Danfoss Digital Displacement Pump User guide

Revision history
Date Chan ged Rev
February 2022 Corrected small errors in sections 9.3 and 0102
August 2021 First edition: software release 2.7.1 0101
Software Manual
Digital Displacement® Pump Software Version 2.7.1
1 Rele ase notes
1.1 Ve rsion 2.7.1
1.2 Ve rsion 2.6.3 (originally labeled 2.63)
1.3 Ve rsion 2.5.1 (originally labeled 2.51)
2 Known issues
2.1 CAN Bus Off error after turning on a DPC12 (193548)
2.1.1 Description
2.1.2 Solutions
2.2 J1939 unused reference s req uire valid value (369615)
2.2.1 Description
2.2.2 Solutions
2.3 Not all e rror counters cleared by RESET_ERR_CNTR_CMD (338706)
2.3.1 Description
2.3.2 Solutions
2.4 PLUS+1® parameter value cannot be changed if its source is not set to 1 (346303)
2.4.1 Description
2.4.2 Solutions
2.5 Solenoid fault test fails for cylinder A1 (354599)
2.5.1 Description
2.5.2 Solutions
2.6 Pressure sensor invalid low error w ith sensor connec ted (361396)
2.6.1 Description
2.6.2 Solutions
2.7 Software update fails when using multiple CAN bus devices (400960)
2.7.1 Description
2.7.2 Solutions
2.8 Tw o CG150 gatew ays causes communications error (404422)
2.8.1 Description
2.8.2 Solutions
3 Configuring a new controller
3.1 Use of a CAN Bus
3.2 Control config uration required
3.3 Control loop gains
3.4 PLUS+1® Service Tool
3.5 Backup parameters
4 Commissioning mod e
4.1 Entering and exiting commissioning mode
4.2 Commissioning actions
4.2.1 Fire
4.2.2 Pump
4.2.3 Raw displacement
4.2.4 Coil numbe rs
5 Control configuration
5.1 Use case s
5.1.1 Single-service software
5.1.2 Two-service software
6 Two-service ope ration
6.1 Se rvice independence
6.2 Se rvice sw itching
7 Parame ters
7.1 Communication parameters
7.2 Pump setting parame ters
7.3 Pump and controller status parameters
7.4 Se rvice 1 parameters
7.4.1 Control mode paramete rs
7.4.2 Control reference p arameters
7.4.3 Limits parameters
7.4.4 Control loop gain parameters
Software Manual
Digital Displacement® Pump Software Version 2.7.1
7.4.5 Service status parameters
7.5 Se rvice 2 parameters
7.5.1 Control mode paramete rs
7.5.2 Control reference p arameters
7.5.3 Limits parameters
7.5.4 Control loop gain parameters
7.5.5 Service status parameters
7.6 Other parameters
7.7 Commissioning mode parameters
8 Errors
8.1 Error handler states
8.2 Error list
8.3 Diagnosing faults
8.3.1 Diag nostic LED
9 J1939 CAN p rotocol
9.1 Ad dre ss scheme
9.2 PGN priorities
9.3 SLOTs
9.4 Diagnostic messag es
9.4.1 DM1 PGN - active diagnostic trouble codes Message information Message d ata DM1 e xample scenarios
9.4.2 DM2 PGN - pre viously active d iagnostics trouble cod es Message information Message d ata DM2 e xample scenarios
9.4.3 DM3 PGN - diag nostics data clear of previously active DTCs Message information DM3 e xample scenarios
9.4.4 DM11 PGN - diagnostics data clear of active DTCs Message information DM11 example scenarios
9.4.5 DM13 PGN - ignore all info and w arning errors until DM13 is rece ived Message information Message d ata DM13 example scenarios
9.4.6 Request PGN Message information Message d ata
9.4.7 Acknowledgment PGN Message information Message d ata
9.5 M anufacturer spe cific PGNs
9.5.1 Control PGNs Pump setup A Displacement reference A Pressure reference A Pressure margin reference A Torque limit A Flow limit A Power limit A
9.5.2 Status PGNs Pump info A Service 1 status Service 2 status 10 Updating software on the controller 11 Reference s
Software Manual
Digital Displacement® Pump Software Version 2.7.1
1 Release notes
1.1 Version 2.7.1
Reorganised J1939 protocol
Changed PGN framing to conform to Danfoss product compatibility standard Changed scaling for SPNs to use standard SLOTs w here possible
Added J1939 address claim procedure support
New parame ter for controller instance
New errors for address claim failures Improved PLUS+1® Se rvice Tool info block details Service switching configuration can be set from PLUS+1® (as well as J1939) Added parameter to read FPGA version Added additional supp orted use cases
