This reference manual is intended to be used primarily by OEMs for the purposes
of programming ERC 113. It may also be useful for technicians. It is not intended
as a user guide for end users.
User manual ERC 113 refrigeration controller
ERC 113The ERC 113 is an electronic stand-alone
controller designed to optimise total cost savings.
Particularly suited for OEM customers, the
controller easily meets requirements for a
time-saving and flexible production setup.
Programming can be carried out in just 10
seconds using the unique Danfoss docking
station. Moreover, the ERC 113 is easy to mount
and comes with just one code number to
facilitate inventory management.
In addition to the stand-alone setup, the ERC 113
can be integrated with a remote display or a
remote spindle to make it uniquely versatile.
The modular system efficiently accommodates
the varying require- ments encountered with, for
example, beer coolers, commercial freezers and
glass door merchandisers.
The ERC 113 is built using the very best hardware
technology and is the only controller on the
market to offer a waterproof spindle.
For those customers without the need of a
display and buttons, ERC 113 self contained unit
controller offers a very cost effective solution.
The controller’s flexibility includes an optional
remote spindle (same look and feel as mechanical
controls) or remote display, then offering an
advanced user interface.
ERC 113 in combination with the IP65 rated
remote spindle ideally suits refurbishment
markets, where mechanical controls need to be
replaced with energy saving solutions, for
instance in bottle cooler and vending machine
applications. At the same time, the design meets
automotive standards in terms of mounting
speed and maintenance.
ERC 113 with the Danfoss remote display offers
an advantage in for instance cassette design
bottle coolers, where the display is mounted on
the canopy, but the controller resides in the
compressor compartment. For many commercial
fridge and freezer applications, this split solution
offers a higher degree of flexibility, due to size
and an additional fifth relay.
The IP-rated body, advanced materials and
internationally approved hardware design of the
ERC 113 make it suitable for use in almost any
climate around the world, indoors as well as
outdoors. All components have been carefully
selected to help reduce the CO2 footprint of the
DKRCC.ES.RL0.F5.02 Produced by Danfoss A/S (ADAP-KOOL®) | 2016-07
User manual ERC 113 refrigeration controller
Overview of the ERC 113 application setups:
stand-alone, remote display and remote spindle.
The ERC 113 stand-alone controller can be equipped with a variety of accessories, including remote display, remote spindle and multiple
Overview of the systemThe ERC 113 stand-alone controller is easily
programmed using the Danfoss docking station
or a gateway.
Connect your PC to the USB gateway and the USB
gateway to the ERC 113 and configure all
parameters online. Use the gateway for various
monitoring purposes in your laboratory,
e.g. to verify your parameter setting.
Docking station:
download the desired parameters from a
computer to an EKA 183 with USB interface.
Then put the EKA 183 into the Danfoss docking
station and place the ERC 113 controller on the
docking station to download the parameters
from the EKA 183.
download the desired parameters from a
computer to the gateway.
Then plug in the gateway into the ERC 113
controller to program it.
ERC 113 can also communicate with remote
displays (e.g. RDI 107) over 1 wire communication
interface or it can be controlled by the remote
spindle RSP 01 through an edge connector.
ERC 113
docking stationEKA183
remote display
remote spindle
RDI 107
RSP 01
Produced by Danfoss A/S (ADAP-KOOL®) | 2016-07
User manual ERC 113 refrigeration controller
Application setup
1) ERC 113 stand-alone
2) ERC 113 + remote display
The ERC 113 is an IP-rated stand-alone controller
for use in applications such as beer coolers and
counter-top bottle coolers (e.g. in petrol stations).
With input from multiple sensors, the
cost-efficient controller delivers energy-saving
routines as well as providing control of
compressor, light, fan and defrost functions.
Using the Danfoss docking station, programming
of pre-prepared parameter settings can be
achieved in just ten seconds
The ERC 113 + remote display (RDI 107) is ideal
for commercial freezers and fridges as well as
glass door merchandisers.
