Fact sheet
Refrigerant constants
Antoine equation
ADAP-KOOL® Refrigeration control systems
Te = ————— - A3
(LnPe - A1)

Fact Sheet | Refrigerant constants, Antoine equation
This document is for controllers that require a refrigerant setting.
This setting is performed with three constants A1 , A2 , A3 and for
some controllers a "Glide" value.
In most controllers, these values are put in from factory. Either as a
number or as refrigerant name.
If the controller is to regulate with a refrigerant that can not be
selected with a number or a name, set the three constants and for
some controllers a "Glide" value. The values refer to the table.
Refrigerant number
R12 9.421 -2069.6 249.5 0.0 9421 -2070 2495 0 1
R13 9.332 -1614.9 254.5 0.0 9332 -1615 2545 0 6
R13B1 10.170 -2274.5 282.9 0.0 10170 -2274 2829 0 7
R22 9.748 -2017.2 247.8 0.0 9748 -2017 2478 0 2
R23 9.904 -1687.6 252.5 0.0 9904 -1688 2525 0 8
R32 10.271 -2059.6 252.1 0.0 10271 -2060 2521 0 14
R114 9.954 -2655.3 263.8 0.0 9954 -2655 2638 0 11
R123 9.605 -2527.3 235.4 0.0 9605 -2527 2354 0
R125 9.764 -1939.4 246.8 0.0 9764 -1939 2468 0
R134a 9.936 -2147.9 242.3 0.0 9936 -2148 2423 0 3
R142b 9.600 -2258.8 244.4 0.0 9600 -2259 2444 0 12
R152a 9.919 -2209.3 246.8 0.0 9919 -2209 2468 0
R170 9.353 -1608.3 260.5 0.0 9353 -1608 2605 0 24
R227ea 9.644 -2138.8 238.2 0.0 9644 -2139 2382 0 15
R236ea 10.119 -2532.6 244.3 0.0 10119 -2533 2443 0
R236fa 9.718 -2250.5 233.2 0.0 9718 -2251 2332 0
R245fa 9.938 -2457.0 232.3 0.0 9938 -2457 2323 0
R290 9.400 -1990.7 253.9 0.0 9400 -1991 2539 0 25
R401A 9.863 -2124.3 242.5 5.1 9863 -2124 2425 5 16
R401B 9.786 -2076.2 241.1 4.9 9786 -2076 2411 5
R402A 9.706 -1929.3 245.8 1.3 9706 -1929 2458 1 18
R402B 9.745 -1966.7 246.7 1.6 9745 -1967 2467 2
R403B 9.925 -2066.6 254.7 0.9 9925 -2067 2547 1
R404A 9.715 -1946.4 245.8 0.5 9715 -1946 2458 0 19
R406A 9.804 -2150.3 243.1 8.6 9804 -2150 2431 9
R407A 10.060 -2037.4 241.1 5.3 10060 -2037 2411 5 21
R407B 9.875 -1950.9 239.8 3.4 9875 -1951 2398 3 22
R407C 10.072 -2059.7 241.1 5.9 10072 -2060 2411 6 20
R407D 10.097 -2119.0 242.4 5.7 10097 -2119 2424 6
R407F 10.091 -2035.0 241.3 5.3 10091 -2035 2413 5 37
R407H 10.085 -2051.2 241.0 6.0 10085 -2051 2410 6 49
R408A 9.714 -1982.3 248.2 0.3 9714 -1982 2482 0
R409A 9.864 -2131.9 242.0 7.7 9864 -2132 2420 8
R409B 9.869 -2113.6 241.9 7.0 9869 -2114 2419 7
R410A 10.086 -1990.0 248.7 0.1 10086 -1990 2487 0 23
R413A 9.867 -2089.8 240.0 3.7 9867 -2090 2400 4 32
A1 A2 A3 Glide A1 A2 A3 Glide
EKE / AK-CC / AK-PC Constants AKC / EKC / AK-CC / AK-PC Constants
Case controllers will not be able to run the Adaptive defrost
function or Flash gas detection, when a user defined refrigerant is
Pack controllers will not be able to run the Dirt detection, when
a user defined refrigerant is selected. The Antoine constants are
based on data generated by RefProp 10.0 software delivered by
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