How to operate graphical LCP (GLCP)4
Display Mode9
Display Mode - Selection of Displayed Variables9
How to operate numeric LCP (NLCP)11
Parameter Set-Up13
2 Parameter Description
Main Menu - Operation and Display - Group 019
Main Menu - Load and Motor - Group 135
Main Menu - Brakes - Group 247
Main Menu - Reference/Ramps - Group 350
Main Menu - Limits/Warnings - Group 458
Main Menu - Digital In/Out - Group 563
Main Menu - Analog In/Out - Group 686
Main Menu - Communications and Options - Group 896
Main Menu - Profibus - Group 9104
Main Menu - CAN Fieldbus - Group 10113
Main Menu - Smart Logic - Group 13119
Main Menu - Special Functions -Group 14134
Main Menu - Frequency Converter Information - Group 15143
Main Menu - Data Readouts - Group 16150
Main Menu - Data Readouts 2 - Group 18158
Main Menu - FC Closed Loop - Group 20160
Main Menu - Extended Closed Loop - Group 21170
Main Menu - Application Functions - Group 22183
Main Menu - Time-based Functions - Group 23198
Main Menu - Cascade Controller - Group 25212
Main Menu - Analog I/O Option MCB 109 - Group 26226
Main menu – Water application – Group 29233
Main Menu - Bypass Option - Group 31235
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ContentsVLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide
Digital In/Out 5-**245
Analog In/Out 6-**246
Comm. and Options 8-**247
Profibus 9-**248
CAN Fieldbus 10-**249
Smart Logic 13-**250
Special Functions 14-**251
FC Information 15-**252
Data Readouts 16-**254
Data Readouts 2 18-**256
FC Closed Loop 20-**257
Ext. Closed Loop 21-**258
Application Functions 22-**260
Timed Actions 23-**262
Cascade Controller 25-**263
Analog I/O Option MCB 109 26-**265
Cascade CTL Option 27-**266
Water Application Functions 29-**268
Bypass Option 31-**269
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VLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide1 How to Programme
1 How to Programme
FC 200 Series
Software version: 1.33
This guide can be used with all FC 200 frequency converters with
software version 1.33 or later.
The actual software version number can be read from
Software Version
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1 How to ProgrammeVLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide
1.1.1 How to operate graphical LCP (GLCP)
The following instructions are valid for the GLCP (LCP 102).
The GLCP is divided into four functional groups:
1.Graphical display with Status lines.
2.Menu keys and indicator lights (LED's) - selecting mode, changing parameters and switching between display functions.
3.Navigation keys and indicator lights (LEDs).
4.Operation keys and indicator lights (LEDs).
Graphical display:
The LCD-display is back-lit with a tota l of 6 a lpha -n umer ic l ines. All data is displa yed o n the L CP wh ich c an show up to five operatin g variables wh ile in
[Status] mode.
Display lines:
a.Status line: Status messages displaying icons and graphics.
b.Line 1-2: Operator data lines displaying data and variables de-
fined or chosen by the user. By pressing the [Status] key, up to
one extra line can be added.
c.Status line: Status messages displaying text.
The display is divided into 3 sections:
Top section (a)
shows the status when in status mode or up to 2 variables when not in
status mode and in the case of Alarm/Warning.
The number of the Active Set-up (selected as the Active Set-up in par. 0-10) is shown. When programming in another Set-up than the Active Set-up, the
number of the Set-up being programmed appears to the right in brackets.
Middle section (b)
shows up to 5 variables with related unit, regardless of status. In case of alarm/warning, the warning is shown instead of the variables.
It is possible to toggle between three status read-out displays by pressing the [Status] key.
Operating variables with different formatting are shown in each status screen - see below.
Several values or measurements can be linked to each of the displayed o pera ting variables. The values / measurements to be displayed can be defined
via par. 0-20, 0-21, 0-22, 0-23, and 0-24, which can be accessed via [QUICK MENU], "Q3 Function Setups", "Q3-1 General Settings", "Q3-11 Display
Each value / measurement readout parameter selected in par. 0-20 to par. 0 -24 has its o wn scale and n umber of digits aft er a possible deci mal point.
Larger numeric values are displayed with few digits after the decimal point.
Ex.: Current readout
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VLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide1 How to Programme
5.25 A; 15.2 A 105 A.
Status display I
This read-out state is standard after start-up or initialization.
Use [INFO] to obtain information about the value/measurement linked to
the displayed operating variables (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2, and 3).
See the operating variables shown in the displa y in t his illu strati on. 1 .1,
1.2 and 1.3 are shown in small size. 2 and 3 are shown in medium size.
Status display II
See the operating variables (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 2) shown in the di splay in
this illustration.
In the example, Speed, Motor current, Motor power and Frequency are
selected as variables in the first and second lines.
1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 are shown in small size. 2 is shown in large size.
Status display III:
This state displays the event and action of the Smart Logic Control. For
further information, see section
Smart Logic Control
Bottom section
always shows the state of the frequency converter in Status mode.
Display Contrast Adjustment
Press [status] and [▲] for darker display
Press [status] and [▼] for brighter display
Indicator lights (LEDs):
If certain threshold values are exceeded, the alarm and/o r warning LED lights up. A status and alarm text appear on the control panel.
The On LED is activated when the frequency converter receives power from mains voltage, a DC bus terminal, or an e xternal 24 V supply. At the same
time, the back light is on.
•Green LED/On: Control section is working.
•Yellow LED/Warn.: Indicates a warning.
•Flashing Red LED/Alarm: Indicates an alarm.
Top section
Middle section
Bottom section
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1 How to ProgrammeVLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide
GLCP keys
Menu keys
The menu keys are divided into functions. The keys below the display and
indicator lamps are used for parameter set-up, including choice of display
indication during normal operation.
Indicates the status of the frequency converter and/or the motor. 3 different readouts can be chosen by pressing the [Status] key:
5 line readouts, 4 line readouts or Smart Logic Control.
Use [Status] for selecting the mode of display or for changing back to Display mode from either the Quick Menu mode, the Main Menu mode or Alarm
mode. Also use the [Status] key to toggle single or double read-out mode.
[Quick Menu]
Allows quick set-up of the frequency converter. The most common functions can be programmed here.
