Danfoss ECL Comfort P30 User Manual

User's Guide
Installer's Guide
ECL Comfort
ECL Comfort
User's Guide
*087R8017* *VI7BC502*
Mixing controller
The shown diagram is a fundamental and simplified example and does not contain all components that are necessary in a system.
If the system you are about to install differs from the shown diagram of a standard heating system, feel free to sketch an outline for comparison. Adaptation of systems, see section 10.
List of components:
ECL Comfort 200
S1 Outdoor temperature sensor
S2 Room temperature sensor
S3 Flow temperature sensor
S4 Return temperature sensor
P1 Circulation pump, heating
M1 Motorized control valve
User / service
User /
Controller mode
Manual operation (used only at maintenance
and service)
Scheduled operation
Constant comfort temperature
Constant setback temperature
Standby mode
Arrow buttons. Switch between the lines of the ECL
Shift button. Switches between temperatures,
changeover points etc.
Adjust temperatures and values etc.
Switch between user settings (yellow card side) and
service settings (grey card side).
Safety Note
To avoid injury of persons and damages to the device, it is
absolutely necessary to read and observe these instructions
Necessary assembly, start-up, and maintenance work must be
performed by qualified and authorized personnel only.
This guide is associated with ECL Card 087B4653
User's Guide (turn the guide over for sections 1-7)
1 Choose your favorite display 2 Select controller mode 3 Set your room temperature 4 Set your personal schedule 6 Hot points 7 Definitions
Table of Contents
Sections in the Installer’s Guide
The documentation for the ECL Comfort controller is composed of numbered sections. Only sections relevant to your ECL Comfort controller are included here.
Before you start
10 Identifying the system type 11 Mounting the ECL Comfort controller 12 Electrical connections 230 V a.c. 13 Electrical connections 24 V a.c. 14 Connecting and placing the temperature sensors 15 Adapting the ECL Comfort controller
Basic Set-up
16 Adjusting the ECL Card settings 17 Setting the time and date - line A 18 Monitoring temperatures and system units - line B 19 Manual control - line B 20 Setting the heat curve - line C 21 Heating cut-out - line 1 22 Flow temperature limits - line 2 23 Room temperature influence - line 3 26 Control parameters - lines 4-7
Control & Overviews
29 Check list 30 ECL Card settings 31 Service parameters
Extended Service
32 Adjusting the service parameters
Card P30
Sketch your application
The ECL Comfort controller series is designed for a wide range of heating and hot-water systems with different configurations and capacities.
If your system differs from the diagrams shown in section 10, you may want to make a sketch of the system about to be installed. This makes it easier to use the Installer’s Guide, which will guide you step-by-step from installation to final adjustments before the end-user takes over.
The controller is pre-programmed with factory settings that are shown in the relevant sections of this guide.
However, you might come across some settings that are not listed in this instruc tion. These settings could be related either to recent updates or the use of optional modules (which are described in the instructions in question).
How to use this guide
This guide is divided into two parts:
• User’s Guide: Yellow sections 1-7
• Installer's Guide: Grey sections 10 and onwards
The application P30 is very flexible. These are the basic principles:
Typically, the flow temperature is always adjusted according to your requirements. The flow temperature sensor (S3) is the most important sensor. The desired flow temperature at S3 is calculated in the ECL Comfort controller, based on the outdoor temperature (S1). The lower the outdoor temperature, the higher the desired flow temperature.
The motorized control valve (M1) is opened gradually when the flow temperature is lower than the desired flow temperature and vice versa.
The return temperature (S4) to the district heating supply should not be too high. If so, the desired flow temperature can be adjusted (typically to a lower value) thus resulting in a gradual closing of the motorized control valve. In boiler-based heating supply the return temperature should not be too low (same adjustment procedure as above).
If the measured room temperature does not equal the desired room temperature, the desired flow temperature can be adjusted.