ERC remote displays allow for temperature
indication and user interaction alike in an
embedded controller but with the flexibility of a
split system (up to 3 meters cable length)
3) ERC 113 + remote spindle
The ERC 113 + remote spindle provides a
controller solution with the look and feel of
mechanical thermostats, ideally suiting
refurbishment solutions and cost optimized
commercial refrigeration equipment.
The remote spindle wiring is available up to 3
meters length. The spindle offers a stop function
(appliance ON/OFF switch)
DKRCC.ES.RL0.F5.02 Produced by Danfoss A/S (ADAP-KOOL®) | 2016-07
User manual ERC 113 refrigeration controller
Configuration of inputs and outputs
ERC 113 inputs and outputs
Possible input and output
The ERC 113 inputs and outputs are configurable
by the customer. Before getting started it is a
good idea to check if all inputs are configured
correctly and match the sensors attached.
Input and output configuration settings are part
of the assignment menu "ASi".
NOTE: Coded sensors will impact on the number of
possible configurations
For instance:
Danfoss supplies only 2-pole defrost sensors, so
input "S3" will most likely be used as a
defrost/evaporator temperature sensor input.
Please contact your local Danfoss representative
for information about default settings.
NOTE: remote display is always connected to the
digital input "Di" an d configured as "buS", whilst
remote spindle is always connected to "S3" and
configured as "rSp"
Inputs/outputsStand-aloneWith remote display
RDI 107
Sensor 1XXX
Sensor 2XXX
Sensor 3XX
Sensor 4XXX
Sensor 5X
Sensor 7X
Relay 2XXX
Relay 3XXX
Relay 4XXX
Relay 5X
DI (not com)XX
The table shows the possible input and output connections for the three application setups:
ERC 113 stand-alone, ERC 113 + remote display and ERC 113 + remote spindle.
With remote spindle
RSP 01
Produced by Danfoss A/S (ADAP-KOOL®) | 2016-07
User manual ERC 113 refrigeration controller
Software tool/Gateway
Docking station
Manual operation with
buttons (Direct Access)
The controller can be controlled in three ways:
Using "Software tool", the Danfoss Docking
Station or manually by means of the buttons on
the front panel.
"Software tool" is licenced Danfoss software
offering easy parameter set up via a USB gateway.
This software is supplied separately;
for technical literature and further information,
please contact your local Danfoss representative.
Docking station is supplied separately.
For further information, please contact your local
Danfoss representative.
1 Press: variable direct
function, e.g. “ECO”/”Night mode”
Sub function: back
1 Press: variable direct
function, e.g. light
Sub function: “OK”
Changing the desiredtemperature set point:
1. The display shows the current temperature.
2. Press "up/down" to access set point.
3. Press "up/down" to adjust set point.
After 30 seconds, the display automatically
reverts to showing the current temperature
Turning ON/OFF the ECO function:
1. Press "ECO".
The green "ECO" symbol is lit when in "ECO"
Turn ON/Off the light:
1. Press the "Light" button.
Acknowledging alarms:
1. Display Flashing the alarm message.
2. Press any button to acknowlege.
1 Press: temperature set point
Sub function: “up”
1 Press: temperature set point
Sub function: “down”
Changing a parameter
Some parameters may be hidden to you.
When scrolling through menus, the parameters
available will have been pre-determined using
"Software tool".
Your access level will determine which
parameters you can view and edit:
1. Press "up/down" and hold 5 seconds to access
the menu.
2. First parameter group is shown "tHE".
3. Press "up/down" to find the desired group.
4. Press "OK".
5. First parameter is shown.
6. Press "up/down" to find the desired
7. Press "OK".
8. Press "up/down" to find the desired setting.
9. Press "OK".
Password protection:
1. Press "up/down" and hold 5 seconds to access
the menu.
