CET2000B-RF + RX1-S + CS2
Wireless Electronic Hot Water Cylinder Thermostat
Danfoss Heating
User Guide

For a large print version of these instructions
please call Marketing on 0845 121 7400.
Hearby, Danfoss A/S declares that the radio equipment type CET2000B-RF + RX1-S is in
compliance with directive 2014/53/EU.
The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet
address, http://heating.danfoss.co.uk/xdoccat/14_CATC-J_MNU17497125_SIT313.html
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Danfoss Heating

What is a cylinder thermostat?
... an explanation for householders
A cylinder thermostat switches on and o the heat supply
from the boiler to the hot-water cylinder. It works by sensing
the temperature of the water inside the cylinder, switching
on the water heating when the temperature falls below
the thermostat setting, and switching it o once this set
temperature has been reached.
Turning a cylinder thermostat to a higher setting will not make
the water heat up any faster. How quickly the water heats up
depends on the design of the heating system, for example, the