Industrial Refrigeration Evaporator Control Panels
Type PXE 02 and PXE 04
Distributed control logic panels designed specically for
industrial refrigeration evaporator control applications
The Danfoss evaporator control panel PXE 02
and PXE 04 are distributed control logic panels
designed specically for industrial refrigeration
evaporator control applications. The PXE 02 can
control up to 2 separate evaporators and their
corresponding valve stations while the PXE 04
can control up to 4 evaporators and their
corresponding valve stations. There is 200+
control application options for each evaporator
that cover most industrial refrigeration
evaporator control requirements. Each
evaporator application is congured separately
and may be either duplicated or take
completely dierentcongurations to the
other connected evaporators.
Application-specic,energy-ecient control
algorithms in each panel, achieve optimal
space-cooling and defrost sequences for safe,
ecient, trouble-free evaporator operation.
Furthermore, all IIAR1 safety recommendations
for hot gas defrost are complied with. Please
note that evaporator power components such
as motor starter protection, drives and
contactors are not components contained
within the PXE 02 or PXE 04.
Each evaporator application is setup and
congured on your laptop via a free
downloadable user-friendly graphical interface
or via the panel’s display navigation hardware.
Industrial Refrigeration Evaporator Control Panels, type PXE 02 & PXE 04
• Designed ready-to-mount-and-connect supply power, sensors, solenoid, and actuator wiring needed for all
standard industrial refrigeration evaporator control applications
• High quality standardized panel electrical components
• Rigorously tested control sequences and algorithms
• Well laid-out IP64/65 panels with condensation protection, 360° EMC screen contact glands
Industrial Refrigeration Evaporator Control Panels, type PXE 02 & PXE 04
Application principles: General
The Danfoss evaporator control panels have many dierent application choices available that are designed for
Industrial Refrigeration applications. It is possible to assign dierent control applications to each of the evaporators,
if required. Some of the control possibilities oered are as follows:
• Modulating or simple ON/OFF room temperature control
• Media temperature control of suction line valve with motorized valve
• Media temperature control of suction line valve with servo valve
• Pressure control of suction line valve with motorized valve
• Pressure control of suction line valve with servo valve
• Modulating room temperature control by modulating the valve in the liquid line of ooded systems
• Supports Multiple Defrost methods:
◦ by pressure
◦ by liquid drain
◦ by water or brine
◦ individual defrost schedules by single weekdays, Saturdays and Sundays
• Defrost starts:
◦ via Modbus or DI start by time interval (time since last defrost start)
◦ according to accumulated cooling time
◦ via defrost schedules and Real Time Clock
◦ forced manual defrost via the HMI or Modbus
• Defrost stops:
◦ on time duration
◦ on temperature
• Separate Drip tray Hot Gas control separate from main Hot Gas valve
Industrial Refrigeration Evaporator Control Panels, type PXE 02 & PXE 04
Application principles PXE 04: 4 x Evaporator Control
Examples of quick panel setup for evaporator control applications:
Application example 1:
Evaporator 1: Flooded evaporator with hot gas defrost by liquid drain.
Evaporator 2: Flooded evaporator with hot gas defrost by liquid drain and with wet suction modulating control.
Evaporator 3: Flooded evaporator with hot gas defrost by pressure.
Evaporator 4: DX with PWM liquid line control
Industrial Refrigeration Evaporator Control Panels, type PXE 02 & PXE 04
Application example 2:
Evaporator 1: Flooded evaporator with hot gas defrost by liquid drain.
Evaporator 2: Flooded evaporator with PWM liquid line control and electrical or water defrost.
Evaporator 3 & 4: Flooded evaporator with hot gas defrost by pressure. Extra product temperature sensors. Gas