Danfoss Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications Application guide [ar]

Application Handbook
Industrial Refrigeration
Ammonia and CO2 Applications
© Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10 AB13778641621700-000702 1
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications
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Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications
Content Page
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Refrigerants ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 Refrigerant feed to the evaporator ............................................................................................................................................ 6
1.3 One-stage systems ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.4 Two-stage/multistage systems .................................................................................................................................................. 9
1.5 Cascade systems .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
1.6 Transcritical systems .............................................................................................................................................................. 13
Compressor controls ..................................................................................................................................................................... 18
2.1 Reverse flow control ............................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.2 Suction pressure control ......................................................................................................................................................... 20
2.3 Compressor capacity control ................................................................................................................................................... 21
2.4 Discharge Temperature Control with Liquid Injection ................................................................................................................ 24
2.5 Economizer damper ................................................................................................................................................................ 26
2.6 Summary ............................................................................................................................................................................... 27
Condenser controls ....................................................................................................................................................................... 28
3.1 High-pressure float valve operation ......................................................................................................................................... 28
3.2 Low-pressure float valve operation .......................................................................................................................................... 29
3.3 Air-cooled condensers............................................................................................................................................................. 29
3.4 Evaporative condensers .......................................................................................................................................................... 33
3.5 Water-cooled condensers ........................................................................................................................................................ 36
3.6 Summary ............................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Liquid level regulation ................................................................................................................................................................... 39
4.1 High-pressure liquid level regulation system (HP LLRS) ............................................................................................................. 41
4.2 Low-pressure liquid level regulation system (LP LLRS) .............................................................................................................. 47
4.3 Summary ............................................................................................................................................................................... 52
Evaporator controls ...................................................................................................................................................................... 53
5.1 Temperature controls ............................................................................................................................................................. 54
5.2 Liquid supply control............................................................................................................................................................... 58
5.3 Injection with a solenoid valve (EVRA) ..................................................................................................................................... 65
5.4 Injection with a pulse width modulation AKV(A) valve............................................................................................................... 65
5.5 Risers .................................................................................................................................................................................... 68
5.6 Defrost methods .................................................................................................................................................................... 73
5.7 Summary ............................................................................................................................................................................... 90
Oil systems .................................................................................................................................................................................. 92
6.1 Oil cooling controls ................................................................................................................................................................. 93
6.2 Oil differential pressure controls .............................................................................................................................................. 98
6.3 Oil recovery system .............................................................................................................................................................. 102
6.4 Summary ............................................................................................................................................................................. 106
Safety systems ........................................................................................................................................................................... 107
7.1 Pressure relief devices .......................................................................................................................................................... 107
7.2 Pressure and temperature limiting devices ............................................................................................................................. 110
7.3 Liquid level safety devices ..................................................................................................................................................... 111
7.4 Refrigerant detection ............................................................................................................................................................ 112
Refrigerant pump controls........................................................................................................................................................... 116
8.1 Pump protection with differential pressure control .................................................................................................................. 117
8.2 Pump bypass flow control ..................................................................................................................................................... 120
8.3 Pump pressure control .......................................................................................................................................................... 122
8.4 Summary ............................................................................................................................................................................. 123
Others ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 124
9.1 Filter driers in fluorinated systems ......................................................................................................................................... 124
9.2 Water removal for CO2 systems ............................................................................................................................................ 126
9.3 Water removal for ammonia systems ..................................................................................................................................... 128
9.4 Air purging systems .............................................................................................................................................................. 130
9.5 Heat recovery systems.......................................................................................................................................................... 135
Using CO2 in refrigeration systems ............................................................................................................................................ 136
10.1 CO2 as a refrigerant ........................................................................................................................................................... 137
10.2 Comparision of line sizings in CO2 systems ........................................................................................................................... 138
10.3 -Subcritical CO2 systems ..................................................................................................................................................... 145
10.4 Special considerations for CO2 refrigeration systems ............................................................................................................. 153
10.5 Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................................................... 157
10.6 Safety and gas detection ..................................................................................................................................................... 159
10.7 Gas detection ..................................................................................................................................................................... 159
10.8 Pressure control CO2 systems ............................................................................................................................................. 161
10.9 Cascade system controls ..................................................................................................................................................... 163
10.10 Control methods for hot gas defrosting .............................................................................................................................. 164
10.11 Oil in CO2 systems ............................................................................................................................................................ 171
10.12 Water in CO2 Systems ....................................................................................................................................................... 174
Transcritical CO2 systems ......................................................................................................................................................... 179
11.1 Explanation of the transcritical cycle. ................................................................................................................................... 179
11.2 Typical CO2 transcritical system types .................................................................................................................................. 184
11.3 CO2 in Industrial refrigeration ............................................................................................................................................. 190
11.4 Industrial CO2 transcritical systems. .................................................................................................................................... 193
11.5 Defrosting of industrial pump-circulated transcritical systems ................................................................................................ 209
11.6 Oil management ................................................................................................................................................................. 211
11.7 Oil return ........................................................................................................................................................................... 212
11.8 Heat recovery ..................................................................................................................................................................... 217
11.9 Design pressure and safety ................................................................................................................................................. 223
Heat exchangers ...................................................................................................................................................................... 225
12.1 Heat transfer fundamentals ................................................................................................................................................. 230
12.2 Plate heat exchangers ......................................................................................................................................................... 237
12.3 Installation of heat exchangers ............................................................................................................................................ 242
© Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10 AB13778641621700-000702 1
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications
Some of the solutions presented here might be sub­ject to special requirements in local laws and legisla­tion and Danfoss has made no verification of such and expressly disclaims any compliance there with. A licensed and skilled professional engineer should al­ways be consulted when designing, using, making or selling any device or equipment to ensure compli­ance with applicable laws and standards.
Refrigeration systems and methods of operating the same may be subject to intellectual property rights in some jurisdictions. A licensed attorney should al­ways be consulted when designing, using, making or selling any such system, methods or equipment to ensure freedom to operate.
Danfoss shall have no liability or obligation to indem­nify or hold harmless for any claims, legal proceed­ings, losses, actions, damages, suits, judgments, lia­bilities, and expenses, including attorneys’ fees, aris­ing from any information provided in this document, or arising out of the modification or combination of any Danfoss product or system with any third party equipment, materials or intellectual property.
All diagrams and drawings are included as principle sketches and for illustration purposes only. All Danfoss products and pipe lines etc. should be di­mensioned according to the actual capacity and tem­perature range they are to be used at.
Any information, including, but not limited to infor­mation on selection of product, its application or use, product design, weight, dimensions, capacity or any other technical data in this document shall be considered informative, and is only binding if and to the extent, explicit reference is made in a quotation or order confirmation by Danfoss. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice.
This document itself, all text, diagrams. drawings and all trademarks in this material are property of Danfoss A/S or Danfoss group companies. Danfoss and the Danfoss logo are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.
2 AB13778641621700-000702 © Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications


