Danfoss VLT DMS 300, VLT FCD 300 User Manual

Decentral Solutions
The decentral concept
Introduction .............................................................................................................. 5
Decentral Design Benefits ........................................................................................ 6
Application Examples ............................................................................................. 13
Product Design Guide ............................................................................................ 21
Ordering form - FCD 300 ........................................................................................ 28
PC Software tools .................................................................................................. 29
Accessories for DMS 300 and FCD 300 ................................................................. 29
Communication ...................................................................................................... 33
Good Installation Practice ....................................................................................... 36
Servicing the Danfoss Decentral Products .............................................................. 40
................................................................................... 5
Introduction, DMS 300 .................................................................................. 41
Operating instructions ............................................................................................ 42
Symbols used in this manual .................................................................................. 42
General warning ..................................................................................................... 42
Safety regulations ................................................................................................... 42
Warning against unintended start ........................................................................... 42
Avoiding DMS damage ........................................................................................... 42
Mechanical details, DMS 300 .................................................................... 43
Description ............................................................................................................ 43
General layout ....................................................................................................... 43
Construction ......................................................................................................... 43
Tools required ........................................................................................................ 43
Wall mounting ....................................................................................................... 43
Motor mounting ..................................................................................................... 43
Ventilation .............................................................................................................. 44
Electrical connections, DMS 300 ............................................................ 45
Power Wiring .......................................................................................................... 45
Power factor correction .......................................................................................... 45
Control Wiring ........................................................................................................ 45
Motor thermistors ................................................................................................... 47
Serial communication ............................................................................................. 47
Grounding .............................................................................................................. 47
High voltage warning .............................................................................................. 47
Galvonic isolation (PELV) ........................................................................................ 47
Electrical Schematic .............................................................................................. 48
SettingupDMS300 ....................................................................................... 49
Adjustment/ Settings .............................................................................................. 49
Start/ stop profile setting ........................................................................................ 49
Start/ stop profile setting table: ............................................................................... 50
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Decentral Solutions
Trip Class selection: ................................................................................................ 51
Trip Class selection table : ...................................................................................... 51
Full Load Current setting: ...................................................................................... 51
FLC setting table : .................................................................................................. 51
Completing the installation: .................................................................................... 52
Operation details, DMS 300 ....................................................................... 53
Operation ............................................................................................................... 53
Powering-up the DMS ............................................................................................ 53
Starting the motor: ................................................................................................. 53
Brake Release ........................................................................................................ 53
Operation with AS-i Interface ................................................................................. 53
Description of AS-i profiles used with DMS ............................................................ 53
Fault Procedure ..................................................................................................... 55
Reading the "Alarm" LED ...................................................................................... 55
Specification and order codes, DMS 300 ........................................... 56
General Technical Data .......................................................................................... 56
Current Ratings (AC53a ratings) ............................................................................. 56
Ordering type code ................................................................................................ 57
Certifications .......................................................................................................... 57
Fuses ..................................................................................................................... 57
Special variants: ..................................................................................................... 58
Motor connection ................................................................................................... 58
Details of Profibus Connectivity .............................................................................. 59
Profibus DP Slave 6 E/DC 24 V, 4 A/DC 24 V/1A ................................................... 59
Table of bits in control and status word .................................................................. 60
Profibus connector PCB 4 x M12 ........................................................................... 60
Profibus address setting: DIP switch SW3 .............................................................. 61
Introduction to FCD 300 .............................................................................. 62
Software version ..................................................................................................... 62
High voltage warning .............................................................................................. 63
These rules concern your safety ............................................................................. 63
Warning against unintended start ........................................................................... 63
Technology ............................................................................................................. 64
CE labeling ............................................................................................................. 67
Installation, FCD 300 ..................................................................................... 69
Mechanical dimensions .......................................................................................... 69
Mechanical dimensions, FCD, motor mounting ...................................................... 69
Mechanical dimensions, stand-alone mounting ...................................................... 69
Mechanical Installation ........................................................................................... 70
General information about electrical installation ..................................................... 73
Electronics purchased without installation box ........................................................ 73
EMC-correct electrical installation ........................................................................... 75
Grounding of shielded/armoured control cables ..................................................... 77
Diagram ................................................................................................................. 78
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Decentral Solutions
RFI switches J1, J2 ................................................................................................ 78
Location of terminals .............................................................................................. 79
Electrical connection .............................................................................................. 82
Pre-fuses ................................................................................................................ 82
Motor connection ................................................................................................... 82
Direction of motor rotation ...................................................................................... 82
AC lines and motor connection with service switch ................................................ 82
Connection of HAN 10E motor plug for T73 ........................................................... 83
Parallel connection of motors ................................................................................. 83
Motor cables .......................................................................................................... 83