The [Quick Menu] consists of:
-Q1: My Personal Menu
-Q2: Quick Setup
-Q3: Function Setups
-Q5: Changes Made
-Q6: Loggings
The Function set-up provides quick and easy access to all parameters required for the majo rity of water and wastewater applications including variable
torque, constant torque, pumps, dossing pumps, well pumps, booster pumps, mixer pumps, aeration blowers and other pump and fan applications.
Amongst other features it also includes parameters for selecting which variables to display on the LCP, digital preset speeds, scaling of analog references,
closed loop single zone and multi-zone applications and specific functions related to water and wastewater applications.
The Quick Menu parameters can be accessed immediately unless a password has been created via par. 0-60, 0-61, 0-65 or 0-66.
It is possible to switch directly between Quick Menu mode and Main Menu mode.
[Main Menu]
is used for programming all parameters.
The Main Menu parameters can be accessed immediately unless a password has been created via par. 0-60, 0-61, 0-65 or 0-66. For the majority of water
and wastewater applications it is not necessary to access the Main Menu parameters but instead the Quick Menu, Quick Setup and Function Setups
provides the simplest and quickest access to the typical required parameters.
It is possible to switch directly between Main Menu mode and Quick Menu mode.
Parameter shortcut can be carried out by pressi ng down the [Main Menu] key for 3 seconds. The parameter shortcut allows direct access to any
[Alarm Log]
displays an Alarm list of the five latest alarms (numbered A1-A5). To obtain additional details about an alarm, use the arrow k eys to mano euvre to the
alarm number and press [OK]. Information is displayed about the condition of the frequency converter before it enters the alarm mode.
reverts to the previous step or layer in the navigation structure.
last change or command will be cancelled as long as the display has not
been changed.
displays information about a command, parameter, or function in a ny
display window. [Info] provides detailed information when n eed ed.
Exit Info mode by pressing either [Info], [Back], or [Cancel].
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VLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide1 How to Programme
Navigation Keys
The four navigation arrows are used to navigate between t he different
choices available in [Quick Menu], [Main Menu] and [Alarm Log].
Use the keys to move the cursor.
is used for choosing a parameter marked by the cursor and for enabling
the change of a parameter.
Operation Keys
for local control are found at the bottom of the control panel.
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1 How to ProgrammeVLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide
[Hand On]
enables control of the frequency converter via the GLCP. [Hand o n] also starts the motor, and it is now possible to give the motor speed referen ce by
means of the arrow keys. The key can be
The following control signals will still be active when [Hand on] is activated:
•[Hand on] - [Off] - [Auto on]
•Coasting stop inverse (motor coasting to stop)
•Set-up select lsb - Set-up select msb
•Stop command from serial communication
•Quick stop
•DC brake
External stop signals activated by means of control signals or a serial bus will override a “start” command via the LCP.
stops the connected motor. The key can be
[Off] key is inactive the motor can only be stopped by disconnecting the mains supply.
[Auto On]
enables the frequency converter to be controlled via the control terminals and/or serial communication. When a start signal is applied on the control
terminals and/or the bus, the frequency converter will start. The key can be
[1] or
[1] or
[0] via par.
[0] via par.
0-40 [Hand on] Key on LCP.
0-41 [Off] key on LCP.
[1] or
[0] via par.
If no external stop function is selected and the
0-42 [Auto on] key on LCP.
An active HAND-OFF-AUTO signal via the digital inputs has higher priority than the control keys [Hand on] – [Auto on].
is used for resetting the frequency converter after an alarm (trip). The key can be
The parameter shortcut
can be carried out by holding down the [Main Menu] key for 3 seconds. The parameter shortcut allows direct access to any parameter.
[1] or
[0] via par. 0-43
Reset Keys on LCP
1.1.2 Quick Transfer of Parameter Settings between Multiple Frequency Converters
Once the set-up of a frequency converter is complete, we recommend
that you store the data in the LCP or on a PC via MCT 10 Set-up Software
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VLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide1 How to Programme
Data storage in LCP:
1.Go to par.0-50
2.Press the [OK] key
3.Select “All to LCP”
4.Press the [OK] key
All parameter settings are now stored in the LCP indicated by the progress bar. When 100% is reached, press [OK].
You can now connect the LCP to another frequency converter and copy the parameter settings to this frequency converter as well.
Data transfer from LCP to frequency converter:
1.Go to par.0-50
2.Press the [OK] key
3.Select “All from LCP”
4.Press the [OK] key
The parameter settings stored in the LCP are now transferred to the frequ ency converter indicated by the progress bar. When 100% is reached, press
LCP Copy
Stop the motor before performing this operation.
LCP Copy
Stop the motor before performing this operation.
1.1.3 Display Mode
In normal operation, up to 5 different operating variables can be indicated continuously in the middle section: 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 as well as 2 and 3.
1.1.4 Display Mode - Selection of Displayed Variables
It is possible to toggle between three status read-out screens by pressing the [Status] key.
Operating variables with different formatting are shown in each status screen - see below.
Several measurements can be lin k ed to each of the operating variables. Define the links via par. 0-20, 0-21, 0-22, 0 -23 , and 0-24.
Each readout parameter selected in par. 0-20 to par. 0-24 has its own scale and digits after a possible decimal point. By larger numeric value of a parameter
fewer digits are displayed after the decimal point.
Ex.: Current readout below: 5.25 A; 15.2 A 105 A.
Status screen I
This read-out state is standard after start-up or initialization.
Use [INFO] to obtain information about the measurement links to the
displayed operating variables /1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2, an d 3) .
See the operating variables shown in the screen in this illustration. 1.1,
1.2 and 1.3 are shown in small size. 2 and 3 are shown in medium size.
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1 How to ProgrammeVLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide
Status screen II:
See the operating variables (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, and 2) shown in the screen in
this illustration.
In the example, Speed, Motor current, Motor power and Frequency are
selected as variables in the first and second.
1.1, 1.2 and 1.3 are shown in small size. 2 is shown in large size.
In both status screen I and II it is possible to select other operating variables by pressing
Status screen III:
This state displays the event and action of the Smart Logic Contr ol. For
further information, see section
or ▼ .
Smart Logic Control
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VLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide1 How to Programme
1.1.5 How to operate numeric LCP (NLCP)
The following instructions are valid for the NLCP (LCP 101).