The refrigeration systems and their applications de­scribed in this guide are all vapour compression re­frigeration systems.
the refrigerant to condense and release heat. When the refrigerant is fully condensed, it is expanded to lower the pressure, the evaporation pressure, corre­sponding to a saturation temperature that is low
Vapour compression refrigeration systems utilise the heat absorbed or released in a phase change, the la­tent heat, of refrigerants. The boiling temperature
enough for the refrigerant to absorb heat from the cooled environment, thus evaporating, and the pro­cesses repeat themselves.
changes with the pressure of the refrigerant.
The refrigerant is pressurised at different pressure levels, evaporation pressure levels and condensation pressure levels, to absorb heat from the heat source (cold room) and release heat to the heat sink (ambi­ent), thus the refrigerant acts as a heat transport media. The refrigerant is evaporated and absorbs heat from the environment that is to be cooled. Once the refrigerant is evaporated, it is compressed to a higher pressure level, where the saturation tem-
To visualise the processes, a log(p)-h diagram is shown in Figure 1.1. The log(p)-h diagram shows the thermodynamic properties of a refrigerant. It is used for representing refrigeration cycles by plotting in state points from the refrigeration cycle. It can also be used for reading values for the state points in a refrigeration cycle. The log(p)-h diagram has been created with the Danfoss calculation tool Coolselec­tor2.
perature is higher than the ambient temperature for
Figure 1.1: Log(p)-h diagram for one-stage ammonia system
© Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10 AB13778641621700-000702 3
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications
A simple one-stage ammonia refrigeration cycle is shown in the log(p)-h diagram above. In this exam­ple, the evaporation temperature is -10°C and the condensation temperature is 35°C.
The bell shape seen in the diagram is the two-phase area of the refrigeration and the horizontal lines in­side the bell shape represent the evaporation ((4) to

1.1 Refrigerants

The refrigerant is the medium that transports energy from the evaporator to the condenser. Different re­frigerants have different thermodynamic properties, such as latent heat, density, critical point etc. Differ­ent refrigerants also have different safety precau­tions, environmental impacts and regulations to be taken into account when designing a refrigeration system.
The most common refrigerants used in industrial sys­tems are:
(1)) and the condensation ((2) to (3)). The area to the left of the bell shape is the liquid phase, while the area to the right of the bell shape is the vapour/gas phase. In the gas phase, the pressure is increased from (1) to (2) - this is the vapour compression. From (3) to (4), the refrigerant liquid is expanded to the evaporation pressure level.
Ammonia is toxic and flammable (in certain concen­trations), so proper safety precautions must be taken when handling large amounts of ammonia.
1.1.2 Carbon dioxide (CO
) – R744
CO2 is a non-toxic (in small concentrations), non­flammable substance that is present in the atmos­phere. CO2 has become more popular in recent years as CFC refrigerants have been phased out, especially in smaller systems and as a secondary refrigerant in commercial applications.
Ammonia – R717 Carbon dioxide (COHalocarbons – CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs Hydrocarbons – HCs
) – R744
Safety systems, such as safety relief valves and gas detectors are described in chapter 7.

1.1.1 Ammonia - R717

Ammonia is a natural refrigerant with the chemical composition NH3. Ammonia is inexpensive, easy to manufacture and has a high amount of latent heat, which is why it is a very commonly used refrigerant in industrial applications. At ambient conditions, 20°C and 1 atm, ammonia is lighter than air. Addi­tionally, ammonia has no ozone depletion potential (ODP) and no global warming potential (GWP).
Ammonia’s operational area as a refrigerant ranges from around -40°C of evaporation temperature and up. Ammonia is not compatible with copper, so steel components should be used.
The challenges regarding CO2 are the high pressure for condensation/recuperating and the low critical temperature, requiring transcritical operation with warm ambient temperatures. CO2 can be dangerous when leaking, as it is not self-alarming like ammonia. Large concentrations of CO2 can cause dizziness and, in the most extreme cases, death. The other side of CO2’s high pressure is that it is very efficient at low temperatures, making it a good refrigerant for freez­ing applications. However, CO2’s triple point at -
56.6°C/5.1 bar abs is the lower limit for its use.

