This design guide is intended for project and systems
engineers, design consultants, and application and product
specialists. Technical information is provided to understand
the capabilities of the frequency converter for integration
into motor control and monitoring systems. Details
concerning operation, requirements, and recommendations
for system integration are described. Information is proved
for input power characteristics, output for motor control,
and ambient operating conditions for the frequency
Also included are:
Safety features.
Fault condition monitoring.
Operational status reporting.
Serial communication capabilities.
Programmable options and features.
Also provided are design details such as:
Site requirements.
Control wiring.
Unit sizes and weights.
Other critical information necessary to plan for
system integration.
Reviewing the detailed product information in the design
stage enables developing a well-conceived system with
optimal functionality and
VLT® is a registered trademark.
Document and Software Version
This manual is regularly reviewed and updated. All
suggestions for improvement are welcome.
EditionRemarksSoftware version
MG18C7xx Update to new software version2.8x
Table 1.1 Document and Software Version
Safety Symbols
The following symbols are used in this guide:
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that could
result in death or serious injury.
Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that could
result in minor or moderate injury. It can also be used to
alert against unsafe practices.
Indicates important information, including situations that
can result in damage to equipment or property.
basic information on mechanical dimensions,
installation, and programming.
HVAC Basic Drive FC 101 Programming Guide
provides information on how to program, and
includes complete parameter descriptions.
Danfoss VLT® Energy Box software. Select PC
Software Download at
VLT® Energy Box software allows energy
consumption comparisons of HVAC fans and
pumps driven by Danfoss frequency converters
and alternative methods of ow control. Use this
tool to accurately project the costs, savings, and
payback of using Danfoss frequency converters
on HVAC fans, pumps, and cooling towers.
Danfoss technical literature is available in electronic form
on the documentation CD that is shipped with the
product, or in print from your local Danfoss sales oce.
MCT 10 Set-up Software support
Download the software from
During the installation process of the software, enter
access code 81463800 to activate FC 101 functionality. A
licence key is not required for using FC 101 functionality.
The latest software does not always contain the latest
updates for frequency converters. Contact the local sales
oce for the latest frequency converter updates (in the
form of *.upd les), or download the frequency converter
updates from
Frequency converter
The maximum output current.
The rated output current supplied by the frequency
The maximum output voltage.
The connected motor can start and stop via LCP and
digital inputs. Functions are divided into 2 groups, as
described in Table 1.3. Functions in group 1 have higher
priority than functions in group 2.
The eciency of the frequency converter is dened as the
ratio between the power output and the power input.
Start-disable command
A stop command belonging to the group 1 control
commands, see Table 1.3.
Stop command
See Table 1.3.
Analog reference
A signal transmitted to the analog inputs 53 or 54. It can
be voltage or current.
Current input: 0–20 mA and 4–20 mA
Voltage input: 0–10 V DC
Bus reference
A signal transmitted to the serial communication port (FC
Preset reference
dened preset reference to be set from -100% to +100%
of the reference range. Selection of 8 preset references via
the digital terminals.
Determines the relationship between the reference input at
100% full scale value (typically 10 V, 20 mA) and the
resulting reference. The maximum reference value set in
parameter 3-03 Maximum Reference.
Determines the relationship between the reference input at
0% value (typically 0 V, 0 mA, 4 mA) and the resulting
reference. The minimum reference value is set in
parameter 3-02 Minimum Reference.
Analog inputs
The analog inputs are used for controlling various
functions of the frequency converter.
There are 2 types of analog inputs:
Current input: 0–20 mA and 4–20 mA
Voltage input: 0–10 V DC
Analog outputs
The analog outputs can supply a signal of 0–20 mA, 4–
20 mA, or a digital signal.
Automatic motor adaptation, AMA
The AMA algorithm determines the electrical parameters
for the connected motor at standstill and compensates for
the resistance based on the length of the motor cable.
Digital inputs
The digital inputs can be used for controlling various
functions of the frequency converter.
Digital outputs
The frequency converter provides 2 solid-state outputs that
can supply a 24 V DC (maximum 40 mA) signal.
Relay outputs
The frequency converter provides 2 programmable relay
Electronic thermal relay is a thermal load calculation based
on present load and time. Its purpose is to estimate the
motor temperature and prevent overheating of the motor.
