Function Block Internal Constants............................................................................................................................................. 4
Function Block Parameters........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Function Block Connections.........................................................................................................................................................6
Status and Fault Logic.....................................................................................................................................................................7
Status Logic...................................................................................................................................................................................7
Modify the Config Page...............................................................................................................................................................11
Relationship between Function Block Input and Output Signals................................................................................12
Calibrate the Function Block......................................................................................................................................................13
Calibrate an Individual Parameter......................................................................................................................................14
Calibrate Function Block Manually.....................................................................................................................................15
Using Namespaces........................................................................................................................................................................ 15
Change Name Space Value...................................................................................................................................................15
Include Advanced Checkpoint with Namespace in Compiled Application........................................................ 16
MC Controller Configurations
Configure an MFOut for Out_A and Out_B.......................................................................................................................... 18
SC Controller Configurations
Configure an MFOut for Out_A and Out_B.......................................................................................................................... 20
Customizable Service Screens
Pre-Made Service Screen Panel Components..................................................................................................................... 21
All Signals Service Screen............................................................................................................................................................22
Status and Fault Codes Service Screen.................................................................................................................................. 23
Calibration Service Screen..........................................................................................................................................................24
Overview Service Screen............................................................................................................................................................. 25
MP1_12V_NFPE_CTRL and MP1_24V_NFPE_CTRL Function Blocks
The MP1 NFPE function blocks interface between your application and a Danfoss Non-Feedback
Proportional Electronic (NFPE) control that is used with Danfoss pumps.
The function block’s output drives coils that control both the flow direction and the flow magnitude
through the A and B ports of the pump.
The NFPE 12V function block is used to calibrate an MP1 12V pump.
The NFPE 24V function block is used to calibrate an MP1 24V pump.
PLUS+1® I/O modules do not have the fault-checking feedback signals that are needed by these function
blocks. Applications that use these function blocks to control an I/O module do not compile.
For more about these function blocks’ connections and signals, see Function Block Connections.
If you are using more than one of these function blocks in your application, see Using the Name Space
The inputs of the function block are described.
PwrBus——Reports controller power supply voltage.
The function block uses this voltage when it calculates the measured resistance of the control circuit.
Fdbk_ABus——Reports the status of the MFOut (Multifunction Output) block that receives the function block’s Out_A
(Each MFOut block in the Outputs page has a corresponding MFOut block in the Inputs page that
reports on its status through a Status bus.)
Fdbk_BBus——Reports the status of the MFOut (Multifunction Output) block that receives the function block’s Out_B
(Each MFOut block in the Outputs page has a corresponding MFOut block in the Inputs page that
reports on its status through a Status bus.)
SetupBus——Allows common configuration values to be applied to multiple function blocks.
See Configuration Values for more information.
EnableBOOL——Enables the OutputValue signals in the Out_A and Out_B buses.
True = OutputValue signals follow the CmdIn signal.
False = Holds both OutputValue signals at zero.
False/True = Clears latched faults if CmdIn is zero.
CmdInS16±11,000Specifies the requested speed and direction.
+10,000 = Requests the maximum Out_A output.
0 = Requests neutral (stop).
–10,000 = Requests the maximum Out_B output.
+10,000 = +100.00%.
-10,000 = -100.00%.
If you want to override the command to the pump, use a value greater than 10,000.
Function Block Internal Constants
The function blocks include constant values for setting limits.
You cannot edit these constants.
MaxCurr1,800 mA920 mAThe maximum current for displacement or proportional control.
Nominal Ω3.66 Ω14.2 ΩThe resistance of the load normally connected to Out_A and Out_B.
MP1_12V_NFPE_CTRL and MP1_24V_NFPE_CTRL Function Blocks
Function Block Parameters
This topic describes function block parameters that are stored in the controller’s non-volatile memory.
Using the PLUS+1® Service Tool to download new parameter values to an application can result in
unexpected and sudden machine movements.
Unexpected and sudden machine movements can result in personal injury and equipment damage.
Always secure your machine against unexpected and sudden movements before you use the PLUS+1
Service Tool to download new parameter values.
You can change these values by:
Execution of the calibration process.
Direct access to parameters stored in non-volatile memory through the PLUS+1® Service Tool.
Recalling default values.
Function Block Parameters
U16CalThldMin to CalThldMaxCalibrated threshold values for Out_A and Out_B.
1000 is 1,000 mA.
U16Thld + 1 to MaxCurrCalibrated end current values for Out_A and Out_B.
1000 is 1,000 mA.
U8——Calibration flags for Out_A and Out_B.
Bit 1 = 1 (0x0001)—Threshold is not calibrated.
Bit 2 = 1 (0x0002)—End current is not calibrated.
The CalFlg signal in the Diag bus contains both pairs of flags,
with the Out_B bits shifted to positions 3 and 4.
These parameters determine the values used as threshold and end current for each direction during
normal operation. However, the values actually applied might be different because:
Thld and EndCrnt are both subject to range limits.
Thld is modified by the ThldMult value.
The following intermediate values represent the values that are actually applied:
EndCrntApplied = MIN (NV_EndCrnt, MaxCrnt).
ThldApplied = MIN ((NV_Thld × ThldMult), EndCrntApplied).
This assures that:
EndCrntApplied never exceeds MaxCurr.
ThldApplied never exceeds EndCrntApplied.
Also note that, while the CalTask value is set to select a calibration task:
EndCrntApplied = MaxCurr.
ThldApplied = 1.
The applied values are available in the Diag bus as Thld_A, Thld_B, EndCurr_A, and EndCurr_B.
MP1_12V_NFPE_CTRL and MP1_24V_NFPE_CTRL Function Blocks
This topic describes the outputs of the function block.
