Data Sheet
4-Way Reversing valves
Type STF and STF-H
The 4-way valves are used in reversible
applications such as heat pumps or reversible
air conditioning units and chillers.
The 4-way valve allows an inversion of the
refrigeration cycle, changing from cooling
mode in summer to heating mode in winter.
• Wide application range
◦ complete capacity range
◦ available for all common refrigerants
including ammable refrigerants)
◦ many dierent connection diameters and
• High reliability
◦ unique design
◦ instantaneous changeover at minimum
pressure dierential
◦ mechanism to prevent incomplete
◦ Minimized leakage
• CE approved

4-Way Reversing valves, Type STF and STF-H
The cycle inversion is initiated by a small solenoid pilot valve, which pilots the movement of a slider, which changes
the direction of the refrigerant. The valve is connected to the discharge and suction pipes.
The pilot valve ensures a very reliable changeover from cooling to heating mode, the changeover happens
instantaneously with a minimum pressure dierential. The valve design also guarantees a minimum pressure drop
and a very low risk of leakage.
Figure 1: HEATING CYCLE (Coil energized) Figure 2: COOLING CYCLE (Coil not energized)
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123456Discharge connection
Connection to evaporator/ condenser
Connection to condensor/ evaporator
Compatibility refrigerants
R22, R134a, R407A, R4070, R404A, R410A, R448A, R449A R32, R290, R454C, R454B, R452B (see safety note below)
Max. working pressure (PS/MWP)
45 bar
Note! 49 bar for selected models. Please check Table 2: Ordering table for further information.
Refrigerant temperature range
–30 to 130 °C
Note! 160 °C for selected models. Please check Table 2: Ordering table for further information.
4-Way Reversing valves, Type STF and STF-H
Product specication
Technical data
Table 1: Technical data
Special safety note for ammable refrigerants!
For countries where safety standards are not an indispensable part of the safety system Danfoss recommends the
installer gets a third party approval of any system containing ammable refrigerant
Please refer to separate drawings of the STF and STF-H valves with special disclaimer regarding usage of ammable
refrigerants. Please refer to separate document “Important Notice for usage of STF and STF-H valves with ammable
refrigerants (No. S-FD001-1).
Figure 3: Design
The valve is composed of three basic components:
• Pilot valve
• Main valve body, including valve slider
• Solenoid coil
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4-Way Reversing valves, Type STF and STF-H
The 4-way valve slider is shifted by changes in dierential pressure in the valve which is actuated by the pilot
solenoid valve. The valve slider is specially designed to prevent incomplete changeover and movement with
minimum pressure dierential.
Refer to separate drawings of models. - Contact danfoss for further information.
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