Danfoss Loop flushing Installation guide

Option 3
Option 2
Service Kit Instructions
Series 42 Loop flushing
Series 42 pumps may incorporate an integral loop flushing valve for those applications that require additional fluid to be removed from the system power loop.
The loop flushing valve will remove heat and contaminants from the main power loop at a rate faster than otherwise possible. The loop flushing valve poppet includes an orifice which removes a set volume of fluid from the power loop. This fluid is in turn made up by the charge pump.
An assessment of the application cooling requirements and system cooling capacity should be completed prior to instal­lation of the components in the application. A flushing flow of 5 to 8 L/min (1.5-2 gpm) is generally suitable for most applications. Please refer to Sauer-Sundstrand BLN-9886 and BLN-10092 or contact your technical support personnel for further assistance.
This kit contains two relief valves. The valves are marked with a 2 or a 3. Valve 2 (Options #2) contains a 1.2 mm (0.047 inch) orifice, while valve 3 (Option #3) contains 1.4 mm (0.055 inch) orifice. Using the cooling assessment analysis from above and the graph at the right, a combination of orifice size and charge pressure relief setting can be used to obtain the desire cooling flow.
Loop Flushing Shuttle Valve
Loop Flushing Relief Valve
Loop Flushing Assembly
BLN-10121 contains specific information on the procedure for installing the relief valve and associated hardware in the Series 42 pump.
Relief Valve
When a Series 42 pump is used with a loop flushing valve either located in a motor or installed remotely, the setting of the loop flushing valve should be equal to or less than the charge pressure setting of the pump.
Incorrect charge pressure settings may result in the inability to build required system pressure and /or inadequate loop flushing flows. Correct charge pres­sure must be maintained under all conditions of opera­tions to maintain pump control performance.
0 100 200 300 400
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Loop Flushing Flow (L/min)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Charge Pressure
Loop Flushing Flow
© Danfoss, 2013 BLN-10122 Rev AA • September 2013 1