Dimensioning mass flow in hot gas defrost lines
2 Inputs
To define the condition of the hot gas used for defrost the following inputs are needed:
Condensing temperature. The condensing temperature determines the pressure in
point A in diagram below
Main hot gas supply temperature. The temperature in point A. It can be equal to the
compressor discharge temperature, but normally it is somewhat reduced due to heat
loss from the discharge line.
Reduced hot gas supply pressure. The pressure (or saturation temperature)
corresponding to point B. This pressure is equal to the set point of the control valve in
the main hot gas line.
Defrost pressure. The pressure (or saturation temperature) corresponding to point D.
This pressure is equal to the set point of the control valve (for pressure controlled drain)
in the defrost drain line.
Dimensioning quality. This will be treated separately below, but it is used to determine
the density of the refrigerant flowing into the components placed in the defrost drain
line – i.e. the dimensioning quality determines the position of point D.
Evaporating temperature. The evaporating temperature determines the pressure in
point E
The location of the points is illustrated in the following log(p)-h diagram:
Note: The pressure in point C is not defined. It is calculated based on components selected in to
the hot gas defrost line. Point C is illustrated as having same pressure as point D above, but that
is not automatically the case.
Note: For liquid drain, the pressure in point D still needs to be defined (even though the pressure
is not actually controlled). For liquid drain, the pressure in point D will in reality be a function of
valves in the hot gas defrost line and the evaporator pressure drop. But for dimensioning
purposes, a reasonable value a few degrees lower than point B will be sufficient.