Sing le-service
Displacement control by PLUS+1® Displacement control by PLUS+1® with torque limit
Displacement control by PLUS+1® Displacement control by PLUS+1® with torque limit Industrial p ressure control by J1939 with flow limit Industrial p ressure control by J1939 with flow limit and PLUS+1® service configuration Industrial p ressure control by PLUS+1® w ith flow limit Load-sense pressure control by J1939 with torq ue limit Load-sense pressure control by PLUS+1® w ith torque limit Mixed disp lacement/load-sense by J1939
1.2 Version 2.6.3 (originally labeled 2.63)
Added build for tw o-service pumps (ML) Changed layout of control reference and limit parame ters from using enable paramete rs (EN_x) to sourc e parame ters (x_SRC) Added additional supp orted single-service use cases
Displacement control by J1939
Displacement control by J1939 with torque limit
Industrial p ressure control by PLUS+1®
Industrial p ressure control by PLUS+1® w ith flow limit
Load sensing pressure control by PLUS+1®
Load sensing pressure control by J1939
Load sensing pressure control by PLUS+1® w ith torque limit
Load sensing pressure control by J1939 with torque limit
1.3 Version 2.5.1 (originally labeled 2.51)
First release for sing le -service pumps (SS)
Software Manual
Digital Displacement® Pump Software Version 2.7.1
2 Known issues
2.1 CAN Bus Off error after turning on a DPC12 (193548)
2.1.1 Description
Othe r d evice s on the bus experience CAN faults which lead s to them declaring a CAN Bus Off error after the DPC12 controlle r is powered on. This causes the devices to stop communicating with the system until their faults are cleared.
The issue may also lead to difficulty using the PLUS+1® Service Tool Recover ECU function as controller is power-cycled during this procedure.
The problem is caused by the power-up behavior of the DPC12 CAN transmitter. When the controlle r is supplied from a current-limite d power supply, the controller can hit this current limit and brown out multiple times during the initial pow er-up. On e ach brow nout an erroneous signal is transmitted on the CAN bus. Multiple b row nouts lead to a high enough error count to trigger the CAN Bus Off error on other connecte d devices.
2.1.2 Solutions
Use a pow er supply with a higher current limit or turn off soft-start behavior.
A hardware solution w ill be implemented in a future DPC12 controller revision.
2.2 J1939 unused references require valid value (369615)
2.2.1 Description
The M anufacturer specific PGNs use d to send the control references and limits to the DDP096 software includ e sig nals for seve ral service s w ithin the same messag e. In the case w here the value for one of the services is not being used (due to the correspond ing source parameter, _SRC, being set to unlimited or PLUS+1®), the DDP096 softw are d oes not accept the correct value for the unuse d signals. To meet the J1939 stand ard the system controlle r should send a "not used/not req uested " value, however upon receiving this value the DDP096 softw are w ill ge nerate an "Invalid d ata in J1939 message" error.
2.2.2 Solutions
Send value of zero instead of the "not used/not requested" value. This should b e zero in the physical units of the message, with the rele vant scaling and offset applied.
This issue will be resolved in an upcoming software release.
2.3 Not all error counters cleared by RESET_ERR_CNTR_CMD (338706)
2.3.1 Description
Whe n using the RESET_ERR_CNTR_CMD parameter or DM 3 PGN - diagnostics data clear of previously active
DTCs to reset the error occurrence counte rs, only the first 29 counters with a value gre ater than zero w ill be
cleare d.
2.3.2 Solutions
Send multiple re quests to clear the error counters b y toggling RESET_ERR_CNTR_CMD or sending the DM 3 message repeatedly. This version of the softw are has 72 occurrence counte rs, so issuing the command three times w ill cle ar all counters.
This issue will be resolved in an upcoming software release.