Motor thermal protection ........................................................................................ 84
Brake resistor ......................................................................................................... 84
Control of mechanical brake ................................................................................... 84
Electrical installation, control cables ........................................................................ 85
Connection of sensors to M12 plugs for T73 .......................................................... 86
Electrical installation, control terminals .................................................................... 87
PC communication ................................................................................................. 87
Relay connection .................................................................................................... 87
Connection examples ............................................................................................. 88
Programming, FCD 300 ............................................................................... 93
The LCP 2 control unit, option ................................................................................ 93
Parameter selection ................................................................................................ 97
Operation & Display ................................................................................................ 99
Setup configuration ................................................................................................ 99
Load and Motor ................................................................................................... 108
DC Braking .......................................................................................................... 113
Motortype, par, 147 - FCD 300 ............................................................................ 117
References & Limits .............................................................................................. 118
Reference function ............................................................................................... 122
Inputs and outputs ............................................................................................... 127
Special functions .................................................................................................. 137
PID functions ........................................................................................................ 139
Handling of feedback ........................................................................................... 141
Control Word according to FC protocol ................................................................ 154
Status Word according to FC Profile ..................................................................... 156
Control word according to Fieldbus Profile ........................................................... 157
Status word according to Profidrive protocol ........................................................ 158
Serial communication ........................................................................................... 161
Technical functions ............................................................................................... 169
All About FCD 300 ........................................................................................ 173
Dynamic braking .................................................................................................. 173
Internal Brake Resistor ......................................................................................... 177
Special conditions ................................................................................................ 179
Galvonic isolation (PELV) ...................................................................................... 179
Ground leakage current and RCD relays ............................................................... 180
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Decentral Solutions
Extreme operating conditions ............................................................................... 180
dU/dt on motor .................................................................................................... 180
Switching on the input .......................................................................................... 181
Acoustic noise ...................................................................................................... 181
Temperature-dependent switch frequency ............................................................ 182
Derating for air pressure ....................................................................................... 182
Derating for running at low speed ......................................................................... 182
Motor cable lengths .............................................................................................. 182
Vibration and shock .............................................................................................. 182
Air humidity .......................................................................................................... 183
UL Standard ......................................................................................................... 183
Efficiency .............................................................................................................. 183
Electrical supply interference/harmonics ............................................................... 183
Power factor ........................................................................................................ 184
Emission test results according to generic standards and PDS product standard . 185 Immunity test result according to Generic standards, PDS product standards and basic
standards ............................................................................................................. 185
Aggressive environments ...................................................................................... 187
Cleaning ............................................................................................................... 187
Status messages .................................................................................................. 189
Warnings/alarm messages ................................................................................... 189
Warning words, extended status words and alarm words ..................................... 192
General technical data .......................................................................................... 194
Technical data, line supply 3 x 380 - 480V ............................................................ 199
Available literature ................................................................................................. 200
Supplied with the unit ........................................................................................... 200
Factory Settings ................................................................................................... 201
Index .................................................................................................................... 209
MG.90.F2.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Decentral Solutions
Danfosswastheworld’s first company to manufacture
and supply variable frequency drives for infinitely variable speed control of three-phase AC motors. Until then, AC motors had to operate at the speed determined by the frequency of the electrical power supply.
Production of variable frequency drives started in 1968. The first variable frequency drive was also the first decentralized drive as it was placed next to the motor.
The first variable frequency drive was totally enclosed and filled with silicone oil for cooling, as semiconductors of that time were very inefficient. The enclosure design was made for mounting the drive directly in the application next to the motor. Temperature, water, cleaning agents, dust and other environmental factors were also no problem, even in harsh environments.
Semiconductors improved during the next decades. Air-cooling showed sufficient and oil cooling was abandoned. At the same time use of variable frequency drives grew significantly. PLCs gained a footing for advanced application control and it became common practice to install all variable frequency drives in one cabinet, rather than several places in the factory.
concept and guide you through the process of selecting the appropriate products.
Finally we have included comprehensive information about the Danfoss decentralized products.
The decentral
Continuing improvements in semi-conductors and related technologies - such as fieldbus technolog
- now again makes it feasible to consider installing drives close to the motors, achieving the benefits of decentralized installation without from the first oil-filled variable frequency drives.
Development of automation in industry is based on the ability to send and receive data from the application needed to control the processes. More and more sensors are installed and more and more data is submitted to the central PLC control. This trend depends on increased use of fieldbus systems.
Industrial sources often clai all drive installations will be installed decentrally within the next few years and the trend towards distributed intellig more and more components and applications are developed for decentralized installation.
This book is a general introduction to basic features of decentralized installation philosophies for motor controls and differences from the centralized concept. It will help you choose the most suitable
ent control is undisputed as
the disadvantages
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Decentralized design benefits
In the following we will concentrate on describing decentralized installation of adjustable frequency drives and motor starters, referred to here as motor controls.
There are two topologic concepts for the layout of motor control installations in a plant, in the following referred to as "centralized" and "decentralized" installations. The two typologies are illustrated in the figure.
In a centralized installation:
- motor controls are placed in a central place
In a decentralized installation:
- motor controls are distributed throughout the plant, mounted on or next to the motor they control
Decentralized does not mean "control cabinet free", but merely that their enormous size can now be reduced thanks to innovative designs of the components that will be placed decentralized. There will continue to be a need for cabinets for power distribution and for overall intelligence, and there are areas, particularly in the process industry with areas such as explosion protection, where centralized cabinets continue to be the preferred solution.
