Heat meter SONOMETER 30
wired M-bus communication protocol
Table of Contents
1. General structure of protocol ..................................................................................................... 3
1.1. General features of protocol ............................................................................................... 3
1.2. Data strings ........................................................................................................................... 3
2. Selection of the data type ........................................................................................................... 4
2.1. Selection of the data type “All data” .................................................................................... 4
2.2. Selection of the data type “User data” ................................................................................. 4
2.3. Selection of the data type “Simple billing” (Years logger) .................................................... 5
2.4. Selection of the data type “Enhanced billing” (Days logger) ................................................ 5
2.5. Selection of the data type “Multi tariff billing” (Months logger) ......................................... 5
2.6. Selection of the data type “Instantaneous values” .............................................................. 5
2.7. Selection of the data type “Load management values for management” (Hours logger) ... 5
2.8. Selection of the data type “Installation and startup” ........................................................... 6
2.9. Selection of the data type “Testing” ..................................................................................... 6
2.10. Parameter list for preselecting .......................................................................................... 6
3. Data request ................................................................................................................................ 6
3.1. Data request ......................................................................................................................... 6
3.2. Meter data coding ................................................................................................................ 7
3.3. CRC16 checksum calculation algorithm ............................................................................. 16
4. Settings the parameters of meter ............................................................................................. 17
4.1. Changing the identification number .................................................................................. 17
4.2. Changing the identification number, Manufacturer ID and Medium ............................... 17
Remark: Generation code is ignored (In meter Generation code is fixed 07h) ........................ 17
4.3. Changing the primary address ........................................................................................... 17
4.4. 4Changing the data and time of the meter ........................................................................ 17
4.5. Changing the yearly set day ................................................................................................ 18
4.6. Changing the monthly set day ............................................................................................ 18
4.7. Changing the baud rate ...................................................................................................... 18
5. Secondary addressing ................................................................................................................ 19
5.1. Selecting of the meter ........................................................................................................ 19
5.2. Communication with selected meter ................................................................................. 19
5.3. Deselection of seccondary addresing mode ....................................................................... 19
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1. General structure of protocol
1.1. General features of protocol
Meter uses a M-bus protocol.
Default baud rate: 2400 bps, Even, 1 Stop.
Baud rate can be changed (see paragraph 4.6), but at the end of communication – after 2 minutes
it automatically returns to the original 2400 bps.
Protocol is the same for Mbus interface and for optical interface.
Primmary adress of Mbus is individual for Mbus interface and for optical interface.
1.2. Data strings
Data string to meter SND_NKE:
A - M-bus primary address of meter
CS – control sum (the youngest byte of amount of 2-nd and 3-rd bytes)
Data string to meter SND_UD2:
L - lenght of string (the number of bytes from 5-th to n-2 byte)
A - M-bus primary address of meter
CS – control sum (the youngest byte of amount of 5-th to n-2 bytes)
Data string to meter REQ_UD2:
A - M-bus primary address of meter
CS – control sum (the youngest byte of amount of 2-nd and 3-rd bytes)
Answer of the meter CON:
Answer of the meter RSP_UD2:
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L - lenght of string (the number of bytes from 5-th to n-2 byte)
C – „C field“ (08)
A - M-bus primary address of meter
CI - „CI field“
ID – identification number of meter (BSD8, used for secondary addressing, can be changed - see
paragraph 4.1),
Man – Manufacturer code (AB AxisIndustries manufacturer code „AXI“: 09h 07h)
Vrs – number of protocol version (07h)
Md – code of medium (for „heat / cold energy“: 0Dh)
TC – counter of telegrams
St - meter status code
Sign - 00 00
The bytes 20...n-2 is data from meter:
DIF – code of data format
VIF – code of data units
Data– values of data
CS – control sum (the youngest byte of amount of 5-th to n-2 bytes).
2. Selection of the data type
2.1. Selection of the data type “All data”
Master sends to the meter telegram SND_UD2:
Answer of the meter CON (if A not equal FFh):
2.2. Selection of the data type “User data”
Master sends to the meter telegram SND_UD2:
Answer of the meter CON (if A not equal FFh):
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2.3. Selection of the data type “Simple billing” (Years logger)
Master sends to the meter telegram SND_UD2:
Answer of the meter CON (if A not equal FFh):
2.4. Selection of the data type “Enhanced billing” (Days logger)
Master sends to the meter telegram SND_UD2:
Answer of the meter CON (if A not equal FFh):
2.5. Selection of the data type “Multi tariff billing” (Months logger)
Master sends to the meter telegram SND_UD2:
Answer of the meter CON (if A not equal FFh):
2.6. Selection of the data type “Instantaneous values”
Master sends to the meter telegram SND_UD2:
Answer of the meter CON (if A not equal FFh):
2.7. Selection of the data type “Load management values for management” (Hours logger)
Master sends to the meter telegram SND_UD2:
Answer of the meter CON (if A not equal FFh):
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2.8. Selection of the data type “Installation and startup”
Master sends to the meter telegram SND_UD2:
Answer of the meter CON (if A not equal FFh):
2.9. Selection of the data type “Testing”
Master sends to the meter telegram SND_UD2:
Answer of the meter CON (if A not equal FFh):
2.10. Parameter list for preselecting
If not satisfied with Default parameter lists (presented in the tables 1 ... 9). Obtain a desired
parameter list presented in Table 11th.
(Paragraph 2.1 ... 2.9) Additionaly it is need to send parameter selecting telegram SND_UD2:
SEL selecting parameter code from the table of 11 (made out of sequence as many codes as
you want to select of the parameters).
Note . It may be selectes as many parameters but Response telegram length can not exceed
250 bytes.
Answer of the meter CON (if A not equal FFh):
3. Data request
3.1. Data request
Master sends to the meter telegram SND_UD2:
In all cases, except A = FFh, meter response RSP_UD2 telegrame with selected data (tables 1 ...9)
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