4 Commissioning mode
The DDP096 softw are includes a commissioning mode w hich is used to exercise pumping units when the
pump is not in normal operation. More d etail on commissioning a DDP096 pump and DPC12 in a hydraulic
system is provided in the Digital Displace ment® Pump Gen 1 DDP096 and DPC12 Te chnical Information.
Some error protection is disabled in commissioning mod e. The use r should e nsure that the system is properly
protected hydraulically (for instance with a pressure relief valve on e ach outlet) and is monitored carefully
4.1 Entering and exiting commissioning mode
Commissioning mode is ente red by setting the EN_COMMISS parameter to "enabled" (1) and power cycling
the controller. The DEVICE_MODE paramete r can be used to check that the DDP096 software is in
commissioning mode - the value will be 2 w he n in commissioning mode.
Commissioning mode is left by setting the EN_COMMISS p arameter back to "disabled" (0) and power cycling
the controller.
4.2 Commissioning actions
Five actions are available to the user in commissioning mode:
pump x1
pump x100
raw displacement, service 1
raw displacement, service 2
Each is described in the following sections.
To set up an action:
1. the COMMISS_ACT_TYPE paramete r should b e set to the value corresponding to the p articular action.
2. the COMMISS_VALUE parameter should be set to the required coil number or displacement p erce ntag e.
3. the COMMISS_CMD parame ter should be set to 1 to start the action.
4. the COMMISS_CMD parame ter should be set back to 0 w hen the action is comple te before starting the
next action.
Each action may be disabled due to the current shaft speed or active errors. The DDP096 softw are show s
which actions are allowed via the COMMISS_LEVEL parame ter, w hich has three levels:
0. Internal 24V power supply proble m, inc luding no power to coil supply pins, is indicated by the
ERR_AE_3599_02_LM_OUT24V error b eing active.
1. At least one severe error active (other than ERR_AE_3599_02_LM_OUT24V).
2. No severe errors active.
Whe n an action is requested, the DDP096 software reports the result of the request with the
COMMISS_STATUS parameter. It shows w hether a request was d enied , due to the COMMISS_LEVEL being
low er than that required for the requested command, and whe ther the action is in prog ress. For fire and
pump x1 actions the parameter is set to the in progress value only for a very short time.
4.2.1 Fire
The fire action allows the coil of a p articular pumping unit to be ene rgized. This is intend ed to allow the user
to check for correct w iring to the coil, either by listening for the audible click produced during the
energization or by using a current probe to view the current in the wire to the coil.
COMMISS_ACT_TYPE is 1 for the fire action and the COMMISS_VALUE paramete r selects the coil to be fire d (see
Coil numbers section).