequency converters with software version 1.5x. The software version number can be seen from parameter 640 Software version no.
Introduction to FCD
Indicates something to be noted by the reader.
tes a general warning.
Indicates a high-voltage warning.
MG.04.B7.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT®FCD Series
High voltage warning
The voltage of the frequency converter is dangerous whenever the converter
is connected to mains. Incorrect fitting of the motor or frequency converter may cause damage to the equipment, serious injury or death. Consequently, it is essential to comply with the instructions in this manual as well as local and national rules and safety regulations.
These rules concern your safety
1. The frequency converter must be disconnected from
the mains if repair work is to be carried out. Check that the mains supply has been disconnected and that the prescribed time has passed before removing the inverter part from the installation.
2. The [STOP/RESET] key on the optional control
panel does not disconnect the equipment from mains and is thus not to be used as a safety switch.
3. The unit must be properly connected to the
earth, the user must be protected against the supply voltage and the motor must be protected against overloading pursuant to prevailing national and local regulations.
4. The earth leakage currents are higher than 3.5 mA.
5. Protection against motor overload is not included
in the factory setting. If this function is required,
set parameter 128 Motor thermal protection to data value ETR trip or data value ETR warning.For the North American market: The ETR functions provide overload protection of the motor, class 20, in accordance with NEC.
Warning against unintended start
1. The motor can be brought to a stop by means of digital commands, bus commands, references or a local stop, while the frequency converter is connected to mains. If personal safety considerations make it necessary to ensure that no unintended start occurs, these stop functions are not sufficient.
2. While parameters are being changed, the motor may start. Consequently, the stop key [STOP/RESET] on the optional control panel must always be activated, following which data can be modified.
3. A motor that has been stopped may start if faults occur in the electronics of the frequency converter, or if a temporary overload or a fault in the supply mains or the motor connection ceases.
It can be extremely dangerous to touch the electrical parts even when the AC line supply has been disconnected.
For FCD 300: wait at least 4 minutes.
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The decentral concept
The FCD 300 Adjustable speed drive is designed for decentral mounting, e.g. in the food and beverage industry, in the automotive industry, or for other material handling applications.
With the FCD 300 it is possible to utilize the cost saving potential by placing the power electronics decentrally, and thus make the central panels obsolete saving cost, space and effort for installation and wiring.
VLT®FCD Series
2. Mounted directly onthe motor ("motor-mounted")
The unit is flexible in its mounting options for as well stand alone mounting and motor mounting. It is also possible to have the unit pre-mounted on a Danfoss Bauer geared motor (3 in one solution). Thebasicdesignwithaplugableelectronicpartand a flexible and "spacious" wiring box is extremely servicefriendly and easy to change electronics without the need for unwiring.
The FCD 300 is a part of the VLT frequency converter family, which means similar funcionality, programming, and operating as the other family members.
Flexible installation options
1. Stand alone close to the motor ("wall-mounted")
Fair choice of motor brands
No need for screened motor cable
Introduction to FCD
3. "Pre-mounted" on Danfoss Bauer
geared motors
A fixed combination of motor and electronics
supplied by one supplier
Easy mounting, only one unit
No need for screened motor cable
Clear responsibility regarding the complete solution
Astheelectronicpartsarecommon-samefunction of terminals, similar operation and similar parts and spare parts for all drives - you are free to mix the three mounting concepts.
Free choice of motor brand
Easy retrofitting to existing motor
Easy interfacing to motor (short cable)
Easy access for diagnosis and optimal serviceability
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Control principle
A frequency converter rectifies AC voltage from the mains supply into DC voltage, following which it changes this voltage to an AC voltage with variable amplitude and frequency. The motor thus receives a variable voltage and frequency, which enables infinitely variable speed control of three-phase, standard AC motors.
1. Mains voltage 3 x 380 - 480 V AC, 50 / 60 Hz.
. Rectifier Three-phase rectifier bridge which rectifies AC voltage into DC voltage.
VLT®FCD Series
. Intermediate circuit
DC voltage 2 x mains voltage [V].
. Intermediate circuit coils Evens out the intermediate circuit current and limits the load on mains and components (mains transformer, cables, fuses and contactors).
. Intermediate circuit capacitor
5 Evens out the intermediate circuit voltage.
. Inverter Converts DC voltage into a variable AC voltage withavariablefrequency.
. Motor voltage
7 Variable AC voltage depending on supply voltage. Variable frequency: 0.2 - 132 / 1 - 1000 Hz.
. Control card Here is the computer that controls the inverter which generates the pulse pattern by which the DC voltage is converted into variable AC voltage with a variable frequency.
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Mechanical dimensions, FCD, motor mounting
Mechanical dimensions, stand alone mounting
VLT®FCD Series
Mechanical dimensions inmmFCD 303-315 FCD 322-335
A 192 258
A1 133 170
B 244 300
B1 300 367
B2 284 346
C 142 151
C1 145 154
Cable Gland sizes M16, M20, M25 x 1.5 mm
Space for cable inlets and service switch handle 100-150 mm
Spacing for mechanical installation
All units require a minimum of 100 mm air from other components above and below the enclosure.
