Pipe installation must be carried out by an authorized installer.
The installation must be carried out according to the applicable building regulations.
Cold and hot water lines and overflow lines from safety valves
must be made of heat resistant and anti-corrosive material,
e.g. copper. The safety valve’s overflow lines must have an
open connection with the outlet and be visible in a frost free
NOTE! The tank must be connected to an expansion tank
and safety valve in such a way that the connection cannot
be shut off.
1.5 Temperature
Highest permitted temperature on DWH primary side is 100°C.
On the secondary side the temperature is limited to 90-95°C
due to the factory installed safety valve for temperature and
2 Maintenance
2.1 Water temperature
According to the building regulations, output hot water tem-
perature must not exceed 65°C. At higher tank temperatures
the mixing valve can be installed to limit the output hot water
Output temperature should be kept as low as possible, alt-
hough +45°C at the lowest at the tap.
The lower the temperature in the system the lower the heat
losses from the pipes and valves.
2.2 Safety valve
The safety valve is protection against the over pressure in the
closed hot water tank and must therefore be regularly inspected.
The safety valve can be checked by turning the cap until the
valve lets out some water through the overflow pipe. This
must be carried out at least four times a year.
If a safety valve does not work properly, it must be replaced.
If the safety valve is not checked regularly, the hot water tank
might be damaged.
It is quite normal for the safety valve to let out small amounts
of water when the hot water tank is being charged, especially
if a lot of hot water was used previously. The opening pressure
of the safety valves is not adjustable.
The safety valve is mounted on the cold water inlet line, hori-
zontally with its outlet opening facing downwards.
2.3 Water quality
The indirect heating of the water for consumption is an advantage, which makes Danfoss DWH suitable in areas with high calcium levels in the water. In installations where the water comes
from a well the water should be checked to ensure that it cannot
cause damage to the hot water installation.
Stainless steel tanks and pipes should not be exposed to water
with high chloride levels.
With very poor water quality, a water filter must be installed in the installation. A water analysis will provide indication of any necessary remedial actions.
2.4 Sensors
When DWH is installed in conjunction with DHP-L connect the
sensors in the water heater to the following connections:
Sensor hot-water – 311-312
Sensor hot-water top – 325-3262.4 Minimum headroom
2.5 Minimum headroom
Figure 3: Minimum headroom.
2.6 Installation carried out by:
Date .....................................................
Company ................................................
Name ....................................................
Tel. No. ...................................................
Date .....................................................
Company ................................................
Name ....................................................
Tel. No. ...................................................
If these instructions are not followed during installation, operation and maintenance, Danfoss AS’s liability according to the
applicable warranty is not binding.
Danfoss AS retains the right to make changes to components
and specifications without prior notice.