Decentral Solutions
Centralized versus decentralized installations
Placing the advanced and reliable electronics needed to ensure a smooth, responsive and economical operation of the motor next to - or on - the motor facilitates modularization and reduces cabling costs and EMC problems dramatically. Further benefits:
Space-consuming motor control cabinets in long
rows of centralized panels are eliminated
Reduced efforts for building in and wiring long
screened motor cables where special attention on EMC terminations is required
Heat dissipation from power electronics is moved
from the panel into the plant
Standardized machine elements by modularization
reduces design time and time to market
Commissioning is easier and faster
Decentralized motor control is rapidly gaining ground despite of the advantages of the centralized control concept:
no need for extra space around the motor
or close to the motor
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Decentral Solutions
no control cable wiring into the plant
independence of plant environment
Direct cost savings
Motor controls for decentralized installations must be built to meet the harsh conditions in manufacturing areas - especially such conditions found in the food and beverage industry, where frequent wash downs are required. This of course increases the cost of the drive. This increase will be more than offset by savings in expenses for cabinets and cables.
The cable saving potential is considerable, as will be demonstrated by the following example.
The figure illustrates an installation with motors distributed in a number of rows with several motors in each, as is the situation in for example parallel bottling or baking lines in the Food and Beverage industry. This example shows the need for power cables from the centrally placed drives to the motors.
The decentral
Centralized installation
The drives are distributed equidistant with the distance L between each drive and the distance h between each row and also with a distance h from the centralized power entry/cabinet location to the first row. There are n rows, and N drives in each row.
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Decentral Solutions
Decentralized cabling
The figure illustrates how the three-phase power cable can be distributed with power looping from one motor (drive) to the next. The cable saving potential is illustrated in figure 4. Given a distance of 33 ft (10m) between each motor and 66ft (20m) between each line, the potential cable savings as a function of the number of motors and number of lines shows of the figure.
Cable saving potential in an illustrative installation
The saving potential in power cable length alone is substantial. The figure only illustrates the potential concerning power cables. Issues like unshielded/shielded cables and cable dimensions also adds to the benefits of decentralized installations.
Real case
Calculations on a specific, typical bottling line with 91 pieces of 1.5 HP (1.5 kW) motors, taking the cable
dimensioning into account, showed the following saving potential in cables and terminations:
Cable terminations are reduced from 455 to 352
EMC cable terminations are reduced from
364 to 182 by using motor controls with integrated service switches
Power cable length reduced from 21,220 ft
(6468m) to 3870ft (1180m), a reduction of 17,350ft (5288m), and it is converted from shielded cables to standard installation cables
For details consult the following chapter on Good installation practice.
Minimal need for additional fieldbus cables
Power cable savings are not offset by the additional cost for expensive fieldbus cables. Fieldbus cables will be extended in a decentralized installation, but since fieldbus cables will be distributed in the plant anyway to connect sensors or remote I/O-stations, the extension will be limited. Decentralized products from Danfoss can even be used as remote I/O
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Decentral Solutions
stations to connect sensors to the fieldbus and reduce direct costs even more.
Fewer cabinets, cooling and cabletrays
Further savings will result from smaller cabinets, less cabinet cooling and fewer cable trays. Motor controls generate heat and are often mounted side by side due to limited space, as illustrated in Figure 6. Forced cooling is therefore required to remove the heat.
Less Commissioning
Time spent commissioning at the end-user is significantly reduced using decentralized solutions ­especially when fieldbus communication is combined with decentralized motor controls.
Up to 40-50 % on the total time from design to running production can be saved.
The concept of modularization is known from
equipment like PCs and cars. Modules with
well-described functionalities and interfaces are used in these products. The same concept can be applied to manufacturing, even though specific physical constraints play a role.
Production equipment is often built from different basic building blocks, each kind employed at several places in the installation. Examples include various types of conveyor sections and machinery like mixers, scales, fillers, labellers, palletizers, packaging machines etc.
The decentral
Decentralized brewery installation
An Australian brewery has installed a line of 96 decentralized drives from Danfoss connected by DeviceNet. An excessive amount of time was saved as the commissioning of the v ariable speed drives was done in a few days. The brewery estimates a saving exceeding AUD 100,000 compared to traditional centralized installation.
Design savings
End users want to postpone the final decision for new equipment - and to start production as fast as possible once a decision has been made. Payback time and time to market must be reduced. This squeezes both the design phase and the commissioning phase.
Modularization can minimize lead-time. Even manufacturers of large production equipment or lines use modularization to reduce lead-time.
MG.90.F2.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Centralized cabinet
In a truly modular machine, all basic elements are self-confined and need nothing but electricity, water, compressed air or similar to function.
Modularization therefore requires the distribution of intelligence to the individual sections and modules.
Sure, centralized installations can be modularized, but then motor controls will be physically separated from the rest of the module.
Ready-installed intelligence
The function of machinery and applications is typically tested at the suppliers. Machines are built, tested, calibrated and taken apart for transportation.