If initializing is carried out (parameter 14-22 Operation
Mode), the programmable parameters of the frequency
converter return to their default settings.
Parameter 14-22 Operation Mode does not initialize
communication parameters, fault log, or re mode log.
Intermittent duty cycle
An intermittent duty rating refers to a sequence of duty
cycles. Each cycle consists of an on-load and an o-load
period. The operation can be either periodic duty or noneperiodic duty.
The local control panel (LCP) makes up a complete
interface for control and programming of the frequency
converter. The control panel is detachable on IP20 units
and xed on IP54 units. It can be installed up to 3 m (9.8
ft) from the frequency converter, that is, in a front panel
with the installation kit option.
Least signicant bit.
Short for mille circular mil, an American measuring unit for
cable cross-section. 1 MCM = 0.5067 mm2.
Most signicant bit.
On-line/O-line parameters
Changes to on-line parameters are activated immediately
after the data value is changed. Press [OK] to activate o-line parameters.
The PI controller maintains the desired speed, pressure,
temperature, and so on, by adjusting the output frequency
to match the varying load.
Residual current device.
Parameter settings in 2 set-ups can be saved. Change
between the 2 parameter set-ups and edit 1 set-up, while
another set-up is active.
Slip compensation
The frequency converter compensates for the motor slip by
giving the frequency a supplement that follows the
measured motor load keeping the motor speed almost
Smart logic control (SLC)
The SLC is a sequence of user-dened actions executed
when the associated user-dened events are evaluated as
true by the SLC.
A temperature-dependent resistor placed where the
temperature is to be monitored (frequency converter or
A state entered in fault situations, for example, if the
frequency converter is subject to an overtemperature or
when the frequency converter is protecting the motor,
process, or mechanism. Restart is prevented until the cause
of the fault does not exist and the trip state is canceled by
activating reset or, sometimes, by being programmed to
reset automatically. Do not use trip for personal safety.
Trip lock
A state entered in fault situations when the frequency
converter is protecting itself and requiring physical
intervention, for example, if the frequency converter is
subject to a short circuit on the output. A locked trip can
only be canceled by cutting o mains, removing the cause
of the fault, and reconnecting the frequency converter.
Restart is prevented until the trip state is canceled by
activating reset or, sometimes, by being programmed to
reset automatically. Do not use trip lock for personal safety.
VT characteristics
Variable torque characteristics used for pumps and fans.
If compared with standard voltage/frequency ratio control,
voltage vector control (VVC+) improves the dynamics and
the stability, both when the speed reference is changed
and in relation to the load torque.
Power Factor
The power factor indicates to which extent the frequency
converter imposes a load on the mains supply. The power
factor is the ratio between I1 and I
fundamental current, and I
, where I1 is the
is the total RMS current
including harmonic currents. The lower the power factor,
the higher the I
Power factor =
for the same kW performance.
3 × U × I
1 × COSϕ
3 × U × I
The power factor for 3-phase control:
Power factor =
= I
+ I
I1 × cosϕ1
+ I
+ . . + I
sincecosϕ1 = 1
A high-power factor indicates that the dierent harmonic
currents are low.
The frequency converters built-in DC coils produce a highpower factor, which minimizes the imposed load on the
mains supply.
1.8 Regulatory Compliance
Frequency converters are designed in compliance with the
directives described in this section.
1.8.1 CE Mark
The CE mark (Communauté Européenne) indicates that the
product manufacturer conforms to all applicable EU
directives. The EU directives applicable to the design and
manufacture of frequency converters are listed in Table 1.4.
The CE mark does not regulate the quality of the
product. Technical specications cannot be deduced from
the CE mark.
Frequency converters with an integrated safety function
must comply with the machinery directive.
EU directiveVersion
Low Voltage Directive2014/35/EU
EMC Directive2014/30/EU
ErP Directive
Table 1.4 EU Directives Applicable to Frequency Converters
Declarations of conformity are available on request.
The low voltage directive applies to all electrical
equipment in the 50–1000 V AC and the 75–1600 V DC
voltage ranges.