Software Manual
Digital Displacement® Pump Software Version 2.7.1
2.4 PLUS+1® parameter value cannot be changed if its source is not set to 1 (346303)
2.4.1 Description
PLUS+1® p arameters w hich are read/w rite or read-only depending on the setting of the corresponding sourc e parame ter (_SRC) cannot be changed until the source is set to PLUS+1®.
This issue is particularly apparent whe n dow nload ing paramete rs from an XM L file in Service Tool.
2.4.2 Solutions
Ensure that the corresponding source parameter is set to PLUS+1® before writing to the parameter. If downloading an XML file in Service Tool, arrang e the p arameters so that the source paramete r comes earlie r in the list than the parameter.
2.5 Solenoid fault test fails for cylinder A1 (354599)
2.5.1 Description
The solenoid fault te st occasionally fails for cylinder A1 in a healthy system. The e rror only occurs on the first test after pow er-on.
2.5.2 Solutions
Disable the start-up solenoid fault te st by setting EN_STARTUP_SOLENOID_FAULT_TEST to 0.
Run the manual solenoid fault test using EN_MANUAL_SOLENOID_FAULT_TEST twice, disregarding the error states after the first test.
This issue will be resolved in an upcoming software release.
2.6 Pressure sensor invalid low error with sensor connected (361396)
2.6.1 Description
A p ressure sensor invalid low error can be trig gered at low pressure in an e le ctrically noisy environme nt. The following errors may be seen:
Service 1 outlet pressure reading below minimum (SPN 520960, FMI 18) Service 2 outlet pressure reading below minimum (SPN 520961, FMI 18) Service 1 external load-sense pressure reading below minimum (SPN 521020, FMI 18) Service 2 external load-sense pressure reading below minimum (SPN 521021, FMI 18)
2.6.2 Solutions
Contact Danfoss for advice.
2.7 Software update fails when using multiple CAN bus devices (400960)
2.7.1 Description
Dow nloading new softw are to the DPC12 controller using the PLUS+1® Se rvice Tool can fail when other CAN bus devices are communicating on the bus.
2.7.2 Solutions
Disconne ct or power-d own other CAN bus devices on the bus before updating the controller software.
If download failure occurs, follow the above ad vice and use the Recover ECU feature in the PLUS+1® Service Tool to retry the download.
Software Manual
Digital Displacement® Pump Software Version 2.7.1
2.8 Two CG150 gateways causes communications error (404422)
2.8.1 Description
Whe n two Danfoss CG150-2 CAN/USB inte rface gateway d evice s are present on the DPC12's CAN ne twork parame ter w rite operations may fail.
2.8.2 Solutions
Ensure only one CG150 device is used on the CAN netw ork conne cted to the DPC12.
Software Manual
Digital Displacement® Pump Software Version 2.7.1
3 Configuring a new controller
The DDP096 is a softw are-driven product and requires initial config uration to operate correctly in a hydraulic system or vehicle. The follow ing items should be considered when setting up the DPC12 controller for the first time. Failure to do so may result in the pump being unab le to ope rate reliably.
If you have any issues or require assistance with the initial setup, please contact your Danfoss representative.
3.1 Use of a CAN Bus
The DDP096 softw are is de signed to be setup and monitored using a CAN bus. It is recommended that a diagnostic connector is available in every installation including a DPC12 controller.
The DDP096 softw are includes an error to detect electrical problems w ith the CAN bus during operation. This error w ill be triggered in a system where no CAN bus is connected to the controller w hile it is operating. To prevent the error being triggered and the pump disabled, the IGNORE_EPV_FLAG parameter must be changed from its default value. See the Communication parame ters and Errors sections for further de tails.
Parameter IGNORE_EPV_FLAG must be set to 1 if no CAN bus connection is present in operation.
The DPC12 controller must be ab le to be uniquely addressed when using a J1939 CAN bus for control or monitoring. For this it imp le ments the J1939 ad dress claim proced ure. Details of this procedure should be understood as add ress claim errors w ill result in the pump being disabled. See the Address scheme and
Errors sections for further details.
If more than one DPC12 is connected to the CAN bus the controllers must be uniquely ad dressed.
3.2 Control configuration required
The factory default setting for the DPC12 controller sets the control method to a static displacement of zero output. The DDP096 softw are must be config ured to the control method required b y the hydraulic system or vehicle. Se e the Control configuration section for more de tails.
