Danfoss PLUS+1 Series Technical Information

Technical Information
Controller Family
Technical Information PLUS+1® Controller Family
Revision History Table of Revisions
Date Changed Rev
Feb 2014 MC050-055/05B input voltage maximum is limited to 16 Vdc. PB
Jun 2005 to Sep 2013 Various updates BA through OA
Mar 2004 First edition AA
2 520L0719 • Rev PB • Feb 2014
Technical Information PLUS+1® Controller Family


About This Manual
PLUS+1 Controller Family Technical Information.................................................................................................................
What information is in this manual?..........................................................................................................................................5
What information is in individual module product data sheets?....................................................................................5
What information is in individual module API specifications?.........................................................................................5
What information is in the PLUS+1 GUIDE Software User Manual?...............................................................................5
Product Overview
PLUS+1 Family of Mobile Machine Management Products............................................................................................. 6
User liability and safety statements
OEM responsibility........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Inputs/Outputs Types and Specifications
Input Types....................................................................................................................................................................................8
Digital (DIN)...................................................................................................................................................................................8
Analog (AIN)..................................................................................................................................................................................9
Analog Input Offset....................................................................................................................................................................9
A/D Refresh Rate..........................................................................................................................................................................9
Analog/Temperature/Rheostat (AIN/Temp/Rheo); Digital/Analog/Frequency/Rheostat (Din/AIN/
FreqIN/Rheo)...................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Rheo) (All modules except IX012-010, IX024-010)................................................................................................11
Digital/Analog/Frequency (DIN/AIN/FreqIN) (IX012-010, IX024-010 modules)................................................ 12
Digital/Analog/4-20 mA (DIN/AIN/4-20 mA IN).............................................................................................................14
Output Types..............................................................................................................................................................................14
Digital (DOUT) and Digital/PVG Reference Power (DOUT/PVEpwr).......................................................................15
High Current Digital (HDOUT)..............................................................................................................................................16
Pulse Width Modulated (PWMOUT/DOUT/PVGOUT)..................................................................................................17
High Current Pulse Width Modulated (HPWMOUT/DOUT).......................................................................................19
MC038-010, MC088-XXX Output Pin Power Supply.................................................................................................... 19
Controller Area Network Specifications
CAN (Controller Area Network) Ports .................................................................................................................................... 20
System Design........................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Terminating Resistor............................................................................................................................................................... 20
CAN Bus Installation................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Expansion Module CAN Bus Loading..................................................................................................................................... 20
Product Ratings
Module Supply Voltage/Maximum Current Ratings....................................................................................................22
MC038-010 Power Supply..................................................................................................................................................... 22
MC038-010 Sleep Mode.........................................................................................................................................................22
Sensor Power Supply Ratings...............................................................................................................................................23
PVG Valve Power Supply........................................................................................................................................................24
EEPROM Write/Erase.....................................................................................................................................................................24
Vault Memory.............................................................................................................................................................................24
FRAM Memory........................................................................................................................................................................... 24
Environmental Testing Criteria................................................................................................................................................. 25
General Product Ratings........................................................................................................................................................ 25
PLUS+1 Module Environmental Testing Criteria...........................................................................................................25
Modules Housing......................................................................................................................................................................26
Product Installation and Start-up
General Comments........................................................................................................................................................................27
Mating Connectors...................................................................................................................................................................27
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Technical Information PLUS+1® Controller Family
Product Installation.......................................................................................................................................................................28
Machine Diagnostic Connector...........................................................................................................................................29
Hot Plugging.............................................................................................................................................................................. 29
Recommended Machine Wiring Guidelines...................................................................................................................29
Recommended Machine Equipped with PLUS+1 Module Welding Procedures ............................................. 29
PLUS+1 USB/CAN Gateway...................................................................................................................................................30
4 520L0719 • Rev PB • Feb 2014
Technical Information PLUS+1® Controller Family

About This Manual

PLUS+1 Controller Family Technical Information

This manual is designed to be a comprehensive PLUS+1® product family hardware module reference tool for vehicle OEM design, engineering, and service personnel. It is one of four sources of PLUS+1 product technical information. Other sources include individual module product data sheets, module specific Application Program Interface (API) specifications and the PLUS+1 GUIDE Software User Manual, literature number 10100824.

What information is in this manual?

This manual describes unique characteristics of specific PLUS+1 modules and electrical details that are common to all PLUS+1 modules, including general specifications, input and output parameters, environmental ratings and installation details.

What information is in individual module product data sheets?

Parameters that are unique to an individual PLUS+1 module are contained in the module product data sheet. Data sheets contain the following information:
Numbers and types of inputs and outputs
Module connector pin assignments
Module maximum current capacity
Module sensor power supply (if present) current capacity
Module installation drawing
Module weights
Product ordering information

What information is in individual module API specifications?

