Danfoss FCM 300 PROFIBUS, VLT 2800 PROFIBUS User Manual

Introduction ..............................................................3
Quick Setup..............................................................4
The PROFIBUS interface .......................................... 5
FCM 300 - Physical connection ...............................7
T 2800T 2800
T 2800 - Physical connection ............................. 10
T 2800T 2800
System layout......................................................... 13
Timing ....................................................................15
DP (Distributed Periphery)....................................... 16
Parameters............................................................. 30
Warning and alarm messages ................................ 35
Glossary and parameter list.................................... 36
Index ...................................................................... 39
Copyrights, Limitation of Liability and Revision Rights.
This publication contains information proprietary to Danfoss A/S. By accepting and using this manual the user agrees that the information contained herein will be used solely for operating equipment of Danfoss A/S or equipment from other vendors provided that such equipment is intended for communication with Danfoss equipment over a PROFIBUS serial communication link. This publication is protected under the Copyright laws of Denmark and most other countries.
Danfoss A/S does not warrant that a software program produced according to the guidelines provided in this manual will function properly in every physical, hardware or software environment.
Although Danfoss A/S has tested and reviewed the documentation within this manual, Danfoss A/S makes no warranty or representation, either express or implied, with respect to this documentation, including its quality, performance, or fitness for a particular purpose.
In no event shall Danfoss A/S be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use, or the inability to use information contained in this manual, even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In particular, Danfoss A/S is not responsible for any costs including but not limited to those incurred as a result of lost profits or revenue, loss or damage of equipment, loss of computer programs, loss of data, the costs to substitute these, or any claims by third parties.
Danfoss A/S reserves the right to revise this publication at any time and to make changes in its contents without prior notice or any obligation to notify previous users of such revisions or changes.
MG.90.A2.02 – VL T is a registered Danfoss trademark
When reading through this manual, you will come across various symbols that require special attention.
The symbols used are the following:
Indicates a general warning.
Indicates something to be noted by the reader.
Indicates a high-voltage warning.
PROFIBUS is a registered trademark.
MG.90.A2.02 – VL T is a registered Danfoss trademark
About this manual
This manual is intended to be used both as an instructional and as a reference manual. It only briefly touches on the basics of the PROFIBUS protocol whenever it is necessary for gaining an understanding of the PROFIDRIVE implementation of the PROFIBUS Profile for Variable Speed Drives (VDI/VDE 3689) and the DANFOSS PROFIBUS for the FC motor and the VLT 2800.
The manual is also intended to serve as a guideline when you specify and optimize your communication system.
If you are not completely familiar with PROFIBUS or the Profile for Variable Speed Drives, it may be advisable to read some of the material provided on these subjects, eg DIN 19245 parts 1 and 3 and VDI/ VDE 3689.
Even if you are an experienced PROFIBUS programmer, we suggest that you read this manual in its entirety before you start programming, since important information can be found in all chapters.
This manual assumes that you are using a DANFOSS FCM 300 and VLT 2800 with PROFIBUS. It is also assumed that you, as a master, are using a PLC or PC that is equipped with a serial communication card supporting all the PROFIBUS communication services required by your application, and that all requirements stipulated in the PROFIBUS standard as well as those set up in the PROFIBUS Variable Speed Drives Profile and its company-specific implementation PROFIDRIVE, as well as those pertaining to the VLT Variable Speed Drive are strictly observed as well as all limitations therein fully respected.
What you should already know
The DANFOSS PROFIBUS is designed to communicate with any master abiding by the PROFIBUS DP standard. It is therefore assumed that you have full knowledge of the PC or PLC you intend to use as a master in your system. Any questions pertaining to hardware or software produced by any other manufacturer is beyond the scope of this manual and is of no concern to DANFOSS.
If you have questions about how to set up master ­master communication or communication to a non­Danfoss slave, the appropriate manuals should be consulted.
MG.90.A2.02 – VL T is a registered Danfoss trademark
Programming: See the design guide:
FC motor (MG.03.Bx.02)
VLT 2800 (MG.28.Ex.02) for descriptions on how to programme the ordinary FC motor and VLT 2800.
Quick Setup
General information
Parameter 918: Set the station address, - one unique address per unit.
In parameters 502-508 it is possible to define how to gate the control commands from the PROFIBUS with the equivalent control commands of the digital inputs.
The FC motor/VLT 2800 adjusts to the baudrate and the configuration from the master.
Communication is established by setting the parameters stated below. Setting up the master: See the manual on the master as well as the chapters of this manual giving details on the PROFIBUS interface for information on how to set up the master.
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Master controlled Variable Speed Drives (VSD)
The PROFIBUS Field-bus was designed to give you unprecedented flexibility and command over your VSD controlled system. The PROFIBUS will perform as an integrated part of your VLT VSD, giving you access to all parameters relevant to your application. The VSD will always act as a slave, and together with a master it can exchange a multitude of information and commands. Control signals such as speed reference, start / stop of motor, reverse operation, etc. are transmitted from the master in the form of a telegramme. The VSD acknowledges receipt by transmitting status signals, such as running, on reference, motor stopped and so on to the master. The VSD may also transmit fault indications, alarms and warnings to the master, such as Overcurrent or Phaseloss.
