Flanged ICV for Regulators, Solenoids, Motorized
valves and Gas-powered suction valves
With the introduction of the flanged ICV - the drop
in replacement valve for all common flanged control
valves on the market - Danfoss has invigorated
Industrial retrofitting.
The ICV valve family includes 3 different configurations.
The well-known pilot controlled ICS ((H)A4A) which
comes as a 1- or 3 pilot variant. Together with the
comprehensive program of pilots and numerous
pilot configurations, all common used pilot
regulations can be achieved.
The motor controlled ICM in 2 variants HMMR and
HMMV, which besides very accurate regulation also
handles and controls direct expansion.
The gas-powered 2 step solenoid valve ICLX (S9A)
designed for closing and opening of suction line
after defrost with minimum pressure drop at normal
• Designed for industrial refrigeration applications
for a maximum working pressure of 406 psig / 28
bar g.
• Applicable to HCFC, HFC and R717 (Ammonia).
• Low temperature steel body.
• Low weight and compact design.
• V-port regulating cone ensures optimum
regulating accuracy particularly at part load.
• Function module has a QPQ surface treated
insert and a steel piston ring ensuring precise
control accuracy.
– Valve overhaul is done by replacing the
function module.
– Interchangeability between ICS pilot-operated
servo valve, ICM motor operated valve and
ICLX 2-step solenoid valve
• Manual opening.
• PTFE seat provides excellent valve tightness.
• The top cover can be rotated into any possible
position without affecting the operation of the
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Data sheet | Motor - and Servo operated valves, type ICS-(H)A4A, ICS-(H)S4A, ICM-HMMV, ICM-HMMR and ICLX-S9A
Contents Page
Features .................................................................................................................................................................................................1
ICS function .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
ICS material specification ................................................................................................................................................................9
ICS configuration and ordering ................................................................................................................................................. 10
ICM function ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 17
ICM material specification ........................................................................................................................................................... 22
ICLX function .................................................................................................................................................................................... 26
ICLX material specification .......................................................................................................................................................... 28
Data sheet | Motor - and Servo operated valves, type ICS-(H)A4A, ICS-(H)S4A, ICM-HMMV, ICM-HMMR and ICLX-S9A
IntroductionThe ICS servo variant is a pilot-operated valve for
regulation of pressure, temperature and/or with an
On/Off function for a refrigeration system. The valve
is suitable for low- and high-pressure refrigerants
and can be used in all locations in the system, when
not exposed to phase change (no expansion over
the valve).
The ICS is available with 1 or 3 pilot ports and
together with optional external pilot lines,
numerous variations in control functions can be
The ICM motor variant is an electronic controlled
valve driven by the actuator type ICAD.
The ICM valve is designed to control pressure
or temperature in all locations of a refrigeration
system and additional the valve is designed to
control an expansion process (expansion over the
The opening and closing forces in the ICM are
minimized thus only 2 sizes of ICAD are required.
The ICLX servo variant is a solenoid pilot-operated
valve for opening of suction line against high
differential pressure e.g. after hot gas defrost.
The ICLX is factory default configured to open in
2 steps. First step opens to 10% of full capacity
while step two automatically, based on decreased
pressure differential, opens to 100%.
It is easy to modify the valve configuration from 2
steps to 1 step.
The ICLX solenoid function is achieved by 2 pilot
solenoid valves operating simultaneous and
controlled by only one signal.
All 3 valve variants are provided with a manual
opening option.
Data sheet | Motor - and Servo operated valves, type ICS-(H)A4A, ICS-(H)S4A, ICM-HMMV, ICM-HMMR and ICLX-S9A
DesignICS valves are designed as pilot operated valves
requiring minimal pressure differential to open.
If the pressure difference is 0 psi (0 bar), the ICS
valve will be closed. If the pressure difference is
3 psi (0.2 bar) or more, the ICS valve will be fully
open. At pressure differences between 1 psi (0.07
bar) and 3 psi (0.2 bar), the opening degree will be
correspondingly proportional.
The ICS is available for use with either one or three
pilot valves.
Two of the three pilot pressure connections (S1
and S2) are connected in series whilst the third (P)
is connected in parallel to S1 and S2. This allows
different combinations of pilot valves to be used,
thus providing numerous variations in control
ICM valves are designed as hermetic encapsulated
valves driven by the fitted stepper motor ICAD via a
through-the-wall magnetic field. The valve opening
degree is completely independent of internal
system pressures and opening forces are balanced
and reduced to achieve MOPD’s up to max working
pressure i.e. 406 psi (28 bar).
The ICAD display allows, through an accurate
encoder feedback system, continuous observations
of valve opening degree.
ICLX valves are designed for 2 (or 1) step ON/OFF
solenoid valve function operated by one EVM NC
and one EVM NO solenoid pilots. The EVM NC and
NO coils are controlled by the same electric signal
thus limited wiring is needed.
The pressure and flow required for opening of the
main valve comes from an external source and
therefor the opening is independent of internal
pressures and the pressure drop through the valve
is reduced to a minimum.
The modification from 2 step to 1 step is done
mechanically by changing 2 bolts inside the valve.
MOPD of the valve is designed to 22 Psi (1.5 bar)
less than P(external source).
