DEVIreg™ Multi is 7 channel electronic programmable controller to be installed on
DIN-rail and supposed to be used for controlling electrical heating and cooling systems.
Every channel can be individually set up with three control modes –temperature sensor,
time proportional power regulation without sensor and manually on/off with time period.
Universal analog channels’ inputs can be selected via software between 8 types of temperature
sensors including NTC 15 kOhm at 25 °C. Controller has graphic LCD display, Modbus RS-485
opto-insulated serial interface and 110/230 V AC power supply.
DEVIreg™ Multi has 8 control relays – 2 sets of max. 10 A and 6 sets of max. 6 A; and among
them 4 sets NO and 4 sets NC/NO contacts. Relay control functions can be set up for heating
or cooling systems. Additionally, relay contacts are not connected to a voltage source inside
the controller, and can be used for control systems with any voltage up to 250 V AC.
In addition to 3 control modes, DEVIreg™ Multi has some special functions which can be
programmed for every channel: relay status – opened or closed for ‘Heating On’ mode,
channel activation or deactivation, sensor failure alarm, min. and max. temperature alarms,
cable failure monitoring, relay test, channel on/off, relay cycles’ calculator, etc.
Hardware of DEVIreg™ Multi is based on the Danfoss controller type MCX08M2,
art. no. 080G0307, but is customized with special software.
The product complies with the EN/IEC Standard “Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use”:
• EN/IEC 60730-1 (general)
• EN/IEC 60730-2-9 (thermostat)
More information on this product can also be found at:
NB: All relevant abbreviations and words in bold are terms used in DEVIreg™ Multi screen
texts with exact the same spelling.
Make sure the mains supply to the controller is turned off before installation.
Please also note the following:
• The installation of the controller must be done by an authorized and qualified installer
according to local regulations.
• The controller must be connected to a power supply via an all-pole disconnection switch.
• Always connect the controller to continuous power supply.
• Do not expose the controller to moisture, water, dust and excessive heat.
IMPORTANT: When the controller is used for controlling a floor heating element/cable in
connection with a wooden floor or similar material, always use a floor sensor and never
set the maximum floor temperature to more than 35°C.
Note: Product is designed for Over Voltage Category II. When used in fixed installation,
installation must be equipped with transient protection.
3 Mounting Instructions
Please observe the following placement guidelines:
Install the thermostat in an electric cabinet with DIN rail attachment or a separate DIN
attachment according to local regulation on IP classes.
Do not place the thermostat in a way that it will be exposed to direct sunlight.
Follow the steps below to mount the thermostat:
1. Click the thermostat on the DIN rail attachment.
2. Connect the thermostat according to the connection diagram and chosen system mode(-s)
3. The screen of the heating cable must be connected to the earth conductor of the
power supply cable by using a separate connector.
4. Turn on the power supply.
Note: Always install the floor sensor in a conduit in the floor construction or similar. The
bending radius of the conduit must be min. 50 mm.
The DEVIreg™ Multi is 7 channels controller and every channel can be individually set up
with one from three control modes:
1. Single sensor control with temperature sensor - ‘1 Sensor’ mode or ‘1S’.
2. Time proportional power regulation – ‘Power Regulation’ mode or ‘PR’.
3. Manually On/Off control with time period – ‘MOn’/’MOf’ mode.
1S mode or Single sensor control
1S mode is control with temperature sensor and adjustable hysteresis. 1S control typically
can be used for Pipe heating, Ground Ice & Snow melting, Cold rooms’ protection, Comfort
Floor heating, Total heating and other applications with temperature control.
This control mode is similar to well-known DEVIreg™ 316 thermostat.
Universal analog channel’s inputs (AI) can be selected via software between 8 types of
temperature sensors including NTC 15 kOhm at 25°C.
This mode can be set up with special function to control Alarm min. and max. temperatures.
Additionally, it can be set up with so called Cable OK? function which uses channel digital
input (DI) with connected Current Monitoring Relay (CMR) to control availability of electricity passing through a heating cable or similar.
PR mode or Power Regulation control
PR mode is time proportional power regulation with a simple duty cycle generator. Time
for status ‘Heating On’ during the chosen mode cycle can be set up by installer. PR control
typically can be used where one wants to dissipate a subjective amount of power.
This mode is also not connected to a temperature sensor and is therefore very suitable for
installation where it is impossible to install temperature sensor.
This control mode is similar to well-known DEVIreg™ 527 controller.
This mode can be set up with so called Cable OK? function which uses channel digital
input (DI) with connected Current Monitoring Relay (CMR) to control power consumption
or similar.