3.3 Control loop gains
A control loop w ith tuneable gains is used by the software in pressure control and load -sense control mode s. These gains must be tuned to match the hydraulic characteristics of the system and the desire d pump response. It is recommended to undergo training or receive assistance from your Danfoss representative when doing first start-up of a new hydraulic system operating in either of these mod es to ensure that the control loop g ains can be tuned for optimal system p erformance and response.
3.4 PLUS+1® Service Tool
The Danfoss PLUS+1® Service Tool is used to configure the DDP096 software. Service Tool pages are available to make interacting w ith the DDP096 software parameters simple. The Service Tool can be downloaded from
the Danfoss w ebsite . Please contact your Danfoss re presentative for access to the DDP096 Service Tool pages.
3.5 Backup parameters
It is highly advisable to backup the DDP096 software paramete rs once setup is comp le te. In the event of damage to the DPC12 controller or non-volatile memory corruption the backup parameters can be downloaded to a new DPC12 controlle r to allow the DDP096 pump to function as desire d. Please contact your Danfoss rep rese ntative for training on using the PLUS+1® Service Tool to export paramete rs from a DPC12 controller.
Software Manual
Digital Displacement® Pump Software Version 2.7.1
Danfoss and the PLUS+1® Service Tool do not automatically store copies of DDP096 software parameters. Backups should be made after the configuration is chang ed.
Software Manual
Digital Displacement® Pump Software Version 2.7.1
4 Commissioning mode
The DDP096 softw are includes a commissioning mode w hich is used to exercise pumping units when the pump is not in normal operation. More d etail on commissioning a DDP096 pump and DPC12 in a hydraulic system is provided in the Digital Displace ment® Pump Gen 1 DDP096 and DPC12 Te chnical Information.
Some error protection is disabled in commissioning mod e. The use r should e nsure that the system is properly protected hydraulically (for instance with a pressure relief valve on e ach outlet) and is monitored carefully throughout.
4.1 Entering and exiting commissioning mode
Commissioning mode is ente red by setting the EN_COMMISS parameter to "enabled" (1) and power cycling the controller. The DEVICE_MODE paramete r can be used to check that the DDP096 software is in commissioning mode - the value will be 2 w he n in commissioning mode.
Commissioning mode is left by setting the EN_COMMISS p arameter back to "disabled" (0) and power cycling the controller.
4.2 Commissioning actions
Five actions are available to the user in commissioning mode:
fire pump x1 pump x100 raw displacement, service 1 raw displacement, service 2
Each is described in the following sections.
To set up an action:
1. the COMMISS_ACT_TYPE paramete r should b e set to the value corresponding to the p articular action.
2. the COMMISS_VALUE parameter should be set to the required coil number or displacement p erce ntag e.
3. the COMMISS_CMD parame ter should be set to 1 to start the action.
4. the COMMISS_CMD parame ter should be set back to 0 w hen the action is comple te before starting the next action.
Each action may be disabled due to the current shaft speed or active errors. The DDP096 softw are show s which actions are allowed via the COMMISS_LEVEL parame ter, w hich has three levels:
0. Internal 24V power supply proble m, inc luding no power to coil supply pins, is indicated by the ERR_AE_3599_02_LM_OUT24V error b eing active.
1. At least one severe error active (other than ERR_AE_3599_02_LM_OUT24V).
2. No severe errors active.
Whe n an action is requested, the DDP096 software reports the result of the request with the
COMMISS_STATUS parameter. It shows w hether a request was d enied , due to the COMMISS_LEVEL being
low er than that required for the requested command, and whe ther the action is in prog ress. For fire and pump x1 actions the parameter is set to the in progress value only for a very short time.
4.2.1 Fire
The fire action allows the coil of a p articular pumping unit to be ene rgized. This is intend ed to allow the user to check for correct w iring to the coil, either by listening for the audible click produced during the energization or by using a current probe to view the current in the wire to the coil.
COMMISS_ACT_TYPE is 1 for the fire action and the COMMISS_VALUE paramete r selects the coil to be fire d (see
Coil numbers section).
Software Manual
Digital Displacement® Pump Software Version 2.7.1
The fire action is available whether or not the shaft of the pump is sp inning , and requires the COMMISS_LEVEL to be 1 or 2.
