This application is aimed to be used in the Vacon liquid-cooled AC drive inside the Heat exchanger
The idea with the application is to maintain a constant flow of coolant through the heat exchanger
and through the Vacon liquid-cooled drive.
The user sets a certain speed for the pump of the heat exchanger unit that produces a sufficient flow
through the Vacon liquid-cooled drives to keep them cooled. This speed is NOT regulated but fixed
by a parameter set value.
The Vacon AC drive also handles the temperature of the water in the heat exchanger unit by
regulating the valve that handles the coolant intake to the heat exchanger element (from the
customer's system). This regulation is based on the temperature of the water in the pipes between
the outlet of the heat exchanger pump and the inlet of the cooling element of the Vacon liquid-cooled
The actual value of the temperature for the regulation comes from a sensor called FSA11. This is a
type of flow switch that measures both the temperature of the coolant and the flow in the pipes. If
there is not enough flow in the pipe the sensor gives a signal that tells the drive to stop due to
insufficient flow.
Vacon NX AC drives can be connected to the Profibus DP using a fieldbus board. The AC drive can
then be controlled, monitored and programmed from the Host system. Profibus fieldbus board
(OPT-C5) is normally included in the delivery of Vacon NX liquid-cooled drive Heat Exchanger
Solution. The Profibus fieldbus board must be installed in slot E on the control board of the AC drive.
For more information on the Profibus fieldbus board, see Vacon OPTC3/C5 Profibus Option Board
User Manual.
The standard delivery also includes I/O boards OPT-A1 (placed in slot A), OPT-A2 (placed in slot B)
and OPT-B5 (placed in slot C or D). The application, however, offers you more signals than the
standard set of I/O boards allows you to connect. If you wish to use one additional analogue input
signal and/or two additional analogue output signals, we recommend you to order Vacon I/O board
OPT-B4 and place it in the last free board slot (C or D).
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Control I/O vacon • 3
Reference potentiometer,
1…10 kΩ
value I
(0)4…20 mA
Terminal Signal Description
1 +10V
2 AI1+ Analogue input, voltage range
3 AI1- I/O Ground Ground for reference and controls
4 AI2+ Analogue input, current range
5 AI2-
6 +24V Control voltage output Voltage for switches, etc. max 0.1 A
7 GND I/O ground Ground for reference and controls
8 DIN1 Start/Stop
9 DIN2 Flow fault NO/NC programmable
10 DIN3 External fault
11 CMA Common for DIN 1—DIN 3 Connect to GND or +24V
12 +24V Control voltage output Voltage for switches (see #6)
13 GND I/O ground Ground for reference and controls
14 DIN4 Pump 1
15 DIN5 Pump 2
16 DIN6 Sequence, 2-pump system Combined with DIN1
17 CMB Common for DIN4—DIN6 Connect to GND or +24V
18 AO1+ Output frequency
19 AO120 DO1 Digital output
Reference output Voltage for potentiometer, etc.
0—10V DC
Control place A (PID
Analogue output
Pressure, outlet (pump)
Contact closed = start
Contact open = External fault
Forced or single run
Combined with DIN1
Forced or single run
Combined with DIN1
Range 0—20 mA/R
Open collector, I≤50mA, U≤48 VDC
On the next pages you will find the lists of parameters within the respective parameter groups. The
parameter descriptions are given on pages 21 to 52.
Column explanations:
Code = Location indication on the keypad; Shows the operator the present param. number
Parameter = Name of parameter
Min = Minimum value of parameter
Max = Maximum value of parameter
Unit = Unit of parameter value; Given if available
Default = Value preset by factory
Cust = Customer’s own setting
ID = ID number of the parameter
= In parameter row: Use TTF method to program these parameters.
= On parameter code: Parameter value can only be changed after the FC has been
3.1 Monitoring values (Control keypad: menu M1)
The monitoring values are the actual values of parameters and signals as well as statuses and
measurements. Monitoring values cannot be edited.
See the product’s user manual for more information.