The control panel is divided into four functional groups:
1.Numeric display.
2.Menu key and indicator lights (LEDs) - changing parameters and
switching between display functions.
3.Navigation keys and indicator lights (LEDs).
4.Operation keys and indicator lights (LEDs).
Parameter copy is not possible with Numeric Local
Control Panel (LCP101).
Select one of the following modes:
Status Mode: Displays the status of the frequency converter or the mo-
If an alarm occurs, the NLCP automatically switches to status mode.
A number of alarms can be displayed.
Quick Setup or Main Menu Mode: Displ ay parameters and parameter
Illustration 1.1: Numerical LCP (NLCP)
Illustration 1.2: Status display example
Indicator lights (LEDs):
•Green LED/On: Indicates if control section is on.
•Yellow LED/Wrn.: Indicates a warning.
•Flashing red LED/Alarm: Indicates an alarm.
Menu key
[Menu] Select one of the following modes:
•Quick Setup
•Main Menu
Illustration 1.3: Alarm display example
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1 How to ProgrammeVLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide
Main Menu
is used for programming all parameters.
The parameters can be accessed immediately unless a password has been created via par.0-60
o Password
Quick Setup is used to set up the frequency converter using only the most essential parameters.
The parameter values can be changed using the up/down arrows when the value is flashing.
Select Main Menu by pressing the [Menu] key a number of times until the Main Menu LED is lit.
Select the parameter group [xx-__] and press [OK]
Select the parameter [__-xx] and press [OK]
If the parameter is an array parameter select the array number and press [OK]
Select the wanted data value and press [OK]
Navigation Keys
for stepping backwards
Arrow [
keys are used for manoeuvring between parameter groups, parameters
and within parameters
is used for choosing a parameter marked by the cursor and for enabling
the change of a parameter.
, par.0-65
] [▼]
Personal Menu Password
or par.0-66
Access to Personal Menu w/o Password
Main Menu Password
Illustration 1.4: Display example
, par.0-61
Access to Main Menu w/
Operation Keys
Keys for local control are found at the bottom of the control panel.
Illustration 1.5: Operation keys of the numerical LCP (NLCP)
[Hand on]
enables control of the frequency converter via the LCP. [Hand on] also starts the moto r and it is now po ssible to e nte r the motor spe ed data by means
of the arrow keys. The key can be
External stop signals activated by means of control signals or a serial bus will override a 'start' command via the LCP.
The following control signals will still be active when [Hand on] is activated:
•[Hand on] - [Off] - [Auto on]
•Coasting stop inverse
•Set-up select lsb - Set-up select msb
•Stop command from serial communication
•Quick stop
•DC brake
stops the connected motor. The key can be
If no external stop function is selected and the [Off] key is inactive the motor can be stopped by disconnecting the mains supply.
[1] or
[1] or
[0] via par.0-40
[0] via par.0-41
[Hand on] Key on LCP
[Off] Key on LCP
[Auto on]
enables the frequency converter to be controlled via the control terminals and/or serial communication. When a start signal is applied on the control
[1] or
terminals and/or the bus, the frequency converter will start. The key can be
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[0] via par.0-42
[Auto on] Key on LCP
VLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide1 How to Programme
An active HAND-OFF-AUTO signal via the digital inputs has higher priority than the control keys [Hand on] [Auto on].
is used for resetting the frequency converter after an alarm (trip). The key can be
[1] or
[0] via par.0-43
[Reset] Key on LCP
1.1.6 Parameter Set-Up
The frequency converter can be used for practically all assignments, thus offering a significant number of parameters. The series offers a choice between
two programming modes - a Quick Menu mode and a Main Menu mode.
The latter provides access to all parameters. The former takes the user through a few parameters making it possible to program the maj ority ofwater/ wastewater applications.
Regardless of the mode of programming, you can change a parameter both in the Quick Menu mode and in th e M ai n M enu mod e.
1.1.7 Quick Menu Mode
The GLCP provides access to all parameters listed under the Quick Menus. To set parameters using the [Quick Menu] button:
Pressing [Quick Menu] the list indicates the different areas contained in the Quick menu.
Efficient Parameter Set-up for Water Applications
The parameters can easily be set up for the vast majority of the water and wastewater applications only by using the [Quick Menu].
The optimum way to set parameters through the [Quick Menu] is by following the below steps:
1.Press [Quick Setup] for selecting basic motor settings, ramp times, etc.
2.Press [Function Setups] for setting up the required functionality of the frequency converter - if not already covered by the settings in [Quick
3.Choose between
It is recommended to do the set-up in the order listed.
Illustration 1.6: Quick menu view.
General Settings, Open Loop Settings
Closed Loop Settings.
1-20Motor Power[kW]
1-22Motor Voltage[V]
1-23Motor Frequency[Hz]
1-24Motor Current[A]
1-25Motor Nominal Speed[RPM]
3-41Ramp 1 Ramp up Time[s]
3-42Ramp 1 Ramp down Time[s]
4-11Motor Speed Low Limit[RPM]
4-13Motor Speed High Limit[RPM]
1-29Automatic Motor Adaptation (AMA)
Table 1.1: Quick Setup parameters
No Operation
Coast Inverse
For detailed parameter descriptions, please see the foll owing section on
is selected in terminal 27 no connection to +24 V on terminal 27 is necessary to enable start.
(factory default value) is selected in Terminal 27, a connection to +24V is necessary to enable start.
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Commonly Used Parameters - Explanations
1 How to ProgrammeVLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide
1.1.8 Q3 Function Setups
The Function Setup provides quick and easy access to all paramet ers require d for the majority of water and wastewat er applicat ions inc luding va riable
torque, constant torque, pumps, dossing pumps, well pumps, booster pumps, mixer pumps, aeration blowers and other pump and fan applications.
Amongst other features it also includes parameters for selecting which variables to display on the LCP, digital preset speeds, scaling of analog references,
closed loop single zone and multi-zone applications and specific functions related to water and wastewater applications.
How to access Function Set-up - example:
Illustration 1.7: Step 1: Turn on the frequency converter (On
LED lights)
Illustration 1.9: Step 3: Use the up/down navigation keys to
scroll down to Function Setups. Press [OK].