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VLT®FCD Series
Mechanical installation
Please pay attention to the requirements that apply to integration and remote
mounting. These must be complied with to avoid serious injury or damage, especially when installing large units.
The FCD 300 consists of two parts: The installation part and the electronics part. The two parts must be separated, and the installation part is to be mounted first. After wiring, the electronics is to be fixed to the installation part by the attached 6 screws. For compressing the gasket the screws must be tightened with 2-2.4 Nm, tighten both centre screws first, thereafter the 4 corner srews "cross over".
Do not switch on the mains before the 6 screws are tightened.
The FCD 300 can be applied as following:
- Stand alone mounted close to the motor
- Motor mounted
or might be delivered pre mounted on a Danfoss Bauer (geared) motor. Please contact the Danfoss Bauer sales organisation for further information.
See Dimensional Drawings.
otor mounting
M The installation box should be mounted on the surface of the motor frame, typically instead of the motor terminal box. The motor/geared motor may be mounted with the shaft vertically or horizontally. The unit mustnot be mounted upside down (the heat sink pointing down). The cooling of the electronics is independent on the motor cooling fan. For mounting directly on Danfoss Bauer geared motors no adaption plate is necessary. For motor mounting (non Danfoss Bauer motors), an adaptor plate should usually be applied. For that purpose a neutral plate incl gasket and screws for attaching to the installation box is available. The appropriate drillings and gasket for the motor housing are applied locally. Please make sure, that the mechanical strength of the mounting screws and the threads are sufficient for the application. The specified resistance against mechanical vibrations does not cover the mounting onto a non Danfoss Bauer motor, as the stability of the motor frame
and threads are outside Danfoss Drives control and
responsibility and the same applies to the enclosure class. Please be aware, that the frequency converter may not be used to lift the motor/geared motor.
The frequency converter is cooled by means of air circulation. For the unit to be able to release its cooling air, the minimum free distance above and below the unit must be m the unit from overheating, it must be ensured that the ambient temperature does not rise above the max. temperature stated for the frequency converter and that the 24-hour average temperature is not exceeded. The max. temperature and 24-hour average can be seen in Ge neral technical data. If the ambient temperature is higher, derating of the frequency converter is to be carried out. See Derating for ambient temperature. Pleasenotethattheservicelife of the frequency converter will be reduced if derating for ambient temperature is not considered.
tand alone mounting ("wall mounting")
S For best cooling the unit should be mounted vertically, however where space limitations require it, horizontal mounting is allowable. The integrated 3 wall mounting brackets in the wall mounting version can be used for fixing the installation box to the mounting surface, keeping a distance for possible cleaning between the box and the mounting surface. Use the three supplied washers to protect the paint.
inimum 100 mm.Toprotect
Bolts must be M6 for the FCD 303 - 315 and M8 for FCD 322 - 335.
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1. Prepare the adaptor plate for mounting on the motor by
drilling the fixing holes and the hole for the cables.
2. Mount the plate on the motor with the normal terminal
box gasket.
3. Knock out the 4 screw holes for mounting the adaptor
plate (outer holes).
4. Mount the terminal box onto the motor by the 4 sealing
screws and the gasket supplied.
Use the supplied star washers for securing PE
connection according to EN 60204. The screws must
be tightened with 5 Nm.
VLT®FCD Series
Universal adaptorplate
Allowed mounting positions
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VLT®FCD Series
General information about electrical installation
High voltage warning
The voltage of the frequency converter
is dangerous whenever the equipment is
connected to mains. Incorrect installation of the motor or frequency converter may cause damage to the equipment, serious injury or death. Comply with the instructions in this manual, as well as national and local rules and safety regulations. Touching the electrical parts may be fatal - even after the equipment has been disconnected from mains: Wait at least 4 minutes for current dissipate.
It is the responsibility of the user or installer to ensure correct earthing and protection in accordance with national and local standards.
The control cable and the mains cable should be installed separately from motor cables to prevent noisetransfer. Asaruleadistanceof20cmis sufficient, but it is recommended that the distance is as great as possible, particularly when cables are installed in parallel over large distances.
For sensitive signal cables such as telephone or data cables the greatest possible distance is recommended. Please note that the required distance depends on installation and the sensitivity of the signal cables, and that for this reason exact values cannot be given.
Extra protection
ELCB relays, multiple protective earthing or earthing can be used as extra protection, provided that local safety regulations are complied with. In the case of an earth fault, a DC content may develop in the faulty current. Never use an RCD (ELCB relay), type A, as it is not suitable for DC faulty currents. If ELCB relays are used, local regulations must be complied with. If ELCB relays are used, they must be:
- Suitable for protecting equipment with a DC content in the faulty current (3-phase bridge rectifier)
- Suitable for a pulse-shaped, brief discharge on power-up
- Suitable for a high leakage current.
See also RCD Application Note MN.90.GX.02.
High voltage test
A high voltage test can be performed by short-circuitingterminalsU,V,W,L1,L2andL3, and applying max. 2160 V DC in 1 sec. between this short-circuit and PE-terminal.