Code Parameter UnitIDDescription
V1.1 Output frequency Hz1Output frequency to motor
V1.2 Frequency reference Hz25Frequency reference to motor control
V1.3 Motor speed rpm2Motor speed in rpm
V1.4 Motor current A3
V1.5 Motor torque %4Calculated shaft torque
V1.6 Motor power %5Motor shaft power
V1.7 Motor voltage V6
V1.8 DC link voltage V7
V1.10 Analogue input 1 V13AI1
V1.11 Analogue input 2 mA14AI2
V1.12 Analogue input 3 1543AI3
V1.13 Analog Output1 26
V1.14 DIN1, DIN2, DIN3 15Digital input statuses
V1.15 DIN4, DIN5, DIN6 16Digital input statuses
V1.16 RO1, RO2, RO3 1516Relay output statuses
V1.17 RO4, RO5, RO6 1574Relay output statuses
V1.18 Temp reference °C 1500
V1.19 Actual temperature °C 1501
V1.20 Temp error value °C1502
V1.21 PID output %23In % of the max. output value
V1.22 Inlet pressure bar1511PT11
Unit temperature
Table 2. Monitoring values
8Heatsink temperature
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Parameter lists vacon • 5
FB Monitor
Code Parameter UnitIDDescription
V1.23.1 Motor Current A45Motor current with one decimal
V1.23.2 Fault History 37Last active fault code
V1.23.3 Status Word 43Application status word
V1.23.4 Status Word 2 1800Application status word 2
V1.23.5 Fault Word 1 1172General fault word 1
V1.23.6 Fault Word 2 1173General fault word
V1.23.7 Warning Word 1 1174General warning word
V1.23.8 Fault Word 10 1202Heat exchanger specific faults
V1.23.9 Warning Word 10 1269Heat exchanger specific warnings
Table 3. Monitoring values (G1.24 FB Monitor) Status Word, ID43
Description Comment
b1 Ready
b2 Run
b3 Fault
b6 Run enable
b7 Warning
b10 RO4 status
b11 RO5 status
b12 Run request
b15 Cooling OK
Motor regulator
Table 4. Status Word Status Word 2, ID1800
Give this status word to Vacon personnel in case of problems with running the application.
3.2 Basic parameters (Control keypad: Menu M2 G2.1)
Code Parameter Min MaxUnitDefaultCustIDNote
P2.1.1 Min Frequency 0.00 Par. 2.1.2Hz 25.00101
NOTE: If f
P2.1.2 Max Frequency Par. 2.1.1 320.00 Hz 50.00 102
P2.1.3 Acceleration time 10.1 3000.0 s 1.0 103
P2.1.4 Deceleration time 10.1 3000.0 s 1.0 104
P2.1.5 Current limit0 2 x I
P2.1.11 Start function 0 1 0 505
P2.1.12 Stop function 0 3 0 506
P2.1.13 U/f optimization 0 1 0 109
P2.1.14 I/O reference 0 1 0 117
P2.1.15 Preset speed1 0.00 Par. 2.1.2Hz10.00
P2.1.16 Automatic restart 0 1 0
P2.1.17 Parameter conceal 0 1 1
Nominal voltage of
the motor
Nominal frequency
of the motor
Nominal speed of
the motor
Nominal current of
the motor
Motor cosϕ
180 690 V 400V 110
30.00 320.00 Hz 50.00 111
300 20 000 rpm 1440 112
0.4 x I
2 x IH A IH 113
0.30 1.00 0.85 120
motor synchronous speed,
check suitability for motor
and drive system
NOTE: If PID-controller is
used, Acceleration time 2
(par. 2.4.3) is automatically
NOTE: If PID-controller is
used, Deceleration time 2
(par. 2.4.4) is automatically
Check the rating plate of the
The default applies for a 4pole motor and a nominal
size AC drive.
Check the rating plate of the
Check the rating plate of the
1=Flying start
2=Ramp+Run enable coast
3=Coast+Run enable ramp
0=Not used
1=Automatic torque boost
0=Keypad reference
1=Fieldbus reference
0=Not used
1=Automatic restart
0=All parameters visible
1=Basic group (G2.1) visible
> than the
Table 10. Basic parameters G2.1
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Parameter lists vacon • 9
3.3 Input signals (Control keypad: Menu M2 G2.2)