Illustration 1.11: Step 5: Use the up/down navigation keys
to scroll down to i.e. 03-12
Illustration 1.12: Step 6: Choose parameter 6-50
42 Output
Illustration 1.13: Step 7: Use the up/down navigation keys
to select between the different choices. Press [OK].
. Press [OK].
Analog Outputs
. Press [OK].
Illustration 1.10: Step 4: Function Setups choices appear.
Choose 03-1
General Settings
. Press [OK].
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VLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide1 How to Programme
The Function Setup parameters are grouped in the following way:
Q3-10 Clock SettingsQ3-11 Display SettingsQ3-12 Analog OutputQ3-13 Relays
0-70 Set Date and Time0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small6-50 Terminal 42 OutputRelay 1 ⇒ 5-40 Function Relay
0-71 Date Format0-21 Display Line 1.2 Small6-51 Terminal 42 Output Min ScaleRelay 2 ⇒ 5-40 Function Relay
0-72 Time Format0-22 Display Line 1.3 Small6-52 Terminal 42 Output Max Scale
0-74 DST/Summertime0-23 Display Line 2 Large
0-76 DST/Summertime Start0-24 Display Line 3 Large
0-77 DST/Summertime End0-37 Display Text 1
0-38 Display Text 2
0-39 Display Text 3
Q3-20 Digital ReferenceQ3-21 Analog Reference
3-02 Minimum Reference3-02 Minimum Reference
3-03 Maximum Reference3-03 Maximum Reference
3-10 Preset Reference6-10 Terminal 53 Low Voltage
5-13 Terminal 29 Digital Input6-11 Terminal 53 High Voltage
5-14 Terminal 32 Digital Input6-14 Terminal 53 Low Ref/Feedb. Value
5-15 Terminal 33 Digital Input6-15 Terminal 53 High Ref/Feedb. Value
Q3-30 Feedback SettingsQ3-31 PID Settings
1-00 Configuration Mode20-81 PID Normal/Inverse Control
20-12 Reference/Feedb.Unit20-82 PID Start Speed [RPM]
3-02 Minimum Reference20-2 1 Setpo int 1
3-03 Maximum Reference20-93 PID Proportional Gai n
6-20 Terminal 54 Low Voltage20-94 PID Integral Time
6-21 Terminal 54 High Voltage
6-24 Terminal 54 Low Ref/Feedb Value
6-25 Terminal 54 High Ref/Feedb Value
6-00 Live Zero Timeout Time
6-01 Live Zero Timeout Function
Q3-1 General Settings
Option relay 7 ⇒ 5-40 Function
Option relay 8 ⇒ 5-40 Function
Option relay 9 ⇒ 5-40 Function
Q3-2 Open Loop Settings
Q3-3 Closed Loop Settings
1.1.9 Main Menu Mode
Both the GLCP and NLCP provide access to the main menu mode. Select
the Main Menu mode by pressing the [Main Menu] ke y. Illustration 6.2
shows the resulting read-out, which appears on the display of the GLCP.
Lines 2 through 5 on the display show a list of parameter groups which
can be chosen by toggling the up and down buttons.
Illustration 1.14: Display example.
Each parameter has a name and number which remain the same regard less of the p rogramming mode. In the Main Menu mo de, the parameters are
divided into groups. The first digit of the parameter number (from the left) indicates the parameter group number.
All parameters can be changed in the Main Menu. The configuration of the unit (par.1-00
for programming. For example, selecting Closed Loop enables additional pa rameters related to closed loop operation. Option cards added to the unit
enable additiona l parameters associated with the option device.
Configuration Mode
) will determine other parameters available
1.1.10 Parameter Selection
In the Main Menu mode, the parameters are divided int o gro ups. Sel ect
a parameter group by means of the navigation keys.
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The following parameter groups are accessible:
1 How to ProgrammeVLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide
After selecting a parameter group, choose a parameter by means of the
navigation keys.
The middle section on the GLCP display shows the parameter number and
name as well as the selected parameter value.
Illustration 1.15: Display example.
1.1.11 Changing Data
The procedure for changing data is the same whether you select a parameter in the Quick menu or the Main menu mode. Press [OK] to change the
selected parameter.
The procedure for changing data depends on whether the selected parameter represents a numerical data value or a text value.
1.1.12 Changing a Text Value
If the selected parameter is a text value, change the text value by means
of the up/down navigation keys.
The up key increases the value, and the down key de crease s the value .
Place the cursor on the value to be saved and press [OK].
Illustration 1.16: Display example.
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VLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide1 How to Programme
1.1.13 Changing a Group of Numeric Data Values
If the chosen parameter represents a numeric data value, change the
chosen data value by means of the [◄] and [►] navigation keys as well
as the up/down [
keys to move the cursor horizontally.
Use the up/down navigation keys to change the data va lue. The up key
enlarges the data value, and the down key reduces the data value. Place
the cursor on the value to be saved and press [OK].
] [▼] navigation keys. Use the ◄] and [►] navigation
1.1.14 Changing of Data Value, Step-by-Step
Illustration 1.17: Display example.
Illustration 1.18: Display example.
Certain parameters can be changed step by step or infinitely variably. This applies to par.1-20
Motor Frequency
The parameters are changed both as a group of numeric data values and as numeric data values infinitely variably.
Motor Power [kW]
, par. 1-22
Motor Voltage
and par.
1.1.15 Read-out and Programming of Indexed Parameters
Parameters are indexed when placed in a rolling stack.
up/down navigation keys to scroll through the value log.
Use par.3-10
Choose the parameter, press [OK], and use the up/down navigation keys keys to scroll through the indexed va lues. To change the para meter value,
select the indexed value and press [OK]. Change the value by usin g the up/down keys. P ress [OK] t o accept the ne w setting. Pres s [Cancel] to abort.
Press [Back] to leave the parameter.
Alarm Log: Error Code
Preset Reference
as another example:
to par.15-32
Alarm Log: Time
contain a fault log which can be read out. Choose a parameter, press [OK], and use the
1.1.16 Initialisation to Default Settings
Initialise the frequency converter to default settings in two ways:
Recommended initialisation (via par.14-22
1.Select par.14-22
2.Press [OK]
3.Select “Initialisation”
4.Press [OK]
Operation Mode
Operation Mode
5.Cut off the mains supply and wait until the display turns off.