The PROFIBUS communicates according to the
PROFIBUS Protocol Standard DIN 19245 parts 1 and
3. This means that it can communicate with all
masters that comply with this standard, but it does not necessarily mean that all services available in the PROFIBUS standard are supported. The VDI / VDE 3689 PROFIBUS Profile for Variable Speed Drives is a subset of PROFIBUS which only supports the services relevant to speed control applications. PROFIDRIVE is an implementation of VDI / VDE 3689 profile created by DANFOSS and a number of other companies.
Communication partners In a control system the VSD will always act as a slave, and as such it may communicate with a single master or multiple masters depending on the nature of the application. A master may be a PLC or a PC that is equipped with a PROFIBUS communication card.
Physical layer
The field of application of a field-bus system is primarily determined by the transmission media and the physical bus interface selected. The type of bus cable required for the application and its installation (physical layer) are particularly important factors, in addition to the required transmission reliability of the physical level.
Though a fundamental feature of the PROFIBUS stan­dard is the possibility of specifying several different physical interfaces, the standard, at the time of printing, has allowed for one universal specification only, namely the EIA Standard RS 485-A, which has found acceptance both in the field of factory automa­tion and in several areas of the processing industry.
The PROFIBUS Interface
Cable lengths/number of nodes
The maximum cable length in one segment is depending on the transmission speed. The total cable length includes drop cables if any. A drop cable is the connection from the main bus cable to each node if a T-connection is used instead of connecting the main bus cable directly to the nodes, see drop cable length. The table below shows the maximum allowed cable length and maximum number of nodes/VLT’s with 1, 2, 3 and 4 bus segments.
Max. total bus cable lenght
1 segment: 2 segments: 3 segments: 4 segments:
32 nodes 64 nodes 96 nodes 128 nodes Transmission (31 VLT) (1 repeater, 61 VLT) (2 repeaters, 91 VLT) (3 repeaters, 121 VLT) speed [m] [m] [m] [m]
9.6-187.5 kBaud 1000 2000 3000 4000 500 kBaud 400 800 1200 1600
1.5 MBaud 200 400 600 800
3 MBaud 100 200 300 400
Note that a repeater is a node in both of the two segments it connects. The number of VLT is based on a single master system. If there are more masters the number of VLT must be reduced correspondingly.
MG.90.A2.02 – VL T is a registered Danfoss trademark
The total drop cable length for one segment is limited as stated in the table below.
Drop cable length
Max. drop cable length per segment
Transmission speed [m]
9.6-93.75 kBaud 96
187.5 kBaud 75 500 kBaud 30
The PROFIBUS Interface
1.5 MBaud 10
3 MBaud none
The length statements in the tables above are valid provided that bus cable with the following properties is used:
- Impedance: 135 to 165 ohm at a measuring frequency from 3 to 20 MHz
- Resistance: <110 ohm/km
- Capacity: < 30pF/m
- Damping: max. 9 dB over the whole wire length
- Cross section: max. 0.34 mm
corresponding to AWG 22
- Cable type: twisted in pairs,
1 x 2, or 2 x 2, or 1 x 4 wires
- Screening: Copper-braided screen
or braided screen and foil screen
It is recommended to use the same cable type in the entire network to avoid impedance mismatch.
The numbers on the following drawing indicate the maximum number of stations in each segment. They are
not the station addresses as each station in the
network must have a unique address.
Segment 1
Segment 2
Segment 3
Segment 4
Rt = termination
MG.90.A2.02 – VL T is a registered Danfoss trademark
FCM 300:FCM 300:
FCM 300:
FCM 300:FCM 300:
The PROFIBUS Interface
Physical connection
The PROFIBUS is connected to the bus line via X100, terminals 1 and 2.
It is recommended to use a master with a galvanic isolated bus driver and with over voltage protection (e.g. zenerdiode).
EMC precautions The following EMC precautions are recommended to obtain interference free operation of the PROFIBUS network. Additional information on EMC can be found in the design guide on the FC motor (MG.03.Bx.02). Please also consult the manual of the PROFIBUS master for further installation guidelines.
If the PROFIBUS cable has to cross a motor and brake resistor cable they must cross each other at an angle of 90°.
- Connection of the cable screen
The screen of the PROFIBUS cable must always be connected to ground at both ends, that means the screen must be connected to ground in all stations connected to the PROFIBUS network. It is very important to have a low impedance ground connection of the screen, also at high
frequencies.This can be obtained by connecting the surface of the screen to ground, for example by means of a cable clamp or a conductive cable gland.
The FC motor Series is provided with different
clamps and brackets to enable a proper ground connection of the PROFIBUS cable screen. The screen connection is shown in the following drawing.
Relevant national and local regulations, for example regarding protective earth connection, must be observed.