The aim of the directive is to ensure personal safety and
avoid property damage, when operating electrical
equipment that is installed and maintained correctly, in its
intended application. EMC Directive
The purpose of the EMC (electromagnetic compatibility)
directive is to reduce electromagnetic interference and
enhance immunity of electrical equipment and installations. The basic protection requirement of the EMC
Directive 2014/30/EU states that devices that generate
electromagnetic interference (EMI), or whose operation
could be aected by EMI, must be designed to limit the
generation of electromagnetic interference and shall have
a suitable degree of immunity to EMI when properly
installed, maintained, and used as intended.
Electrical equipment devices used alone or as part of a
system must bear the CE mark. Systems do not require the
CE mark, but must comply with the basic protection
requirements of the EMC directive.
1.8.3 RCM Mark Compliance
Illustration 1.3 RCM Mark
The RCM Mark label indicates compliance with the
applicable technical standards for Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC). An RCM Mark label is required for placing
electrical and electronic devices on the market in Australia
and New Zealand. The RCM Mark regulatory arrangements
only deal with conducted and radiated emission. For
frequency converters, the emission limits specied in
EN/IEC 61800-3 apply. A declaration of conformity can be
provided on request. ErP Directive
The ErP directive is the European Ecodesign Directive for
energy-related products. The directive sets ecodesign
requirements for energy-related products, including
frequency converters. The directive aims at increasing
energy eciency and the level of protection of the
environment, while increasing the security of the energy
supply. Environmental impact of energy-related products
includes energy consumption throughout the entire
product life cycle.
1.8.2 UL Compliance
Illustration 1.2 UL
IP54 units are not certied for UL.
The frequency converter complies with UL 508C thermal
memory retention requirements. For more information,
refer to the section Motor Thermal Protection in the
product-specicdesign guide.
Correct and reliable transport, storage, installation,
operation, and maintenance are required for the troublefree and safe operation of the frequency converter. Only
qualied personnel are allowed to install or operate this
Qualied personnel are dened as trained sta, who are
authorized to install, commission, and maintain equipment,
systems, and circuits in accordance with pertinent laws and
regulations. Also, the personnel must be familiar with the
instructions and safety measures described in this guide.
2.2 Safety Precautions
Frequency converters contain high voltage when
connected to AC mains input, DC supply, or load sharing.
Failure to perform installation, start-up, and maintenance
by qualied personnel can result in death or serious
Only qualied personnel must perform instal-
lation, start-up, and maintenance.
The frequency converter contains DC-link capacitors,
which can remain charged even when the frequency
converter is not powered. High voltage can be present
even when the warning LED indicator lights are o.
Failure to wait the specied time after power has been
removed before performing service or repair work can
result in death or serious injury.
Stop the motor.
Disconnect AC mains and remote DC-link power
supplies, including battery back-ups, UPS, and
DC-link connections to other frequency
Disconnect or lock PM motor.
Wait for the capacitors to discharge fully. The
minimum duration of waiting time is specied
in Table 2.1.
Before performing any service or repair work,
use an appropriate voltage measuring device to
make sure that the capacitors are fully
When the frequency converter is connected to AC mains,
DC supply, or load sharing, the motor may start at any
time. Unintended start during programming, service, or
repair work can result in death, serious injury, or
property damage. The motor can start with an external
switch, a eldbus command, an input reference signal
from the LCP or LOP, via remote operation using MCT 10
Set-up Software, or after a cleared fault condition.
To prevent unintended motor start:
Press [O/Reset] on the LCP before
programming parameters.
Disconnect the frequency converter from the
Completely wire and assemble the frequency
converter, motor, and any driven equipment
before connecting the frequency converter to
AC mains, DC supply, or load sharing.
Voltage [V]Power range [kW (hp)] Minimum waiting time
3x2000.25–3.7 (0.33–5)4
3x2005.5–11 (7–15)15
3x4000.37–7.5 (0.5–10)4
3x40011–90 (15–125)15
3x6002.2–7.5 (3–10)4
3x60011–90 (15–125)15
Table 2.1 Discharge Time
Leakage currents exceed 3.5 mA. Failure to ground the
frequency converter properly can result in death or
serious injury.
3.1.1 Why use a Frequency Converter for
Controlling Fans and Pumps?
A frequency converter takes advantage of the fact that
centrifugal fans and pumps follow the laws of proportionality for such fans and pumps. For further information,
see chapter 3.1.3 Example of Energy Savings.