Electronics purchased without installation box
If the electronic part is purchased without the Danfoss installation part, the earth connection
must be suitable for high leakage current. Use of original Danfoss installation box or installation kit 175N2207 is recommended.
When being placed in cable trays, sensitive cables may not be placed in the same cable tray as t motor cable. If signal cables run across power cables, this is done at an angle of 90 degrees. Remember that all noise-filled inlet to a cabinet must be screened/armoured. See also EMC-compliant electrical installation.
Cable glands
It must be assured that appropriat glands needed for the environment are chosen and carefully mounted.
Screened/armoured cables
The screen must have low HF impe achieved by a braided screen of copper, aluminium or iron. Screen reinforcement intended for mechanical protection, for example, is installation. See also Use of EMC-correct cables.
not suitable for EMC-correct
and outlet cables
e cable
dance, which is
PE connection
he metal pin in the corner(s) of the
T electronic part and the bronze spring in the corner(s) of the installation box are essential
for the protective earth connection. Mak
are not loosened, removed, or violated in any way.
MG.04.B7.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
e sure they
VLT®FCD Series
Do not plug/unplug the electronic part with mains voltage switched on.
Protective earth
The earth connection serves several purposes.
Safety earth (Protective earth, PE)
The equipment must be properly earthed according to local regulation. This equipment has a leakage current > 3.5 mA AC. It must be connected to an earth connection complying with the local rules for high leakage current equipment. Typically, this implies that the PE conductors must be mechanically enhanced (minimum cross
section 10 mm
) or duplicated
Noise "clamping" (high frequencies)
Stable communication between units call for screening of the communication cables (1).
Cables must be properly attached to screen clamps provided for that purpose.
Equalisation of voltage potential (low frequencies)
To reduce alignment currents in the screen of the communication cable, always apply a short earthing cable between units that are connected to the same communication cable (2) or connect to an earthed frame (3).
Potential equalization: All metal parts, where the
motors are fastened, must be potential equalized
PE connections, voltage equalising cables and the screen of the communication cable should be connected to the same potential (4).
Keep the conductor as short as possible and use the greatest possible surface area.
The numbering refers to the figure.
Proper installation earthing
EMC-correct electrical installation
General points to be observed to ensure EMC-correct electrical installation.
- Use only screened/armoured motor cables and screened/armoured control cables.
- Connect the screen to earth at both ends.
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- Avoid installation with twisted screen ends (pigtails), since this ruins the screening effect at high frequencies. Use cable clamps instead.
-Don’t remove the cable screen between the
cable clamp and the terminal.
ATEX correct installation
The following issues must be taken into account when installing the FCD 300 in ATEX zone 22 environments:
Motor must be designed, tested and certified by the
motor manufacturer for variable speed application
Motor must be designed for Zone 22 operation.
I.e. with type of protection "tD" acc. to EN61241-0 and -1 or EN50281-1-1.
Motor must be provided with thermistor protection.
The thermistor protection must either be connected to an external thermistor relay, with EC Type Examination Certificate or compatible with the FCD 300 thermistor input. If the FCD 300 thermistor protection is used, the thermistor must be wired to terminals 31a and 31b, and thermistor trip activated by programming parameter 128 to thermistor trip [2]. See parameter 128 for further details.
Cable entries must be chosen for the enclosure
protection to be maintained. It must also be ensured that the cable entries comply with the requirements for clamping force and mechanical strengths as described in EN 50014:2000.
The FCD must be installed with appropriate earth
connecting according to local/national regulations.
The installation, inspection and maintenance of
electrical apparatus for use in combustible dusts, must only be carried out by personnel that is trained and familiar with the concept of protection.
VLT®FCD Series
For a declaration of conformity, please consult your local Danfoss representative.
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VLT®FCD Series
* Integrated brake and mechanical brake control and external 24 V are options.
RFI switches J1, J2
J1 and J2 must be removed at IT mains and delta grounded mains with phase to earth voltage > 300 V also during earth failure. J1 and J2 can be removed to reduce leakage current. Caution: No correct RFI filtering.
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Location of terminals
VLT®FCD Series
T11, T12, T16, T52, T56
T22, T26, T62, T66versions with service switch
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VLT®FCD Series
T73 version with motor plug and sensor plugs Version is supplied from Danfoss with wiring as shown
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VLT®FCD Series
Mains connection
No. 91 92 93 Mains voltage 3 x 380-480 V
L1 L2 L3 PE Earth connection
Please check that the mains voltage fits the mains voltage of the frequency converter, which can be seen from the nameplate.
See Technical data for correct dimensioning of cable cross-section.
See Technical data for correct dimensioning of pre-fuses.
Motor connection
Connect the motor to terminal
s 96, 97, 98.
Connect earth to PE-terminal.
No. 96 97 98 Motor voltage 0-100% of mains voltage
UVW3 wires out of motor
U1W2V1U2W1V26 wires out of motor, Delta connected
Direction of motor rotation
The factory setting is for clockwise rotation with the frequency converter transformer output connected as follows:
Terminal 96 connected to U-phase.