The circulation pump, P1, is ON when the desired flow temperature is higher than 20 °C or the outdoor temperature is lower than 2 °C.
Before you start
The ECL Comfort controller is a universal controller that can be used for various systems. Based on the shown standard systems, it is possible to configure additional systems.
In this section you find the most frequently used systems. If your system is not quite as shown below, find the diagram which has the best resemblance with your system and make your own combinations.
10.1 Indirectly connected heating system
10.2 Directly connected heating system
Identifying the system type
10.3 Boiler system with 3-way valve
10.4 Boiler system with 4-way rotary valve
System diagrams in this instruction are principal drawings and do not contain all components which are necessary in your systems.
For easy access, you should mount the ECL Comfort controller near the system. Select one of the three following methods:
• Mounting on a wall
• Mounting on a DIN rail
• Mounting in a panel
Screws and rawlplugs are not supplied.
Mounting on a wall
Socket for mounting on wall: Order code No. 087B1149. Mount the terminal box on a wall with a smooth surface. Establish the electrical connections and position the controller in the box. Secure the controller with the fixing screw.
Mounting on a DIN rail
Mounting kit: Order code No. 087B1145. A mounting kit is necessary to mount the box with the controller on a DIN rail.
Mounting in a panel
Connector set: Order code No. 087B1148. The panel plate thickness must not exceed 3 mm. Prepare a cut-out with the dimensions 93 x 139 mm. Pull off the right side of the lid by means of a screwdriver. Insert the controller into the panel cut-out and fix it with the two locks which are placed diagonally in two corners of the controller.
Mounting the ECL Comfort controller
Electrical connections ­230 V a.c. - in general
230 V a.c. connections - without safety thermostat
Establish these jumpers: 1-5-10 and 2 to common N-terminal.
230 V a.c. connections - with safety thermostat
This circuit diagram is only valid if Danfoss actuators are used
Establish these jumpers: 1-10-12
Safety thermostat: 4, 5 and 10 with ST- (safety thermostat) and 2 to common N-terminal.
Terminal Description Max. load
1 (L) Supply voltage 230 V a.c.
2 (N) Supply voltage 230 V a.c.
3 M1 Actuator - open 0.2 A / 230 V a.c.
4 M1
Actuator - close alt. thermo actuator
0.2 A / 230 V a.c.
5 Phase for motor output
9 P1 Circulation pump 4 (2) A / 230 V a.c.
10 Phase for pump relay R1
Wire cross section: 0.75 - 1.5 mm
Electrical connections
Max. 2 x 1.5 mm2 wires can be inserted into each screw terminal.
Incorrect connection can damage the TRIAC outputs. Max. load (terminals 3, 4) 0.2 A / 230 V a.c. !
Electrical connections ­24 V a.c. - in general
24 V a.c. connections - without safety thermostat
Establish these jumpers: 1-5-10 and 2 to common N-terminal.
24 V a.c. connections - with safety thermostat
This circuit diagram is only valid if Danfoss actuators are used
Establish these jumpers: 1-10-12
Safety thermostat: 4, 5 and 10 with ST- (safety thermostat) and 2 to common N-terminal.
Terminal Description Max. load
1 (L) Supply voltage 24 V a.c.
2 (N) Supply voltage 24 V a.c.
3 M1 Actuator - open 1.0 A / 24 V a.c.
4 M1
Actuator - close alt. thermo actuator
1.0 A / 24 V a.c.
24 V a.c. supply voltage for motor output
9 K1* Relay for circulation pump 4 (2) A / 24 V a.c.
24 V a.c. supply voltage for relay K1
* K1 auxilliar y relay coil 24 V a.c.
Wire cross section: 0.75 - 1.5 mm
Electrical connections
Max. 2 x 1.5 mm2 wires can be inserted into each screw terminal.
Incorrect connection can damage the TRIAC outputs. Max. load (terminals 3, 4) 1.0 A / 24 V a.c. !