Detailed information about the module BIOS is contained in the module API specification. PLUS+1 BIOS functionality is pin dependent. Pins are defined in module data sheets as C (connector number) p (pin number). API specifications include:
Variable name
Variable data type
Variable direction (read/write)
Variable function and scaling
Module API specifications are the definitive source of information regarding PLUS+1 module pin characteristics.

What information is in the PLUS+1 GUIDE Software User Manual?

Detailed information regarding the PLUS+1 GUIDE software tool set that is used to build PLUS+1 machine management solutions is contained in the user manual. This technical information manual covers the following broad topics:
How to use the GUIDE graphical application development tool to create machine applications
How to configure module input and output parameters
How to configure module input and output parameters
How to download GUIDE applications to target PLUS+1 hardware modules
How to upload and download tuning parameters
How to use the PLUS+1 service tool
PLUS+1 product literature is available at: www.danfoss.com
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Technical Information PLUS+1® Controller Family

Product Overview

PLUS+1 Family of Mobile Machine Management Products

12, 18, 24, 38, 50, and 88 Pin Models
PLUS+1 controllers and input/output expansion modules are designed to provide flexible, expandable, powerful, and cost effective total machine management systems for off-highway vehicles. These modules communicate with one another and other intelligent systems over a machine Controller Area Network (CAN) data bus. PLUS+1 hardware products are designed to be equally effective in a distributed CAN system, with intelligence in every node, or as stand-alone control for smaller machine systems. PLUS+1 systems are incrementally expandable: additional modules can be easily added to the machine CAN bus to increase system capabilities or computational power.
PLUS+1 control products utilize modular designs wherever possible. This modularity extends to product housings, connectors and control circuitry. Five standard housings, 12, 18, 24, 38, 50, and 88 pin, cover the entire product line.
6 520L0719 • Rev PB • Feb 2014
Technical Information PLUS+1® Controller Family

User liability and safety statements

OEM responsibility

The OEM of a machine or vehicle in which Danfoss products are installed has the full responsibility for all consequences that might occur. Danfoss has no responsibility for any consequences, direct or indirect, caused by failures or malfunctions.
Danfoss has no responsibility for any accidents caused by incorrectly mounted or maintained
equipment. Danfoss does not assume any responsibility for Danfoss products being incorrectly applied or the
system being programmed in a manner that jeopardizes safety. All safety critical systems shall include an emergency stop to switch off the main supply voltage for
the outputs of the electronic control system. All safety critical components shall be installed in such a way that the main supply voltage can be switched off at any time. The emergency stop must be easily accessible to the operator.
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Technical Information PLUS+1® Controller Family

Inputs/Outputs Types and Specifications

Each PLUS+1 hardware module has input or output pins that support multiple functions. Pins that support multiple input or output types are user-configurable using PLUS+1 GUIDE software. Refer to controller data sheets for the input/output (I/O) content of individual modules.


Input Types

Digital (DIN)

Digital or Analog (DIN/AIN)
Analog or Temperature or Rheostat (AIN/Temp/Rheo)
Multifunction: Digital or Analog or Frequency (DIN/AIN/FreqIN)
Multifunction: Digital or Analog or Frequency or Rheostat (DIN/AIN/FreqIN/Rheo)
Fixed Range Analog or CAN shield (AIN/CAN shield)
Digital or Analog or Current (DIN/AIN/4-20 mA IN)
Each PLUS+1 Module input pin supports one of the above functional types. For pins with multiple functions, input configurations are user programmable using PLUS+1 GUIDE templates.
Digital (DIN)
Digital inputs connected to PLUS+1 dedicated digital input pins are debounced in software. Digital input debounce is defined as an input being in a given state for three samples before a state change is reported. The sample time is a function of application loop time.
Multifunction pins that are configured to be DIN are subject to the same update rates as the analog input function for that pin. Debounce is not used, as hysteresis is built into the function. The time to recognize a transition is dependent on the timing of the switch activation and the sample rate.
Description Comment
Response to input below minimum voltage Non-damaging, non-latching; reading saturates to the low limit. Response to input above maximum voltage Non-damaging, non-latching; reading saturates to the high limit. Response to input open Pin configuration dependent:
No pull up/ no pull down = floating Pull up to 5 Vdc = 5 Vdc Pull down = 0 Vdc Pull up/ pull down = 2.5 Vdc
Voltage working ranges Programmable (see specific data sheets for ranges).
Description Units Minimum Maximum Comment
Allowed voltage at pin Vdc 0 36* Modules will survive with full
functionality if input voltage does not exceed 36 Vdc. * MC050-055/05B input voltage maximum is limited to 16 Vdc.
Rising voltage threshold Vdc 2.80 4.15 A digital input is guaranteed to be read
as high if the voltage is greater than
4.15 Vdc.
8 520L0719 • Rev PB • Feb 2014
Technical Information PLUS+1® Controller Family
Inputs/Outputs Types and Specifications
Specifications (continued)
Description Units Minimum Maximum Comment
Falling voltage threshold Vdc 1.01 2.77 A digital input is guaranteed to be read
Time to change state in response to step input
Input impedance Input voltage < 5.7 Vdc kΩ 233 nominal—no pull up or pull down
Input impedance Input voltage < 5.7 Vdc kΩ 14.1 nominal—pull up or pull down pin
Input impedance Input voltage ≥ 5.7 Vdc kΩ 14.1 nominal—all pin configurations.

