Document code: DPD00898A
Date: 19.01.2012
1. GENERAL ........................................................................................................................... 3
2. LonWorks OPTION BOARD TECHNICAL DATA .................................................................... 4
2.1 General ......................................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Physical media and wiring ............................................................................................................ 5
2.3 Profiles ......................................................................................................................................... 6
3. LonWorks FIELDBUS BOARD LAYOUT AND CONNECTIONS .............................................. 7
3.1 LonWorks OPT-C4 option board ................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Grounding of bus cable shield in OPT-C4 ..................................................................................... 8
3.3 Bus termination resistors .......................................................................................................... 10
3.4 LED indications ........................................................................................................................... 10
4. INSTALLATION OF VACON NX LonWorks BOARD ............................................................. 12
4.1 Board information sticker .......................................................................................................... 14
5. COMMISSIONING .............................................................................................................. 15
5.1 Fieldbus board parameters ........................................................................................................ 15
5.2 Start-up test ............................................................................................................................... 16
6. LonWorks INTERFACE...................................................................................................... 17
6.1 General ....................................................................................................................................... 17
6.2 Input Network Variables ............................................................................................................. 19
6.3 Output Network Variables .......................................................................................................... 22
6.4 Network Configuration Variables ............................................................................................... 25
6.5 Process data ............................................................................................................................... 27
7. FAULT TRACKING ............................................................................................................. 28
8. APPENDIX 1 ...................................................................................................................... 29

general vacon • 3
Vacon NX frequency converters can be connected to the LonWorks® network using a fieldbus board.
The converter can then be controlled, monitored and programmed from the Host system.
The LonWorks® board shall be installed in slot E on the control board of the frequency converter.
technology has been developed by Echelon Corporation. LONWORKS network is used in
applications like industry and building automation, controlling household electronics, medical
instrumentation and many others. The target of the L
ONWORKS network is to provide a common
vendor independent communication network for intelligent devices.
ONWORKS network, no central control or master-slave architecture is needed. Nodes on a
In a L
network communicate with each other using LonTalk® protocol. Interoperable nodes use Standard
Network Variable Types (SNVT) for communicating over the network. The definition of an SNVT
includes units, a range, and an increment. Vacon option board uses only Standard Network Variable
Types for the data types.
All network variables are either input (data is coming from the network to the device) or output (data
is sent to the network by the device) network variables. When network variables on different nodes on
the network have been bound together by an installation tool, passing of data is automatic between
the right nodes. Only the same type of network variables can be bound together, so it is very
important to have compatible interfaces.
Internal components and circuit boards are at high potential when the frequency
converter is connected to the power source. This voltage is extremely dangerous
and may cause death or severe injury if you come into contact with it.
24-hour service: +358-40-8371 150 • Email: vacon@vacon.com

4 • vacon technical data
2.1 General
Interface Pluggable connector (5 mm)
Channel type TP/FT-10
Transfer cable Twisted pair
Baud rate 78 Kbit/s
Ambient operating
Humidity <95%, no condensation allowed
Altitude Max. 1000 m
Vibration 0.5 G at 9…200 Hz
Fulfils EN50178 standard
Table 2-1. LonWorks technical data
Tel: +358-201-2121 • Fax: +358-201-212 205

technical data vacon • 5
2.2 Physical media and wiring
ONWORKS networks can be implemented on many different physical media. Vacon OPT-
C4 option board is equipped with an FT-X1 transceiver supporting the Free Topology
transformer coupled network, which allows the network wire to be connected as bus,
star, loop or combination of these. This media reaches a communication speed of
78kBits/s. The FT-X1 transceiver is compatible with Echelon’s LPT-10 Link Power
Transceiver, and these transceivers can communicate with each other on a single
twisted pair cable.
Figure 2-1. Doubly Terminated Bus Topology
Figure 2-2. Singly Terminated Bus Topology
Figure 2-3. Star Topology
Figure 2-4. Loop Topology
Up to 64 FTT-10 transceiver nodes are allowed per network segment, the individual segments
can be connected together by a router. See Table 3-1 for recommended cable types and cable
lengths for FTT-10. Even if unshielded cable types are recommended to be used with this type
of transceiver, it is still highly recommended to use only shielded cables with frequency
24-hour service: +358-40-8371 150 • Email: vacon@vacon.com