3.1.2 The Clear Advantage - Energy Savings
The clear advantage of using a frequency converter for
controlling the speed of fans or pumps lies in the
electricity savings.
When comparing with alternative control systems and
technologies, a frequency converter is the optimum energy
control system for controlling fan and pump systems.
Illustration 3.1 Fan Curves (A, B, and C) for Reduced Fan
Illustration 3.2 Energy Savings with Frequency Converter
When using a frequency converter to reduce fan capacity
to 60% - more than 50% energy savings may be obtained
in typical applications.
3.1.3 Example of Energy Savings
As shown in Illustration 3.3, the ow is controlled by
changing the RPM. By reducing the speed by only 20%
from the rated speed, the ow is also reduced by 20%.
This is because the ow is directly proportional to the
RPM. The consumption of electricity, however, is reduced
by 50%.
If the system in question only needs to be able to supply a
ow that corresponds to 100% a few days in a year, while
the average is below 80% of the rated ow for the
remainder of the year, the amount of energy saved is even
more than 50%.
Illustration 3.3 describes the dependence of
and power consumption on RPM.
ow, pressure,
Power ~n
Pressure ~n
Flow ~n
Less energy savings
Costlier installation
Maximum energy savings
Discharge Damper Solution
IGV Solution
VLT Solution
Energy consumed
Energy consumed
Energy consumed
Input power %
Volume %
Product Overview
VLT® HVAC Basic Drive FC 101
Illustration 3.3 Laws of Proportionally
Illustration 3.4 The 3 Common Energy Saving Systems
Q = FlowP = Power
Q1 = Rated owP1 = Rated power
Q2 = Reduced owP2 = Reduced power
H = Pressuren = Speed control
H1 = Rated pressuren1 = Rated speed
H2 = Reduced pressuren2 = Reduced speed
Table 3.1 The Laws of Proportionality
3.1.4 Comparison of Energy Savings
The Danfoss frequency converter solution oers major
savings compared with traditional energy saving solutions
such as discharge damper solution and inlet guide vanes
(IGV) solution. This is because the frequency converter is
able to control fan speed according to thermal load on the
system, and the frequency converter has a built-in facility
that enables the frequency converter to function as a
building management system, BMS.
Illustration 3.3 shows typical energy savings obtainable
with 3 well-known solutions when fan volume is reduced
to 60%.
As the graph shows, more than 50% energy savings can be
achieved in typical applications.
Illustration 3.5 Energy Savings
Discharge dampers reduce power consumption. Inlet guide
vanes oer a 40% reduction, but are expensive to install.
The Danfoss frequency converter solution reduces energy
consumption with more than 50% and is easy to install. It
also reduces noise, mechanical stress, and wear-and-tear,
and extends the life span of the entire application.
This example is calculated based on pump characteristics
obtained from a pump datasheet.
The result obtained shows energy savings of more than
50% at the given ow distribution over a year. The
payback period depends on the price per kWh and the
price of frequency converter. In this example, it is less than
a year when compared with valves and constant speed.
Energy savings
= P
shaft output
Illustration 3.6 Flow Distribution over 1 Year
Illustration 3.7 Energy
% Hours Power
A1 - B
Valve regulation
kWhA1 - C
Frequency converter
300 15131438.550.58929.038.106
250 20175235.061.32018.532.412
200 20175231.555.18811.520.148
150 20175228.049.0566.511.388
100 20175223.040.2963.56.132
100 8760–275.064–26.801
Table 3.2 Result
3.1.6 Better Control
If a frequency converter is used for controlling the ow or
pressure of a system, improved control is obtained.
A frequency converter can vary the speed of the fan or
pump, obtaining variable control of ow and pressure.
Furthermore, a frequency converter can quickly adapt the
speed of the fan or pump to new ow or pressure
conditions in the system.
Simple control of process (ow, level, or pressure) utilizing
the built-in PI control.
3.1.7 Star/Delta Starter or Soft Starter not
When larger motors are started, it is necessary in many
countries to use equipment that limits the start-up current.
In more traditional systems, a star/delta starter or soft
starter is widely used. Such motor starters are not required
if a frequency converter is used.
As illustrated in Illustration 3.8, a frequency converter does
not consume more than rated current.