1.1.3 Halocarbons – CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs

Halocarbons are made by replacing one or more hy­drogen atoms with halogens in methane and ethane molecules.
Three classes of these exists: CFCs (chlorofluorocar­bons), HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) and HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons). These refrigerant classes are known for:
CFCs: All hydrogen atoms are substituted by either chloride or fluoride, e.g. R11. These are very stable
4 AB13778641621700-000702 © Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications
compounds with a long lifetime. CFCs are non-toxic and non-flammable refrigerants. However, these re­frigerants have been phased out because they con­tribute to the breakdown of the ozone layers in the Earth’s stratosphere when they are leaked.
HCFCs: At least one hydrogen atom is present in these molecules, e.g. R22, which is used to replace R12. These components are less stable and have shorter lifetimes, thus they are less harmful regard­ing ozone layer depletion and global warming poten­tial. HCFCs are being phased out by some countries.
HFCs: These halocarbons do not contain either chlo­rine or bromine, e.g. R134a, and are therefore not ozone depleting. However, they do still have a high GWP and are therefore on a phasedown. The prop­erties of R134a are close to R12, and therefore
R134a can normally replace R12 in new and existing systems. Many new blends are entering the market at the present time though. However, due to the rel­atively high GWP compared to natural refrigerants, there is a risk that these will be phased out in the fu­ture.

1.1.4 Hydrocarbons – HCs

Hydrocarbons have become very common in domes­tic refrigeration applications. Hydrocarbons are flam­mable and explosive, but in small systems the charge is typically too low to pose any risk, and these sys­tems are typically hermetic. Isobutane - R600a is a hydrocarbon refrigerant which is used in domestic applications. R290 – propane – is used in some larger chillers but is yet to be seen in large-scale industrial applications.
© Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10 AB13778641621700-000702 5
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications

1.2 Refrigerant feed to the evaporator

There are two common ways that refrigerant is fed to the evaporator in a vapour compression refrigera­tion system, which are presented in the following paragraphs.

1.2.1 Direct expansion system (DX)

After expansion, the liquid/vapour mixture of refrig­erant is fed directly to the evaporator. The refriger­ant is then fully evaporated, so that only the vapour phase is present at the evaporator outlet. To ensure that no liquid is present in the suction line, the re­frigerant vapour is superheated (the actual tempera­ture is above saturation) in the evaporator before
A sketch of a direct expansion evaporator is shown in Figure 1.2. The evaporator is depicted as a plate heat exchanger, with the cooled product on the left side and the refrigerant on the right side. The ther­mostatic expansion valve is regulated based on the superheat measured on the suction line (line to com­pressor).
being fed to the compressor.
Figure 1.2: Direct expansion evaporator An expansion valve is controlled by the superheat. This is either done by a thermostatic expansion valve
DX Evaporator
or an electronic expansion valve.
To Compressor
By keeping a constant level of superheat at the evap­orator outlet, the expansion valve feeds the right flow of refrigerant to the evaporator according to the cooling load.
A certain level of superheat should ensure that only refrigerant vapour is fed to the compressor suction. Liquid droplets in the suction will cause liquid ham­mering in the compressor.
From Receiver
NOTE: A thermostatic expansion valve can only keep
a constant superheat, rather than a constant evapo-
rating temperature.
6 AB13778641621700-000702 © Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications

1.2.2 Circulated system (flooded system)

In circulated systems, the liquid/vapour mixture of refrigerant is separated after the expansion in a sep-
A circulation system is therefore more efficient than
a corresponding DX system. aration vessel. The saturated liquid phase of the re­frigerant is pumped, or driven by gravity, into the evaporator and is partially evaporated, so that a liq­uid/vapour mixture of the refrigerant is present at the evaporator outlet. In the separator vessel, only the saturated vapour will be fed to the compressor, while the saturated liquid is circulated through the
A sketch of a flooded evaporator is shown in Figure
1.3. The evaporator type is the same as in Figure 1.2.
For the flooded evaporator, the pump is shown, but
it would be left out if it were a thermosyphon evapo-
rator driven by gravity.
Figure 1.3: Pumped flooded evaporator evaporator.
As the evaporator does not need to superheat the suction vapour, the entire surface is used for evapo­ration, making the flooded evaporator much more efficient. Furthermore, creating superheat in a DX
evaporator requires a higher temperature difference and thus the evaporating temperature in a flooded evaporator can be closer to the product tempera­ture, allowing for a more efficient refrigeration sys­tem
To Compressor
From Receiver
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Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications

1.3 One-stage systems

One-stage or single-stage refrigeration systems are refrigeration systems where the compression from low pressure to high pressure is done in one stage. A one-stage refrigeration system with the most basic components is shown in
Figure 1.4.
Neither the evaporator nor the condenser is speci­fied as a specific type, but rather represent the gen­eral concept of evaporation and condensation. Both
Figure 1.4: System diagram for a one-stage system
Oil Cooler
1 2
can be constructed and controlled in a number of ways. A log(p)-h diagram for a one-stage system can be seen in Figure 1.1. The numbers shown in
Figure 1.4 corresponds to the numbers shown for the state points in the log(p)-h diagram.
Oil Separator
Expansion valve
8 AB13778641621700-000702 © Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications

1.4 Two-stage/multistage systems

A two-stage or multistage refrigeration systems are refrigeration systems with two or more stages of va­pour compression.
Industrial two-stage refrigeration systems usually have inter-stage cooling between compression stages to cool the discharge gas from the first com­pression stage.
By cooling the discharge gas from the low-pressure compressor, excessively high discharge tempera­tures from the high-pressure compressor are avoided. The cooling in the inter-stage cooler is sup­plied by expanding some of the liquid refrigerant from the condenser to the intermediate pressure, where some of it evaporates in the process of cool­ing the LP compressor discharge gas. The gas mixed from cooled LP compressor discharge gas, refriger­ant flashed and refrigerant evaporated is passed to the HP compressor.
Two or more stages of vapour compression are used when there is a large difference between the evapo­rating and condensing temperature, which often re­sults in compression ratios that are too high for the
compressors or results in other undesirable operat-
ing conditions. Additionally, the desire for another
temperature level or efficiency considerations may
result in a two-stage system being chosen over a sin-
gle stage.
It is therefore suitable to have two or more stages of
compression to have the compressors operating at
their optimal compression ratio, and within their op-
eration limits.
A system sketch of a two-stage refrigeration system
is shown in Figure 1.5. The figure is shown with an
inter-stage cooler and economiser. An economiser
like the one shown in the system diagram is used for
subcooling the refrigerant after the condenser by by-
passing and flashing some refrigerant. The bypassed
refrigerant is evaporated and fed to an economiser
port in the high-pressure compressor which can in-
crease the capacity and/or the efficiency of the sys-
tem. The LP compressor may also have an econo-
miser, but it is not shown here.
Figure 1.5: System diagram for two-stage system
LP Compressor
Expansion valve
HP Compressor
Inter-stage coole r
Oil Cooler
Oil Separator
© Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10 AB13778641621700-000702 9
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications
A log(p)-h diagram for the two-stage system is shown in Figure 1.6. The numbering in Figure 1.5 fol­lows the numbering of the state points shown in the log(p)-h diagram. It should be noted that the evapo­ration temperature is -30°C and the condensation temperature is kept at 35°C, as for the example for the one-stage system. It should be noted how the in-
temperature from the high-pressure compression stage. If no inter-stage cooling was used, the line (1) to (2) would be extended and end on the same hori­zontal level as (4), but shifted to the right, thus in­creasing the discharge temperature to around 160°C, which is not acceptable (primarily for oil con­siderations).
ter-stage cooler helps to keep a low discharge gas
Figure 1.6: Log(p)-h diagram for two-stage ammonia system
10 AB13778641621700-000702 © Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications
In the above Log(P)-H diagram, the economiser is not shown. The economiser port is a port in screw compressors that allows access to the compression chamber after the suction port has closed. As such, if a high enough pressure is applied to the economiser port, an additional refrigerant flow can be added to
This is utilised with the economiser, which is a heat
exchanger that further cools the liquid from the con-
denser. To do this, a little of the condenser liquid
flow is flashed to a lower pressure/temperature,
where it is evaporated to cool the remaining liquid.
That modifies the Log(P)-H diagram a little: the compressor without affecting the suction flow.
Figure 1.7: Log(p)-h diagram for two-stage ammonia system with economizer on the high stage
Low-stage compression from (1) to (2), de-super­heating in the inter-stage cooler from (2) to (3) and initial high-stage compression from (3) to (4) is the same as in the non-economized system. The dis­charge from the high-stage compressor (6) is con­densed from (6) to (7) as before. After the condenser (7), a small amount of refrigerant is flashed to a lower temperature (8), where it is evaporated and added to the partially compressed suction gas of the high-stage compressor. The resulting mixture is (5), which is compressed together to the final discharge
the remaining liquid from (7) to (9). It is noteworthy
that the liquid flashed to the intermediate tempera-
ture is further to the left than it would have been
without the economizer, thus the enthalpy differ-
ence from (10) to (3) is bigger and that increases the
compressor’s cooling capacity. The power consump-
tion is increased as well, because there is an addi-
tional mass flow that needs to be compressed, but
the overall effect – depending on the operating con-
ditions – is a higher cooling capacity and, usually, a
higher COP. at (6). The evaporative capacity is used to sub-cool
© Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10 AB13778641621700-000702 11
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications

1.5 Cascade systems

A cascade system consists of two separate refrigera­tion circuits. The separate refrigeration circuits are connected by a heat exchanger, which acts as a con­denser for the low-temperature circuit and an evap­orator for the high-temperature circuit.
The refrigerants for the two circuits can be different and optimised for each circuit. For example, the re­frigerant for the high-temperature circuit could be ammonia, and the refrigerant for the low-tempera­ture circuit could be CO2.
A CO2/ammonia system needs a smaller charge of ammonia and proves to be more efficient in low­temperature refrigeration than a similar two-stage ammonia system.
Figure 1.8: Cascade system diagram
A system diagram for a cascade system is shown in Figure 1.8. The cascade system diagram is somewhat similar to the two-stage system, where the inter­stage cooler is replaced by a cascade cooler, thus making two closed cycles. A cascade system is usu­ally more complex than a two-stage system, but it offers some benefits. CO2 is very efficient down to very low evaporating temperatures where ammo­nia‘s efficiency drops, while ammonia can condense at relatively low pressure against warm ambient temperatures, where CO2 has to go transcritical where the efficiency drops. So, choosing CO2 in the LP circuit and ammonia in the HP circuit allows for the best of both worlds.
Oil Cooler
LP Compressor
Expansi on valve
HP Compressor
Cascade cooler
Oil Separator
12 AB13778641621700-000702 © Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications

1.6 Transcritical systems

The properties of CO2 make it necessary to operate the system in a different way. The ‘critical point’ – the top of the bell-shaped two-phase area – is at 31°C / 72.8 bara. In areas/periods where the ambi­ent temperature is low, CO2 can be operated with condensing below the critical point. In that case the cycle is, in principle, the same as for other refriger­ants (different pressures and enthalpies), but if the ambient temperature is relatively high, it is no longer possible to condense in the traditional way. Figure 1.9: Log(p)-h diagram for transcritical CO2 system
Above the critical point, the refrigerant is called a
transcritical fluid. The transcritical fluid does not
condense, but rather displays a gradual change of
density as it is cooled. In a traditional condensing
process, the condensing temperature defines the
pressure, but in the transcritical fluid there is no
such connection. Thus, the gas cooling pressure
(equal to compressor discharge pressure) needs to
be controlled.
© Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10 AB13778641621700-000702 13
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications
Evaporation takes place from (4) to (1) and compression from (1) to (2) as in other refrigeration systems. From (2) to (3) is the ‘gas cooling’ process that replaces the condensing process. Point (3) is defined by the outlet temperature of the gas cooler – here set to 40°C – and the pressure that is
controlled by the expansion device that expands to (4). The actual pressure in the gas cooler is based on an analysis of the cycle. Consider a case where the gas cooler outlet is at 40°C, but different pressures are controlled. The corresponding cycles are as shown below:
Figure 1.10: Log(p)-h diagram for a transcritical CO2 system at different gas cooler pressures
The cooling capacity of the system is the enthalpy difference between points (1) and (4) multiplied by the mass flow. The necessary compression power is the enthalpy difference between points (2) and (1) (horizontally) multiplied by the mass flow. The COP of the system is thus (H1-H4)/(H2-H1), which is inde­pendent of the mass flow. It can be seen that if the pressure is varied up (red) or down (blue), both the cooling capacity and power consumption change. Calculating the COP along the (red) temperature curve, it can be found to have a maximum at a spe­cific pressure, which for 40°C works out to be 102.4 bar. Mapping this maximum COP across different gas cooler exit temperatures has resulted in a curve that expresses the best pressure for a given gas cooler exit temperature. This curve has been implemented in the Danfoss EKC 326 controller.
Controlling the gas cooler pressure with the expan­sion device results in a problem. Since it is intended that the low-pressure side be supplied with the right
amount of liquid – especially with DX operation of the low-pressure evaporators – it is simply not possi­ble to have an expansion valve serve both purposes at once.
14 AB13778641621700-000702 © Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications
The solution is to make an intermediate stop in the form of a receiver. The transcritical fluid is flashed from the gas cooler exit through the high-pressure valve into the receiver. In the receiver, the gas and
the evaporators as necessary, while the gas part is
reduced in pressure and fed to the compressor’s suc-
tion line, thereby controlling the pressure in the re-
ceiver. liquid part is separated, the liquid part is flashed to
Figure 1.11: Transcritical CO2 system with intermediate pressure receiver
Gas cooler
Figure 1.12: Log(p)-h diagram for a transcritical CO2 system with intermediate pressure receiver
© Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10 AB13778641621700-000702 15
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications
This process can be optimised. The gas from the re­ceiver is reduced in pressure to the compressor suc­tion, however it is possible to take advantage of the
compressor to compress this gas to gas cooler pres­sure with a higher efficiency due to the higher suc-
tion pressure. This is called parallel compression. higher pressure in the receiver to employ another Figure 1.13: Transcritical CO2 system with parallel compression
Gas cooler
Figure 1.14: log(P)-h diagram for a transcritical CO2 system with parallel compression
16 AB13778641621700-000702 © Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications
One further optimisation for CO2 transcritical sys­tems is the use of ejectors. Ejectors utilise the power in the expansion from gas cooler pressure to lift a gas flow to a higher pressure. One of several differ-
ent ways of employing this is to lift part of the suc­tion gas from the low-stage compressor to the suc­tion of the parallel compressor, resulting in an effi­ciency gain.
Figure 1.15: Transcritical CO2 system with parallel compression and gas ejectors
Gas cooler
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Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications

Compressor controls

Oil Cooler
Oil Separator
Expansion valve
The compressor is the “heart” of the refrigeration system. It has two basic functions:
Maintain the pressure in the evaporator so that the liquid refrigerant can evaporate at the required tem­perature.
Compress the refrigerant so that it can be con­densed at a higher temperature.
If the compressor capacity is greater than the de-
mand, the evaporating pressure and temperature
will be lower than that required, and vice versa.
Additionally, the compressor should not be allowed
to operate outside of the approved operation enve-
lope for the mechanical safety of the compressor
and operational safety of the entire system.
The basic function of compressor control, therefore, is to adjust the capacity of the compressor to the ac­tual demand of the refrigeration system so that the required evaporating temperature can be main­tained.
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Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications

2.1 Reverse flow control

Reverse flow and condensation of refrigerant during stand-still from the condenser to the oil separator and the compressor should be avoided at all times. For piston compressors, reverse flow can result in liquid hammering. For screw compressors, reverse
Application Example 2.1.1: Reverse flow control
From evaporator/ liquid separator
flow can cause reversed rotation and damage to the compressor bearings. To avoid this reverse flow, it is necessary to install a check valve on the outlet of the oil separator.
To condenser
Oil Separator
The stop check valve SCA can function as a check valve when the system is running and can also shut off the discharge line for service as a stop valve. This combined stop/check valve solution is easier to in­stall and has lower flow resistance compared to a normal stop valve plus check valve installation.
When selecting a stop check valve, it is important to:
Select a valve according to the capacity and not the pipe size.
Consider both the nominal and part-load working conditions. The velocity in the nominal condition should be close to the recommended value, while at the same time, the velocity in the part-load condi­tion should be higher than the minimum recom­mended velocity.
Pressure switches RT 1A and RT 5A are shown in the suction line and discharge line of the compressor. It is important to have pressure switches to cut-out or cut-in operation if the pressure fluctuates outside the operational range in the suction and discharge line. Not all compressors are delivered with built-in controls and safety switches, therefore the RT 1A and RT 5A are shown. The pressure switches are not shown for all application examples, but they should always be present in the system. Often these switches are part of the compressor package.
For details on how to select valves, please refer to the product catalogue and use the Danfoss software tool Coolselector2 for sizing the valve according to the system capacity.
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Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications

2.2 Suction pressure control

During start-up or after defrosting, the suction pres­sure needs to be controlled, otherwise it may be too high, and the compressor motor will be overloaded.
The electric motor for the compressor may be dam­aged by this overloading.
There are two ways to overcome this problem:
Start the compressor at part load. The capacity con­trol methods can be used to start the compressor at part load, e.g. unload part of the pistons for multi-
Application example 2.2.1: Crankcase pressure control
piston reciprocating compressors, or bypass some
suction gas for screw compressors with slide valves,
Control the suction pressure for reciprocating com-
pressors. By installing a back pressure-controlled
regulating valve in the suction line, which will not
open until the pressure in the suction line drops be-
low the set value, suction pressure can be kept un-
der a certain level.
To condenser
From evaporator/ liquid separator
In order to control the suction pressure during start­up, after defrosting, or in other cases when the suc­tion pressure may be too high, the pilot-operated servo valve (ICS) with the back pressure controlled pilot valve (CVC) is installed in the suction line. The
Oil Separator
ICS will not open until the downstream suction pres-
sure falls below the set value of the pilot valve (CVC).
In this way, the high-pressure vapour in the suction
line can be released into the compressor gradually,
which ensures a manageable capacity for the com-
pressor motor.
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Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications

2.3 Compressor capacity control

The compressor in a refrigeration system is normally selected to be able to satisfy the highest possible cooling load. However, the cooling load during nor­mal operation is usually lower than the design cool­ing load. This means that it is always necessary to control the compressor capacity so that it matches the actual cooling load. There are several common ways to control the compressor capacity:

2.3.1 Step control

This means to unload cylinders in a multi-cylinder compressor, to open and close the suction ports of a screw compressor, or to start and stop some com­pressors in a multi-compressor system. This system is simple and convenient. Furthermore, efficiency decreases very little during part-load by step control, although this regulation is by nature coarser than many other regulation types. It is especially applica­ble to systems with several multi-cylinder reciprocat­ing compressors.

2.3.2 Slide valve control

The most common device used to control the capac­ity of a screw compressor is the slide valve. The ac­tion of the oil-driven slide valve allows part of the suction gas to avoid being compressed. The slide valve permits a smooth and continuous modulation of capacity from 100% down to 10%, but the effi­ciency drops at part load, usually quite significantly.

2.3.3 Variable speed control

This solution is applicable to all kinds of compressors and is efficient. A two-speed electric motor or a fre­quency converter can be used to vary the speed of the compressor. The two-speed electric motor regu­lates the compressor capacity by running at the high speed when the cooling load is high (e.g. cooling down period) and at the low speed when the cooling load is low (e.g. storage period). The frequency con­verter can vary the rotation speed continuously to satisfy the actual demand. The frequency converter observes limits for min. and max. speed, tempera­ture and pressure control, protection of compressor motor as well as current and torque limits. Fre­quency converters offer a low start-up current. Vari­able speed control usually has little impact on the ef­ficiency of the compressor and is thus a very popular control. In some cases, the range of allowed RPM of the compressor is not enough to cover the desired range of capacities, so often variable speed control is combined with step control.

