Datasheet, technical data Danfoss Electronic Protection
General Characteristics
Model number (on module nameplate) DE P101A DEP101B
Code number for singlepack 120Z0 584 12 0Z0585
Drawing number 6914 009a 6914010a
Supply voltage AC24V -15% +10% 2W AC110-240V -15% +10% 2W
Ambiant temperature range -35 to 70°C
Relay 250V AC max 5A
Technical Characteristics
Temperature monitoring PTC to DIN 44081/082
- Number of sensors 1...9 in series
- R 25, total <1.8kΩ
- Rtrip 4.50kΩ ±20%
- Rreset 2.75kΩ ±20%
- max. length <30m
After cool down
- Time delay 5min±1min
Phase monitoring
Phase sequence lockout
Phase loss lockout
Status LED Blink Code
Relay (N/O) max. AC 250V, max.5A
Protection class to EN 60529 IP00
Connection 6.3mm conectors
Housing PA66
Mounting screw-mounted or clamped
Dimensions 76.5x81.5x34.5mm
Weight approx. 200g
3 AC 50/60Hz 200...575V ±10% active window t0 + 1s...
t0 + 6s
Connection diagram
Phase sequence input
L1 L2 L3
Black Blue Brown
L N S1 S2 M1 M2
Module power
Blink code
PTC overheat
Internal control cont act
connecti on
Recommended Installation Torque
Mounting bolts (2 screws Ø 3.5 mm) 0.5 to 2Nm
Approvals: CE certied, UL (le E363296)
40ms 40ms460ms 460ms
Appr. 1s
PTC reset delay active
80ms 920ms
Appr. 1s
Phase loss error
500ms 500ms
Appr. 1s
Phase reverse error
120ms 120ms120ms 400ms
Appr. 760ms
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FRCC. ED.DEP101. A1.02 - May 2015