6.Reconnect the mains supply - the frequency converter is now
7.Change par.14-22
Operation Mode
back to
Normal Operation
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1 How to ProgrammeVLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide
Resets parameters selected in Personal Menu with default factory setting.
1.Disconnect from mains and wait until the display turns off.
2a.Press [Status] - [Main Menu] - [OK] at the same time while power up for LCP 102, Graphical Display
2b.Press [Menu] while power up for LCP 101, Numerical Display
3.Release the keys after 5 s.
4.The frequency converter is now programmed according to default settings.
This procedure initializes all excep t : par.15-00
Operation Mode
RFI Filter
Baud Rate
Minimum Response Delay
Maximum Response Delay
Maximum Inter-Char Delay
When you carry out manual initialisation, you also reset serial communication, par. 14-50
Removes parameters selected in par.25-00
After initialization and power cycling, the display will not show any information until after a couple of minutes.
initialises all except:
to par.15-05
to par.15-22
Over Volt's
Historic Log: Time
to par.15-32
Alarm Log: Time
Operating Hours
Cascade Controller
; par.15-03
Power Up's
; par.15-04
Over Temp's
RFI Filter
; par.15-05
Over Volt's
and fault log settings.
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VLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide2 Parameter Description
2 Parameter Description
2.1.1 Parameter Set-Up
Overview of parameter groups
0-Operation / DisplayParameters related to the fundamental functions of the frequency converter, function of
the LCP buttons and configuration of the LCP display.
1-Load / MotorParameter group for motor settings.
2-BrakesParameter group for setting brake features in the frequency converter.
3-Reference / RampsParameters for reference handling, definitions of limitations, and configuration of the re-
action of the frequency converter to changes.
4-Limits / WarningsParameter group for configuring limits and warnings.
5-Digital In/OutParameter group for configuring the digital inputs and outputs.
6-Analog In/OutParameter group for configuration of the analog inputs and outputs.
8-Communication and OptionsParameter group for configuring communications and options.
9-ProfibusParameter group for Profibus-specific parameters.
10-DeviceNet FieldbusParameter group for DeviceNet-specific parameters.
13-Smart LogicParameter group for Smart Logic Control
14-Special FunctionsParameter group for configuring special frequency converter functions.
15-Drive InformationParameter group containing frequency converter information such as operating data,
hardware configuration and software versions.
16-Data ReadoutsParameter group for data read-outs, e.g. actual references, voltages, control, alarm,
warning and status words.
18-Info and ReadoutsThis parameter group contains the last 10 Preventive Maintenance logs.
20-Drive Closed LoopThis parameter group is used for configuring the closed loop PID Controller that controls
the output frequency of the unit.
21-Extended Closed LoopParameters for configuring the three Extended Closed Loop PID Controllers.
22-Application FunctionsThese parameters monitor water applications.
23-Time-based FunctionsThese parameters are for actions needed to be performed on a daily or weekly basis, e.g.
different references for working hours/non-working hours.
25-Basic Cascade Controller FunctionsParameters for configuring the Basic Cascade Controller for sequence control of multiple
26-Analog I/0 Option MCB 109Parameters for configuring the Analog I/0 Option MCB 109.
27-Extended Cascade ControlParameters for configuring the Extended Cascade Control.
29-Water Application FunctionsParameters for setting water specific functions.
31-Bypass OptionParameters for configuring the Bypass Option
Table 2.1: Parameter Groups
Parameter descriptions and selections are displayed on the graphic (GLCP) or numeric (NLCP) in the display area. (See Section 5 for details.) Access the
parameters by pressing the [Quick Menu] or [Main Menu] key on the control panel. The quick menu is used primarily for commissioning the unit at startup by providing those parameters necessary to start operation. The main menu provides access to all parameters for detailed application programming.
All digital input/output and analog input/output terminals are multifunctional. All terminals have factory default functions suitable for the majority of water
applications but if other special functions are required, they must be programmed in parameter group 5 or 6.
2.2 Main Menu - Operation and Display - Group 0
2.2.1 0-** Operation / Display
Parameters related to the fundamental functions of the frequency converter, function of the LCP buttons and configuration of the LCP display.
2.2.2 0-0* Basic Settings
Parameter group for basic frequency converter settings.
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2 Parameter DescriptionVLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide
0-01 Language
Defines the language to be used in the display.
The frequency converter can be delivered with 2 different language packages. English and German
are included in both packages. English cannot be erased or manipulated.
[0] *EnglishPart of Language packages 1 - 2
[1]DeutschPart of Language packages 1 - 2
[2]FrancaisPart of Language package 1
[3]DanskPart of Language package 1
[4]SpanishPart of Language package 1
[5]ItalianoPart of Language package 1
[6]SvenskaPart of Language package 1
[7]NederlandsPart of Language package 1
[10]ChineseLanguage package 2
[20]SuomiPart of Language package 1
[22]English USPart of Language package 1
[27]GreekPart of Language package 1
[28]Bras.portPart of Language package 1
[36]SlovenianPart of Language package 1
[39]KoreanPart of Language package 2
[40]JapanesePart of Language package 2
[41]TurkishPart of Language package 1
[42]Trad.ChinesePart of Language package 2
[43]BulgarianPart of Language package 1
[44]SrpskiPart of Language package 1
[45]RomanianPart of Language package 1
[46]MagyarPart of Language package 1
[47]CzechPart of Language package 1
[48]PolskiPart of Language package 1
[49]RussianPart of Language package 1
[50]ThaiPart of Language package 2
[51]Bahasa IndonesiaPart of Language package 2
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VLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide2 Parameter Description
0-02 Motor Speed Unit
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.
The display showing depends on settings in par.0-02
. The default setting of par.0-02
which region of the world the frequency converter is supp lied to, but can be re-programmed a s
Changing the
It is recommended to select the motor speed unit first, before modifying other
[0]RPMSelects display of motor speed va riables and pa rameters (i.e. references, feedbacks and limits) in
terms of motor speed (RPM).
[1] *HzSelects display of motor speed variables and parameters (i.e. references, feedbacks and limits) in
terms of output frequency to the motor (Hz).
Motor Speed Unit
Motor Speed Unit
0-03 Regional Settings
This parameter cannot be adjusted while the motor is running.