The process of rebuilding the application at the production site is considerably simplified by shipping
it in modules with built-in motor controls, as rewiring and testing is time consuming and calls for skilled personnel. Using ready-installed, decentralized installations reduces both time and risk as wiring for motor, control and sensors are already in place and maintained during transportation. The need for highly skilled experts is reduced and local labour can do a larger part of the installation. The commissioning costs and OEM resources on-site will be reduced.
Improved EMC
Electrical noise emitted is proportional to cable length. The very short - or eliminated - cable between motor control and motor in decentralized installations therefore reduces emitted electrical noise. In decentralized installations, the machine builder normally mounts cables between motor controls and motors in the machine leaving only power cables and fieldbus cables with no EMC emission to be installed at the production site. The risk of electrical noise from motor controls to disturb other electrical equipment caused by a faulty installation will diminish and you avoid time-consuming fault finding in the commissioning phase, where time frame is tight.
Adapts to standard and special motors
Danfossdecentralized motor controls, FCD 300
and DMS 300, are designed to control standard AC asynchronous motors. Their flexibility allows them also to adapt to special motor types. An example istheAMTfeature(AutomaticMotorTu FCD 300. Combining Danfoss adjustable frequency drives to Danfoss geared motors makes it even easier as they fit mechanically and already stored in the FCD 300 memory. Combined motor-drives are provided pre-assembled directly from Danfoss removing the need f fitting between motor and control.
ning) in the
the motor data are
or mechanical
Decentral Solutions
Danfoss geared motor with FCD 300
Minimum thermal losses
Danfoss adjustable frequency drives feature the unique VVC switch principle to generate motor voltages. Due to the VVC principle, power losses in the motor are similar or less than the losses in a motor connected to line. Thermal losses are minimized and overheating is prevented. At the same time, the VVC principle ensures nominal torque at nominal speed and eliminates bearing currents.
Slim DC-links
It takes two steps to convert the frequency to vary the speed of an AC motor: A rectifier and an inverter. As the rectifier itself produces a rippled DC voltage, a capacitor is often introduced to smooth the voltage supplied to the inverter. A link between rectifier and inverter with only a small capacitor to even out the voltage is called a "slim DC link". With a slim DC link, the inverter will not be able to provide quitethesamevoltageamplitudeassuppliedby the line supply, leading to lower efficiency. A special pulse-width-modulation can be used to compensate theripplefromaslimDClink.Inthiscasetheoutput voltage for the motor still does not reach the rated supply voltage value leading to an over-consumption of motor current up to 10% and this will increase the motor heating. Low efficiency and need of an oversized motor is the result. As torque decreases with the square of voltage the application will be exceedingly sensitive to load-changes and speed sensors might be required. At start, only nominal torque is available.
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Principle of a adjustable frequency drive using a DC link coil
The Danfoss option is to add coils to the DC link in all drives as shown in the figure. This way a high DC link voltage with a very low voltage ripple is obtained and the electric strength of the drive with regard to line transients is improved.
Further advantages are the prolonged lifetime of the capacitors, reduced harmonic disturbance of the net supply and presence of 150-160% start torque.
Decentral Solutions
Danfoss decentralized drives are designed to meet the requirements as shown in Figure 9. There are no hard-to-clean places, blind plugs have no notches or indentations and two-layer robust surface treatment - tested to withstand commonly used cleaning agents - protects the housing.
The decentral
Non-cleaning friendly pin fin heat sink versus the easy to clean Danfoss solution
Numerous manufacturers of frequency inverters use slim DC links leading to bad efficiency rates
- even if users due to the activity of for instance
the CEMEP now tend to use high efficiency motors - meeting at least EFF2.
Danfossaim is to provide high efficiency drives that
also improve the efficiency of the motors. There should be no need for expensive over-dimensioning and inefficient operation.
Environmental considerations
Drives - both centrally-mounted and distributed in the plant - are exposed to the environment. As motor controls handle high voltages and currents at the same time they must be protected from dust and humidity so that they do not fail or break down. Both manufacturers and installers must take account of this and Danfoss Drives have designed the decentralized products with a deep concern in both aspects.
Decentralized motor controls must also meet increasing demands in respect of hygiene levels in pharmaceutical industries and in food- and beverage production in particular, where drives are exposed to cleaning agents for extensive periods of time, high pressure hosing and the like. The exterior of the decentralized motor controls must be designed in such a way as to achieve this. Complicated heat sinks as illustrated in the figure must be avoided as it is difficult to clean and not resistant to common cleaning agents.
All corners are rounded to prevent dust sticking, and the distance between ribs allows high-pressure air cleaning, hosing and easy cleaning with a brush.
These concerns are more or less irrelevant if not applied to all elements and standard AC motors are normally designed without these concerns in mind - stressed by integrated fans and cooling ribs both difficult to clean. Danfoss has met the challenge by designing a range of aseptic geared motors. These motors have no fans and only smooth surfaces. An IP65 enclosure class is standard as is the special CORO coating resistant to acid, alkali and cleaning agents used in for instance food and beverage industry. See the photo of an example of the aseptic geared motor series.
