Upgrade of sensor in GD gas detecting sensors: IP 56 / IP 56 Low. temp.
with sensor type Infrared for CO
This sensor upgrade procedure replaces the internal sensor with an external sensor on Danfoss GD gas detecting sensors:
IP 56 enclosure and IP 56 enclosure Low Temperature.
The procedure applies to the following Danfoss code numbers:
148H5072, 148H5082,148H5092: IP 56, without heater built-in
148H5075,148H5085: IP 56 Low Temperature, with heater built-in.
Step Description
1. Note that the sensor upgrade procedure is intended to be performed by a technically qualied person who is also familiar
with electronics, ESD eects, and related safety precautions.
2. When the actual Danfoss GD gas detecting sensor is located, gather the following components:
• Upgrade kit (GD Tester PCB, new sensor, sensor daughter PCB, nylon stando, and instructions)
• Crosshead screwdriver
• 4 mm Hex driver
The device MUST BE powered o before replacing the sensor.
Remove power from the unit by shutting o power at the source.
Follow proper electrostatic discharge (ESD) precautions. Touch a grounded metal object (e.g., conduit)
prior to working on the device in order to dissipate any built-up static and to reduce the risk of ESD
damage to components.
5. Locate and remove the 4
enclosure screws using the hex
Then carefully open the hinged
housing. The Infrared (IR) sensor
type is located in lid .
6. Carefully remove the sensor plug
from the daughter board
© Danfoss A/S (MWA), 2015-02 DKRCI.PI.S00.D2.02 / 520H6360 1
Step Description
7. Unscrew and remove the sensor
board from the lid of the
enclosure using a standard
Crosshead screwdriver.
8. The IP 56 model are available in two versions:
Danfoss code no. 148H5075 and 148H5085 with heater built-in:
The thermocouple is attached to the main printed circuit board via a
screw on a metal stando or is lose inside the enclosure (see photo).
Unscrew the thermocouple if it is screwed on a metal stando and save
the screw for later. The metal stando and screw will be used to secure
the new sensor daughter board later in this procedure. If no stando was
present, proceed as below.
Danfoss code no. 148H5072, 148H5082 and 148H5092 without heater
As no thermocouple is present, you will notice a hole on the mother board
Note the location of this hole as it will be used to secure a special nylon
stando (part of the upgrade kit) for the new sensor daughter board. This
nylon stando is only used when upgrading the versions without heater
built in.
10. Check of mother board
11. Locate the new Sensor Upgrade
2 DKRCI.PI.S00.D2.02 / 520H6360 © Danfoss A/S (MWA), 2015-02
Unscrew the breather drain
from the enclosure.
With the GD tester it is possible to simulate GD Operation within the full ppm range, without any need for refrigerant
calibration gas locally.
Locate the GD Motherboard Tester, Danfoss code: 148H5239. Please Note: The GD Motherboard Tester is not included in
the Upgrade kit.
Locate the Instruction, GD tester for mother PCB, Literature number RI7HB252 for full instruction.
Before reconnecting power to GD, make sure that relevant people, managing the connecting equipment (BMS/PLC
systems) to GD has been advised, that the GD now will force Low and High alarms and generate maximum analog output
(Analog output 4-20 mA/0-5 V/0-10 V) during this test.
Kit. Note that a nylon stando is
included with the sensor daughter
board. This special nylon stando
is only used when upgrading the
versions without heater built-in.
Versions with heater built-in
already have a metal stando on
the main printed circuit board for
proper mounting of the daughter