Safety Regulations
This publication contains information proprietary to Danfoss.
By accepting and using this manual the user agrees that the
information contained herein will be used solely for
operating equipment from Danfoss or equipment from other
vendors provided that such equipment is intended for
communication with Danfoss equipment over a serial
communication link. This publication is protected under the
Copyright laws of Denmark and most other countries.
Danfoss does not warrant that a software program produced
according to the guidelines provided in this manual will
function properly in every physical, hardware or software
Although Danfoss has tested and reviewed the documentation within this manual, Danfoss makes no warranty or
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to this documentation, including its quality, performance, or
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In no event shall Danfoss be liable for direct, indirect, special,
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1.The frequency converter must be disconnected
from mains if repair work is to be carried out. Check
that the mains supply has been disconnected and
that the necessary time has passed before
removing motor and mains plugs.
2.The [STOP/RESET] key on the LCP of the frequency
converter does not disconnect the equipment from
mains and is thus not to be used as a safety switch.
3.Correct protective earthing of the equipment must
be established, the user must be protected against
supply voltage, and the motor must be protected
against overload in accordance with applicable
national and local regulations.
4.The earth leakage currents are higher than 3.5mA.
5.Protection against motor overload is set by
1-90 Motor Thermal Protection. If this function is
desired, set 1-90 Motor Thermal Protection to data
value [ETR trip] (default value) or data value [ETR
warning]. Note: The function is initialized at 1.16 x
rated motor current and rated motor frequency.
For the North American market: The ETR functions
provide class 20 motor overload protection in
accordance with NEC.
6.Do not remove the plugs for the motor and mains
supply while the frequency converter is connected
to mains. Check that the mains supply has been
disconnected and that the necessary time has
passed before removing motor and mains plugs.
7.Please note that the frequency converter has more
voltage inputs than L1, L2 and L3, when load
sharing (linking of DC intermediate circuit) and
external 24V DC have been installed. Check that all
voltage inputs have been disconnected and that
the necessary time has passed before commencing
repair work.
2MG.14.C1.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
1.The motor can be brought to a stop by means of
digital commands, bus commands, references or a
local stop, while the frequency converter is
connected to mains. If personal safety considerations make it necessary to ensure that no
unintended start occurs, these stop functions are
not sufficient.
2.While parameters are being changed, the motor
may start. Consequently, the stop key [STOP/RESET]
must always be activated; following which data can
be modified.
3.A motor that has been stopped may start if faults
occur in the electronics of the frequency converter,
or if a temporary overload or a fault in the supply
mains or the motor connection ceases.
Symbols used in this manual
Indicates something to be noted by the reader.
Indicates a general warning.
Indicates a high-voltage warning.
Indicates default setting
1.1.4 Before Commencing Repair Work
1.Disconnect the frequency converter from mains
2.Disconnect DC bus terminals 88 and 89
3.Wait at least the time mentioned in section General
Warning above
4.Remove motor cable
MG.14.C1.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark3
Electrical ratings:
The rating indicated on the nameplate of the frequency
converter is based on a typical 3-phase mains power supply,
within the specified voltage, current and temperature range,
which is expected to be used in most applications.
The frequency converters also support other special
applications, which affect the electrical ratings of the
frequency converter.
Special conditions which affect the electrical ratings might
Single phase applications
High temperature applications which require de-
rating of the electrical ratings
Marine applications with more severe environ-
mental conditions.
Other applications might also affect the electrical ratings.
Consult the relevant sections in this manual and in the VLTHVAC Drive Design Guide, MG.11.BX.YY for information about
the electrical ratings.
Installation at High Altitudes (PELV)
Hazardous Voltage!
By altitudes above 2km, please contact Danfoss regarding
Avoid un-intended start
While the frequency converter is connected to mains, the
motor can be started/stopped using digital commands, bus
commands, references or via the LCP.
Disconnect the frequency converter from mains
whenever personal safety considerations make it
necessary to avoid unintended start.
To avoid unintended start, always activate the
[OFF] key before changing parameters.
Unless terminal 37 is turned off, an electronic fault,
temporary overload, a fault in the mains supply, or
lost motor connection may cause a stopped motor
to start.
Failure to follow recommendations could result in death or
serious injury.
Installation requirements:
The overall electrical safety of the frequency converter
requires special installation considerations regarding:
Fuses and circuit breakers for over-current and
short-circuit protection
Selection of power cables (mains, motor, brake,
loadsharing and relay)
Grid configuration (grounded delta transformer
leg, IT,TN, etc.)
Safety of low-voltage ports (PELV conditions)
Consult the relevant clauses in these instructions and in the
VLT® HVAC Drive Design Guide for information about the
installation requirements.
4MG.14.C1.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark
First time users can obtain the most essential information for
quick installation and set-up in these chapters
How to Install
How to Configure the System
For more detailed information including the full range of setup options and diagnosis tools please refer to the chapters:
How to Control the Frequency Converter
Technical Overview
BACnet (Building Automation and Control Network) is an
open data communications protocol, American National
Standard (ANSI/ASHRAE 135-1995). BACnet provides a
means by which computer-based control equipment from
different manufacturers can work together. BACnet is
designed to handle many types of building controls,
including HVAC, lighting, security, fire, access control,
maintenance and waste management. BACnet permits
flexibility for expansion and different equipment
Conformance Classes, Function Groups and the PICS:
Evaluating the capabilities of a BACnet device is potentially a
formidable task, given the great choice of Objects, Properties
and Services, which can be implemented, as well as the fact
that it is not necessary for every BACnet device to have a full
BACnet implementation in order to carry out its task.