3.1.8 Using a Frequency Converter Saves
The example in chapter 3.1.9 Without a Frequency Converter
shows that a frequency converter replaces other
equipment. It is possible to calculate the cost of installing
the 2 dierent systems. In the example, the 2 systems can
be established at roughly the same price.
Use the VLT® Energy Box software that is introduced in
chapter 1.5 Additional Resources to calculate the cost
savings that can be achieved by using a frequency
The following sections give typical examples of
applications within HVAC.
3.1.12 Variable Air Volume
VAV or variable air volume systems, control both the
ventilation and temperature to satisfy the requirements of
a building. Central VAV systems are considered to be the
most energy ecient method to air condition buildings. By
designing central systems instead of distributed systems, a
greater eciency can be obtained.
The eciency comes from utilizing larger fans and larger
chillers which have much higher eciencies than small
motors and distributed air-cooled chillers. Savings are also
seen from the decreased maintenance requirements.
3.1.13 The VLT Solution
While dampers and IGVs work to maintain a constant
pressure in the ductwork, a frequency converter solution
saves much more energy and reduces the complexity of
the installation. Instead of creating an articial pressure
drop or causing a decrease in fan eciency, the frequency
converter decreases the speed of the fan to provide the
ow and pressure required by the system.
Centrifugal devices such as fans behave according to the
centrifugal laws. This means that the fans decrease the
pressure and ow they produce as their speed is reduced.
Their power consumption is thereby signicantly reduced.
The PI controller of the VLT® HVAC Basic Drive can be used
to eliminate the need for additional controllers.
With temperature control, especially used in air
conditioning systems, as the outside temperature varies as
CAV, or constant air volume systems, are central ventilation
systems usually used to supply large common zones with
the minimum amounts of fresh tempered air. They
preceded VAV systems and are therefore found in older
multi-zoned commercial buildings as well. These systems
preheat amounts of fresh air utilizing air handling units
(AHUs) with a heating coil, and many are also used to air
condition buildings and have a cooling coil. Fan coil units
are frequently used to assist in the heating and cooling
requirements in the individual zones.
well as the number of people in the controlled zone
changes, dierent cooling requirements exist. As the
temperature decreases below the setpoint, the supply fan
can decrease its speed. The return fan modulates to
maintain a static pressure setpoint. By decreasing the air
ow, energy used to heat or cool the fresh air is also
reduced, adding further savings.
Several features of the Danfoss HVAC dedicated frequency
converter can be utilized to improve the performance of
the CAV system. One concern of controlling a ventilation
system is poor air quality. The programmable minimum
3.1.15 The VLT Solution
With a frequency converter, signicant energy savings can
be obtained while maintaining decent control of the
building. Temperature sensors or CO2 sensors can be used
as feedback signals to frequency converters. Whether
controlling temperature, air quality, or both, a CAV system
can be controlled to operate based on actual building
conditions. As the number of people in the controlled area
decreases, the need for fresh air decreases. The CO2 sensor
frequency can be set to maintain a minimum amount of
supply air regardless of the feedback or reference signal.
The frequency converter also includes a PI controller, which
allows monitoring both temperature and air quality. Even if
the temperature requirement is fullled, the frequency
converter maintains enough supply air to satisfy the air
quality sensor. The controller is capable of monitoring and
comparing 2 feedback signals to control the return fan by
maintaining a xeddierentialairow between the supply
and return ducts as well.
detects lower levels and decreases the supply fans speed.
The return fan modulates to maintain a static pressure
setpoint or
Cooling tower fans cool condenser-water in water-cooled
chiller systems. Water-cooled chillers provide the most
ecient means of creating chilled water. They are as much
as 20% more ecient than air cooled chillers. Depending
on climate, cooling towers are often the most energy
ecient method of cooling the condenser-water from
They cool the condenser water by evaporation.
The condenser water is sprayed into the cooling tower
until the cooling towers ll to increase its surface area. The
tower fan blows air through the ll and sprayed water to
aid in the evaporation. Evaporation removes energy from
the water dropping its temperature. The cooled water
collects in the cooling towers basin where it is pumped
back into the chillers condenser and the cycle is repeated.