Terminal 97 connected to V-phase.
Terminal 98 connected to W-phase.
The direction of rotation can be changed by switching two phases on the motor terminals.
U1 V1 W1 6 wires out of motor, Star connected
U2, V2, W2 to be interconnected
separately (optional terminal block)
PE Earth connection
See Technical data for correct dimensioning of cable cross-section.
All types of three-phase asynchronous standard motors can be connected to a frequency converter. Normally, small motors are star-connected (230/400
/ Y). Large motors are delta-connected (400/690
/ Y). The correct connection mode and voltage
V, can be read from the motor nameplate.
In motors without phase insulation paper, an LC filter should be fitted on the output of the frequency converter.
Mains and motor connection with service switch
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VLT®FCD Series
Connection of HAN 10E motor plug for T73
HAN 10E pin no 1 - Motor phase U HAN 10E pin no 2 - Motor phase V HAN 10E pin no 3 - Motor phase W HAN 10E pin no 4 - Motor brake, see Operating Instructions MG.04.BX.YY, terminal 122 HAN 10E pin no 5 - Motor brake, see Operating Instructions MG.04.BX.YY, terminal 123 HAN 10E pin no 9 - Motor thermistor, see Operating Instructions MG .04.BX.YY, terminal 31A HAN 10E pin no 10 - Motor thermistor, see Operating Instructions MG.04.BX.YY, terminal 31B PE = protective earth
Parallel connection of motors
The frequency converter is able to control several motors connected in parallel. If the motors are to have different rpm values, use motors with different rated rpm values. Motor rpm is changed simultaneously, which means that the ratio between the rated rpm values is maintained across the range. The total current consumption of the motors is not to exceed the maximum rated output current
for the frequency converter.
Problems may arise at the start and at low rpm values if the motor sizes are widely different. This
is because the small motorsrelatively high ohmic
resistance in the stator calls for a higher voltage at the start and at low rpm values.
converter cannot be used as motor protection for the individual motor. For this reason further motor protection must be used, e.g. thermistors in each motor (or an individual thermal relay).
Parameter 107 Automatic motor tuning, AMT cannot be used when motors are connected
in parallel. Parameter 101 Torque characteristic must be set to Special motor characteristics [8] when motors are connected in parallel.
Motor cables
See Technical data for correct dimensioning of motor cable cross-section and length. Always comply with national and local regulations on cable cross-section.
If an unscreened/unarmoured cable is used,
some EMC requirements are not complied with,
see EMC test results in the Design Guide.
If the EMC specifications regarding emission are to be complied with, the motor cable must be screened/armoured, unless otherwise stated for the RFI filter in question. It is important to keep the motor cable as short as possible so as to reduce the noise level and leakage currents to a minimum. The motor cable screen must be connected to the metal cabinet of the frequency converter and to the metal cabinet of the motor. The screen connections are to be made with the biggest possible surface area (cable clamp). This is enabled by different installation devices in different frequency converters. Mounting with twisted screen ends (pigtails) is to be avoided, since these spoil the screening effect at high frequencies. If it is necessary to break the screen to install a motor isolator or motor relay, the screen must be continued at the lowest possible HF impedance.
Motor thermal protection
The electronic thermal relay in UL-approved frequency converters has received the UL-approval for single motor protection, when parameter 128 Motor thermal protection has been set for ETR Trip and parameter 105 Motor current, I
has been programmed to
M, N
the rated motor current (see motor nameplate).
In systems with motors connected in parallel, the electronic thermal relay (ETR) of the frequency
MG.04.B7.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Brake resistor
VLT®FCD Series
No. 81 (optional
R- R+
82 (optional
Brake resistor
The connection cable to the brake resistor must be screened/armoured. Connect the screen to the metal cabinet of the frequency conver
ter and to the metal cabinet of the brake resistor by means of cable clamps. Dimension the cross-section of the brake cable to match the brake to
See chapter Dynamic Brak
ing in the Design Guide
MG.90.FX.YY for dimensionering of brake resistors.
Please note that voltages up to 850 V DC occur on the te
Control of mechanical brake
No. 122 (optional
MBR+ MBR- Mechanical brake
(UDC=0.45 X Mains
Voltage) Max 0.8 A
In lifting/lowering applications you need to be able to control an electromagnetic brake. The brake is controlled using the special mechanical brake control/supply terminals 122/123. When the output frequency exceeds the brake cut out value set in par. 138, the brake is released if the motor current exceeds the preset value in parameter
140. When stopping the brake is engaged when the output frequency is less than the brake engaging frequency, which is set in par. 139. If the frequency converter is at alarm status or in an overvoltage situation the mechanical brake is cut in immediately. If not using the special mechanical brake control/supply terminals (122-123), select Mechanical brake control in parameter 323 or 341 for applications with an electromagnetic brake. A relay output or digital output (terminal 46) can be used. See Connection of mechanical brake for further details.