Connecting the temperature sensors and the bus
Terminal Description Type (recomm.)
15 and 16 System device bus,
connections for room panel / remote control
ECA 60 / 62 ECA 61 / 63
17 and 16 S1 Outdoor temperature
18 and 16 S2 Room temperature sensor ESM-10
19 and 16 S3 Flow temperature sensor ESM-11 / ESMC /
20 and 16 S4 Return temperature
Establish the jumper from 16 to common terminal.
Wire cross section for sensor connections: Min. 0.4 mm
Total cable length: Max. 125 m (all sensors incl. system device
Cable lengths of more than 125 m may cause noise sensibilit y (EMC).
Connecting and placing the temperature sensors
It is important that the sensors are mounted in the correct position in your system.
The temperature sensor mentioned below are sensors used for the ECL Comfort 200 and 300 series which not all will be needed for your application!
Outdoor temperature sensor (ESMT)
The outdoor sensor should be mounted on that side of the building where it is less likely to be exposed to direct sunshine. It should not be placed close to doors, windows or air outlets.
Flow temperature sensor (ESMU, ESM-11 or ESMC)
Place the sensor max. 15 cm from the mixing point. In systems with heat exchanger, Danfoss recommends that the ESMU-type to be inserted into the exchanger flow outlet.
Make sure that the surface of the pipe is clean and even where the sensor is mounted.
Return temperature sensor (ESMU, ESM-11 or ESMC)
The return sensor should always be placed in / on a pipe with return water flow.
Room temperature sensor (ESM-10, ECA 60 / 62 room panel or ECA 61 / 63 remote control)
Place the room sensor in the room where the temperature is to be controlled. Do not place it on outside walls or close to radiators, windows or doors.
DHW temperature sensor (ESMU or ESMB-12)
Place the DHW temperature sensor according to the manufacturer’s specification.
Boiler temperature sensor (ESMU, ESM-11 or ESMC)
Place the sensor according to the boiler manufacturer’s specification.
Flow / air duct temperature sensor (ESM-11, ESMB-12, ESMC or ESMU types)
Place the sensor so that it measures a representative temperature.
Surface temperature sensor (ESMB-12)
Place the sensor in the surface of the floor.
Valid for ESM-11: Do not move the sensor after it has been fastened in order to avoid damage to the sensor element.
Connecting the room panel / remote control
The ECA 60 / 61 / 62 / 63 is activated by the setting in line 10 (section 32).
The ECA 60 / 61 / 62 / 63 is powered by the system device bus which means that the bus must be active. The bus is activated by setting the controller address to 15 (section 32, line 199).
For an active override, you have to choose the mode “scheduled operation”! Input S1 ... S4 can be used for override purposes (section 32, line 141).
Connection example without ECA 9010
If the override switch has goldplated contacts, you can choose one of the following solutions or a combination of both:
Closed switch: Closed switch: Comfort temperature Setb ack temperature
Open switch: Open switch: Scheduled op eration Scheduled operation
Connection example with ECA 9010
The ECA 9010 module is powered by the system device BUS, which means that the BUS must be active. The BUS is activated by setting the controller address to 15 (line 199). To avoid influence from contact resistance, the use of ECA 9010 is recommended.
Comfor t Setback
Green S1 .. . S4
Adapting the ECL Comfort controller
Open the lid and switch on the controller. The display will show you the system type (P16, P17, P20 or P30).
Display examples:
Choose the system type printed on your ECL Card.
Accept to set up the chosen system type.
While the setup is in operation, the data transfer display will appear.
P 71
After initializing, the display will return to the standard display C on the yellow side of the ECL Card.
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24
The controller is now ready to control the chosen system. You can make your own adjustments / settings in daily use and in the basic set-up and change the extended service settings.
Insert the ECL Card with the grey side facing you.
Select the grey side of the ECL Card for the basic set-up and extended service parameters.
See section 16 for gene ral principles of operation and section 17 for setting the time and date.
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