4.2.2 Pump
The pump action e nergizes the coil of a particular pumping unit at the correct shaft angle for pumping, allowing the user to check that fluid is displaced by that pumping unit. This can be used in conjunction w ith a flow meter or pressure sensor/gauge to verify the function of that pumping unit.
The COMMISS_VALUE parameter selects the coil to be fired (see Coil numbers section). A single pumping stroke can b e requeste d using COMMISS_ACT_TYPE 2 and one hundred pumping strokes can be req uested using COMMISS_ACT_TYPE 3.
The pump action is only available when the shaft is sp inning and the minimum pumping speed is reached (see the ERR_AE_520975_17_LM_SHSPD error), and requires COMMISS_LEVEL to be 2.
4.2.3 Raw displacement
The raw displacement action allow s the use r to se t the DDP096 to pump indefinitely at a particular fraction of its availab le flow.
The COMMISS_VALUE parameter sets the displaceme nt fraction, and is scaled the same way as the
DISP_REF_S1 parameter. COMMISS_ACT_TYPE 4 re que sts flow from service 1, and COMMISS_ACT_TYPE 5
requests flow from service 2 (in two-service DDP096 softw are). For two-service operation the selected service config uration is always that correspond ing to index 0 of the SERV_CONF_INDEX parame ter (see the Service
sw itching section).
The raw displacement action is only available w hen the shaft is spinning and the minimum pumping speed is reache d (see the ERR_AE_520975_17_LM_SHSPD error), and req uire s COMMISS_LEVEL to be 2.
4.2.4 Coil numbers
For fire or p ump actions the user must send a particular coil numb er to set the DPC12 coil output w hich is to be actuated.
The map ping betw een pumping units and coil numbers is shown in the follow ing table. Please refe r to the
Dig ital Disp lacement® Pump Gen 1 DDP096 and DPC12 Technical Information for the physical locations of the
pump ing units within the DDP096 pump.
Pum ping unit Coil nu mber
A1 0
B1 1
C1 2
A2 3
B2 4
C2 5
A3 6
B3 7
C3 8
A4 9
B4 10
C4 11
Software Manual
Digital Displacement® Pump Software Version 2.7.1
5 Control configuration
The DDP096 softw are is able to operate each service (hydraulic output) in one of se veral configurations to provide the required control re sponse . Each service operates independently. The se configurations are controlled by setting the value of the control mode p arameter and the limit source parameters (see Control
mode parameters and Limits paramete rs sections). The application of these different options is detailed in the Dig ital Disp lacement® Pump Gen 1 DDP096 and DPC12 Technical Information. Please contact your Danfoss
representative for further help w ith DDP096 control options.
The configuration must be set-up on each controller after delivery. As the DDP096 is a softw are-controlled prod uct, the same software configuration w ill produce the same control response on all DDP096 and DPC12 hardware in a system w ith the same hyd raulic circuit configuration. For serie s production systems it is recommended to setup the control config uration for the first product and export the paramete r file using the PLUS+1® Service Tool. The same parame ters can then be imp orted and dow nloaded to each subsequent DPC12 controlle r.
5.1 Use cases
Only a sp ecific subset of the available comb inations of control mode, control refe rence source and limit sourc e parame ters are allow ed in this softw are version. These comb inations have been qualified b y Danfoss to ensure the ir correct ope ration. Selection of any other combinations will result in an unsupp orted DD config uration error (SPN 521006, FMI 2). Where the desired comb ination is not included in the list, it is often possible to use another combination w hich include s enabling an additional limit. In this case the maximum limit value can be set and the DDP096 p ump will operate as if the limit had be en se t to "unlimite d".
For the control mode parameters, named CONTROL_MODE_Sx (where x is number of the service the p arameter applies to), the possible values are:
0 - displace ment control 1 - pressure control 2 - load -sense control (LS)
For the refe rence and limit source parameters, named parameter_SRC_Sx (w he re x is number of the service the parameter applies to), the possible values are:
0 - unlimited 1 - PLUS+1® Service Tool 2 - J1939 CAN message
Further information on these parameters can be found in the Service 1 parameters section.
