Technical Information DP7XX Series PLUS+1® Mobile Machine Displays
Revision History
Table of Revisons
05 Dec 20135, 8, 14, 19LCD option table added, changed Panel Mounting Kit part
14 Oct 2013VariousCA
12 Jul 201311, 14Corrected typo and added sectionBA
13 M ay 2013AA
L1315553 • Rev DA • Dec 20132
Technical Information DP7XX Series PLUS+1® Mobile Machine Displays
Reference Documents
Product Overview
Ordering Information
Controller Area Network
(CAN) Specications
Literature Types ......................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Technical Information (TI) ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Data Sheet (DS) .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
API Specications (API) ..................................................................................................................................................... 4
PLUS+1® GUIDE Software User Manual ....................................................................................................................... 4
DP7XX Series PLUS+1 Mobile Machine Displays ........................................................................................................... 5
GPL-License (General Public License) .......................................................................................................................... 5
User Liability and Safety Statements ................................................................................................................................. 6
Model Features .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Related Products ....................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Digital Output .................................................................................................................................................................... 11
USB ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Video ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
CAN Shield/Analog Inputs ................................................................................................................................................... 12
CAN Communication ............................................................................................................................................................. 12
FRAM Memory ................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Two Mounting Options ......................................................................................................................................................... 19
Stand-Alone On Post ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
Technical Information DP7XX Series PLUS+1® Mobile Machine Displays
Reference Documents
Literature Types
Technical Information (TI)
A TI is comprehensive information for engineering and service personnel to reference.
Data Sheet (DS)
A DS is summarized information and parameters that are unique to a specic model.
API Specications (API)
An API is specications for programming variable settings.
API specications are the denitive source of information regarding pin characteristics.
PLUS+1® GUIDE Software User Manual
This user operation manual (OP) details information regarding the PLUS+1 GUIDE
software tool set that is used to build PLUS+1 applications.
DP7XX Series PLUS+1 Mobile Machine Displays Reference Documents
Literature titleLiterature typeLiterature number
DP7XX Series PLUS+1 Mobile Machine DisplaysTechnical InformationL1315553
DP700 Series PLUS+1 Mobile Machine DisplaysData SheetL120 5618
DP710 Series PLUS+1 Mobile Machine DisplaysData SheetL120 524 6
DP720 Series PLUS+1 Mobile Machine DisplaysData SheetL120 5154
PLUS+1 GUIDE Software User ManualOperation Manual10100824
Technical Literature is on line at:
L1315553 • Rev DA • Dec 20134
Technical Information DP7XX Series PLUS+1® Mobile Machine Displays
Product Overview
DP7XX Series PLUS+1 Mobile Machine Displays
The DP700 is designed to perform in the most extreme mobile machine environments.
The DP700 oers three dierent display options to meet your application needs for both in-cab and
open usage. An optional Projective Capacitive touch screen that works through mud, water and with
gloves is available.
The latest technology with backlight provides outstanding brightness and contrast performance
resulting in an easy-to-read screen.
Develop your own software and layout with PLUS+1 GUIDE and the screen editor. A graphic library is
available for fast time-to-market.
StandardTransmissive1000:140080°, 80°, 80°, 80°In and out of cab
Enhanced View TFT
* Viewing Angle: Up, Down, Right, Left
80 0:155080°, 80°, 80°, 80°In and out of cab
Viewing Angle*For application use
GPL-License (General Public License)
The DP7XX family of products contains embedded Linux operating system software that is
copyrighted software licensed under the GPLv2 or LGPLv2.1. As an installer of this product you will
have your own obligations under the licensing agreements, which may include among other things
the obligation to include a copy of these licenses or to include an oer of a physical copy of the
source code for such software with your distributions of the equipment. You should carefully review
the licenses to determine what your obligations and options may be for your intended use.
For further details, please reference:
Programming can be done either using the PLUS+1 GUIDE (Graphical User Integrated Development
Environment) or Linux interface.
