User Guide
Controller for cascade systems
with CO
EKC 313
ADAP-KOOL® Refrigeration control systems

The controller can be used in systems with cascade regulating and
CO2 as refrigerant on the low temperature circuit.
It regulates the cooling of the heat exchanger to optimise superheat.
• Dedicated cascade controller
The controller must receive a signal from two pressure transmitters and two temperature sensors. The pressure transmitters must
have a type AKS 32R or AKS 2050 ratiometric output signal, as
determined by the actual pressure conditions. The signal from the
pressure transmitters can be a voltage signal of either 0-10 V or
1-5 V.
Type AKS 11 temperature sensors can be used, but type AKS 21
must be used if the temperature exceeds 100°C.
Output signal
The controller has a voltage output on 0-10 V.
The signal can be used for:
• Indicating the valve's opening degree when using an ETS valve
• Controlling the valve when using an ICAD/ICMTS valve
Valves opening degree
The valve's opening degree can be limited.
The relay in the controller can be used for:
• Alarm relay
• Control of solenoid valve in liquid line
A switch can be connected for starting and stopping the regulation.
The controller can be provided with data communication so that it
can be connected to other products in the range of ADAP-KOOL®
refrigeration controls. In this way operation, monitoring and data
collection can be performed from one PC – either on the spot or in
a service company.
Introduction ....................................................................................................... 2
Example ............................................................................................................... 3
Function overview ........................................................................................... 4
Operation ............................................................................................................ 8
2 User Guide RS8FZ402 © Danfoss 2015-07 EKC 313
Menu survey ....................................................................................................... 8
Connections ..................................................................................................... 10
Data ..................................................................................................................... 11
Ordering ............................................................................................................11

Optimised superheat regulation with limit if the condensing pressure is low.
Optimised superheat regulation is used when the condensing
pressure is above the set value.
If the condensing pressure falls below the set value, the optimised superheat regulation ceases and the ETS valve closes
gradually until the pressure rises above the value.
EKC 313 User Guide RS8FZ402 © Danfoss 2015-07 3

Function overview
Function Para-
Normal display
Displays either the valve's actual opening degree or the actual superheat value.
(Desired value can be set in o17)
Briey pushing the bottom button will display one of the two readings.
Briey pushing both buttons will display the superheat reference (u22).
Control parameters Injection control
Start/stop of regulation
This setting can be used to start and stop regulation.
I: Integration time Tn
If the Tn value is increased the regulation becomes slower
Lower limit value for the condensing pressure.
If the pressure falls, the valve will start closing.
Max. opening degree
The valve's opening degree can be limited here.
The setting is expressed as a % of the total opening degree. The voltage signal of 0-10
V on the output will be limited correspondingly.
Amplication factor for the superheat
This setting determines the valve’s opening degree as a function of the change in
evaporating pressure. An increase of the evaporating pressure will result in a reduced
opening degree. When there is a drop-out on the low-pressure thermostat during
start-up the value must be raised a bit. If there is pendling during start-up the value
must be reduced a little.
The value should only be changed by specially trained sta.
Kp value for amplication factor for PID regulation n95 Kp Max
Parameter by operation via
data communication
u24 /
Valve OD %
r12 Main Switch
n05 Tn sec.
n98 Tc Ref
n32 OD% Max
n20 Kp T0
Kp value near reference value
Just around the reference this value will be used in stead of the "n95 value"
The value should only be changed by specially trained sta.
Signal safety during start-up
The control function uses the value as start value for the valve’s opening degree at
each thermostat cutin. By adaptive control the controller continuously calculates a
new value.
The value should only be changed by specially trained sta.
Start-up time for safety signal
If the controller does not obtain a reliable signal within this period of time the controller will in other ways try to establish a stable signal. (A too high value may result in
a ooded evaporator).
The value should only be changed by specially trained sta.
If no MOP function is required, select pos. O. (A value of max. (60) will correspond to
Min. value for the superheat reference n10 SH Min
Max. value for the superheat reference n09 SH Max
D: Dierentiation time Td n06 Td sec
n19 Kp Min
n17 Start OD%
n15 StartUp time
n11 MOP (bar)
4 User Guide RS8FZ402 © Danfoss 2015-07 EKC 313