Installation Guide to Devicom
Table of contents:
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................. 3
System overview .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Connecting your system units .......................................................................................................................................... 5
Installing software ................................................................................................................................................................ 6
Finding NPorts on network ................................................................................................................................................ 7
Conguring ..............................................................................................................................................................................10
Assigning IP addresses ........................................................................................................................................................12
Change Operating mode ....................................................................................................................................................13
Mapping COM ports ............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Re-assigning COM Ports .....................................................................................................................................................18
Exporting COM Settings ......................................................................................................................................................21
Conguring PC•PRO ..............................................................................................................................................................23
1. Devicom™ PC•PRO LAN
The Devicom™ PC•PRO LAN is an Ethernet enabled soft- and hardware tool which gives you the
possibility to connect to your devireg 550 thermostat network from any PC on your Ethernet network.
Today only the Devireg™ 550 can be installed in network, but with the setup of Devicom™ PC•PRO all
settings and adjustments can be controlled from the computer, and from any PC on your local area
The software is multilingual and includes both an advanced and a simple user front end (targeted at
the installer/end user)
A Windows ActiveX automation based API exist, making it possible to control Devireg™ 550 from 3rd
party Building Automation Systems. You can download it from www.devi.com
2. System setup
Wire the complete system according to this diagram.
System overview
Connecting your system units
Step 1
Connect the 550s with two wires in parallel, use 1.5mm2 wires. You can use the same cables, or pipes,
to Devinet as for 230V mains.
Connect the devinet to the Devicom Interface A.
Connect the Devicom Interface A to the NPort with the RS232 cable/plug
Each Devicom Interface A can control up to 31 devireg™ 550. The Devicom PC•PRO software can
handle 30 Interface A’s, giving a total of 930 pieces of Devireg 550s in one single installation.
Connect the NPorts to the Ethernet e.g. via a switch.
(For initial setup test purposes you can also connect the NPort directly to your PC via a crossed network cable)
Installing software
Step 2
Install NPort Administration Suite on the PC and start Administrator:
Insert the CD and run \NPort5110\Software\Windows\setup.exe
Now launch the program.
Step 3
Finding NPorts on network
Press Sea rch
This will have the system search for any connected NPorts
If you have more than one connected to your system, you will get the following warning message:
Because the NPort default have the exact same IP address
Press OK
Now you can see that 2 NPort 5110s were found. Notice they have the same IP addresses. These must
be changed, as they must be unique.