Aseptic Danfoss geared motor
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Electrical contact can cause galvanic corrosion under wet or humid conditions. This can occur between housing (Aluminium) and screws (stainless steel). One possible consequence is that screws become stuck and therefore impossible to unfasten in a maintenance situation. Galvanic corrosion will not be found on Danfoss decentralized products, as the housings are fully coated and nylon washers underneath the screws protects the coating. The complete coating and the unique gasket design prevent pitting corrosion, which can occur under gaskets.
Tightly enclosed equipment is susceptible to water build-up inside the enclosure. This is especially the case where equipment is exposed to ambient temperature differences under wet conditions. As a decreasing ambient temperature lowers the surface temperature inside the enclosure, water vapor tends to condensate. At the same time pressure inside the enclosure will drop and cause humid air from the outside to penetrate non-hermetic polymer gasket materials and cable glands. When the enclosure heats up again, only the vaporized water will escape, leaving more and more condensed water inside the enclosure. This can lead to water build-up inside the enclosure and eventually cause malfunction. The phenomenon is illustr the figure, with a cyclic temperature fluctuation.
ated in
Decentral Solutions
material is offered by Danfoss to eliminate this problem. The cable gland should be used in applications exposed to frequent temperature fluctuations and humid environments as in equipment used only during daytimewheretheinsidetemperaturetendstofallto the ambient temperature during the night.
Installation flexibility
Danfoss decentralized solutions offers exceptional installation flexibility. Flexibility is supported by a number of benefits:
Mountable on Danfoss geared motors
Decentralized panel mounting possible
Handheld control panels
PC software for configuring and logging
Single or double-sided installation
Service switch optional
Brake chopper and resistor optional
External 24 V backup supply optional
M12 connections for external sensors optional
Han 10E motor connector optional
Fieldbus support (Profibus DP V1, DeviceNet,
Compatibility with standard AC supply systems
(TN, TT, IT, delta grounded)
For further details see the chapter on The decentralized product range.
The pumping effect in tight enclosures
Build-up of water inside enclosures can be prevented by membranes that prevents fluids to penetrate but allows for vapor to pass, as known from fabrics used for outdoor clothing. A special cable gland with this kind of
MG.90.F2.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Decentral Solutions
Application Examples
Danfoss has completed a wide range of applications in many different industries. This has given us a valuable experience that has influenced the latest
Beverage - Bottling line
development of our decentralized products. In the following we provide illustrative examples of actual installations using Danfoss decentralized products, and the benefit and value these provide for the customer in these installations.
The decentral
FCD 300 on bottling conveyor
Reduced switchboard space as all drives are mounted in the field
Reduced cabling as several drives can be supplied from same circuit
Ease of commissioning over the fieldbus as the protocol allows for transfer of complete parameters.
MG.90.F2.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Once one drive is set up, its basic program can be copied to any other decentralized drive
The FCD motor performance is markedly
superior to all other types
The FCD can be retrofitted to existing motors
of nearly any brand or type
The aseptic IP 66 enclosure is ideal for damp
bottling hall conditions
All in one box: e.g. service switch, Profibus and power looping
Decentral Solutions
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Beverage - Packaging machine
Decentral Solutions
The decentral
Decentral motor controls integrated in packaging machine
Distributing motor controls in the application releases space for other purposes in the switchboard
The number of drives in an application can be increased without extending the switchboard
IP66 enclosure, easy to clean and resistant to strong cleaning liquids
Same flexibility as with centrally mounted motor controls. Decentralized motor controls can be adapted for all standard AC motors, and feature same user interface and same numbers on connectors
Profibus integrated
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Food - Cocoa powder plant
Old solution: Motor control - panel mounted decentrally
Decentral Solutions
New Solution: Genuine decentralized motor control
Easy to expand plant capacity
No need for switchboard
Visible LED for status
Service switch integrated in the unit
High enclosure rating IP66
Low cost installation
Less space needed for the new solution
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Food conveyor
Decentral Solutions
The decentral
Efficient space utilisation in the food industry with decentralized motor controls from Danfoss
The number of drives in an application can be raised without extending the switchboard
IP66 enclosure, easy to clean and resistant to strong cleaning liquids
MG.90.F2.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Dirt-repelling surface and design prevents dirt
and product remains on the drive
Motor or wall mount units available
Same flexibility as with centrally mounted motor
controls. Decentralized motor controls adapt to all
standard AC motors, features same user interface and same numbering on connectors
Profibus integrated
Connectors for fast service integrated in
the installation box
Decentral Solutions
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Automotive Industry - Hoists and conveyors Benefits:
Simple installation
AS-i or Profibus control optional
Sensor input available within the physical
size of the unit
Separate 24V supply for sensors and bus
Brake supply and control build in
Easy pluggable remote control panel
Connectors for looping (T-connector) integrated
in the installation box
Low installation and component costs
No additional and expensive EMC
connectors needed
Compact and space saving
Easy to install and commission
Input for motor thermistor monitoring
Decentral Solutions
The decentral
Decentral installation in the automotive industry
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Retrofit in existing applications
Decentral Solutions
Retrofitting on existing application with speed control
No need for a big control cabinet thanks to the decentralized motor controls.
