Installation Guide
Solenoid valves
EVRA 3–20 and EVRAT 10–20
HCFC, HFC, R717 (Ammonia)
EVRA 3 EVRA 10/EVRAT 10 EVRA 10, 15, 20/EVRAT 10, 15, 20
a.c. ~
a.c. ~
a.c. ~
12 W a.c. ~
20 W d.c. —
Nm kpm ft-lbs
60 6.0 45.0
Nm kpm ft-lbs
20 2.0 15
The manual opener of EVRA/EVRAT 10, 15 and 20 is intended to be activated only during
initial pressure testing of the refrigeration system.
After pressure testing or service-related manual forced opening of the manual opener
the spindle must be turned fully back to back-seated position to avoid any packing
gland leakage.
Furthermore it is essential that the sealing cap is properly reinstalled. This will eliminate
any risk of leakage from the manual opener.
© Danfoss | DCS (MWA) | 2016.11
Nm kpm ft-lbs
50 5.0 37
Nm kpm ft-lbs
30 3.0 22.5
DKRCI.PI.BN0.K2.00 | 520H7039 | 1

EVRA 10 - 20
EVRAT 10 - 20
EVRA 10 - 20
EVRAT 10 - 20
© Danfoss | DCS (MWA) | 2016.11
DKRCI.PI.BN0.K2.00 | 520H7039 | 2