Data Sheet
FH Composite Pipes PEX-b
All layers are permanently bonded with each
other through a layer of adhesive.
Cross-linked Polyethylene with its raised
temperature resistance (PEX-b) is used, in
accordance with GB/T18997.1.
PEX-b pipes are of good flexibility, they can be
cold bent and curved very easily and without
special tools, saving joints and installation time.
The grey Danfoss FH composite pipe is 100%
impervious to air, temperature resistant and
highly flexible. It consists of an aluminium pipe
which is covered inside and out with a crosslinked Polyethylene layer.
Product Typ e Size Length Code no.
FH Composite PEX pipe FH-PCA 16 x 2 mm 250 m 088X0860
FH Composite PEX pipe FH-PCB 20 x 2 mm 100 m 088X0861
FH Composite PEX pipe FH-PCC 25 x 2.5 mm 50 m 088X0862
The Danfoss FH composite pipes are manufactured in such a way that the aluminium layer
prevents the pipe from going back to its original
form. This make the pipes easy to install.
Technical Specifications
Product Size Code no.
Compression fitting for FH pipes 16 x 2 mm 013G4186
Compression fitting for FH pipes 20 x 2 mm 013G4190
Materials PEX-b/Aluminium/PEX-b
Max. working pressure 8 bar
Test pressure 12 b ar
Max. flow temperature (short term) 95° C
Max. working temperature 90° C (not for continous operation)
Recommended max. working temperature 80° C
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Bending Radius
Minimum bending radius with bending springs
Pressure Loss
Pipe dimension
16 128 (8 x Od) 80 (5 x Od) 80 (5 x Od)
20 160 (8 x Od) 100 (5 x Od) 100 (5 x Od)
25 200 (8 x Od) 125 (5 x Od) 125 (5 x Od)
Od = outside diameter
Mass flow, kg/h
Manual pipe bender
radius [mm]
Ø 25/ 20 mm
Internal pipe bending
spring radius [mm]
Ø 20/16 mm
Ø 16/12 mm
External bending
spring radius [mm]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
Water temperature: 40° C
1 2
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
Pressure loss, Pa/m
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 910
Danfoss A/S
Floor Heating Hydronics • Ulvehavevej 61 • DK-7100 Vejle • Denmark • Phone: +45 7488 8500 • Fax: +45 7488 8501
heating@danfoss.com • www.floorheating.danfoss.com
Danfoss ca n accept no respons ibility for pos sible errors in ca talogues, bro chures and other pr inted material. Da nfoss reserve s the right to alter its p roducts with out notice. This als o applies to produ cts
already o n order provided t hat such alteratio ns can be made with out subsequenti al changes being n ecessary in sp ecifications alr eady agreed.
All trade marks in this mate rial are proper ty of the respec tive companies . Danfoss and the Danf oss logotyp e are trademark s of Danfoss A/S. Al l rights reserv ed.
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