No expensive wiring: All motors use existing power cables, pipes and local switches
All motor controls can be controlled from the existing centralized cabinet via Profibus
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The decentralized product range
The Danfoss decentralized concept covers motor controls ranging from motor starters/soft starters to variable frequency drives.
Motor starters and soft starters (DMS 300) make start and stop of your application smoother and smarter than ordinary DOL (Direct On Line) operation but do not affect operation further.
Variable frequency drives (FCD 300) are used for following requirements:
Adjustable speed
Precise speed
Defined speed ramps at start or/and stop
Shorter stop times (braking)
Danfoss decentralized motor controls range from
to 5 HP (4 kW) motors). This chapter lists several optional features and accessories available.
Decentral Solutions
2. Mounted directly on the motor ("motor-mounted")
Fair choice of motor brands
No need for shielded motor cable
3. "Pre-mounted" on Danfoss Bauer geared motors
The decentral
Flexible installation options
Danfoss decentralized motor controls FCD 300 and DMS 300 series can be adapted for mounting using the following options - each offering specific benefits:
1. Stand alone close to the motor ("wall-mounted")
Free choice of motor brand
Easy retrofitting to existing motor
Easy interfacing to motor (short cable)
Easy access for diagnosis and optimal serviceability
A fixed combination of motor and electronics
supplied by one supplier
Easy mounting, only one unit
No need for shielded motor cable
Clear responsibility regarding the complete solution
As the electronic parts are common - same function of terminals, similar operation and similar parts and spare parts for all drives - you are free to mixthethreemountingconcepts.
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Decentral Solutions
Configuring a product
The decentralized motor controls DMS 300 and FCD300seriesareconfiguredwithatypecode string (see also Ordering):
DMS 330 P T4 P66 XX D0 Fxx Txx C0 FCD 3xx P T4 P66 R1 XX Dx Fxx Txx C0
Electrical voltage
DMS 300/FCD 300 are available for connection to electrical voltage 3 phase 380-480 V.
Choice of motor starter
The motor starter DMS 300 covers the whole power range from 0.18-3 HP (kW) in one unit.
Choice of adjustable frequency drive
Theadjustablefrequencydrivemustbechosenon the basis of the present motor current at maximum
loading of the unit. The adjustable frequency drive’s
rated output current I
must be equal to or greater
than the required motor current.
Typical shaft output
Type [kW] [HP] [HP] 303 0.37 0.50 305 0.55 0.75 307 0.75 1.0 311 1.1 1.5 315 1.5 2.0 322 2.2 3.0 330 3.0 4.0 335** 3.3 5.0*
* at power/motor voltage 3 x 460 - 480 V ** t
max. 95º F (35° C)
DMS 300 / FCD 300 units are protected against water and dust as standard. See also th
e section entitled Technical data
for further details.
FCD 300 is available with or without an integral brake m
odule. See also the section entitled Brake resistors for ordering a brake resistor. EB version including mechanical brake control/supply.
24 V external supply
Back up of control supply with 24 V DC is available in EX and EB versions.
RFI filter
FCD 300 has an integral 1A RFI-filter. The integral 1A RFI filter complies with EMC standards EN 55011-1A. See the sections Cable lengths and Cross section for further details.
Harmonic filter
The harmonic currents do not affect power consumption directly, but they increase the heat losses in the installation (transformer, cables). That is why in a system with a relatively high percentage of rectifier load it is important to keep the harmonic currents at alowlevelsoastoavoidatransformeroverloadand high cable temperature. For the purpose of ensuring low harmonic currents, the FCD 300 units are fitted with coils in their intermediate circuit as standard. This reduces the input current I
by typically 40 %.
Display unit
OntheFCD300unitthereare5LEDsforvoltage (ON), warning, alarm, status and bus.
In addition, a plug for connecting an LCP control panel is available as an option. The LCP control panel can be installed up to 9 feet away from the variable frequency drive, e.g. on a front panel, by means of a mounting kit. All displays of data are via a 4-line alpha-numerical display, which in normal operation is able to show 4 operating data items and 3 operation modes continuously. During programming, all the information required for quick, efficient parameter Setup of the variable frequency drive is displayed. As a supplement to the display, the LCP has three LEDs for voltage (ON), warning (WARNING) and alarm (ALARM).
Most of the variable frequency drives parameter
Setups can be changed immediately via the LCP control panel. See also the section entitled The LCP control unit in the Design Guide.
Desired features are selected by specifying the corresponding fields in the string (xx). The choices -
MG.90.F2.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
and detailed explanation - shown in the two tables. Short form explanations of a feature are u
For technical details and data, see Technical data.
Installation box variants
Connections on right side
Gland holes for all c
ight side only (seen from motor drive end). This
r version is useful where cable inlet is required from one direction only (only FCD 300 series).
able inlets are machined on the
Decentral Solutions
Connections on two sides
Gland holes for c allowing for cable inlet from both directions.
Both m (selected variants).
P looping AC line power supply between drives (0.15 in
The bottom section contains Cage Clamp connectors and looping facilities for power and fieldbus cables well protected against dust, hosing and cleaning agents.