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VLT®FCD Series
Electrical installation, control cables
Control cables must be screened/armoured. The screen must be connected to the frequency converter chassis by means of a clamp. Normally, the screen must also be connected to the chassis of the controlling unit (use the instructions for the unit in question). In connection with very long control cables
and analogue signals, in rare cases depending on the installation, 50/60 Hz earth loops may occur because of noise transmitted from mains supply cables. In this connection, it may be necessary to break the screen and possibly insert a 100 nF capacitor between the screen and the chassis.
Switches S101-104 Bus line coils, leave switches ON
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Connection of sensors to M12 plugs for
T53, T63, T73
VLT®FCD Series
For rating specifications see the Operating Instructions MG.04.BX.YY, digital inputs terminals 18, 19, 29, 33.
Terminals 203/204 are used for sensor supply. Terminal 203 = common
Terminal 204 = +24 V Terminals 201/202 can be used for a separate 24 V supply.
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VLT®FCD Series
Electrical installation, control terminals
See section entitled Earthing of screened/armoured control cables in the Design Guide for the correct
termination of control cables.
No. Function
01-03 Relay outputs 01-03 can be used for
indicating status and alarms/warnings.
12 24 V DC voltage supply.
18-33 Digital inputs.
20, 55 Common frame for input
and output terminals. Can be separated with switch
35 Common (-) for external 24 V control back up
36 External + 24 V control back up supply. Optional.
42 Analog output for displaying frequency,
46 Digital output for displaying status,
50 +10 V DC supply
53 Analogue voltage input 0 - +/- 10 V DC.
60 Analogue current input 0/4 - 20 mA.
67 + 5 V DC supply voltage
68, 69 Fieldbus serial communication*
70 Ground for terminals 67, 68 and 69.
D For future use
V +5V, red
P RS485(+), LCP2/PC, yellow
N RS485(-), LCP2/PC, green
G OV, blue
*SeeVLT 2800/FCM 300/
Motor thermistor
supply. Optional.
reference, current or torque.
warnings or alarms, as well as
frequency output.
voltage for potentiometer
to Profibus.
Normally this terminal is not to be used.
FCD 300 Profibus DP V1 Operating Instructions (MG.90.AX.YY), VLT 2800/FCD 300 DeviceNet Operating Instructions (MG.90.BX.YY) or FC
D 300 AS-interface Operating
Instructions (MG.04.EX.YY).
Relay connection
See parameter 323 Relay output for programming of relay output.
No. 01 - 02 1 - 2 make (normally open)
01 - 03 1-3break(normallyclosed)
LCP 2 plug, optional
An LCP 2 control unit can be connected to a plug which is optionally mounted in the housing. Ordering number: 175N0131. LCP control units with ordering number 175Z0401 are not to be connected.
Installation of 24 Volt external supply (optional)
24 V external DC supply can be use
d as low-voltage supply to the control card. This enables full operation of the LCP2 and serial bus (incl. parameter setting) without connecti
on to mains. Please note that a warning of low voltage will be given when 24 V DC has been connected; however there will be n
o tripping.
Use24VDCsupplyoftypePELVtoensure correct galvanic isolation (type PELV) on the control terminal
Beware of unin
s of the VLT frequency converter.
tended start of the motor, if the mains power is applied during operation on the external 24 V back up supply.
Software version 1.5x
A Field bus equipped FCD shows the status Unit ready even with bridged terminals 12-27 and cannot
be set into RUNNING mode by digital inputs alone until one of the following parameters is set:
- Par. 502 is set to Digital input or Logic and or
- Par. 833 or 928 is set to Disable or
- Par. 678 is set to Standard version
PC communication
Connect to terminals P and N for PC-access to single parameters. Mot
or and field bus communication should be stopped before performing automatic transfer of multiple parameters. On non-fieldb
us and Profibus variants, terminals 68 and 69 can be used provided Profibus communication is stopped.
MG.04.B7.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
The field bus status word at power up might be different (typically 0603h instead of 0607h) until the first valid control word is sent. After sending the first valid control word (bit 10 = Data valid) the status is exactly as in earlier software versions.
Connection examples
VLT®FCD Series
Avoid leading the cables over the plugs to the electronics. Dont loosen screw fixing the spring
for the PE connection.
MG.04.B7.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
In the connection examples below, it should be noted, that the Switch S100 must not be changed from factory settings (on).
Start/stop using terminal 18 and coasting stop using terminal 27.
VLT®FCD Series
Speed up/down
Speed up/down using terminals 29/33.
Par. 302 Digital input = Start [7] Par. 303 Digital input = Freeze reference [14] Par. 305 Digital input = Speed up [16] Par. 307 Digital input = Speed down [17]
Par. 302 Digital input = Start [7] Par. 304 Digital input = Coasting stop inverted [2]
For Precise start/stop the following settings are made:
Par. 302 Digital input = Precise start/stop [27] Par. 304 Digital input = Coasting stop inverted [2]
Pulse start/stop
Pulse start using terminal 18 and pulse stop using terminal 19. In addition, the jog frequency is activated via terminal 29.
Par. 302 Digital input = Pulse start [8] Par. 303 Digital input = Stop inverted [6] Par. 304 Digital input = Coasting stop inverted [2] Par. 305 Digital input = Jog [13]
Potentiometer reference
Voltage reference via a potentiometer.
Par. 308 Analog input = Reference [1] Par. 309 Terminal 53, min. scaling =0Volt Par. 310 Terminal 53, max. scaling =10Volt
Connection of a 2-wire transmitter
Connection of a 2-wire transmitter as feedback to terminal 60.
MG.04.B7.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Par. 314 Analog input = Feedback [2] Par. 315 Terminal 60, min. scaling =4mA Par. 316 Terminal 60, max. scaling =20mA
4-20 mA reference
4-20 mA reference on terminal 60 and speed feedback signal on terminal 53.
Par. 100 Configuration = Speedclosedloop[1] Par. 308 Analog input = Feedback [2] Par. 309 Terminal 53, min. scaling =0Volt Par. 310 Terminal 53, max. scaling =10Volt Par. 314 Analog input = Reference [1] Par. 309 Terminal 60, min. scaling =4mA Par. 310 Teminal 60, max. scaling =20mA
VLT®FCD Series
Par. 100 Configuration = Speed regulation open loop [0] Par. 200 Output frequency range = Both directions, 0-132 Hz [1]
Par. 203 Reference range = Min. ref. - Max. ref. [0] Par. 204 Min. reference =-50Hz Par. 205 Max. reference =50Hz Par. 302 Digital input = Start [7] Par. 304 Digital input = Coasting stop inverted [2] Par. 308 Analogue input = Reference [1] Par. 309 Terminal 53, min. scaling =0Volt. Par. 310 Terminal 53, max. scaling =10Volt.
Preset references
Switch between 8 preset references via two digital inputs and Setup 1 and Setup 2.
50 Hz anti-clockwise to 50 Hz clockwise.
With internally supplied potentiometer.
Par. 004 Active Setup = Multisetup 1 [5] Par. 204 Min. reference =0Hz Par. 205 Max. reference =50Hz Par. 302 Digital input = Start [7] Par. 303 Digital input = Choice of Setup, lsb [31] Par. 304 Digital input = Coasting stop inverted [2] Par. 305 Digital input = Preset ref., lsb [22] Par. 307 Digital input = Preset ref., msb [23]
Setup 1 contains the following preset references:
Par. 215 Preset reference 1 = 5.00% Par. 216 Preset reference 2 = 10.00% Par. 217 Preset reference 3 = 25.00% Par. 218 Preset reference 4 = 35.00%
Setup 2 contains the following preset references:
Par. 215 Preset reference 1 = 40.00% Par. 216 Preset reference 2 = 50.00% Par. 217 Preset reference 3 = 70.00% Par. 218 Preset reference 4 = 100.00%
MG.04.B7.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT®FCD Series
This table shows what the output frequency is:
Preset ref.,
0 0 0 2.5
0 1 0 5
1 0 0 10
1 1 0 17.5
0 0 1 20
0 1 1 25
1 0 1 35
1 1 1 50
Preset ref.,
Selection of
Connection of mechanical brake
Using terminal 122/123
Use of the relay for 230 V AC brake
Par. 302 Digital input = Start [7] Par. 304 Digital input = Coasting stop inverted [2] Par. 323 Relay output = Mechanical brake control [25] See also par. 138, 139, 140
Mechanical brake control [25] = 0=> Brake is closed. Mechanical brake control [25] = 1=> The
brake is open. See more detailed parameter settings under Control of mechanical brake.
Par. 302 Digital
input = Start [7]
Par. 304 Digital input = Coasting stop inverted [2] See also par. 138, 139, 140
Mechanical brake with accelerator winding
Par. 302 Digital input = Start [7] Par. 304 Digital input = Coasting stop inverted [2] See also par. 138, 139, 140
Do not use the internal relay for DC brakes or brake voltages > 250 V.
Counter stop via terminal 33
The start signal (terminal 18) must be active, i.e. logical
1, until the output frequency is equal to the reference. The start signal (terminal 18 = logical ’0’) must then be
removed before the counter value in parameter 344 has managed to stop the VLT frequency converter.
Par. 307 Digital input = Pulse input [30] Par. 343 Precise stop function = Counter stop with reset [1] Par. 344 Counter value = 100000
MG.04.B7.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT®FCD Series
The LCP 2 control unit, option
Control keys for parameter Setup
The control keys are divided into functions, in such a way that the keys between the display and the indicator lamps are used for parameter
Setup, including selection of the displaysview
mode during normal operation.
[DISPLAY/STATUS] is used to select the display’s
view mode or to change back to Display mode from either Quick Menu or Menu mode.
[QUICK MENU] provides access to the parameters
used in the Quick Menu. It is possible to switch between Quick Menu and Menu mode.