3.1.17 The VLT Solution
With a frequency converter, the cooling towers fans can be
controlled to the required speed to maintain the
condenser-water temperature. The frequency converters
can also be used to turn the fan on and o as needed.
Several features of the Danfoss HVAC dedicated frequency
converter can be utilized to improve the performance of
cooling tower fans applications. As the cooling tower fans
drop below a certain speed, the eect the fan has on
cooling the water becomes small. Also, when utilizing a
gearbox to frequency control the tower fan, a minimum
speed of 40–50% is required.
The customer programmable minimum frequency setting is
available to maintain this minimum frequency even as the
feedback or speed reference calls for lower speeds.
Also as a standard feature, the frequency converter can be
programmed to enter a sleep mode and stop the fan until
a higher speed is required. Additionally, some cooling
tower fans have undesirable frequencies that may cause
vibrations. These frequencies can easily be avoided by
programming the bypass frequency ranges in the
frequency converter.
Using a frequency converter instead of a throttling valve
simply saves the energy that would have been absorbed
Condenser water pumps are primarily used to circulate
water through the condenser section of water cooled
chillers and their associated cooling tower. The condenser
water absorbs the heat from the chiller's condenser section
and releases it into the atmosphere in the cooling tower.
by the valve. This can amount to savings of 15–20% or
more. Trimming the pump impeller is irreversible, thus if
the conditions change and higher ow is required the
impeller must be replaced.
These systems are used to provide the most ecient
means of creating chilled water, they are as much as 20%
more ecient than air cooled chillers.
3.1.19 The VLT Solution
Frequency converters can be added to condenser water
pumps instead of balancing the pumps with a throttling
valve or trimming the pump impeller.
Primary pumps in a primary/secondary pumping system
can be used to maintain a constant ow through devices
that encounter operation or control diculties when
exposed to variable ow. The primary/secondary pumping
technique decouples the primary production loop from the
secondary distribution loop. This allows devices such as
chillers to obtain constant design ow and operate
properly while allowing the rest of the system to vary in
As the evaporator ow rate decreases in a chiller, the
chilled water begins to become overchilled. As this
happens, the chiller attempts to decrease its cooling
capacity. If the ow rate drops far enough, or too quickly,
the chiller cannot shed its load suciently and the chiller’s
safety trips the chiller requiring a manual reset. This
situation is common in large installations especially when 2
or more chillers in parallel are installed if primary/
secondary pumping is not utilized.
3.1.21 The VLT Solution
Depending on the size of the system and the size of the
primary loop, the energy consumption of the primary loop
can become substantial.
A frequency converter can be added to the primary system
to replace the throttling valve and/or trimming of the
impellers, leading to reduced operating expenses. 2 control
methods are common:
Flow meter
Because the desired ow rate is known and is constant, a
ow meter installed at the discharge of each chiller, can be
used to control the pump directly. Using the built-in PI
controller, the frequency converter always maintains the
appropriate ow rate, even compensating for the changing
resistance in the primary piping loop as chillers and their
pumps are staged on and o.
Local speed determination
The operator simply decreases the output frequency until
the design ow rate is achieved.
Using a frequency converter to decrease the pump speed
is very similar to trimming the pump impeller, except it
does not require any labor, and the pump eciency
remains higher. The balancing contractor simply decreases
the speed of the pump until the proper ow rate is
achieved and leaves the speed xed. The pump operates
at this speed any time the chiller is staged on. Because the
primary loop does not have control valves or other devices
that can cause the system curve to change, and the
variance due to staging pumps and chillers on and o is
usually small, this xed speed remains appropriate. If the
ow rate needs to be increased later in the system’s life,
the frequency converter can simply increase the pump
speed instead of requiring a new pump impeller.
Secondary pumps in a primary/secondary chilled water
pumping system distribute the chilled water to the loads
from the primary production loop. The primary/secondary
pumping system is used to hydronically de-couple 1 piping
loop from another. In this case, the primary pump is used
to maintain a constant ow through the chillers while
allowing the secondary pumps to vary in ow, increase
control and save energy.
If the primary/secondary concept is not used in the design
of a variable volume system when the ow rate drops far
enough or too quickly, the chiller cannot shed its load
properly. The chiller’s low evaporator temperature safety
then trips the chiller requiring a manual reset. This
situation is common in large installations especially when 2
or more chillers in parallel are installed.
