Technical Paper
21. mar
Danfoss Link™ Data Security
© Danfoss HS | 2018.08 | VFMQA102
Danfoss Link™ consists of three main parts:
• Z-Wave components (in the house)
• Link™ to Cloud server (house to internet)
• Cloud server to App (internet)
Out of house – Link™ to Cloud server:
• Usage: Only data requested, eg temperature
in a room is sent out to the cloud and onwards
to the requesting App.
In the house - wireless Z-Wave:
• Usage: Z Wave networks wireless transmit
temperatures, set points and heating
notifications between thermostats, room
• Security: Wifi connection from Link™ to router
using WPA2 encryption. Link™ to Cloud server
is also encrypted using AES encryption and is
very secure.
sensors and the Link™ panel
• Security: Data is transmitted using secure
proprietary protocols.
Cloud server to App:
• Usage: Sending requested data to the App or
requesting data from the Cloud server
• Security: Cloud server to App is also
encrypted using AES encryption.
Securing against threats:
Hacking into the Cloud server or Link™ is
protected through AES encryption.
Further to verify that it is indeed a strong
System integrity:
The Danfoss Link™ system is not connected to
non Danfoss systems and hence is not weakened
by other parties.
protection the security is tested yearly through
independent data security specialists trying to
hack into the system*. In addition code review is
conducted continuously to verify that no back
Physical protection:
A pin code features ensures that only the
administrator can operate the Link™
doors exists.
Several tests are performed to hack into the
Data protection:
To further ensure the data privacy user data such
as temperatures or set points is only stored in the
cloud, if you give your consent. Please see valid
End User License Agreement.
Danfoss Link™ system including but not limited
• Denial of service attack (DOS)
• Injection + port scan
• Missing function level access control
• Security misconfiguration
• Sensitive data exposure
*The Advanced Enc ryption Standard or AES is a sym metric block cipher used b y the U.S. government to protec t classified information
and is implem ented in software and ha rdware throughout the world to e ncrypt sensitive data. Source Techtarge t
Technical Paper Overview - Danfoss Link™ and Connect software versions
Danfoss ca n accept no respons ibility for pos sible errors in ca talogues, bro chures and other pr inted material. Da nfoss reserves t he right to alter its p roducts with out notice. This als o applies to
produc ts already on ord er provided that su ch alterations ca n be made without su bsequential cha nges being neces sary in speci cations alread y agreed.
All trade marks in this mate rial are proper ty of the respec tive companies . Danfoss and all Danf oss logotyp es are trademark s of Danfoss A/S. A ll rights reser ved.
Danfoss A/S
Heating Segment • • +45 7488 2222 • E-Mail:
How to communicate
Aiming to secure highest possible data security level.
• Data in the cloud is protected through the encryption standard used by the U.S. government to
protect classified information.
• System is tested yearly through independent data security specialists.
• A pin code feature ensures that only the administrator can operate Link™
• User data such as temperatures or set points is only stored in the cloud, if you give your consent.
Please see valid End User License Agreement.
© Danfoss HS | 2018.08 | VFMQA102