PLUS+1 GUIDE is a complete toolbox that generates downloadable applications for all programmable
PLUS+1 Compliant products.
A screen editor allows easy development of applications by programmers without formal
software development training. The expertise from a software engineer is not needed to
nd the way around in GUIDE.
The DP700 series hardware contains the following features for the Linux interface:
y The 1st stage of U-Boot boot loader is installed on the system.
y There is a recovery system for reprogramming the DP700 series Operating System utilizing the
PLUS+1 Service Tool.
y Linux Kernel v2.6 with drivers for all standard peripherals.
y To give the developer the possibility to connect to Linux Shell it is enabled by default.
L1315553 • Rev DA • Dec 20135
Technical Information DP7XX Series PLUS+1® Mobile Machine Displays
User Liability and Safety Statements
OEM Responsibility
The OEM of a machine or vehicle in which a Danfoss product is installed has the full responsibility for
all consequences that might occur. Danfoss has no responsibility for any consequences, direct or
indirect, caused by failures or malfunctions.
y Danfoss has no responsibility for any accidents caused by incorrectly mounted or maintained
y Danfoss does not assume any responsibility for Danfoss products being incorrectly applied or the
system being programmed in a manner that jeopardizes safety.
y All safety critical systems shall include an emergency stop to switch o the main supply voltage for
the outputs of the electronic control system. All safety critical components shall be installed in
such a way that the main supply voltage can be switched o at any time. The emergency stop must
be easily accessible to the operator.
L1315553 • Rev DA • Dec 20136
Technical Information DP7XX Series PLUS+1® Mobile Machine Displays
Ordering Information
Model Features
Use the following table to identify model features.
This is not a variant congurator.
D P 7
Product Conguration Model Code
ABCDEFGPart number
DP7000201010204011112 6310
DP7100101020204011112632 2
DP7100301020204011112632 4
DP72001020202040111126 325
DP7200202020204011112 6326
DP7200302020204011112 6327
Model Name
PLUS+1 Mobile Machine Displays
LCD Options
03High performance—Transmissive-Enhanced View TFT
Touch Screen Options
02Projective Capacitive touch
Input/ Output Options
01User congurable
02User congurable
Flash Memory/ Application Key
02512 MB/without application key
USB Port Type
04USB device rear/USB host rear or front
Application Log (Vault Memory)
0116 M B
1 CAN, 2 AIN/DIN, 2 DIN/AIN/FreqIn/Rheo/4-20 mA IN, DOUT
2 CAN, 2 DIN/AIN/FreqIn/Rheo/4-20 mA IN, DOUT
1 CAN, 2 AIN/DIN, 2 DIN/AIN/FreqIn/Rheo/4-20 mA IN, 2 Video IN, DOUT
2 CAN, 2 DIN/AIN/FreqIn/Rheo/4-20 mA IN, 2 Video IN, DOUT
L1315553 • Rev DA • Dec 20137
Technical Information DP7XX Series PLUS+1® Mobile Machine Displays
Related Products
Danfoss Assembled Mating Connector Kits
DP7XX mating connector kit and contentsPart numbers
M12 5-pin male1113 0712
M12 8-pin male1113 0713
Crimp tool
16 to 20 AWG1010074 4
20 to 24 AWG10100745
Locking plug
12-pin Deutsch WM 12S10100741
12-pin connector kit (16 to 20 AWG)
Deutsch DTM06-12SA 12-pin connector10102025
12-pin connector kit (20 to 24 AWG)
Deutsch DTM06-12SA 12-pin connector1010094 4
Connection-kit DP7XX with camera cable*11130 520
* Only valid for DP710 and DP720.
DescriptionPart number
Panel mounting kit1114 48 00
USB cable (device only)1113 0 518
USB cable (device and host)1113 0 519
Compact color camera, 12 V10100831
PLUS+1 GUIDE Software Application (includes a single user
licence, Service and Diagnostic tool and a Screen Editor)
1010100 0
L1315553 • Rev DA • Dec 20138
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