S motor drive end). A lockable switch integrated in the enclosure - disconnecting the motor or drive.
4s drive end). Looping through of 2 X 24 V external supply. Pluggable connection of remote I/O such as sens and external supply of these.
M from motor drive end) wired according to DESINA standard (see electrical installation).
etric thread and NPT thread is available
luggable connection and the possibility of
line or 4 mm2line).
ervice switch mounted on the right side (seen from
ensor plugs, M12 on the right side (seen from motor
otor plug, HARTING 10 E on the right side (seen
able inlets are machined on both sides
The decentral
isplay connector for external pluggable of the local control panel for operating and programming. Can also be used for PC connection. Only available for FCD 300.
MG.90.F2.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Decentral Solutions
DMS 300 Decentralized electronic Motor Starter
DMS 300 - Combinations of versions
Installation features
Mounting Motor Wall Motor Wall Motor Wall Wall Wall
Pluggable - X
Service switch - - - - X X - -
Sensor plugs - - - - - - 4XM12 4XM12
Motor plug - - - - - - - Harting
Ordering codes DMS330PT4P66XX D0 Fxx Txx C0
Metric thread
(NPT thread)
Functional features
Basic functions
(see below)
+ Brake control SB
+ Current
+ Current
monitoring +
Brake control
+ Current
monitoring +
Brake control
No bus F00 -
AS-interface - F70 -
Profibus - F12* F12
T10 T50 T12
T53 T73
- = not available * contact Danfoss sales org for availability
Basic functions
Electronic start/stop of a motor Soft start/stop
Extended functionality
everse for bi-directional operation of the motor
rake control and supply of electromechanical brake
urrent monitoring for electronic motor protection
MG.90.F2.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Ordering form - DMS 300
Decentral Solutions
The decentral
MG.90.F2.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Decentral Solutions
FCD 300 Decentralized Adjustable Frequency Drive
FCD 300: Combinations of versions
Installation features
Mounting Motor Wall Motor Wall Motor Wall Wall Wall
Cable inlets Right side Double sided
Service switch - - - - X X X -
Sensor plugs - - - - - - 4XM12 4XM12
Motor plug - - - - - - - Harting
Metric thread
(NPT thread)
Functional features
Basic functions
(see below) +24ext.backup EX +24ext.backup
+ Dynamic brake
+ Brake control
RS 485 F00
AS-interface F70
Profibus 3 MB F10
Profibus12 MB F12
DeviceNet F30
X X X X - - - -
Ordering codes FCD 3xx P T4 P66 R1 XX DxFxx Txx C0
(-) Not available
only D0
* ATEX 22: Approved for use in dusty environments according to the ATEX directive (ATmosphère EXplosive)
Basic functions
Adjustable motor speed Defined speed ramps - up and down Features and operation concepts similar to other VLT series Electronic motor protection and reverse are always included
Extended functionality
4 V external back up of control and communication
rake control and supply of electromechanical brake
ynamic braking (brake resistor is optional
D see brake resistors)
MG.90.F2.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
The below explanations refer to the ordering form.
ower sizes (positions 1-6): 0,37 HP (kW) - 3,3 HP (kW) (See power size selection table)
pplication range (position 7):
lectrical voltage (positions 8-9):
T4 - 380-480 V three phase supply voltage
nclosure (positions 10-12): The enclosure offers protection against dusty, wet, and aggressive environment
P66 - Protected IP66 enclosure
ardware variant (positions 13-14):
ST - Standard hardware
EX - 24 V external supply for backup of control card
EB - 24 V external supply for backup of control
card, control and supply of mechanical brake and an additional brake chopper
FI filter (positions 15-16):
R1 - Compliance with class A1 filter
Decentral Solutions
nstallation box (positions 22-24):
T00 - No Installation box
T11 - Installation box, motor mount, metric
thread, only right side
T12 - Installation box, motor mount, metric
thread, double side
T16 - Installation box, motor mount, NPT
thread, double side
T22 - Installation box, motor mount, metric
thread, double side, service switch
T26 - Installation box, motor mount, NPT thread,
double side, service switch
T51 - Installation box, wall mount, metric
thread, only right side
T52 - Installation box, wall mount, metric
thread, double side
T56 - Installation box, wall mount, NPT
thread, double side
T62 - Installation box, wall mount, metric thread,
double side, service switch
T66 - Installation box, wall mount, NPT thread,
double side, service switch
T63 - Installation box, wall mount, metric thread,
double side, service switch, sensor plugs
T73 - Installation box, wall mount, metric thread,
double side, motor plug, sensor plugs, Viton gasket
The decentral
isplay unit (LCP) (positions 17-18):
Connection possibility for display and keypad
D0 - No pluggable display connector in the unit
DC - Display connector plug mounted (not available
with "only right side" installation box variants)
ieldbus option card (positions 19-21): A wide selection of high performance fieldbus options is available (integrated)
F00 - No fieldbus option built in
F10 - Profibus DP V0/V1 3 Mbaud
F30 - DeviceNet
F70 - AS-interface
oating (positions 25-26): The IP66 enclosure offers protection of the drive against aggressive environments, which practically eliminates the need for coated printed circuit boards.