The display showing depends on settings in par.0-02
. The default setting of par.0-02
which region of the world the frequency converter is supplied to but can be re -programmed as
Motor Speed Unit
Motor Speed Unit
and par.0-03
will reset certain parameters to their initial value.
Motor Speed Unit
and par.0-03
and par.0-03
Regional Settings
and par.0-03
Regional Settings
Regional Set-
depends on
Regional Set-
depends on
[0] *InternationalSets par.1-20
[50 Hz].
[1]North AmericaSets par.1-21
60 Hz.
The setting not used is made invisible.
Motor Power [kW]
Motor Power [HP]
units to [kW] and the default value of par.1-23
units to HP and the default value of par.1-23
Motor Frequency
Motor Frequen cy
0-04 Operating State at Power-up
Select the operating mode upon reconnection of the frequency converter to mains voltage after
power down when operating in Hand (local)mode.
[0] *ResumeResumes operation of the frequency converter maintaining the same local reference and the same
start/stop condition (applied by [Hand On]/[ Off] on the LCP or Hand Start via a digi tal input as
before the frequency converter was powered down.
[1]Forced stop, ref=oldUse s saved reference [1] to stop the frequency converter but at th e same time retain in memory
the local speed reference prior to power down. After ma ins voltage is reconnected and after receiving a start command (using t he LCP [Hand On] button or Hand Start command via a digital
input) the frequency converter restarts and operates at the retained speed reference.
2.2.3 0-1* Set-up Operations
Define and control the individual parameter set-ups.
The frequency converter has four parameter setups that can be programmed independently of each other. This makes the frequency converter very
flexible and able to meet the requirements of many different AQUA system control schemes often saving the cost of external control equipment. For
example these can be used to program the frequency converter to operate acco rding to one contro l sche me in o ne setup (e. g. dayt ime o perati on) a nd
another control scheme in another setup (e.g. night set back). Alternatively they can be used by an AHU or packaged unit OEM to identically program all
their factory fitted frequency converters for different equipment models within a range to have the same parameters and th en during production/commissioning simply select a specific setup depending on which model within that range the frequency converter is installed on.
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2 Parameter DescriptionVLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide
The active setup (i.e. the setup in which the frequency converter is currently operat i n g) can be selected in parameter 0-10 and is displayed in the LCP.
Using Multi set-up it is possible to switch between set-ups with t he frequency con verter running or stopped, via digital input or serial communication
commands (e.g. for night set back). If it is necessary to change setups whilst running, ensure parameter 0-12 is programmed as required. For the majority
of AQUA applications it will not be necessary to program parameter 0-12 even if change of set up whilst running is required, but for very complex
applications, using the f ull fl exib il ity of th e mu lt iple set ups, it may b e re qui red. Usin g par am ete r 0-1 1 i t i s possi ble to ed it paramete rs within any of the
setups whilst continuing the frequency converter operation in its Active Setup which can be a different setup to that being edited. Using parameter 0-51
it is possible to copy parameter settings between the set-ups to enable quicker commissioning if similar parameter settings are required in different setups.
0-10 Active Set-up
Select the set-up in which the frequency converter is to operate.
Use par.0-51
of the same parameter within two different set-ups, link the set-ups together using par.0-12
Set-up Linked to
marked ‘not changeable during operation’ have different values.
Parameters which are ‘not changeable during operation’ are marked FALSE in the parameter lists in
the section
[0]Factory setupC annot be changed. It contains the Danfoss data set, and can be used as a data source when
returning the other set-ups to a known state.
[1] *Set-up 1
Set-up 1
can be programmed.
Set-up Copy
. Stop the frequency conv erter before switching between set-ups where parameters
Parameter Lists
[1] to
Set-up 4
to copy a set-up to one or all other set-ups. To avoid conflicting settings
[4] are the four separate parameter set-ups within which all parameters
[2]Set-up 2
[3]Set-up 3
[4]Set-up 4
[9]Multi Set-upIs used for remote selection of set-ups using digital inputs and the serial communication port. This
set-up uses the settings from par.0-12
This Set-up Linked to
0-11 Programming Set-up
Select the set-up to be edited (i.e. programmed) during operat ion; ei ther th e active se t-up or one
of the inactive set-ups. The set-up number being edited is displayed i n the L CP in (bracket s) .
[0]Factory setupcannot be edited but it is useful as a data source to return the other set-ups to a known state.
Set-up 1
[1] to
Set-up 4
[1]Set-up 1
[2]Set-up 2
[3]Set-up 3
[4]Set-up 4
[9] *Active Set-up(i.e. the set-up in which the frequency converter is operating) can also b e ed i ted duri ng o p erat ion .
Editing parameters in the chosen setup would normally be done from the LCP but it is also possible
from any of the serial communication ports .
[4] can be edited freely during operation, independently of the active set-
0-12 This Set-up Linked to
This parameter only needs to be programmed if changing set-ups is required whilst the motor is
running. It ensures that parameters which are "not changeable during operation" ha ve the same
setting in all relevant set-ups.
To enable conflict-free changes from one set-up to another whilst the frequency converter is running, link set-ups containing parameters which are not changeable during operation. The link will
ensure synchronisi ng of the ‘not changeabl e during o peratio n’ paramet er value s when movi ng from
one set-up to another during operation. ‘Not changeable during operation’ parameters can be identified by the label FALSE in the parameter lists in the section
Parameter Lists
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VLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide2 Parameter Description
The par.0-12
selected. Multi set-up can be used to move from one set-up to another during operation (i.e. while
the motor is running).
Use Multi set-up to shift from Set-up 1 to Set-up 2 whilst the motor is running. Programme parameters in Set-up 1 first, then ensure that Set-up 1 and Set-up 2 are synchronised (or ‘linked’).
Synchronisation can be performed in two ways:
1. Change the edit set-up to
Set-up Linked to
This Set-up Linked to
Set-up 2
Set-up 1
[1]. This will start the linking (synchronising) process.
After the link is complete, par.0-13
changeable during operation’ parameters are now the same in Set-up 1 and Set-up 2. If there are
changes to a ‘not changeable during operation’ parameter, e.g. par.1-30
Set-up 2, they will also be changed automatically in Set-up 1. A switch between Set-up 1 and Setup 2 during operation is now possible.