5.1.1 Single-service software
With single-service softw are the following comb inations are available:
Use case name CONTROL_MODE
Displacement control by PLUS+1® 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
Displacement control by PLUS+1® with torque limit
0 1 0 0 1 1 1
Displacement control by J1939 0 2 0 0 0 1 2
Displacement control by J1939 with torque limit 0 2 0 0 2 1 2
Industrial pressure control by PLUS+1® 1 1 0 1 0 0 1
Industrial pressure control by PLUS+1® with flow limit
1 1 1 1 0 0 1
Industrial pressure control by J1939 1 2 0 1 0 0 2
Industrial pressure control by J1939 with flow limit
1 2 2 1 0 0 2
Load sensing pressure control by PLUS+1® 2 1 0 0 0 0 1
Load sensing pressure control by J1939 2 2 0 0 0 0 2
Software Manual
Digital Displacement® Pump Software Version 2.7.1
Load sensing pressure control by PLUS+1® with torque limit
2 1 0 0 2 0 2
Load sensing pressure control by J1939 with torque limit
2 2 0 0 2 0 2
Use case name CONTROL_MODE
5.1.2 Two-service software
With tw o-service software the following combinations are available:
Use case name
Displacement control by PLUS+1® 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Displacement control by J1939 with torque limit 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 2 2
Displacement control by PLUS+1® with torque limit 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
Industrial pressure control by J1939 with flow limit 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2
Industrial pressure control by J1939 with flow limit #2 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Industrial pressure control by PLUS+1® with flow limit 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
Load-sense pressure control by J1939 with torque limit 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 2 2
Load-sense pressure control by PLUS+1® with torque limit 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
Mixed displacement/LS by J1939 0 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 2 1 1 2 2
Software Manual
Digital Displacement® Pump Software Version 2.7.1
6 Two-service operation
Two-service DDP096 software (file named ML, marked GEN1_AB in Service Tool) is used w ith a DDP096 pump fitte d with a multi-outlet endcap to allow the single pump and controlle r to provide flow to tw o hydraulic circuits. The parame ters for both service 1 (marked _S1) and service 2 (marked _S2) must be configure d suitably for the hyd raulic system or ve hicle.
6.1 Service independence
Each service controlled by the DDP096 software acts as an independe nt flow source.
Any coordination between the tw o services, for instance a whole-pump torque limit, must be calculated b y a system controller and communicated to the pump as a control reference or limit per service.
6.2 Service switching
Service switching, also known as dynamic g anging, allows the allocation of some of the pumping units of the pump to be switched from one control service to anothe r unde r the command of a system controller. The DPC12 controlle r does not control the external valves or other hydraulic equipment needed to connect the correct outlet ports of the DDP096 pump, this must be considered in the system controller design.
The physical hydraulic connections of the relevant output ports of the DDP096 pump must match the service config uration selected. Mismatch could result in unintended flow to a particular service.
The twelve pumping units in the machine are group ed into four indepe nde nt groups, each consisting of three interconnected pumping units. These groups are know n as "pump lets". An example of how the pumple ts, pump ing units and outlet ports relate is shown below. Please refer to the Digital Displace ment® Pump Gen 1
DDP096 and DPC12 Technical Information for further information.
Pum plet Pum ping units O utlet port (three- outlet endcap)
1+3 A1, A3, B1, B3, C1, C3 P1
2 A2, B2, C2 P2
4 A4, B4, C4 P4
The service switching feature is controlled by supplying a config uration inde x (SERV_CONF_INDEX) to select the active combination of pumplets assigned to the service . This index can be set statically in the PLUS+1® Service Tool or commanded dynamically by a system controller over J1939. The following tab le describes the pump let-to-service assignment for each available configuration:
Index Service 1 Service 2 No tes
0 1+3 2, 4
1 1+3 4 There is no flow from pumplet 2
2 1+3, 2 4
The service configuration can be change d w hile the pump is in operation. When command ing a service , the flow, torque and power limit sig nals always re late to the real hydraulic output of the service. The displace ment re ference is a fraction of the disp lacement available from the pumping units currently assigned to a service; the available disp lacement may change as the service config uration is changed.
There will be a change in flow for a given displacement re ference command when the se rvice config uration is changed under disp lacement control.
Software Manual
Digital Displacement® Pump Software Version 2.7.1
+ 35 hidden pages