ASHRAE's BACnet Committee recognized this problem and
responded with aids to evaluation in the form of
"Conformance Classes," "Function Groups" and the "Protocol
Implementation Conformance Statement" (PICS).
The BACnet protocol defines six levels of Conformance
Classes, each of which specifies the minimum subset of
Services implemented on the device. The lowest level,
Conformance Class 1, requires only that the BACnet device
contain a Device Object and that it be able to execute
(respond to) a ReadProperty Service request. Each successive
Conformance Class level adds Service Requests that must be
executable by the device, as well as the Service Requests it
must be able to initiate. Conformance Class 6 requires 21
types of Service Requests (of the 32 overall) to be
implemented, of which 20 must be initi able and 17
executable. Conformance Class thus provides a measure of
the device's ability to communicate.
Function Groups specify a combination of Objects and
Services necessary to carry out certain building automation
functions. They are specified independently of Conformance
Class, though the implementation of some of the Function
Groups automatically confers some Conformance Class
higher than 1.
Background information
Protocol name:BACnet
Technology developer:ASHRAE
Year introduced:1995
Governing standards:ANSI/ASHRAE Standard
135-2008 version 4, ISO 16484-5
Openness:Open specification
Physical characteristics
Network topology:Bus
Physical media:Shielded twisted pair
Max. Distance at low speed:1200 meters
Transport mechanism
Communication methods:Master/slave
Baud Rates Supported:9600, 19200, 38400, 76800
Termination:120 ohm
2.1.3 Assumptions
This manual assumes you are using the BACnet Protocol with
a FC102 series frequency converter. It is also assumed that
your system is equipped with a firmware supporting the
BACnet communication services required by your
application and that all requirements stipulated in the
BACnet standard, as well as those pertaining to the VLT
Variable Speed Drive are strictly observed as well as all
limitations therein fully respected.
Background Knowledge
The Danfoss BACnet Protocol is designed to communicate
with any system complying with the BACnet MS/TP standard.
Familiarity with the PC, BMS or PLC used as a master in the
system is assumed. Issues regarding hardware or software
produced by other manufacturers are beyond the scope of
this manual and are not the responsibility of Danfoss.
If you have questions regarding set-up of master-to-master
communication or communication to a non-Danfoss slave,
please consult the appropriate manuals.
MG.14.C1.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark5
ACIAcyclical Control Interval
AOCApplication Orientated Controller
AVAnalog Variable
BMSBuilding Management System
BVBinary Variable
CTWControl Word
EEPROM Electrical Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EIAElectronic Industries Association: Specifies of the EIA
Standard RS 485-A
EMCElectromagnetic Compatibility
ISOInternational Standards Organization
LCPLocal Control Panel
LEDLight Emitting Diode
MAVMain Actual Value
MRVMain Reference Value
PCPersonal Computer
PDUProtocol Data Unit
PELVProtected Extra Low Voltage
PLCProgrammable Logic Control
PNUParameter Number
STWStatus Word
Danfoss technical literature is available in print from your
local Danfoss Sales Office or online at:
Cable lengths and number of nodes
For the correct function of a BACnet MS/TP system, it is mandatory to fulfill installation of the communication cables given in
this manual. Under correct installation it is possible to have up to 250 nodes (125 masters and 125 slaves) on 1200 meter (4000
feet) cable.
The use of drop cable connection (i.e. T-connection) is not allowed in a BACnet MS/TP system. Drop cables will lead to reflection
and malfunction of the system. In location where the cabling will demand a T-connection the use of repeaters is recommended.
Note that a repeater is a node in both of the two segments it connects. The number of frequency converters is based on a single
master system. If there are two or more devices (e.g. PC tools, Routers), the number of frequency converters must be reduced
-Maximum length of an MS/TP segment: 1200 meters (4000 feet)
Characteristic impedance: 100 to 130Ω
Resistance: <110Ω/km
-Distributed capacitance: <100pF/m, between conductors
Cross section: 0.82mm2 conductor area, corresponding to AWG 18
-Cable type: twisted in pairs, 1 x 2, or 2 x 2 wires
-Screening: Copper-braided screen or braided screen and foil screen
Use of the same cable type throughout the entire segment is recommended to avoid impedance mismatch.
MG.14.C1.02 - VLT® is a registered Danfoss trademark7
Switches S201 (A53) and S202 (A54) are used to select a
current (0-20mA) or a voltage (-10 to 10V) configuration of
the analog input terminals 53 and 54 respectively.
Switch S801 (BUS TER.) can be used to enable termination on
the RS-485 port (terminals 68 and 69).
See drawing Diagram showing all electrical terminals in
section Electrical Installation.
Default setting:
S201 (A53) = OFF (voltage input)
S202 (A54) = OFF (voltage input)
S801 (Bus termination) = OFF
When changing the function of S201, S202 or S801 be careful
not to use force for the switch over. It is recommended to
remove the LCP fixture (cradle) when operating the switches.
The switches must not be operated with power on the
frequency converter.
3.1.5 Cable Routing
The BACnet communication cable must be kept away from
motor and brake resistor cables to avoid coupling of high
frequency noise from one cable to the other. Normally a
distance of 200mm is sufficient, but maintaining the greatest
possible distance between cables is generally recommended,
especially where cables run in parallel over long distances.
When crossing is unavoidable, the BACnet cable must cross
motor and brake resistor cables at an angle of 90°.
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