Valve body and top cover material
Low temperature steel
Nominal bore
Classified for Fluid group I
Category Article 3, paragraph 3 III
Technical data• Refrigerants
Applicable to HCFC, HFC and R717(Ammonia).
• Temperature range
–76/+248°F (–60/+120°C).
• Surface protection
The external surface is zinc-chromated to provide
good corrosion protection.
Data sheet | Motor - and Servo operated valves, type ICS-(H)A4A, ICS-(H)S4A, ICM-HMMV, ICM-HMMR and ICLX-S9A
ICS function
ICS 1 Pilot
Fig. 1
ICS 3 Pilots
The ICS main valve is a pilot operated valve. The
types of pilot valves used determine the function.
The ICS main valve with pilot valve(s) controls
refrigerant flow by modulation or on/off in
Inlet pressure p1 is led, via the drilled channels (1a,
1b, 2f, 2b (pilot), 2a, 2d) in the valve body (1) and
cover (2) through the individual pilot valves and
onto the top of the servo piston (3b).
Fig. 2
accordance with the pilot valve and main valve
status. The manual spindle can be used to manually
open the valve.
The opening degree of the main valve is
determined by the pressure difference (differential
pressure) between pressure p2, which acts on top
of the servo piston (3b), and pressure p3, which acts
on the underside of the servo piston.
If this pressure difference is 0, the main valve will be
fully closed.
If the pressure difference is 2.9 psi (0.2 bar) or
greater, the main valve will be fully open.
At pressure differences (p2 - p3) between 1 psi (0.07
bar) and 2.9 psi (0.2 bar), the degree of opening will
be correspondingly proportional.
The port of the throttle cone (3e) is V-shaped, which
provide good regulation characteristic to pilot
operated main valves even at low loads.
P3 pressure is equal to the valve outlet pressure (P4),
due to a clearance between the piston rod (3g) and
the function module. The opening degree of the
ICS valve is therefore controlled by the P2 pressure
acting on top of the servo piston, which is equal to
or greater than valve outlet pressure (P4).
The maximum pressure (p2) can act on the top of
the servo piston (3b). p2 normally corresponds to
The degree of opening of the individual pilot
valves determines the magnitude of pressure p2
and thus the degree of opening of the main valve.
The equalization hole (3f) in the servo piston (3b)
ensures that pressure p2 is balanced in accordance
with the degree of opening of the pilot valve.
When ICS valves with 3 pilot ports are used with
external pressure connector (fig. 2, pos. 61), the
valve port inlet pressure will be isolated.
The ICS can be fitted with just a single screwed-in
pilot valve or external pilot connection. The degree
of opening of the main valve will be in accordance
with the control status of the pilot valve or external
pilot flow control.
ICS main valve with one pilot connection is fully
closed when the pilot valve is fully closed and
fully open when the pilot valve is fully open.
Otherwise the degree of opening of the main valve
is proportional to the degree of opening of the pilot
The ICS 3 pilot version can be fitted with one, two,
or three pilot valves so that up to three regulating
functions are possible. If the external pilot
connection is used, more functions can be added.
Data sheet | Motor - and Servo operated valves, type ICS-(H)A4A, ICS-(H)S4A, ICM-HMMV, ICM-HMMR and ICLX-S9A
ICS function (continued)
In the ICS three pilot version, the pilot ports are
related as follows:
• The pilot valves fitted in ports SI and SII are
connected in series.
• The ICS 3 pilot operated main valve will be
fully closed if just one of the series-connected
• pilot valves is closed. The main valve can only
open if both pilot valves are open at the same
• The pilot valve fitted in port P is connected in
parallel to the pilot valves in ports SI and SII.
The ICS valve will be fully open if the pilot valve in P
is fully open, irrespective of the degree of opening
of pilot valves SI and SII.
The ICS valve will be fully closed if the pilot valve in
P is fully closed and at least one of the valves in SI
or SII is fully closed at the same time. The relation
between the pilot valves in ports SI, SII and P is
shown in Table 1 below.
If the ICS is not fitted with three pilot valves, the
unused port(s) must be sealed with a pilot cap A
or a combination of pilot cap A and blanking plug
B. If the pilot cap and blanking plug are fitted as
an assembled unit, A + B, the channels from the
specific port will be closed. (See Figure 1)
Table 1
Pilot valve port
Open Open Closed Open
Open Open Open Open
Open Closed Closed Closed
Open Closed Open Open
Closed Open Closed Closed
Closed Open Open Open
Closed Closed Closed Closed
Closed Closed Open Open
ICS valve
If only cap A is fitted, the channels from the ports
in question will be open. If the degree of opening
of the ICS main valve is not to be a function of the
main valve inlet pressure, or if more than three
regulating functions are required, ports SI, SII or
P can be fitted with a nipple for the connection
of external pilot pressure. This applies to all ICS
The pressure to which the external pilot line is
connected will then determine the main valve
function. Pilot valves installed in external lines must
be mounted in a type CVH housing.
Depending on the function of the pilot valves, the
ICS regulating characteristic becomes:
• on/off
• proportional
• integral or
• cascade.
ICS main valves are therefore especially suitable for
all forms of temperature and pressure regulating
An overview of the types of pilot valves available
can be found in the accessories section.