Danfoss PLUS 1 Connect Data sheet [ar]

Data Sheet
PLUS+1® Connect
Digital Service Plans
Make Danfoss connectivity solutions part of your day­to-day fleet management quickly and easily with our PLUS+1® Connect machine monitoring platform and portfolio of CS telematics hardware. Developed by Danfoss with a focus on flexibility and security, the solution delivers data-driven value throughout the machine’s life-cycle. Danfoss offers the flexibility for devices in the CS portfolio to cover your connectivity requirements.
Digital Service Plans enable the PLUS+1® Connect devices to interface with the PLUS+1® Connect portal and the PLUS+1® Service Tool, allowing for remote configuration, as well as, monitoring of the machine state, performance, and position. Both location and machine data are periodically transmitted to and stored in the PLUS+1® Connect platform. PLUS+1 Service Tool offers the possibility to configure, as well as program CS devices remotely over a secure Interlink communication framework, with various high-speed transport interfaces using latest IoT standards.
Remote performance monitoring
Remote troubleshooting
Remote change monitoring
Debug remotely
Data over air
Remote configurations
PLUS+1® remote Service Tool
PLUS+1® connect Portal
Comprehensive technical literature is online at www.danfoss.com
Danfoss | January 2022 AI40522310865100-000101en-000101 | 1
The PLUS+1® Marketplace is virtual commercial platform to purchase Danfoss digital services, including PLUS+1® Connect Digital Service Plans.
Once the data limit has been exceeded, or the seven days have passed, you will need to assign a Digital Service Plan to your device to continue using the services. The test mode does not require a Digital Service Plan to be assigned to device.
Please refer to the Portal User Manual for how to register a device, buy Digital Service Plan, and activate the plan.
Digital Service Plan
Digital Service Plan enables cellular communication between CS PLUS+1® portal device to servers, making machine data available on PLUS+1® portal.
CS100 Digital Service Plan supports up to 35 signals per minute, i.e. each signal is 8 bits with 5 min latency assuming 6h per day 5 days per week.
Product Part
CS100 1-year Basic Digital Service Plan 11232125 CS100 2-year Basic Digital Service Plan 11260050 CS100 3-year Basic Digital Service Plan 11260051 CS100 5-year Basic Digital Service Plan 11278555 CS100 1-year Advanced Digital Service Plan 11278554 CS100 3-year Advanced Digital Service Plan 11278528 CS100 5-year Advanced Digital Service Plan 11278517 CS500 1-year 100MB Digital Service Plan 11278500 CS500 3-year 100MB Digital Service Plan 11278556 CS500 5-year 100MB Digital Service Plan 11278562 CS500 100MB Data Overage Reserve 11278563 CS500 500MB Data Overage Reserve 11278529 CS500 1000MB Data Overage Reserve 11278518
Related literature
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TI BC39722672
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TI BC39722672
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Literature ID
Due to customizability of the product please contact your local Danfoss representative for more information.
Digital Service Plans can be flagged for auto-renewal on the PLUS +1® Marketplace and the Portal before the expiration date.
Plan expiration
Digital Service Plans will expire one year from the date of purchase if not used to activate a device. Once a plan is activated it will run for the term chosen, the one year expiration clause is no more in effect. After a Digital Service Plan has expired, it can no longer be used to activate a CS device and becomes invalid.
Production test mode
Once active you will have 500 kB of data to test out PLUS+1
Connect Services. The Test Mode will be active for seven days.
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2 | © Danfoss | January 2022 AI40522310865100-000101en-000101