DiagBus——Outputs a bus with signals that report the following calibration values:
CalFlg (Calibration Flag).
EndCurr_A (End Current A).
FltTimer_A (Fault Timer A).
MeasOhm_A (Ohm A).
ThldCurr_A (Threshold A).
EndCurr_B (End Current B).
FltTimer_B (Fault Timer B).
MeasOhm_B (Ohm B).
ThldCurr_B (Threshold B).
The Diag bus also has Config and Define sub-buses with signals that report the configuration and
setup values used by the function blocks.
Use these signals for troubleshooting.
StatusBus——Reports the function block’s status through a bus with Status_A and Status_B signals
Status_AU16Reports status conditions for the A output.
Status_BU16Reports status conditions for the B output.
FaultBus——Reports the function block’s faults through a bus with Fault_A and Fault_B signals.
Fault_AU16——Reports fault conditions for the A output.
Fault_BU16——Reports fault conditions for the B output.
Out_ABus——Outputs a bus with an OutputValue signal that drives the A coil.
OutputValueU160–30,000Drives the A coil.
10,000 = 1000 mA.
Out_BBus——Outputs a bus with an OutputValue signal that drives the B coil.
OutputValueU160–30,000Drives the B coil.
10,000 = 1000 mA.
Function Block Connections
Connections you can make with the function block are described.
1Reports controller power supply voltage.
2Reports the status of the MFOut (Multifunction Output) block that receives the function block’s Out_A.
3Reports the status of the MFOut (Multifunction Output) block that receives the function block’s Out_B.
4Allows common configuration values to be applied to multiple function blocks.
MP1_12V_NFPE_CTRL and MP1_24V_NFPE_CTRL Function Blocks
7Outputs a bus with signals that report calibration values.
8Reports the function block’s status.
9Reports the function block's status
10Outputs a bus with an OutputValue signal that drives the A coil.
11Outputs a bus with an OutputValue signal that drives the B coil.
Status and Fault Logic
True = OutputValue signals (inside the Out_A and Out_B buses) follow the CmdIn signal.
False = Holds both OutputValue signals at zero.
False/True = Clears latched faults if CmdIn is zero.
+10,000 = Requests maximum Out_A output.
0 = Requests neutral (stop).
–10,000 = Requests maximum Out_B output.
Status and fault codes indicate the calibration state of the function block and how faults impact the
output values of the function block.
Status Logic
Function block status codes indicate the calibration state of the function block.
Block is not
Calibration active.0x80020010Enable is True and the CalTask = –2, –1, +1, or +2.
Parameters are
Invalid setup/
Value too low.0x8040
Value too high.0x8080
Position of set bit in a 16 bit fault or status code. Bit 1 is the least significant bit. Bit 16 set to 1 identifies a standard Danfoss status code or fault code.
0x80010001Any CalFlag bit is set to 1.
0x80040100(NV_EndCrnt > MaxCurr) or (NV_Thld × ThldMult) > EndCrntApplied for either direction A or
direction B.
The actual tests in the software are:
EndCrntApplied ≠ NV_EndCrnt—This happens when NV_EndCrnt > MaxCurr. It means that
EndCrntApplied = MaxCrnt.
ThldApplied = EndCrntApplied—This happens when (NV_Thld × ThldMult) ≥ EndCrntApplied).
0100 000
1000 000
Any of the following setup and configuration values are not within their valid ranges:
CalThldMin (for either direction).
CalThldMax (for either direction).
Also reported while PinStatus reports a configuration error (value =1) for either direction A or direction
Threshold calibration is active and the OutputValue < CalThldMin for the calibration direction.
Threshold calibration is active and the OutputValue > CalThldMax for the calibration direction.
Fault Logic
This topic describes function block faults and how the faults affect OutputValue.
The function block’s Out_A and Out_B buses each contain an OutputValue signal that drives the
MP1_12V_NFPE_CTRL and MP1_24V_NFPE_CTRL Function Blocks
Input value too low.
Input value too high.0x80020010CmdIn > +10,000.
Open circuit.0x80040100Measured Ω >
Short circuit.0x00081000Measured Ω <
Hardware.0x80200010 0000 Current exceeds
General.0x80400100 0000 Current flow
Position of set bit in a 16 bit fault or status code. Bit 1 is the least significant bit. Bit 16 set to 1 identifies a standard Danfoss status code or fault code.
A delayed fault gets reported if the detected fault condition persists for a specified delay time. A delayed fault cannot be cleared until the fault
CmdIn < -10,000.OutputValue held
at 0.
(Nominal Ω x 3).
(Nominal Ω ÷ 3).
continuous or peak
between Out_A
and Out_B.
Possible cause is
loss of a common
No.No.Fix CmdIn.
Yes.Yes.Check for open circuit or high
resistance between output pin
and ground. See Function BlockInternal Constants for more
about Nominal Ω.
Check for short circuit or low
resistance between output pin
and ground. See Function BlockInternal Constants for more
about Nominal Ω.
Correct cause of overload.
Correct open ground
condition remains undetected for the delay time.
A latched fault report maintains until the latch is released. A release is attempted each time that Enable becomes True while CmdIn is 0.
The nominal Ω value is an internal constant of each function block. It can be viewed, with other defined constants, in the Define sub-bus of the Diag
bus. The other constants specify the maximum current and the range limits for configuration values.
Configuration Values
The default Config page contains constant values that set the function block’s operating characteristics.
Typically, you do not have to change any of these values for the correct operation of the function block.
Optionally, you can:
Modify the constant values on this page.
Replace some or all of the constant values on this page with signals brought in on the Setup bus,
which is connected to the function block’s Setup input. For more information, see Modify the ConfigPage.