C0 - Non-coated boards
MG.90.F2.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Ordering form - FCD 300
Decentral Solutions
MG.90.F2.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
Decentral Solutions
PC Software tools
PC Software - MCT 10
All drives are equipped with a serial communication port. We provide a PC tool for communication between PC and adjustable frequency drive, VLT Motion Control Tool MCT 10 Set-up Software.
MCT 10 has been designed as an easy-to-use interactive tool for setting parameters in our adjustable frequency drives. The MCT 10 Set-up Software will be useful for:
Planning a communication network off-line.
MCT10containsacompleteadjustable frequency drive database
Commissioning adjustable frequency drives on line
Saving settings for all adjustable frequency drives
Replacing a drive in a network
Expanding an existing network
Future developed drives will be supported
MCT 10 Set-up Software support Profibus DP-V1 via a Master class 2 connection. It makes it possible to
on-line read/write parameters in a adjustable frequency driveviatheProfibusnetwork. Thiswilleliminatethe need for an extra communication network.
The MCT 10 Set-up Software Modules
The following modules are included in the software package:
Setting parameters Copy to and from adjustable frequency drives Documentation and print out of parameter settings incl. diagrams
Creating SyncPos program
Ordering number:
Please order your CD containing MCT 10 Set-up Software using code number 130B1000.
The decentral
Accessories for DMS 300 and FCD 300
Type Description Ordering no. LCP2 control unit FCD LCP2 for programming the adjustable frequency
Cable for LCP2 control
FCD Cable from LCP2 to adjustable frequency drive 175N0162 unit LCP2 remote-mounting kit LOP (Local Operation Pad)
FCD Kit for remote-mounting of LCP2 (incl. 39 in.
cable, excl. LCP2)
FCD LOP can be used for setting the reference
and start/stop via the control terminals
Motor adaption plate DMS/FCD Plate for adapting to non Danfoss Bauer motors 175N2115 Membrane DMS/FCD Membrane for preventing condensation 175N2116 Plug kit for LCP2 FCD Plug for LCP2 for mounting in the terminal box. 175N2118 Motor star terminal DMS/FCD Terminal for interconnection of motor wires (star
point) Installation kit FCD Installation kit for mounting in panels 175N2207 M 12 plug FCD E.g. for DeviceNet 175N2279 Viton Gasket FCD 303-315 Painting shop compatible 175N2431 Viton Gasket FCD 322-335 Painting shop compatible 175N2450 Data Cable FCD For PC communication 175N2491
Motor mounting adaptor 175N2115
Aluminium plate with holes drilled to fit the FCD/DMS box. Must be fitted locally for the actual motor.
LCP2 connection 175N2118 (for the FCD 300 series)
MG.90.F2.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
The installation box can be mounted with or without a sealed connector (IP66) to connect the common display LCP2 (code DC). The connector can be ordered separately (Not for single sided installation boxes).
LCP2 keyboard/Display 175N0131 (for the FCD 300 series)
Alphanumeric display for programming the adjustable frequency drive.
Cable for LCP2 175N0162 (for the FCD 300 series)
Preconfectioned cable to be used between adjustable frequency drive and LCP2.
Data cable for PC communication 175N2491 (for the FCD 300 series)
connects a drive (e.g. USB) to the LCP2 connector.
Remote mounting kit for LCP2 175N0160 (for the FCD 300 series)
Kit for permanent mounting of the LCP2 in an enclosure.
Decentral Solutions
5 pole M12 plug for AS-interface 175N2281
The plug, M12, can be mounted into the gland holes of the installation box.
Viton Gasket for FCD 303-315 175N2431
With this gasket the FCD can be used in painting shops in e.g. the automotive industry.
Viton Gasket for FCD 322-335 175N2450
With this gasket the FCD can be used in painting shops in e.g. the automotive industry.
Ordering numbers for brake resistors
Internally mountable brake resistors for low duty cycle braking (1-3%). The resistors are self-protecting. Internal brake resistors cannot be mounted in FCD 303-315 with service switch.
Venting membrane 175N2116
Membrane preventing water build-up due to condensation inside enclosures.
Star point terminal 175N2119
Six wires must be either star- or delta-connected to supply an AC motor. Delta connection is possible in the standard motor terminal. Star connection requires a separate terminal.
5 pole M12 plug for e.g. DeviceNet 175N2279 (for the FCD 300 series)
The plug, micro type, M12 can be mounted into the gland holes of the installation box. The plug can also be used for other purposes such as connection of sensors.
6.5ft (2m) drop cable for DeviceNet 195N3113 (for the FCD 300 series)
The cable can be mounted inside the terminal box, and connects to the DeviceNet trunk line via a micro connector (M12).
Type Description Ordering no. Internal brake resistor FCD 303-307 Brake resistor for mounting inside the terminal
box Internal brake resistor FCD 311-335 Brake resistor for mounting inside the terminal
MG.90.F2.22 - VLT is a registered Danfoss trademark
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