2.3.4 Hot gas bypass

This solution is applicable to compressors with fixed capacities and more typical for commercial refrigera­tion. In industrial refrigeration systems it is used as a safety measure to avoid an excessively low suction pressure when there is a sudden drop in cooling load. To control the refrigeration capacity, part of the hot gas flow in the discharge line is bypassed into the low-pressure circuit. This works as a fast re­sponse to a sudden drop in cooling load, thus adding extra cooling load to the system when the compres­sor is ramping down. This generally decreases the ef­ficiency of the system.
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Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications
Application example 2.3.1: Step control of compressor capacity
EKC 331
AKS 33
From evaporator/ liquid separator
A step control solution for compressor capacity can be achieved by using a step controller, e.g. Danfoss EKC 331. EKC 331 is a four-step controller with up to four relay outputs. It controls the loading/unloading of the compressors/pistons or the electric motor of the compressor according to the suction pressure
To condenser
Oil Separator
signal from a pressure transmitter, e.g. Danfoss AKS
33. Based on a neutral zone control, EKC 331 can
control a pack system with up to four equally sized
compressor steps or, alternatively, two capacity-con-
trolled compressors (each with one unload valve).
Application example 2.3.2: Variable speed capacity control
AKS 33
From evaporator/ liquid separator
22 AB13778641621700-000702 © Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10
To oil separator
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications
The VLT frequency converter is controlled by a con­troller module that adjusts the control signal to the converter from an input signal from a pressure transmitter, e.g. AKS 33. The controller module can be either a Danfoss AK-CC or a PLC/OEM module. The VLT frequency converter can also receive the signal from the pressure transmitter and work with­out a separate controller.
Application example 2.3.3: Hot gas bypass
Frequency converter control offer the following ad­vantages:
Energy savings Improved control and product quality Noise reduction Longer lifetime Simplified installation Easy-to-use complete control of the system
To condenser
Oil Separator
Hot gas bypass can be used in specific cases to com­pensate for a suddenly reduced cooling load. Nor­mally in industrial refrigeration plants, the compres­sors will be speed controlled or step controlled. These controls can, however, be too slow in reacting in cases where there is a sudden drop in cooling load. This sudden drop will initially cause the com­pressor to decrease the suction pressure. Hot gas by­pass can be used as a fast response to a sudden de­crease in cooling load, which will prevent the suction pressure from dropping too low. The hot gas is by­passed to the evaporator until the compressor has ramped down to match the reduced cooling load.
From receiver
Hot gas bypass is energy inefficient and should not be used as a primary solution to “control” the com­pressor, but rather as a safety measure to avoid ex­cessively low suction pressure.
The pilot-operated servo valve ICS (1) with a CVC pi­lot valve is used to control the hot gas bypass flow according to the pressure on the suction line. The CVC is a back-pressure controlled pilot valve which opens the ICS (1) and increases the flow of hot gas when the suction pressure is below the set value. In this way, the suction pressure ahead of the compres­sor is kept constant, and thus the refrigeration ca­pacity satisfies the actual cooling load.
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Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications

2.4 Discharge Temperature Control with Liquid Injection

Compressor manufacturers generally recommend limiting the discharge temperature below a certain value to prevent overheating of the compressor and its parts, prolonging their life and preventing the breakdown of oil at high temperatures.
There are several ways to reduce the discharge tem-
perature. One way is to install water-cooled heads in
reciprocating compressors. Another method is liquid
injection, which involves liquid refrigerant from the
outlet of the condenser or receiver being injected
into the suction line, the intermediate cooler be­Referring to the log p-h diagram in chapter 1, it can
be seen that the discharge temperature may be high
tween compressors, or the side port of the screw
compressor. when:
the compressor runs with high pressure differential. the compressor receives highly superheated suction
the compressor runs with capacity control by hot gas
Application example 2.4.1: Liquid injection with thermostatic injection valve
Screw compressor
RT 107
From evaporator/ liquid separator
Oil injection
When the discharge temperature rises above the set value of the thermostat RT 107, RT 107 will energize the solenoid valve ICFE which will start liquid injec­tion into the side port of the screw compressor. The
To oil Separator
From receiver
thermostatic injection valve (TEAT) controls the in-
jected liquid flow according to the discharge temper-
ature, which prevents the discharge temperature
from rising further.
24 AB13778641621700-000702 © Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications
Application example 2.4.2: Liquid injection with motor valve
Screw compressor
To oil Separator
From evaporator/ liquid separator
AKS 21
EKC 361
Oil injection
An electronic solution for liquid injection control can be achieved with the motorized valve ICM. An AKS 21 temperature sensor will register the discharge temperature and transmit the signal to the tempera­ture controller EKC 361.
From receiver
Single component solution
The EKC 361 controls the ICAD actuator which ad­justs the opening degree of the ICM motor valve in order to limit and maintain the required discharge temperature.
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Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications

2.5 Economizer damper

An economizer is used to increase system capacity and efficiency.
Pulsations need to be dampened to avoid compo-
nent damage. Correct and well considered dimen-
sioning of economizer lines is necessary to reduce However, pulsations from the compressor are trans-
ferred into the economizer line which damages com­ponents and leads to valve chattering. The pulsa­tions will lead to increased maintenance costs and downtime if they are not taken care of.
pulsations. The Danfoss Eco-Damper combines three
components into a high-impact solution which re-
duces pulsations significantly and ensures high oper-
ational reliability thanks to its solid design. The
Danfoss Eco-Damper is based on the Danfoss ICV
Application example 2.5.1: Economizer line pulsation damping solution
To oil Separator
Screw compressor
Max 150 mm
Oil injection
Max 150 mm Max 150 mm
From economizer vessel
From evaporator/ liquid separator
The Danfoss Eco-damper solution consists of 3 com­ponents. The Eco-damper (ICD), the Eco-check valve (ICC) and a standard control valve, e.g. an ICS servo valve with CVP, constant pressure pilot valve, and the EVM solenoid valve. The combination shown in the application example can dampen the pulsations by up to 80% and prevent premature failure of econ­omizer components and reduce system downtime. The Eco-damper solution unit has a unique broad­band damping effect in the 100-500 Hz working range.
Support on pipe segments is essential to reduce the pulsations and thus reduce vibrations induced by the pulsations. Therefore, each pipe segment between the components in the Eco-damper solution must be fixed to a pipe support element which can absorb the pulsations. The tube on the Eco-damper (ICD) must also be fixed to a pipe support element that can absorb the pulsations.
The ICD Eco-damper comes with an integrated
strainer, and is applicable for ammonia systems,
along with R134a and R407C systems.
The ICC Eco-check valve has a solid design and is fully
opening at low differential pressure to prevent oscil-
lating movements. The ICC Eco-check valve is appli-
cable for ammonia, CO2 and HFC systems.
For less severe or occasional pulsation issues, the ro-
bust Eco-check valve (ICC) and the control valve can
be used without an Eco-damper (ICD). Note! In this
case, the pulsations from the compressor eco-port
will not be damped.
It is recommended to have a maximum pipe length
of 150 mm between the individual components and
between the ICD and the economizer port in the
26 AB13778641621700-000702 © Danfoss A/S (RC-MDP/MWA), 2020-10
Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications

2.6 Summary

Solution Application Benefit Limitations
Reverse Flow Control – see section 0
Reverse flow control with SCA
Applicable to all refrigeration plants.
Crankcase Pressure Control – see section 2.2
Crankcase pressure control with ICS and CVC
Applicable to reciprocating compressors, normally used for small and medium systems.
Compressor Capacity Control – see section 2.3
Step control of compressor capacity with EKC 331 and AKS 33
Compressor variable speed capacity control
Hot gas bypass using ICS and CVC
Applicable to multi­cylinder compressor, screw compressor with multiple suction ports, and systems with several compressors running in parallel.
Applicable to all compressors with the ability to run at reduced speed.
Applicable to compressors with fixed capacities. Used as safety measure against excessively low suction pressure
Discharge Temperature Control with Liquid Injection – see section 0
Simple. Easy to install. Low flow resistance.
Simple and reliable. Effective in protecting reciprocating compressors on start-up or after hot gas defrost.
Simple. Almost as efficient at part load as at full load.
Low start-up current Energy savings Lower noise Longer lifetime Simplified installation
Fast response to sudden drops in cooling load. The hot gas can help the oil return from the evaporator.
Causes constant pressure drop in the discharge line.
Causes constant pressure drop in the suction line.
The control is not continuous, especially when there are only a few steps. Fluctuations in the suction pressure.
Compressor must be suited for reduced speed operation.
Should not be used as primary compressor capacity control. Energy inefficient.
Mechanical solution for liquid injection with TEAT, EVRA(T) and RT
Electronic solution for liquid injection control with EKC 361 and ICM/ICF
Applicable to systems
where the discharge temperatures may run too high.
Simple and effective.
Injection of liquid refrigerant may be dangerous to the compressor. Not as efficient as intermediate cooler.
Applicable to systems
where the discharge temperatures may run too high.
Flexible and compact. Possible to monitor and control remotely.
Not applicable to flammable refrigerants. Injection of liquid refrigerant may be dangerous to the compressor. Not as efficient as intermediate cooler.
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Application Handbook Industrial Refrigeration ammonia and CO2 applications

Condenser controls

Oil Cooler
Oil Separator
Evaporat or
Expansi on valve
In areas where there are large variations in ambient air temperatures and/or load conditions, it is neces­sary to control the condensing pressure to prevent it from falling too low. Excessively low condensing pres­sures result in there being insufficient pressure dif­ferential across the expansion device and the evapo­rator not being supplied with enough refrigerant. It means that condenser capacity control is mainly used in the temperate climate zones and to a lesser degree in subtropical and tropical zones.
The basic idea of condensing capacity control is to control the condenser capacity when the ambient temperature is low, so that the condensing pressure is maintained above the minimum acceptable level and to keep the condensing pressure as low as possi­ble for optimal efficiency. This condensing capacity control is achieved either by regulating the flow of circulating air or water through the condenser, or by reducing the effective heat exchanger surface area.
Different solutions can be designed for different types of condensers:
Air cooled condensers
Condenser installation depends on the way injection
to the low-pressure side of the refrigeration system
is controlled. Note that the terms ‘high-pressure
float valve operation’ and ‘low-pressure float valve
operation’ refer to the mode of operation, not spe-
cifically the use of a float valve. Both operation
modes can be achieved by using level
switches/transmitters and a normal expansion valve.

3.1 High-pressure float valve operation

High-pressure float valve operation is expansion of
the liquid immediately after the condenser. Any vari-
ation in the charge volume due to variations in ca-
pacity must be handled at the low-pressure side, e.g.
in a liquid separator. Since the flow after the expan-
sion valve is two-phase, it is not suitable for distribu-
tion to more than one location and thus it is primar-
ily used in systems with only one low-pressure sepa-
rator, such as a chiller unit.
High-pressure float valves are usually mounted im-
mediately after the condenser and, as such, pose no
special problems with regard to condenser installa-
Evaporative condensers Water cooled condensers
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