Danfoss ShowerPower Fact sheet

Application Note
cooling concept
This application note gives an introduction to liquid cooling of power modules, why cooling is needed, how it is done and a description of the Danfoss ShowerPower® cooling concept. Then follow sections on ShowerPower® thermal performance data, design guidelines, material choice recommendations and finally a description on how to perform thermal tests on a ShowerPower® cooler.
Content and references
Cooling of power electronics ............................................................................................... 3
Why is cooling needed in power Electronics? 3 Why liquid cooling? 3 Liquid cooling – indirect vs. direct cooling 4 The ShowerPower® concept 4
ShowerPower® thermal performance 6
Simulations 6 Measurements 7
Design considerations 8
Corrosion issues 8 Water tightness 9 Material choices 9
Setting up the test 10
Laboratory equipment needed 10 Connecting the bathtub to the coolant supply 10 Assembly of the power module on the bathtub 11 Connecting the power module 11
1. K. Olesen et al., ”ShowerPower® New Cooling Concept”, PCIM Conference Proceedings 2004, Nuremberg.
2. F. Osterwald et al., “Innovative Kühltechnologie für Leistungsmodule”, ‘ Bauelemente der Leistungselektronik und ihre Anwendungen, 10.-11. Oktober 2006, Bad Nauheim.
3. R. Bredtmann et al., “”Power under the hood” Increasing power density of inverters with a novel 3D-approach”, APE, March 25-26 2009, Paris.
4. K. Olesen et al. “Designing for reliability, liquid cooled power stack for the wind industry”, EWEC Conference Proceedings 2012.
5. COG “O-ring basics”. http://www.cog.de/en/o-rings-products/o-ring-basics.html
Cooling of Power Electronics
Why is cooling needed in Power Electronics?
Every electronic circuit generates heat during operation (excluding super­conductivity); this is due to conduc­tive and switching losses in active devices as well as ohmic losses in conductor tracks. And since every new generation of power semicon­ductors becomes smaller than the predecessor and the market expects smaller and more compact solutions the demands to the thermal design engineer keeps growing. Suffi cient cooling of Power Eectronics is crucial.
The dominant failure mechanisms in power semiconductor components
Why liquid cooling?
are related not only to high absolute temperatures but to changes in temperature: temperature swings produce thermo-mechanical induced stresses and strains in the material­interfaces of the components (mis­matches in coeffi cients of thermal expansion, CTE) which lead to fatigue failures.
The most important failure mecha­nism in power modules is the bond wire lifto where the aluminum wire bonds (with a CTE of 24ppm/K) pop o the silicon chip surface (CTE of Si is 2-3pmm/K) .
Bond wire liftoff after power cycling
Liquid cooling of power electronics has been around for many years, primarily due to the ever increasing power densities and due to the availability of liquids in certain applications. Liquid cooling outper­forms air cooling by having heat transfer coeffi cients several orders of magnitude higher thus enabling much higher power densities and more compact solutions.
The acceptance for liquid cooling varies from business segment to business segment. The automotive industry for example has used liquid cooling for cooling the combustion engines for more than a hundred years so the idea of cooling power electronics in an automotive applica­tion is not frightening for the design engineers. In other segments the idea of having  uids  owing through power electronic assemblies is most disturbing.
Shower Power® Cooling Concept 3
Liquid cooling – indirect vs. direct cooling
The large amount of liquid cooling solutions may be divided into two groups: indirect and direct liquid cooling.
Indirect cooling means that the power module is assembled on a closed cooler, e.g. a cold plate. Cold plates may be realised e.g. by gun drilling holes in aluminium plates or by pressed-in copper tubes in aluminium extrusions, an example of which is shown here.
The  rst picture shows a P3 module being assembled onto a cold plate. When dealing with cold plates it is necessary to apply a layer of TIM between the power module and the cold plate.
Direct liquid cooling on the other hand means that the coolant is in direct contact with the surface to be cooled. Here the cooling effi ciency is improved by increasing the surface area of the surface and this is com­monly done by various pin  n designs. Below an example of how the P3 module would look if it was equipped with a baseplate with pin  n s .
Direct liquid cooling eliminates the layer of TIM that is traditionally needed between the backside of the power module and the cold plate. Because the TIM layer accounts for 30%-50% of the Rth, junction-coolant, this TIM-elimination results in an improved thermal environment for the power module. Since the domi­nant failure mechanisms are tempera­ture-driven, this will lead to higher reliability.
A cold plate for the P3 module.
A baseplate with pin  ns for the P3 module may look like this
The ShowerPower® concept
ShowerPower® is a concept for direct liquid cooling developed by Danfoss. The main motivation for the concept was to solve the classical problem associated with liquid cooling of power modules namely:
Classical problems with liquid cooling:
Inhomogeneous cooling due to the calorimetric heating up of the coolant
Thermal interface material (TIM) related quality issues like pump­out and dry-out e ects
High cost
Key freatures are:
Ability to homogeneously cool large  at baseplate power mod­ules, and systems of modules, thereby eliminating temperature gradients thus improving live and facilitating paralleling of many power chips
No TIM-related pump-out and d r y - o u t e  e c t s
Very low di erential pressure drop
Compact, low weight, high degree
of design freedom enabling 3D designs
Low cost: metal-to-plastic conver-
sion into simple plastic parts.
The key element of the concept is the ShowerPower® turbolator that guides the coolant along the module baseplate in cells that are supplied with coolant in parallel thereby securing uniform module tempera­tures. Actually the term turbolator is misleading: under normal  ow conditions the liquid  ow in the  ow channels is laminar; typical Reynolds numbers range around 500 and the transition into turbulence occurs at Reynolds numbers around 2400.
Temperature gradient in standard cooler.
No gradient as in ShowerPower®
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