Readout: Linked Set-ups
will read {1,2} to indicate that all ‘not
Stator Resistance (Rs)
, in
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2 Parameter DescriptionVLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide
0-13 Readout: Linked Set-ups
Array [5]
0 N/A* [0 - 255 N/A]View a list of all the set-ups linked by means of par.0-12
one index for each parameter set-up. The parameter value displayed for each index represent s
which setups are linked to that parameter setup.
This Set-up Linked to
. The parameter has
Table 2.3: Example: Set-up 1 and Set-up 2 are linked
0-14 Readout: Prog. Set-ups / Channel
0 N/A* [-2147483648 - 2147483647 N/A] View the setting of par.0-11
channels. When the number is displayed in hex, as it is in the LCP, each number represents one
Numbers 1-4 represent a set-up number; ‘F’ means factory setting; and ‘A’ means active set-up.
The channels are, from right to left: LCP, FC bus, USB, HPFB1.5.
Example: The number AAAAAA21h means that the FC bus selected Set-up 2 in par.0-11
ming Set-up
, the LCP selected Set-up 1 and all others used the active set-up.
2.2.4 0-2* LCP Display
Define the variables displayed in the Graphical Lo c al Control Panel.
LCP value
Programming Set-up
for each of the four different communication
Please refer to par.0-37
Display Text 1
, par.0-38
Display Text 2
and par.0-39
Display Text 3
for information on how to write display
0-20 Display Line 1.1 Small
Select a variable for display in line 1, left position.
[0]NoneNo display value selected
[37]Display Text 1Present control word
[38]Display Text 2E nables an ind ividual text string to be written, for display in the LCP or to be read via seria l com-
[39]Display Text 3E nables an ind ividual text string to be written, for display in the LCP or to be read via seria l com-
[89]Date and Time ReadoutDisplays the current date and time.
[953]Profibus Warning WordDisplays Profibus communication warnings.
[1005]Readout Transmit Error CounterView the number of CAN control transmission errors since the last power-up.
[1006]Readout Receive Error CounterView the number of CAN control receipt errors since the last power-up.
[1007]Readout Bus Off CounterView the number of Bus Off events since the last power-up.
[1013]Warning Paramete rView a DeviceNet-specific warning word. One sepa ra te bit is assigned to every warning.
[1115]LON Warning WordShows the LON-specific warnings.
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VLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide2 Parameter Description
[1117]XIF RevisionShows the version of the external interface file of the Neuron C chip on the LON option.
[1118]LON Works RevisionShows the software version of the application program of the Neuron C chip on the LON option.
[1500]Operating HoursView the number of running hours of the frequency converter.
[1501]Running HoursView the number of running hours of the motor.
[1502]kWh CounterView the mains power consumption in kWh.
[1600]Control WordView the Control Word sent from the frequency converter via the serial communication port in hex
[1601] *Reference [Unit]Total reference (sum of digital/analog/preset/bus/freeze ref./catch up and slow-down) in selected
[1602]Reference %Total reference (sum of digital/analog/preset/bus/freeze ref./catch up and slow-down) in percent.
[1603]Status WordPresent status word
[1605]Main Actual Value [%]One or more warnings in a Hex code
[1609]Custom ReadoutView the user-defined readouts as defined in par. 0-30, 0-31 and 0-32.
[1610]Power [kW]Actual power consumed by the motor in kW.
[1611]Power [hp]Actual power consumed by the motor in HP.
[1612]Motor VoltageVoltage supplied to the motor.
[1613]Motor FrequencyMotor frequency, i.e. the output frequency from the frequency converter in Hz.
[1614]Motor CurrentPhase current of the motor measured as effective value.
[1615]Frequency [%]Motor frequency, i.e. the output frequency from the frequency converter in percent.
[1616]Torque [Nm]Present motor load as a percentage of the rated motor torque.
[1617]Speed [RPM]Speed in RPM (revolutions per minute) i.e. the motor shaft speed in closed loop based on the entered
motor nameplate data, the output frequency and the load on the frequency converter.
[1618]Motor ThermalThermal load on the motor, calculated by the ETR function. See al so para meter grou p 1-9 * Motor
[1622]Torque [%]Shows the actual torque produced, in percentage.
[1630]DC Link VoltageIntermediate circuit voltage in the frequency converter.
[1632]BrakeEnergy/sPresent brake power transferred to an external brake resistor.
Stated as an instantaneous value.
[1633]BrakeEnergy/2 minBrake power transferred to an external brake resistor. The mean power is calculated continuously
for the most recent 120 seconds.
[1634]Heatsink Temp.Present heat sink temperature of the frequency converter. The cut-out limit is 95 ±5 oC; cutting
back in occurs at 70 ±5° C.
[1635]Thermal Drive Loa dPercentage load of the inverter s
[1636]Inv. Nom. CurrentNominal current of the frequency converter
[1637]Inv. Max. CurrentMaximum current of the frequency converter
[1638]SL Control StateState of the event executed by the control
[1639]Control Card Temp.Temperature of the control card.
[1650]External ReferenceSum of the external reference as a percentage, i.e. the sum of analo g/pulse/bus.
[1652]Feedback [Unit]Signal value in units from the programmed digital input(s).
[1653]Digi Pot ReferenceView the contribution of the digital potentiometer to the actual reference Feedback.
[1654]Feedback 1 [Unit]View the value of Feedback 1. See also par. 20-0*.
[1655]Feedback 2 [Unit]View the value of Feedback 2. See also par. 20-0*.
[1656]Feedback 3 [Unit]View the value of Feedback 3. See also par. 20-0*.
[1658]PID Output [%]Returns the Drive Closed Loop PID controller output value in percent.
[1659]Adjusted SetpointDisplays the actual operating set-point after it is modified by flow compensation. See paramete rs
[1660]Digital InputDisplays the status of the digital inputs. Signal low = 0; Signal high = 1.
Regarding order, see par. 16-60. Bit 0 is at the extreme right.
[1661]Terminal 53 Switch SettingSetting of input terminal 53. Current = 0; Voltage = 1.
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2 Parameter DescriptionVLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide
[1662]Analog Input 53Actual value at input 53 either as a reference or protection value.
[1663]Terminal 54 Switch SettingSetting of input terminal 54. Current = 0; Voltage = 1.