Manually On/Of mode (on the screen – MOn or MOf) is control with setting time period during which relay status ‘Heating On’ or ‘Heating Of’ will operate.
NB: This mode can be used only on the base of 1S or PR modes and upon its completion controller
returns to the same mode from which it started.
4.2 Terms and abbreviations
NB: Terms and abbreviations in the bold are special DEVIreg™ Multi words used for screen
texts, menu lines, etc.
Special terms and abbreviations
Term in
#1, #2, …, #7 Channel number from 1 to 7.
1SSingle Sensor or ‘1 Sensor’ control mode.
PRPower Regulation control mode.
Heating On
Heating Of
The mode with temperature sensor and adjustable hysteresis.
The time proportional power regulation with a simple duty cycle generator with time set
when heating is turned on during the chosen period/cycle time.
Manually On/Of control mode.
The mode with relay setting either for state ‘Heating On’ or ‘Heating Of’ and time setting
during which this mode will be performed.
The state when control algorithm decides to start heating or to stop heating.
Special abbreviation used for state ‘Heating On’ or ‘Heating Of’.
It’s a logical state not corresponding to relay status with closed or
trol algorithm activates heating, it appears
be either with an opened circuit state or with a closed-circuit condition which are determined
by the setting Relaystatus RO/RC – Relay Opened (RO) or Relay Closed (RC).
NB: These abbreviations – On or Of – should be used with 1st capital and 2nd small letters, and
contain 2 letters only.
Relay status RO/RC for state Heating On – Relay Opened (RO) or Relay Closed (RC).
For the heating mode on, the corresponding state of the relay contacts can be selected –
open or closed. This relay status allows to implement both heating and cooling control, as
well as electric and water heating systems.
opened contacts. When con-
on the screen as On. For this case relay contacts can
#The symbol “Hash sign” indicates when Channel is OFF or Device is OFF. This status can be
##These 2 hash symbols appear when Device is OFF. This status can be set up by ‘mechanical’
ActivePossible status for every Channel. When Active = Yes – Channel’s algorithm works according
!This symbol appears in Alarm conditions with some Channel(-s).
!!!These 3 symbols appear in Alarm conditions with Device by any reason.
Main Screen The Main Screen displays the main data of controller and the status of all Channels at the
AI1-AI8Analog inputs, used for connection of temperature sensors.
DI1-DI8Digital inputs, voltage free contacts. DI1-DI7 are used for connection of special devices for
DO1-DO8Digital outputs connected to relay contacts. DO1-DO7 are used for loads, DO8 – for Alarm.
Used for setting Channels or Device with status ON or OFF.
When Channel or Device is set up with OFF – it means that the appropriate control algorithm(-s) is stopped. It is similar to power supply off, but device/channels are still powered,
and display shows some data and settings.
When the Channel is OFF – symbol hash – ‘#” appears in the Channel’s line on the Main Screen.
When the Device is OFF – one or two symbols hash – ‘#’ or ‘##’, appear on the top-left position
of a Main Screen.
NB: The abbreviations ON and OFF should to be used with capital letters only. It emphasizes the
difference in relation to abbreviations On and Of used for Heating status.
set up via Main Menu.
switch on input DI8 when contacts are closed.
En means Enabled and Dis – Disabled, are used to allow of forbid some special functions or
to the settings and data is displayed on the screen(-s). When it’s not Active or Active = No –
Channel does not work at all and “empty” line appears on the Main Screen.
Status of some settings. For example, Channel can be Active or not Active – it means Ye s or No respectively for settings Activate #1-7.
Special abbreviation used for function checking the proper functioning of the heating cable by condition on digital inputs DI1-DI7. For this purpose, additional device can be recommended – Current
Monitoring Relay (CMR) or so on. For OK and not OK are used terms Yes and No respectively.
same time. This screen is constantly visible on the display during everyday work.
function Cable OK?, DI8 is used for connection of ‘mechanical’ switcher for Device ON/OFF
SensorIn this content, always a temperature sensor – NTC, PT1000, etc..
NTCNTC temperature sensor. NTC stands for “Negative Temperature Coefficient”. NTC sensor is
RTCReal Time Clock
BMSA building management system (BMS), is a computer-based control system installed in build-
RS-485RS-485 or RS485, also known as TIA-485(-A) or EIA-485, is a standard defining the electrical
RCDResidual-current device
CMRCurrent Monitoring Relay
NCNormally Close relay. Has an initial closed-circuit state when no current is applied to its inter-
MCXDanfoss Programmable Controller. DEVIreg™ Multi is based on MCX08M2 controller
resistor with a negative temperature coefficient, which means that the resistance decreases
with increasing temperature.