The FCD 300 can be combined with an LCP control unit (Local Control Panel - LCP 2) which makes up a complete interface for operation and pro the frequency converter. The LCP 2 control unit can be attached up to three metres from the frequency converter, e.g. on a front panel, usin
The control panel is divided into f
1. Display.
2. Keys used to change the display function.
3. Keys used to change the programme par
4. Indicator lamps.
5. Local control keys.
Alldataisdisplayedviaa4-linealphanumeric display, which during normal ope to continuously display 4 items of operating data and 3 operating modes. During programming all information needed for quick, setup of the frequency converter will be displayed. As asupplementtothedisplay,therearethreeindicator lamps for voltage (ON), w (ALARM). All frequency converter parameter Setups can be changed immediately from the control panel, unless this function h [1] via parameter 018 Lock for data c hanges.
arning (WARNING) and alarm
as been programmed as Locked
ive functional groups:
ration will be able
effective parameter
gramming of
g an accessory kit.
[MENU] givesaccesstoallparameters. Itispossible
to switch between Menu mode and Quick Menu.
[CHANGE DATA] is used to change a parameter that
has been selected either in Menu mode or Quick Menu.
[CANCEL] is used if a change to the selected
parameter is not to be implemented.
[OK] is used to confirm a change to a
selected parameter.
[+ / -] are used for selecting parameters and
for changing parameter values. These keys are also used in Display mode to switch between the readouts of operating variables.
[< >] are used for selecting parameter group and to
move the cursor when changing a numerical value.
MG.04.B7.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
VLT®FCD Series
Indicator lamps
At the bottom of the control panel are a red alarm lamp, a yellow warning lamp and a green voltage indicator lamp.
If certain threshold values are exceeded, the alarm and/or warning lamp are activated, while a status or alarm text is shown on the display.
The voltage indicator lamp is activated when voltage is connected to the frequency converter.
Local control
[STOP/RESET] is used for stopping the motor
connected or for resetting the frequency converter after a drop-out (trip). Can be set to active or inactive via parameter 014 Local stop. If stop is activated Display line 2 will flash.
If an external stop function is not selected and the [STOP/RESET] key is set to inactive, the motor can only be stopped by disconnecting
the voltage to the motor or the frequency converter.
[JOG] changes the output frequency to a preset
frequency while the key is held down. Can be set to active or inactive via parameter 015 Local jog.
If the local control keys are set to inactive, these will both become active when the
frequency converter is set to Loc al control and Remote control via parameter 002 Local/remote operation, with the exception of [FWD/REV], which is only active in Local control.
Display mode
VAR 1.1 VAR 1.2 VAR 1.3
In normal operation, up to 4 different display data items can optionally be shown continuously: 1,1, 1,2, 1,3 and 2. The present operation status or alarms and warnings that have been generated are displayed in line 2 in the form of a number. In the event of alarms this is displayed in lines 3and4withexplanatorytext. A warning will appear flashing in line 2 with explanatory text in line 1. The active Setup will also appear on the display. The arrow indicates the selected direction of rotation. Here the frequency converter shows that it has an active reversing signal. The body of the arrow will disappear if a stop command is given, or if the output frequency drops below 0.1 Hz.
The bottom line displays the frequency transformer’s
status. The scrollbar shows which operating values can be displayed in lines 1 and 2 in Display mode. Changes are made using the [+ / -] keys.
Programming, FCD
[FWD / REV] changes the direction of rotation of
the motor, which is indicated by means of the arrow on the display. Can be set to active or inactive via parameter 016 Local reversing.The[FWD/REV]key is only active when parameter 002 Local/remote operation is set to Local control.
[START] is used to start the frequency converter. Is
always active, but cannot override a stop command.
MG.04.B7.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Switching between AUTO and HAND modes
By activating the [CHANGE DATA] key in [DISPLAY MODE] the display will indicate the mode of the frequency converter.
Switch mode by using [+/-] key [HAND...AUTO]
In [HAND] mode the reference can be changed by [+] or [-] keys.
VLT®FCD Series
Operating data Unit
Resulting reference [%]
Resulting reference [unit]
Feedback [unit]
Output frequency [Hz]
Output frequency x scaling [-]
Motor current [A]
Torque [%]
Power [kW]
Power [HP]
Motor voltage [V]
DC link voltage [V]
Thermal load motor [%]
Thermal load [%]
Hours run [hours]
Digital input [binary]
Pulse input 29 [Hz]
Pulse input 29 [Hz]
Pulse input 33 [Hz]
External reference [%]
Status word [hex]
Heatsink temperature [°C]
Alarm word [hex]
Control word [hex]
Warning word [hex]
Extended status word [hex]
Analogue input 53 [V]
Analogue input 60 [mA]
Three operating data items can be shown in the first display line, and one operating variable can be shown in the second display line. Is programmed via parameters 009, 010, 011 and 012 Display readout .
Display modes
The LCP control unit has different display modes, which depend on the mode selected for the frequency converter.
Display mode I:
This display mode is standard after startup or initialisation.
50.0 Hz
Line 2 shows the data value of an operating data item with unit, and line 1 contains a text that explains line
2. In the example, Frequency has been selected as readout via parameter 009 Large display readout.In normal operation, another variable can be entered immediately using the [+ / -] keys.
Display mode II:
Switch between Display modes I and II is performed by briefly pressing the [DISPLAY / STATUS] key.