[1664]Analog Input 54Actual value at input 54 either as reference or protection value.
[1665]Analog Output 42 [mA]Actual value at output 42 in mA. Use par. 6-50 to select the variable to be rep resented by ou tput
[1666]Digital Output [bin]Binary value of all digital outputs.
[1667]Freq. Input #29 [Hz]Actual value of the frequency applied at terminal 29 as a pulse input.
[1668]Freq. Input #33 [Hz]Actual value of the frequency applied at terminal 33 as a pulse input.
[1669]Pulse Output #27 [Hz]Actual value of pulses applied to terminal 27 in digital output mode.
[1670]Pulse Output #29 [Hz]Actual value of pulses applied to terminal 29 in digital output mode.
[1671]Relay Output [bin]View the sett in g of all relays.
[1672]Counter AView the present value of Counter A.
[1673]Counter BView the present value of Counter B.
[1675]Analog input X30/11Actual value of the signal on input X30/11 (General Purpose I/ O Card . Option)
[1676]Analog input X30/12Actual value of the signal on input X30/12 (General Purpo s e I/O Card. Optional)
[1677]Analog output X30/8 [mA]Actual value at output X30/8 (General Purpose I/O Card. Optional) Use Par. 6-60 to select the var-
iable to be shown.
[1680]Fieldbus CTW 1Control word (CTW) received from the Bus Master.
[1682]Fieldbus REF 1Main reference value sent with control word via the se rial communications network e.g. from the
BMS, PLC or other master controller.
[1684]Comm. Option STWExtended fieldbus communication option status word.
[1685]FC Port CTW 1Control word (CTW) received from the Bus Master.
[1686]FC Port REF 1Status word (STW) sent to the Bus Master.
[1690]Alarm WordOne or more alarms in a Hex code (used for serial communications)
[1691]Alarm Word 2One or more alarms in a Hex code (used for serial communications)
[1692]Warning WordOne or more warnings in a Hex code (used for serial communications)
[1693]Warning Word 2One or more warnings in a Hex code (used for serial communications)
[1694]Ext. Status WordOne or more status conditions in a Hex code (used for serial communications)
[1695]Ext. Status Word 2One or more status conditions in a He x code (used for serial commun icati ons)
[1696]Maintenance WordThe bits reflect the status for the programmed Preventi ve M a in te na nc e Eve n ts i n p ar am e te r gr o up
[1830]Analog Input X42/1Shows the value of the signal applied to terminal X42/1 on the Analog I/O card.
[1831]Analog Input X42/3Shows the value of the signal applied to terminal X42/3 on the Analog I/O card.
[1832]Analog Input X42/5Shows the value of the signal applied to terminal X42/5 on the Analog I/O card.
[1833]Analog Out X42/7 [V]Shows the value of the signal applied to terminal X42/7 on the Analog I/O card.
[1834]Analog Out X42/9 [V]Shows the value of the signal applied to terminal X42/9 on the Analog I/O card.
[1835]Analog Out X42/11 [V]Shows the value of the signal applied to terminal X42/11 on the Analog I/O card.
[2117]Ext. 1 Reference [Unit]The value of the reference for extended Closed Loop Controller 1
[2118]Ext. 1 Feedback [Unit]The value of the feedback signal for extended Closed Loop Controller 1
[2119]Ext. 1 Output [%]The value of the output from extended Closed Loop Controller 1
[2137]Ext. 2 Reference [Unit]The value of the reference for extended Closed Loop Controller 2
[2138]Ext. 2 Feedback [Unit]The value of the feedback signal for extended Closed Loop Controller 2
[2139]Ext. 2 Output [%]The value of the output from extended Closed Loop Controller 2
[2157]Ext. 3 Reference [Unit]The value of the reference for extended Closed Loop Controller 3
[2158]Ext. 3 Feedback [Unit]The value of the feedback signal for extended Closed Loop Controller 3
[2159]Ext. Output [%]The value of the output from extended Closed Loop Controller 3
[2230]No-Flow PowerThe calc ula t ed No Flow Power for the actual operating speed
[2580]Cascade StatusStatus for the operation of the Cascade Controller
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VLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide2 Parameter Description
[2581]Pump StatusStatus for the operation of each individual pump controlled by the Cascade Controller
[2791]Cascade ReferenceReference output for use with follower drives.
[2792]% Of Total CapacityReadout parameter to show the system operating point as a % capacity of total system capacity.
[2793]Cascade Option StatusReadout parameter to show the status of the cascade system.
0-21 Display Line 1.2 Small
Select a variable for display in line 1, middle positi on.
[1662] *Analog input 53The options are the same as those listed for par. 0-20
0-22 Display Line 1.3 Small
Select a variable for display in line 1, right position.
[1614] *Motor CurrentThe options are the same as those listed for par. 0-20
0-23 Display Line 2 Large
Select a variable for display in line 2.
[1615] *FrequencyThe options are the same as those listed for par. 0-20
0-24 Display Line 3 Large
[1652] *Feedback [Unit]The options are the same as those listed for par. 0-20
Select a variable for display in line 2.
0-25 My Personal Menu
0 N/A* [0 - 9999 N/A]
Display Line 1.1 Small
Display Line 1.1 Small
Display Line 1.1 Small
Display Line 1.1 Small
2.2.5 0-3*LCP Custom Readout
It is possible to customize the display elements for various purposes: *Custom Readout. Value proportional to speed (Linear, squared or cubed depending
on unit selected in par.0-30
Custom Readout
The calculated value to be displayed is based on settings in par.0-30
Custom Readout Max Value
Custom Readout Unit
, par.4-13
Motor Speed High Limit [RPM]
) *Display Text. Text string stored in a parameter.
Custom Readout Unit
, par.4-14
, par.0-31
Motor Speed High Limit [Hz]
Custom Readout Min Value
and actual speed.
(linear only), par.
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2 Parameter DescriptionVLT® AQUA Drive Programming Guide
The relation will depend on the type of un it selected in par.0-30
Unit Type
Flow, volume
Flow, mass
Custom Readout Unit
Speed Relation
0-30 Custom Readout Unit
Program a value to be shown in the display of the LCP. The value has a linear, squared or cubed
relation to speed. This relation depends on the unit selected (see table above). The actual calculated