2. The display shows "PAS".
3. Press "OK".
4. Press "Up/Down" to the code.
5. Press "OK".
Password protection on three levels:
1. Level 1: "shop" (daily use by shop personnel).
2. Level 2: "ser" (service technician).
3. Level 3: "OEM" (OEM programming).
DKRCC.ES.RL0.F5.02 Produced by Danfoss A/S (ADAP-KOOL®) | 2016-07
After 30 seconds, the display automatically
reverts to showing the current temperature.
Or press 2 x "Back".
Incorrect parameter settings can lead
to inadequate cooling, excessive energy
consumption, unnecessary alarms and in the case
of temperature-sensitive food storage, breaches in
food hygiene principles and regulations.
Only a trained operator should make changes to
User manual ERC 113 refrigeration controller
ERC menu codeDescription
"tHEThermostat settings
Min. -100.0°C
Max. 200.0°C
Default 2.0°C
Min. 0.0
Max. 1.0
Default 0.5
Min. 0.0 K
Max. 20.0 K
Default 2.0 K
Min. -100.0°C
Max. 200.0°C
Default 50.0°C
Min. -100.0°C
Max. 200°C
Default -35.0°C
Min. no
Max. yes
Default no
Min. 0
Max. 80
Default 30
FAnFan settings
Default FAo
Min. 0 s
Max. 240 s
Default 0 s
Min. 0 s
Max. 240 s
Default 0 s
Min. 0 s
Max. 960 s
Default 0 s
Min. 0 s
Max. 960 s
Default 0 s
Min. 0 s
Max. 960 s
Default 10 s
Set point
This parameter defines the desired temperature (set point).
In standard operation the set point is changed by simply pressing the
"temperature up/down" buttons on ERC 112; for laboratory and
assembly line you may opt for software controlled set point adjustment
(speed improvement)
Current set point adjustment value diF * SPr
The default value is set to 0.5 and the parameter is hidden by default.
"Spr" defines the position of the set point in relation to cut-in and cut-out.
"Spr=0,5" sets the set point mid between cut-in and cut-out.
"Spr=0" sets the set point at the cutout. "Spr=1" sets the set point at cut-in.
Thermostat differential
This defines the difference between the cut-out and the cut-in.
The desired temperature is determined by "SPr" and "diF".
Upper limit of thermostat set point
Define the temperature range limit of the controller.
Once set, the desired temperatue (set point) can not go above "HSE" or
below "LSE".
Lower limit of thermostat set point
Define the temperature range limit of the controller.
Once set, the desired temperatue (set point) can not go below "LSE".
Initial cut in
Comp relay action when Tair is between cut-in and cut-out at power-up:
"yES": cut in the compressor.
"no": cut out the compressor.
Spindle stop angle
Set to zero to disable stop function.
Set to 30 to enable stop function.
Fan control method
"FAo": fan always on
"SEt": fan follow compressor by manually settings
"Aut": automatical fan control
Fan ON Delay/Fod
Fod defines the fan delay (in seconds) after a compressor cut-in.
Fan Stop Delay/FSd
"FSd" defines the fan delay after a compressor cut-out.
If both "Fod" and "FSd" are set to zero then the fan runs whenever the
compressor runs.
Fan ON Cycle/FoC
Fan Stop Cycle/FSC
When the compressor is OFF, and "FoC" or "FSC" are not zero, the fan
runs in cycles according to "FoC" and "FSC".
Example: "FoC=120" [sec] and "FSC=120" [sec] means that the fan runs
for half the time when the compressor is OFF. When the compressor is
on, the fan is always ON (according to "FAo" and "Fod").
Fan Minimum Stop time
Minimum stop time for fan protection.
Produced by Danfoss A/S (ADAP-KOOL®) | 2016-07
User manual ERC 113 refrigeration controller
Min. -10.0 K
Max. 10.0 K
Default 0.0 K
Min. 0 s
Max. 999 s
Default 0 s
Fan Δt cut in
Delta T for fan to cut in which the temperature offset comparing with
thermostat cut in temperature.
Fan stop time on door open
The delay with wich the fan will be stopped after the door has been opened.
"0": fan stop immediately when door open.