24.3% 30.2% 13.8A
50.0 Hz
In this mode, all data values for four operating data items with any pertaining units are shown, see table. In the example, the following have been selected: Frequency, Reference, Torque and Current as readout in the first and second line.
Display mode III:
This display mode is called up as long as the [DISPLAY / STATUS] key is held down. When the key is released it switches back to Display mode II, unless
the key is held down for less than approx. 1 sec., in which case the system always reverts to Display mode I.
50.0 Hz
Here you can read out the parameter names and units for operating data in the first and second lines. Line 2 in the display remains unchanged.
MG.04.B7.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
This display mode can be called up during operation if a change has to be made in another Setup without stopping the frequency converter. This function is activated in parameter 005 Programming Setup.
24.3% 30.2% 13.8A
50.0 Hz
Here the programming Setup number 2 will flash to the right of the active Setup.
Parameter Setup
A frequency converters comprehensive work area can
be accessed via a large number of parameters, making it possible to adapt its functionality for a specific application. To provide a better overview of the many parameters, there is a choice of two programming modes - Menu mode and Quick Menu mode. The former provides access to all parameters. The latter takes the user through the parameters, which make it possible to start operating the frequency converter in most cases, in accordance with the Setup made. Regardless of the mode of programming, a change of a parameter will take effect and be visible both in the Menu mode and in the Quick menu mode.
Structure for Quick menu m ode v Menu mode
In addition to having a name, each parameter is linked up with a number which is the same regardless of the programming mode. In Menu mode, paramet will be split into groups, with the first digit (left) of the parameter number indicating the group number of the parameter in question.
VLT®FCD Series
Quick m enu with LCP 2 control unit
Start Quick Setup by pressing the [QUICK MENU] key, which will bring out the following display values:
50.0 Hz
At the bottom of the display, the parameter number and name are given together with the status/value of the first parameter under the Quick menu. The first time the [QUICK MENU] key is pressed after the unit has been switched on, the readouts always start in pos. 1 - see table below.
Pos. Parameter no. Unit 1 001 Language 2 102 Motor power [kW] 3 103 Motor voltage [V] 4 104 Motor frequency [Hz] 5 105 Motor current [A] 6 106 Rated motor speed [rpm] 7 107 AMT 8 204 Minimum reference [Hz] 9 205 Maximum reference [Hz] 10 207 Ramp-up time [sec] 11 208 Ramp-down time [sec] 12 002 Local/remote operation 13 003 Local reference [Hz]
Parameter selection
Menu mode is started by pressing the [MENU] key, which produces the following readout on the display:
50.0 Hz
Programming, FCD
Using the [QUICK MENU] key, it is possibl
eto get access to the most important parameters of the frequency converter. After programming, the frequency converter is in most
cases ready for operation. Scroll through the Quick menu using the [+ / -] keys and change the data values by pressing [CHANGE DATA] + [OK
The Menu mode allows choosing and changing
all parameters as required. However, some parameters will be "shaded
off", depending on the
choice in parameter 100 Configuration .
MG.04.B7.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Line 3 on the display shows the parameter group number and name.
In Menu mode, the parameters are divided into groups. Selection of parameter group is effected using the [< >] keys. The following parameter groups will be accessible:
Group no. Parameter group
0 Operation & Display 1Load&Motor 2 References & Limits 3 Inputs & Outputs 4 Special functions 5 Serial communication 6 Technical functions
VLT®FCD Series
When the required parameter group has been selected, each parameter can be chosen by means of the [+ / -] keys:
50.0 Hz
The 3rd line of the display shows the parameter number and name, while the status/value of the selected parameter is shown in line 4.
Changing data
Regardless of whether a parameter has been selected under the Quick menu or the Menu mode, theprocedureforchangingdatawillbethesame. Pressing the [CHANGE DATA] key gives access to changing the selected parameter, following which the underlining in line 4 will flash on the display. The procedure for changing data depends on whether the selected parameter represents a numerical data value or a text value.
Changing a data value
If the selected parameter is a text value, the text value is changed by means of the [+ / -] keys.
The chosen digit is indicated by the digit flashing. The bottom display line shows the data value that will be entered (saved) when signing off with [OK].
Manual initialisation
Manual initialisation is n the LCP 2 175N0131 control unit. It is, however, possible to perform an initialisation
via par. 620 Operation mode:
The following parameters are not changed when initialising via par. 620 Operation mode.
- par. 500 Address
- par. 501 Baud rate
- par. 600 Operat ing hours
- par. 601 Hours run
- par. 602 kWh counter
- par. 603 Number of power-ups
- par. 604 Number of overtemperatures
- par. 605 Number of overvoltages
- par. 615-617 Fault log
- par. 678 Configure Control Card
ot possible on
50.0 Hz
The bottom display line will show the value that will be entered (saved) when acknowledgment is given [OK].
If the selected parameter is represented by a numerical data value, a digit is first chosen using the [< >] keys.
50.0 Hz
09.0 HZ
The selected digit can then be changed infinitely variably using the [+ / -] keys:
50.0 Hz
10.0 HZ
MG.04.B7.02 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
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