Danfoss RTW TRV User guide

About the heating in your home....
What is a Thermostatic Radiator Valve?
The radiators in your home have been fitted with THERMOSTATIC
RADIATOR VALVES (TRVs). These TRVs enable you to set different
temperatures in different rooms.
How does the TRV work?
When the temperature in the room reaches the setting on the
dial, the TRV will turn the radiator off. The radiator will stay off
until the room temperature falls sufficiently for the TRV to turn
the room at a steady temperature. The cooling of the radiator is
a sign that the TRV is working as it should.
Setting the temperature
0 Ý 1 2 3 4 5
0°C 8 12 16 20 24 28
Reduced Running Costs
You will keep your home at a comfortable temperature level and
save on heating bills by correctly setting your TRVs.
Having Problems?
Ensure that the TRV is not covered by curtains or any other
obstruction which restricts air flow around the sensor. If, after
following the advice on this leaflet, the radiator fails to come on
or go off, please notify your installer.
Installer Details
Living Room
Turn the dial on the TRV to the number which gives you a
comfortable temperature in the room then leave it to do its job.
Danfoss Ltd