Data sheet
CCR3+ Controller
Return temperature controller & temperature registration
The CCR3+ Controller is an electronic controller
for return temperature control in risers in
one-pipe heating system based on supply
temperature signal. With CCR3+ controller onepipe heating system becomes efficient variable
flow system with riser’s flow control based on
heat demand.
CCR3+ is dedicated to be used with AB-QM
automatic balancing & control valve equipped
with thermo actuators type TWA-Z (NO) and
remote temperature sensors type ESMC.
CCR3+ together with AB-QM and TWA-Z is
complete one-pipe electronic solution:
Main data:
• Designed for AB-QM DN 10-32 mm
• Maximum number of controlled risers:
20 (extension +16 via Slave Unit)
• No distance limitation between risers (control
valves) and controller
• Pulse Wide Modulation (PWM) algorithm
• Return temperature (curve) adjustable in 9
• Individual riser setting possible
• Possible connection to BMS system
• Build in web server for access via mobile
devices or PC (readings, settings, datalogs,
• LED status indicators
• Flow control in risers based on heat demand
• Build in Web-Server App, Wi-Fi connection
and LAN port
• Improved room temperature control
• Eliminated overheating of the building
• Reduced heating cost with payback time less
than 4 years
• Remote control and access of all temperature
setting (no need to have direct access to
Inclusive in the box: CCR3+ Controller, 1 pcs ESMC sensor
Typ e Designation Supply voltage Actuat or type/nos. Code No.
CCR3+ Controller
Typ e Designation Voltage Comments Code No.
TWA-Z (NO) Thermal actuators 24 V 1.2 m. cable 08 2F1220
TWA-Z (NO) with
ESMC (PT 1000)
ESMC (PT 1000) Surface sensor - 2 meters cable 08 7N 0011
CCR+ Slave Unit System expansion (add 16 risers) 24 Vdc - 003Z3852
Return Temperature Controller &
Temperature Registration
Thermal actuators with surface sensor 24 V - 003Z0388
24 Vdc NO/20 003Z0396
© Danfoss | 2018.12
VD.GM.E1.02 | 1

Data sheet CCR3+ Controller
Fig. 1 CCR3+ Controller: scheme with 20 risers
Fig. 2 CCR3+ Controller: scheme with 36 risers
2 | © Danfoss | 2018.12

Data sheet CCR3+ Controller
Applications (Continuous)
AB-QTE solution converts one-pipe heating
system - usually permanent flow system - into
efficient variable flow system.
This innovative solution dynamically controls the
flow in risers according to the load in risers by
return temperature control. Wide range of return
temperature setting (9 setting points) ensures
high efficiency of the system in whole range of
supply temperature from 35-90 °C.
In one-pipe systems flow in the risers is always
present even when all TRV’s are closed; water
flow through the by-pass which result in high
operating costs (heat losses, pumping costs,
overheating etc). TRV on the radiator controls
room temperature by controlling flow through
the radiator, while flow ratio between radiator
and by-pass is varying; however total flow in
risers remains permanent. At partial loads (some
TRV’s are closed) return water temperature in
risers increases, which results in overheating of
rooms due to very hot risers.
After the building is renovated heating system
becomes oversized since the heat losses of the
building decrease. As a result overheating issue
increases even more.
CCR3+ controller is part of AB-QTE solution
for one-pipe heating systems. It converts
one-pipe heating system (usually constant flow
system) into efficient variable flow system. This
innovative solution dynamically controls the
flow in the riser according to the load in risers by
return temperature control. Wide range of return
temperature setting (9 setting points) ensures
high efficiency of the system in whole range of
supply temperature from 35-90 °C.
In traditional one-pipe systems flow in the risers
is present even when all TRV’s are closed. Water
flows through the by-pass at all times. TRV on
the radiator controls room temperature by
controlling flow through the radiator, while flow
ratio between radiator and by-pass is varying.
Total flow in risers remains permanent though.
At partial loads (some TRV’s are closed) return
water temperature in risers increases. Result is
high operating costs: heat losses, pumping costs,
overheating, etc. In case building is renovated
overheating issue increases even more as
heating system becomes oversized.
AB-QTE concept solution:
• AB-QM mounted in the risers provides right
water balance in the risers at all system
condition. Every riser get designed flow and
each riser is independent from the rest of
• CCR3+ with temperature sensors and
actuators mounted on AB-QM controls flow
in risers through the return temperature
control. When return temperature increases
CCR3+ automatically detects this change and
reduces flow in risers according to set points
(lower load in risers – lower flow needed).
This results in improved room temperature
control and greatly reduced overheating of
the building.
Compared to self- acting solution (QT
thermostatic elements), AB-QTE solution
covers very wide temperature setting
range, as presented in Fig. 3. All points of
return temperature setting correspond to
supply temperature what allows automatic
adaptation to weather condition according
the rules: lower outside temperature , higher
supply temperature – except higher return
temperature, but all time optimized at any
supply parameter.
• Thus one-pipe system becomes energy
efficient variable flow system.
• AB-QTE solution is perfect from service,
monitoring and maintenance point of view.
The CCR2+ incorporates LED status indicator,
build in Web-Server App, Wi-Fi connection
and LAN port, which allow the user to
manually set, log and monitor measured
parameters from the system on smart device
or PC.
Danfoss AB-QTE solution for one-pipe
renovation system is a top end solution
where the first double curve system control
is proposed. First: on primary side , usually
in sub-station where weather compensatory
control supply temperature according out-door
temperature (based on weather compensator
curve). Second one: on secondary side where
return temperature curve is adjusted based
on supply water temperature. Lower outside
temperature requires higher supply temperature
which yields to also higher return temperature.
Key point: at all times optimized. Thus one-pipe
system becomes energy efficient variable flow
The return temperature can be adjusted in
eight points, each correspondent to one flow
The setting can be automatically applied for
all risers or using from menu additional setting
function return temperature can be modified
individually to each riser by:
Shift factor – allow to move up and down the
curve in each point, setting range ±10 °C.
flow temperature
Temperature [°C]
return temperature
Outdoor temperature [°C]
Fig. 3 Return temperature curve graphs
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