3.1.23 The VLT Solution
While the primary-secondary system with 2-way valves
improves energy savings and eases system control
problems, the true energy savings and control potential is
realized by adding frequency converters.
With the proper sensor location, the addition of frequency
converters allows the pumps to vary their speed to follow
the system curve instead of the pump curve.
This results in the elimination of wasted energy and
eliminates most of the overpressurization that 2-way valves
can be subjected to.
As the monitored loads are reached, the 2-way valves close
down. This increases the dierential pressure measured
across the load and the 2-way valve. As this dierential
pressure starts to rise, the pump is slowed to maintain the
control head also called setpoint value. This setpoint value
is calculated by summing the pressure drop of the load
and the 2-way valve together under design conditions.
When running multiple pumps in parallel, they must run
at the same speed to maximize energy savings, either
with individual dedicated frequency converters or 1
frequency converter running multiple pumps in parallel.
Select [0] Open loop or [1] Closed loop in parameter 1-00 Conguration Mode.
3.2.1 Control Structure Open Loop
Illustration 3.17 Open-loop Structure
In the conguration shown in Illustration 3.17,
parameter 1-00 Conguration Mode is set to [0] Open loop.
The resulting reference from the reference handling system
or the local reference is received and fed through the ramp
limitation and speed limitation before being sent to the
motor control. The output from the motor control is then
limited by the maximum frequency limit.
Current limitations for PM motors:
induction motors and 0.37–22 kW (0.5–30) (400 V)
for PM motors.
Currently only supported up to 22 kW (30 hp).
LC lters are not supported with PM motors.
Kinetic back-up algorithm is not supported with
PM motors.
3.2.2 PM/EC+ Motor Control
Support only complete AMA of the stator
resistance Rs in the system.
The Danfoss EC+ concept provides the possibility for using
high-ecient PM motors (permanent magnet motors) in
IEC standard enclosure sizes operated by Danfoss
No stall detection (supported from software
version 2.80).
frequency converters.
The commissioning procedure is comparable to the
existing one for asynchronous (induction) motors by
3.2.3 Local (Hand On) and Remote (Auto
On) Control
utilizing the Danfoss VVC+ PM control strategy.
The frequency converter can be operated manually via the
local control panel (LCP) or remotely via analog/digital
inputs or serial bus. If allowed in parameter 0-40 [Hand on]
Key on LCP, parameter 0-44 [O/Reset] Key on LCP, and
parameter 0-42 [Auto on] Key on LCP, it is possible to start
and stop the frequency converter via LCP by pressing
[Hand On] and [O/Reset]. Alarms can be reset via the
[O/Reset] key.
Illustration 3.18 LCP Keys
7-30 PI
Scale to
P 4-10
Motor speed
To motor
Product OverviewDesign Guide
Local reference forces the conguration mode to openloop, independent on the setting of
parameter 1-00 Conguration Mode.
Local reference is restored at power-down.
3.2.4 Control Structure Closed Loop
The internal controller allows the frequency converter to
become a part of the controlled system. The frequency
converter receives a feedback signal from a sensor in the
system. It then compares this feedback to a setpoint
reference value and determines the error, if any, between
these 2 signals. It then adjusts the speed of the motor to
correct this error.
For example, consider a pump application where the speed
of a pump is to be controlled to ensure a constant static
pressure in a pipe. The static pressure value is supplied to
the frequency converter as the setpoint reference. A static
pressure sensor measures the actual static pressure in the
pipe and supplies this data to the frequency converter as a
feedback signal. If the feedback signal is greater than the
setpoint reference, the frequency converter slows the
pump down to reduce the pressure. In a similar way, if the
pipe pressure is lower than the setpoint reference, the
frequency converter automatically speeds the pump up to
increase the pressure provided by the pump.
Illustration 3.19 Control Structure Closed-loop
While the default values for the closed-loop controller of
the frequency converter often provide satisfactory
performance, the control of the system can often be
optimized by adjusting parameters.
In some applications, it may be useful to convert the
feedback signal. One example of this is using a pressure
signal to provide ow feedback. Since the square root of
pressure is proportional to ow, the square root of the
pressure signal yields a value proportional to the ow. See
Illustration 3.20.