Analog (AIN)

as low if the voltage is less than 1.01 Vdc.
ms 1.5 Input change from maximum to
minimum—add to debounce time.
pin configuration.
Description Units Minimum Maximum Comment
Allowed voltage at pin * Vdc 0 36** * Maximum allowed voltage on fixed
range analog input pins (CAN shield) is 25 Vdc. ** MC050-055/05B input voltage maximum is limited to 16 Vdc.
0 to 5 Vdc range Maximum discernable voltage
0 to 36 Vdc rangeMaximum discernable voltage
Precision mV 1.28 Input impedance kΩ 206 236 Depends on pin configuration.
Vdc 5.21 5.30 5.26 is typical.
Vdc 31.70

Analog Input Offset

Module analog input offset error can be 80 counts out of 4096 (12 bit resolution). Therefore, the minimum voltage that a module will read at the 0 to 5.25 Vdc range is 105 mV. The minimum voltage that a module will read at the 0 to 36 Vdc range is 703 mV.
The input offset error is a function of component tolerances and can vary from one module to the next. When an input value is used in an algorithm where the offset error could impact the control strategy, the way the signal is acquired and the need to calibrate should be considered.

A/D Refresh Rate

Analog to Digital (A/D) refresh rates for individual PLUS+1 modules are as follows. A/D channels are sampled at 25 kHz and 64 samples are taken to build an average value. This results in a refresh rate of 2.56 ms for channels directly measured. All internal current feedback channels are refreshed at the 2.56 ms rate.
Some PLUS+1 module A/D channels are shared. Each of the shared channels has eight multiplexed analog inputs. Each multiplexed input is serviced every 20.48 ms. Update rates for specific analog input
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Load Resistance (Ω)
AD Counts
Technical Information PLUS+1® Controller Family
Inputs/Outputs Types and Specifications
pins are found below. Update rates for input expander modules are dependent on the CAN message frequency selected in the application program.
A/D Refresh Rates for PLUS+1 Modules
PLUS+1 module A/D refresh rate
MC012-010/012 All: 2.56 ms MC012-026/029 All: 2.56 ms MC018-010/012 All: 2.56 ms MC024-010/011/012/014 All: 2.56 ms MC024-020/021/022/024 C1p10 to C1p12: 7.68 ms
MC024-500 All: 2.56 ms MC038-010 C1p08, C1p14, C1p17 to C1p20, C1p24 to C1p27, C1p36 to C1p38: 20.48 ms
MC050-010/012 C1p05, C1p08, C1p14 to C1p19, C1p22 to C1p30, C1p34 to C1p36: 20.48 ms
MC050-020/022 C1p05, C1p22, C1p25 to C1p32, C1p39, C1p40: 20.48 ms
MC050-055/05B C1p05, C1p13 to C1p29, C1p31 to C1p39, C1p41 to C1p45: 20.48 ms
MC088-015/01B/315 C1p05, C1p08, C1p14 to C1p19, C1p22 to C1p30, C1p34 to C1p36, C1p47 to
IOX012-010 Refresh rate is a function of CAN message frequency IOX024-020 Refresh rate is a function of CAN message frequency IX012-010 Refresh rate is a function of CAN message frequency IX024-010 Refresh rate is a function of CAN message frequency
Remaining pins: 2.56 ms
C1p05, C1p10 to C1p12: 2.56 ms
C1p02: 2.56 ms
C1p02, C1p08, C1p18, C1p19, C1p23, C1p24: 2.56 ms
C1p46 to C1p49: 2.56 ms
C1p50 , C2p09 to C2p11, C2p35 to C2p38: 20.48 ms

Analog/Temperature/Rheostat (AIN/Temp/Rheo); Digital/Analog/Frequency/Rheostat (Din/AIN/ FreqIN/Rheo)

When a PLUS+1 module input pin is configured in the temperature/rheostat mode, the input has a 1.33 kΩ pull up resistor to +5 Vdc. It will source up to 3.75 mA current to an external load (RL) which then can be measured. The equation for relating AD counts to a given load is: AD counts = (4096*RL) / (RL + 1330). This calculation is solved internally and the ohms value is available for the programmer. The following chart shows the relationship between AD counts and load resistance in ohms.
Rheostat Inputs
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