Danfoss SonoRead 868 Fact sheet

Product Sheet
SonoRead 868 Wireless Radio Receiver for meter reading
SonoRead 868 is a portable Wireless M-Bus T1 and C1 transceiver (OMS) with Bluetooth interface and chargeable battery supply. Together with an appropriate smartphone or tablet (with Bluetooth interface) you get a powerful mobile radio meter reading system.
SonoRead 868 is a radio receiver for mobile reading of radio meters. Strong me­chanical design with rubber protection around the enclosure, SonoRead 868 is a robust tool for the fieldworks.
SonoAPP software are designed to receive the measurements from SonoRead 868, and the SonoAPP Workspace cloud environment, will administrate known meters and encryption keys.
Technical specifications, General
Dimensions without antenna 159 x 77 x 33 mm Integrated battery type Lithium ion Operation time with fully charged accumulators 20 hours (approximately) Protection class IP64 Operating conditions (not charging): -5°C...+55°C, 10%...95% r. h. Operating conditions (charging): -0°C…+45°C, 10%...95% r. h.
Technical specifications, Metering
Wireless M-bus frequency 868 MHz Wireless M-bus interface EN13757-4, Mode T1 and C1 Antenna (changeable) External antenna (SMA)
Technical specifications, Communication
Communication interface Bluetooth 2.1 class 2 (10 m)
Model Description Code no.
SonoRead 868 Wireless Radio Receiver for wM-Bus (OMS) meter reading.
Including antenna and battery charger.
Danfoss A/S
Energy Meters • Ulvehavevej 61 • DK-7100 Vejle • Denmark Phone: +45 7488 8500 • Fax: +45 7488 8501 heating@danfoss.com • www.heating.danfoss.com
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