Data Sheet
Remote Control
R70 Receiver
The R70 receiver is highly customizable with many
features and mounting kits to ensure reliable and safe
operation in potentially dangerous applications.
Multiband radio with full-duplex
Removable EEPROM SIM module
STOP: PLd, Category 3 according to EN
ISO 13849-1:2008
Multi-feedback capability
29 digital and 8 analog outputs
Highly field customizable
Frequency management against
Fast and easy maintenance
Suitable for all common proportional
Industrial lifting and automation
Construction and mining vehicles/
Industrial vehicles
Comprehensive technical literature is
online at www.danfoss.com
Danfoss | May 2019 AI293265732759en-000201 | 1

Technical data
Specification Value
Stop function Cat. 3-PLd
Ingress protection IP65/NEMA4
Frequency band Multi-band (400-930 MHz)
AC power supply 48-230 Vac ± 25% (Multi-voltage) / 18-30 Vac
DC power supply 8-36 Vdc
Antenna External
Removable EEPROM Internal
Signaling Internal
ON/OFF outputs (maximum) 29
Analog outputs (maximum) 8
CANopen, Profibus-DP Yes
ON/OFF inputs (maximum) 44
Analog inputs 8
Maximum output current 8A
Working temperature range -20° C to +70° C (-4° F to +158° F)
Weight 2100g
Dimensions 285 x 200 x 110
Cable connection Yes
Associated transmitters T70 1, T70 2, T70 1 HALL, T70 2 HALL, T70 1 ATEX, T70 2 ATEX, IK2, IK3, IK4
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