"1-998": delay for fan stop after door open.
"999": fan keep running all the time during door open.
LigLight settings
"CLC "
Min. on
Max. dor
Default on
Cabinet Light Source Control
This parameter can be set to one of these alternatives to control the light
in the cabinet:
"on": always ON.
"oFF": always OFF.
"dor": door sensor only.
Min. 0 s
Max. 300 s
Default 0 s
Light OFF delay
Number of seconds the light will stay ON after the door has been closed.
PudPull Down settings
Pull down (sometimes known as Super Cool) is a procedure for improving
cooling performance, accelerating the time used to reach the desired
temperature. Pull down settings overrule all other settings.
Min. -40.0°C
Max. 50.0°C
Default 50.0°C
Pull Down Initiate Temperature
This parameter indicates the temperature which causes a pull
down to start. If the temperature measured inside the cabinet
exceeds this value for longer than one hour, then pull down will
start. The compressor will have already cut-in, so the only effect
is to stop defrost cycles until the desired temperature is reached.
The period of one hour is fixed and cannot be altered.
Min. 0 min
Max. 360 min
Default 30 min
Min. 0 hour
Max. 48 hour
Default 15 hour
Min. 0 hour
Max. 48 hour
Default 24 hour
Min. -55.0°C
Max. 55.0°C
Default 0.0°C
Pull Down Cycling
This is the duration in minutes of the compressor cycling at the reduced
set point temperature. Once the desired pull down limit temperature
"PLt" has been reached during pull down, the compressor will continue to
cycle ON/OFF for the duration of "PCy". At the end of the period defined by
"PCy", the set point temperature will return to normal and pull down will
Pull Down Defrost Interval
Even though most applications do not need Defrost during pull down, an
extended defrost during pull down can be applied. This is the time
between defrost cycles during pull down. It is measured in hours and can
be up to 48 hours. During pull down, this setting overrides the defrost
interval and defrost time settings (see the defrost section).
Pull Down Duration
You can choose to limit the maximum pull down time. Once this time
value (max. 48 hours) is reached, pull down will stop regardless of
whether the desired pull-down temperature has been reached.
Pull Down Limit Temperature
This parameter sets the minimum allowed temperature during pull-down.
In order to protect valuable contents you must always specify the absolute
minimum temperature allowed in your application.
For glass door merchandisers 0°C/32°F protects bottles from freezing;
for commercial fridges you may opt for a slightly higher temperature
(e.g. 2°C)
DKRCC.ES.RL0.F5.02 Produced by Danfoss A/S (ADAP-KOOL®) | 2016-07
User manual ERC 113 refrigeration controller
Min. 0.0 K
Max. 10.0 K
Default 0.1 K
Pull Down Reduction Temperature Δt
The controller calculates a lower set point during pull down mode to
increase the cooling capacity of your appliance. For each hour the
cabinet temperature is above the pull down initiate temperature,
the set point is reduced with the value of "Prt".
dEFDefrost settings
Default no
Defrost Type
"no": defrost function is disabled.
"EL": electrical or time defrost.
"Hgd": hot gas defrost (contact Danfoss for details).
"nat": OFF-cycle defrost (natural defrost).
Min. no
Max. yes
Default no
Min. 0.0°C
Max. 25.0°C
Default 6.0°C
Min. 0.0°C
Max. 200.0°C
Default 5.0°C
Adaptive defrost
"no": defrost controlled by time.
"yES": automatic defrost control activated.
Terminate Temperature
This parameter defines at what temperature the defrost cycle will stop.
The temperature is given by the evaporator sensor or by the cabinet
temperature sensor if no evaporator sensor is used.
Defrost reset temperature
The defrost counter is saved and restored at power-up, but if the
temperature sensor, used for defrost, is higher than this value at
power-up, it is assumed that the evaporator is free of ice and the
defrost counter will be cleared.
Min. 1 hour
Max. 96 hour
Default 6 hour
Defrost minimum Interval/dii
Defines the minimum time period between the start of two defrost cycles.
Once the minimum interval has expired, the defrost cycle will start at
the following cut-out or once the maximum interval "dAi" has been
Min. 1 hour
Max. 96 hour
Default 7 hour
Min. 0 min
Max. 240 min
Default 5 min
Min. 0 min
Max. 480 min
Default 30 min
Min. 0 min
Max. 60 min
Default 0 min
Min. 0 s
Max. 600 s
Default 0 s
Maximum Interval
Defines the maximum time period between the start of two defrost cycles.
Minimum Time
Defines the minimum duration of a defrost cycle. During this period, the
controller will not check the temperature. Once the minimum time has
expired, the temperature will be checked and if the terminate temperature
"dtt" has been reached, the defrost cycle will end. If dtt has not been
reached, defrost will continue until either dtt is reached or the
maximum time "dAt" reached, whichever occurs first.
Maximum Time
Defines the maximum duration of a defrost cycle.
The controller will not allow a maximum time to be entered which is
less than the minimum time, or a minimum time which is more than the
maximum time.
Drip OFF Time
This parameter can be set to between 0 and 60 minutes and defines how long the delay is between the heater being switched
OFF and the compressor starting again.
Fan Delay after Defrost
Defines how long the delay is between the start of the compressor after
defrost and the fan starting again.
Produced by Danfoss A/S (ADAP-KOOL®) | 2016-07
User manual ERC 113 refrigeration controller
Min. -25.0°C
Max. 25.0°C
Default 25.0°C
"dFA "
Min. no
Max. yes
Default no
Min. no
Max. yes
Default no
Min. 0 hour
Max. 24 hour
Default 0 hour
Min. -50.0°C
Max. 0.0°C
Default -50.0°C
Min. 0.0 K
Max. 30.0 K
Default 5.0 K
Fan Start Temperature
This only applies if an evaporator temperature sensor is fitted.
This parameter determines at what evaporator temperature the fan will
start after a defrost cycle is complete.
If the time set in "Fdd" occurs before the temperature set in "Ftd", the fan
will start in line with "Fdd". If the temperature set in "Ftd" occurs first,
then the fan will start in line with "Ftd". It is therefore a case of whichever
parameter’s setting is reached first which determines when the fan starts.
Defrost Fan On
Set to "yES", the fan will constantly run during defrost cycles.
Set to "no", the fan will not run during defrost cycles.
Defrost ON Compressor Time
If this parameter is set to "yES", then defrost time is considered only when compressor is ON, so that defrost cycles are based on
the total time the compressor has been running. If this parameter is set to no, then defrost cycles are related to elapsed time,
regardless of how long and how often the compressor has been on.
Defrost by Comp. running time
Continuous compressor running can cause defrost.
"0" = deactived
Defrost start evaporator temp
Defrost start trigger for adaptive defrost.
Defrost Δt
Defrost Δt compare with evaporator temperature of first cut out after
defrost to trigger defrost start.
The defrost start if evaporator temperature has decreased more the "ddt"
Min. 0 hour
Max. 96 hour
Default 3 hour
Initial Defrost Interval
The initial defrost interval determines the time for first defrost after
power-up. The initial defrost is mainly intended for factory testing of the
defrost functionality and can be set to expire after a number compressor
cycles according to the setting of parameter idd. During normal operation,
the defrost counter will be saved in memory and restored after power loss,
making the initial defrost unnecessary.
Min. 0
Max. 999
Default 100
Initial Defrost Duration
The initial defrost duration is the number of compressor cycles before
the initial defrost is deactivated.
"0": "idi" No initial defrost.
"1-998": number of compressor cycles before deactivation.
"999": initial defrost always active.
CoPCompressor settings
Voltage protection
"no": no voltage protection.
Min. no
Max. yes
Default no
"yES": voltage protection activated based on voltage related settings.
DKRCC.ES.RL0.F5.02 Produced by Danfoss A/S (ADAP-KOOL®) | 2016-07
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