Data Sheet End-Termination
Heat shrink technology connection system
Ordering Information
Technical Data
Kit Contents &
Typical Application
Danfoss heat shrink splice technology. The endtermination connection is sealed with heat shrink tubes.
Danfoss heat shrink splice technology can be used to
establish end-termination. It is suitable for the following
self-regulating trace heaters:
• Danfoss PX Pipe Trace Heating System
• Danfoss RX-C Roof and Gutter De-Icing System
Part No. Description For Use With
Ambient Temperature Range: -4°F to +185°F/ -20°C to +85°C
Max. Operating Temperature End Cap: 185°F/ 85°C
Protection Class: NEMA Type 4X
End-Termination (heat shrink technology
connection system)
PX Pipe Trace Heating Systems
RX-C Roof & Gutter De-Icing System
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