- Cable routing The PROFIBUS communication cable must be
kept away from motor and brake resistor cables to avoid coupling of high frequency noise from one cable to the other. Normally a distance of 200 mm is sufficient, but it is generally recommended to keep the greatest possible distance between the cables, especially where cables are running in
parallel over long distances.
- Earth connection It is important that all stations connected to the
PROFIBUS network are connected to the same earth potential. The earth connection must have a low HF (high frequency) impedance. This can be achieved by connecting a large surface area of the cabinet to earth, for example by mounting the FC motor on a conductive rear plate.
Especially when having long distances between
the stations in a PROFIBUS network it can be
necessary to use additional potential equalizing
cables, connecting the individual stations to the same earth potential.
Connecting the bus line
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FCM 300:FCM 300:
FCM 300:
FCM 300:FCM 300:
The bus termination
See drawing on page 6
The PROFIBUS Interface
It is essential that the bus line be terminated properly. A mismatch of impedance may result in reflections on the line that will corrupt data transmission.
- The PROFIBUS is provided with a suitable termination which may be activated by the switches of the RS485 switch block located just to the left of the terminal block X100 (see drawing below). The switches should be on to terminate the bus.
The switches should never be left in opposite positions. They should either both be ON or both be OFF!
- Most masters and repeaters are equipped with their own termination.
- If an external termination circuit consisting of three resistors is connected to the bus line a 5 V d.c. power supply must be used, please note that this must be galvanically isolated from the a.c. line.
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FCM 300:FCM 300:
FCM 300:
FCM 300:FCM 300:
There are 2 LEDs on the PROFIBUS: LED303: Lights up when the card is initialized
and ready to communicate. It will flash while auto baudrate detection is attempting to detect the actual baudrate.
LED304: Lights up when the card is
communicating, depending on baudrate.
A high baudrate results in dim light in LED304.
The PROFIBUS Interface
MG.90.A2.02 – VL T is a registered Danfoss trademark
T 2800T 2800
T 2800
T 2800T 2800
Physical connection
The PROFIBUS is connected to the bus line via, terminals 68 and 69.
It is recommended to use a master with a galvanic isolated bus driver and with over voltage protection (e.g. zenerdiode).
The PROFIBUS Interface
EMC precautions The following EMC precautions are recommended to obtain interference free operation of the PROFIBUS network. Additional information on EMC can be found in the design guide on the VLT 2800 (MG.28.Ex.02). Please also consult the manual of the PROFIBUS master for further installation guidelines.
If the PROFIBUS cable has to cross a motor and brake resistor cable they must cross each other at an angle of 90°.
- Connection of the cable screen The screen of the PROFIBUS cable must always be connected to ground at both ends, that means the screen must be connected to ground in all stations connected to the PROFIBUS network. It is very important to have a low impedance ground connection of the screen, also at high frequencies.This can be obtained by connecting the surface of the screen to ground, for example by means of a cable clamp or a conductive cable gland.
The VLT 2800 Series is provided with different clamps and brackets to enable a proper ground connection of the PROFIBUS cable screen. The screen connection is shown in the following drawing.
Relevant national and local regulations, for example regarding protective earth connection, must be observed.
- Cable routing The PROFIBUS communication cable must be kept away from motor and brake resistor cables to avoid coupling of high frequency noise from one cable to the other. Normally a distance of 200 mm is sufficient, but it is generally recommended to keep the greatest possible distance between the cables, especially where cables are running in parallel over long distances.
- Earth connection It is important that all stations connected to the PROFIBUS network are connected to the same earth potential. The earth connection must have a low HF (high frequency) impedance. This can be achieved by connecting a large surface area of the cabinet to earth, for example by mounting the VLT 2800 on a conductive rear plate.
Especially when having long distances between the stations in a PROFIBUS network it can be necessary to use additional potential equalizing cables, connecting the individual stations to the same earth potential.
Connecting the bus line
MG.90.A2.02 – VL T is a registered Danfoss trademark
T 2800T 2800
T 2800
T 2800T 2800
The bus termination
See drawing on page 6
The PROFIBUS Interface
It is essential that the bus line be terminated properly. A mismatch of impedance may result in reflections on the line that will corrupt data transmission.
- The PROFIBUS is provided with a suitable termination which may be activated by the switches of the RS485 switch block located just to the left of the terminal block X100 (see drawing below). The switches should be on to terminate the bus.
The switches should never be left in opposite positions. They should either both be ON or both be OFF!
- Most masters and repeaters are equipped with their own termination.
- If an external termination circuit consisting of three resistors is connected to the bus line a 5 V d.c. power supply must be used, please note that this must be galvanically isolated from the a.c. line.
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T 2800T 2800
T 2800
T 2800T 2800
There are 2 LEDs on the PROFIBUS: LD851: Lights up when the card is initialized
and ready to communicate. It will flash while auto baudrate detection is attempting to detect the actual
The PROFIBUS Interface
LD852: Lights up when the card is
A high baudrate results in dim light in LD852.
communicating, depending on baudrate.
MG.90.A2.02 – VL T is a registered Danfoss trademark
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