Temperature sensor. PT refers to that the sensor is made from Platinum (Pt). 1000 refers to that at 0°C
sensor has a resistance of 1000 Ohms (Ω). Sensor has Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC).
ings that controls and monitors the building’s mechanical and electrical equipment such as
ventilation, lighting, power systems, fire systems, and security systems.
characteristics of drivers and receivers for use in serial communications systems.
Normally Open relay. Has an initial opened circuit state when no current is applied to its coil
so basically the internal switch disconnects the power to the load in the inactive state.
nal coil therefore the internal switch connects the power to the load. When voltage is applied
to the coil of the NC relay the internal switch goes to the open position and disconnects the
power from the load.
The DEVIreg™ Multi is operated via 4 buttons out of 6. Display with an alpha numeric
style with information in various languages.
The functions of the 4 operated buttons are:
Up, Down
EscapeEscape to upper level of menu / show Alarm screen
EnterConfirm / select / go to the Main menu
Besides the normal function of the buttons, some special combinations are important to
the user:
• For quick changing of any values, e.g. temperature – hold button Up or Down.
• Return to Main Screen – press several times Escape or do not press any button during
some minutes.
The DEVIreg™ Multi can simultaneously control up to 7 different systems with 3 different
modes. These 7 systems are referred as Channel #1, Channel #2, … and Channel #7.
The DEVIreg™ Multi provides the user with an opportunity to view the current status of
the all systems / channals. This status can be shown in different ways.
Next menu entry / next line / next setting parameter /
shows additional screens
The Main Screen is the main window
appearing when the controller is powered.
This screen displays the main data of
controller and the status of all Channels at
the same time. The main controller’s data
is visible on the 1st display line and the
Channel #1 – #7 data are visible on the
lines from 2 to 8.
This view gives the user an example of all
Channels on one screen.
Main sub-screens view
These screens give to user quick and more
detailed information about settings and
status of each Channel.
Just press button Down on the Main Screen of controller and Channel data #1
will appear, press Down again – and you’ll
see Channel data #2, and so on.
To exit from Main sub-screens view and
return to the Main Screen – press Escape
2 times.
By pressing button Up in the Main Screen
of controller, it gives information about
how many times relays were switched to
status Heating On. This screen is named
Relay On cycles.
Alarms view
By pressing Escape button from Main
Screen – screen(-s) with Alarm appears.
If more than 1 Alarm is happened – use
navigation by going Up/Down. Pressing
Escape button again leads from Alarm to
Main Screen.
Menu system
By pressing Enter from the Main Screen–
screen with Main Menu appears.
The menu system is navigated from Main
Screen by the following sequence:
EN: Enter – Down/Up – Enter – Down/
Up – Enter – … .
EN: Enter – Down/Up – Enter – Down/
Up – Enter – … .
Pressing Escape button mostly leads to a
transition to upper level.
By scrolling the Down button you’ll get to
the bottom part of Main Menu.
Menu windows above display the root directory of the menu tree or so-called Main Menu.
Activating any line by Enter button leads to a transition to a lower level of menu, opening
a list of settings, parameters, special functions or so on. For example:
4.4 Control modes, special functions, special statuses and settings
Each of 7 Channels has possibility to be individually set up with one of three control
modes – 1S (1 Sensor), PR (Power Regulation) and MOn/MOf (Manually On/Of).
The controller configurations for these 3 modes are the following:
1. Single sensor control with temperature sensor or 1S: one temperature sensor input,
one relay output;
2. Power regulation control or time proportional power regulation or PR: no sensor
input, one relay output;
3. Heating control Manually On and Manually Off with setting time period or MOn and
MOf: no sensor input, one relay output;
Together with any control mode could be set up or enabled/disabled some special functions
and statuses: “Relay status RO/RC”, “ CableOK?”, “ Relay test 5/30”, “ Channel ON/OFF” and
“Device ON/OFF”. Special functions and statuses are specified in chapters below.
Additionally, any Channel can be set up with status ‘not Active’ or Active = No. It means
Channel does not work at all and “empty” line appears on the Main Screen.
4.4.1 Active and Not Active Channel status
Not Active status can be used for applications there is no need to use full channel set of 7.
And view/line for the Channel which is not used is simply deleted from the screen.
By the way, standard factory setting for DEVIreg™ Multi supposes 1 active Channel #2.
The Main Screen with the only one Active Channel #2 is as on the picture below: