Danfoss Cartridge Valves Coils User guide

Cartridge Valves Coils Technical Information
Quick reference
D08 Specications ............................................................................................................................................................. CL - 6
Amp Junior Timer ..................................................................................................................................................... CL - 6
Deutsch ........................................................................................................................................................................ CL - 6
DIN 43650 ....................................................................................................................................................................CL - 7
Lead wires ................................................................................................................................................................... CL - 7
MetriPak 150 Type 1 ................................................................................................................................................ CL - 7
Spade ............................................................................................................................................................................ CL - 8
D10 Specications ............................................................................................................................................................. CL - 9
Deutsch ........................................................................................................................................................................ CL - 9
DIN 43650 ................................................................................................................................................................. CL - 10
Lead wires ................................................................................................................................................................ CL - 10
MetriPak 150 Type 1 ............................................................................................................................................. CL - 10
Dual Spade ............................................................................................................................................................... CL - 11
D14E Specications .......................................................................................................................................................... CL - 12
Quick Reference
Amp Jr. .......................................................................................................................................................................CL - 12
Deutsch ..................................................................................................................................................................... CL - 12
DIN 43650 ................................................................................................................................................................. CL - 13
Lead wires ................................................................................................................................................................ CL - 13
Metripak 150, type 1 ............................................................................................................................................ CL - 13
MetriPak 150, Type 2 ............................................................................................................................................ CL - 14
Dual Spade ............................................................................................................................................................... CL - 14
D14E35W Specications .......................................................................................................................................................... CL - 15
Amp Jr. .......................................................................................................................................................................CL - 15
Amp SuperSeal 1.5/MetriPak 150 Type 1 ...................................................................................................... CL - 15
Deutsch ..................................................................................................................................................................... CL - 16
DIN 43650 ................................................................................................................................................................. CL - 16
Lead wires ................................................................................................................................................................ CL - 16
Amp SuperSeal 1.5/MetriPak 150 Type 1 ...................................................................................................... CL - 17
Amp SuperSeal 1.5/MetriPak 150 Type 1 with diode Bi-Directional ................................................... CL - 17
Deutsch ..................................................................................................................................................................... CL - 18
Deutsch with diode, Bi-Directional ................................................................................................................. CL - 18
Lead wires ................................................................................................................................................................ CL - 18
Lead wires with diode, Bi-Directional ............................................................................................................ CL - 18
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Cartridge Valves Coils Technical Information
Quick reference
M13 Specications .......................................................................................................................................................... CL - 19
Amp Jr. .......................................................................................................................................................................CL - 19
Amp Jr w/diode...................................................................................................................................................... CL - 19
Amp SuperSeal 1.5/MetriPak 150 Type 1 ...................................................................................................... CL - 20
Amp SuperSeal 1.5/MetriPak 150 Type 1 w/diode .................................................................................... CL - 20
Deutsch .................................................................................................................................................................... .CL - 20
Deutsch w/diode ................................................................................................................................................... CL - 20
ISO 4400 (DIN 43650) ........................................................................................................................................... CL - 21
Lead wires ................................................................................................................................................................ CL - 21
Lead wires w/diode .............................................................................................................................................. CL - 21
M16 Specications .......................................................................................................................................................... CL - 22
Amp Jr. .......................................................................................................................................................................CL - 22
Amp Jr w/diode...................................................................................................................................................... CL - 22
Amp SuperSeal 1.5/MetriPak 150 Type 1 ...................................................................................................... CL - 23
Amp SuperSeal 1.5/MetriPak 150 Type 1 w/diode .................................................................................... CL - 23
Deutsch ..................................................................................................................................................................... CL - 23
Deutsch w/diode ................................................................................................................................................... CL - 23
ISO 4400 (DIN 43650) ........................................................................................................................................... CL - 24
Lead wires ................................................................................................................................................................ CL - 24
Lead wires w/diode .............................................................................................................................................. CL - 24
Specications .......................................................................................................................................................... CL - 25
ISO 4400 (DIN 43650) ........................................................................................................................................... CL - 25
Lead Wires ................................................................................................................................................................ CL - 26
Deutsch ..................................................................................................................................................................... CL - 26
Deutsch w/diode ................................................................................................................................................... CL - 26
Amp Jr ...................................................................................................................................................................... CL - 27
Amp Jr w/diode ..................................................................................................................................................... CL - 27
Specications .......................................................................................................................................................... CL - 28
Deutsch ..................................................................................................................................................................... CL - 28
ISO 4400 (DIN 43650) ........................................................................................................................................... CL - 28
Lead wires ................................................................................................................................................................ CL - 29
Amp Jr ....................................................................................................................................................................... CL - 29
PDCV03 Specications .......................................................................................................................................................... CL - 30
DIN 43650 ................................................................................................................................................................. CL - 30
Deutsch ..................................................................................................................................................................... CL - 30
Lead wires ................................................................................................................................................................ CL - 30
Quick Reference
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Cartridge Valves Coils Technical Information
Quick reference
PDCV05 Specications .......................................................................................................................................................... CL - 31
ISO 4400 (DIN 43650) ........................................................................................................................................... CL - 31
Deutsch connector on lead wires .................................................................................................................... CL - 31
Lead wires ................................................................................................................................................................ CL - 31
R13 Specications .......................................................................................................................................................... CL - 32
Amp SuperSeal 1.5/MetriPak 150 Type 1 ...................................................................................................... CL - 32
Amp SuperSeal 1.5/MetriPak 150 Type 1 w/diode .................................................................................... CL - 32
Deutsch ..................................................................................................................................................................... CL - 33
Deutsch w/diode ................................................................................................................................................... CL - 33
Lead wires ................................................................................................................................................................ CL - 33
Lead wires w/diode .............................................................................................................................................. CL - 34
MetriPak 150, type 2 ............................................................................................................................................. CL - 34
MetriPak 150, type 2 w/diode ........................................................................................................................... CL - 34
R16 Specications .......................................................................................................................................................... CL - 35
Amp SuperSeal 1.5/MetriPak 150 Type 1 ...................................................................................................... CL - 35
Amp SuperSeal 1.5/MetriPak 150 Type 1 w/diode .................................................................................... CL - 35
Quick Reference
Deutsch ..................................................................................................................................................................... CL - 36
Deutsch w/diode ................................................................................................................................................... CL - 36
Lead wires ................................................................................................................................................................ CL - 36
Lead wires w/diode .............................................................................................................................................. CL - 37
MetriPak 150, type 2 ............................................................................................................................................. CL - 37
MetriPak 150, type 2 w/diode ........................................................................................................................... CL - 37
Coils Valve Tube Outer Diameter Coil Type Wattage Diode 10 VDC 12 VDC 20 VDC 24 VDC 110 / 220 VAC
D08 0.500 inch Standard 16 X X X X Internally Rectied
D10 0.625 inch Standard 16 & 30 X X X X Internally Rectied
M13 13 mm Standard 20 Unidirectional X X X X External Rectier Needed
M16 16 mm Standard 26 Unidirectional X X X X External Rectier Needed
M19 19 mm Standard 33 Unidirectional X X External Rectier Needed
D14E 0.875 inch Robust 30 X X X X
D14E (35W) 0.875 inch Robust 35 X X
R13 13 mm Robust 16 Bi-directional X X X X
R16 16 mm Robust 20 Bi-directional X X X X
H16 16mm Robust 29 Bi-directional X X
M19P 19 mm (proportional) Robust 22 X X
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Cartridge Valves Coils Technical Information
Application notes
Danfoss ICS coils can be ordered with fully encapsulated diodes. Diodes are used in electrical circuits to protect delicate downstream electronic components from power surges originating from the coil. Danfoss ICS standard coils employ uni-directional, polarity diodes. This means the installer must be careful not to reverse the “+” and “–“ terminals. If this should happen, the electrical current will destroy the diode and render the coil unusable. Danfoss ICS coils have a “1” and “2” molded in the connector for proper identication of the poles. If AC coils are used, external rectication is required (except D08 and D10, which are internally rectied).
Danfoss ICS Robust Coils R13, R16 and H16 employ bi-directional, transient voltage suppression diodes. Like standard coils, the diode is fully encapsulated in the plastic covering of the coil. Unlike standard coil diodes, bi-directional diodes are non-polarity dependent. Making electrical connections with Robust Coils is extremely easy because there is no danger of reversing the polarity.
Code Termination Specications
A DIN 43650 DIN 43650A/ISO 4400 standard electrical connector (includes connector for cartridge valves only)
AJ Amp Junior Integral to coil
AS Amp SuperSeal 1.5
(also conforms to
MetriPak 150 Type 1)
C Conduit Two 18 AWG wires, 457 mm [18 in] long with 1/2-14 NPT internal thread for conduit
DE Deutsch Integral to coil; mating connector is Deutsch IPD (Industrial Products Division) Part Number DT06-2S
DED Deutsch with diode Integral to coil; mating connector is Deutsch IPD (Industrial Products Division) Part Number DT06-2S
DN DIN 43650 DIN 43650A / ISO 4400 standard electrical connector
DN1 DIN 43650 “DN” with connector (for cartridge valves only)
DP Dual Post Two No. 8-32UNC screw terminals 9.5 mm [0.375 in] long
DT04 Deutsch Integral to coil; mating connector is Deutsch IPD (Industrial Products Division) Part Number DT06-2S
E1 DIN 43650 DIN 43650A / ISO 4400 standard electrical connector
E2 DIN 43650 with diode DIN 43650A / ISO 4400 standard electrical connector
E3 Amp Junior Integral to coil
E4 Amp Junior with
E5 DIN 43650 with
E8 Lead wires Two 18 AWG wires, 457 mm [18 in] long
Integral to coil; mating connector is Delphi-Packard Part Number 12052641
Integral to coil
DIN 43650A / ISO 4400 standard electrical connector
Application Notes
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Application Notes
Cartridge Valves Coils Technical Information
Application notes
Code Termination Specications
E9 Lead wires with
E10 Deutsch (on leads) On two 18 AWG lead wires, 203 mm [8 in] long with protective braid; mating connector is Deutsch IPD
E11 Deutsch (on leads)
with diode
E12 Deutsch Integral to coil; mating connector is Deutsch IPD (Industrial Products Division) Part Number DT06-2S
E13 Deutsch with diode Integral to coil; mating connector is Deutsch IPD (Industrial Products Division) Part Number DT06-2S
FL &
FLD Flying leads with
H DIN 43650 DIN 43650A / ISO 4400 standard electrical connector
L Lead Wires Two 18 AWG wires, 457 mm [18 in] long
M2 Metri-Pak 150 Type
M3 Metri-Pak 150 Type 2 Integral to coil; mating connector is Delphi-Packard Part Number 12040753
S Dual Spade Two 6.35 mm [0.25 in] wide Type 1B spade terminals per SAE J858A
S1 Single Spade One 6.35 mm [0.25 in] wide Type 1B spade terminal per SAE J858A with internal ground
WPF Weatherpack Female On 150 mm [6 in] lead wires; mating connector is Delphi-Packard Part Number 12010973
WPM Weatherpack Male On 150 mm [6 in] lead wires; mating connector is Delphi-Packard Part Number 12015792
WPMD Weatherpack Male
Flying leads Two 18 AWG wires, 600 mm [24 in] long
1 (also conforms to
Amp SuperSeal 1.5)
Dual Spade (M13 &
M16 coils)
Single Post (D08 &
D10 coils)
with diode
Two 18 AWG wires, 457 mm [18 in] long
(Industrial Products Division) Part Number DT06-2S
On two 18 AWG lead wires, 203 mm [8 in] long with protective braid; mating connector is Deutsch IPD
(Industrial Products Division) Part Number DT06-2S
Two 18 AWG wires, 600 mm [24 in] long
Integral to coil; mating connector is Delphi-Packard Part Number 12052641
Two 6.35 mm [0.25 in] wide Type 1B spade terminals per SAE J858A
One No. 8-32UNC Screw Terminals 9.5 mm [0.375 in] long with internal ground
On 150 mm [6 in] lead wires; mating connector is Delphi-Packard Part Number 12015792
Not all connectors available with all coils. Consult individual coil data sheets for details.
PLUS+1™ COMPLIANT Danfoss ICS solenoid valves are PLUS+1™ compliant. PLUS+1 compliance means our coils
are directly compatible with the PLUS+1 machine control architecture. Adding solenoid valves to your application using PLUS+1 GUIDE software is as easy as drag-and-drop. Software development that used to take months can now be done in just a few hours. For more information on PLUS+1 GUIDE, www.powersolutions.danfoss.com/Products/ MobileElectronics/PLUS1Compliance. The table below details available GUIDE function blocks for controlling Danfoss ICS coils.
GUIDE function blocks
On-o 10106088
On-o-on 10106102
Two-way proportional 10106103
Three-way proportional 10106104
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Cartridge Valves Coils Technical Information
Duty cycle rating: 100% at 133% of rated voltage
Magnet wire insulation: (200°C )
Ambient temperature: -30 to 60 °C [-22 to 140 °F]
Diodes are available; contact your Danfoss ICS representative.
Environmental protection: IP65
All AC coils are internally rectied
16 watt coils
Voltage (V) 10 VDC 12 VDC 20 VDC 24 VDC 110 VAC 220 VAC
Resistance (Ohms) @
20 °C [68 °F]
Current draw (A) @
20 °C [68 °F]
Color Green Grey Blue Black Black Black
Amp Junior Code AJ
6.3 9 25 36 900 3600
1.6 1.33 0.8 0.67 0.13 0.07
Part numbers
Voltage (V) Power (W) Part Number
10 VDC 16 D08-16W-10D-AJ
12 VDC 16 D08-16W-12D-AJ
20 VDC 16 D08-16W-20D-AJ
24 VDC 16 D08-16W-24D-AJ
Amp Junior w/Diode Code AJD
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Part numbers
Voltage (V) Power (W) Part Number
10 VDC 16 D08-16W-10D-AJD
12 VDC 16 D08-16W-12D-AJD
20 VDC 16 D08-16W-20D-AJD
24 VDC 16 D08-16W-24D-AJD
CL - 6
Cartridge Valves Coils Technical Information
TERMINALS (continued)
Deutsch Code DE
Deutsch w/Diode Code DED
Part numbers
Voltage (V) Power (W) Part Number
10 VDC 16 D08-16W-10D-DE
12 VDC 16 D08-16W-12D-DE
20 VDC 16 D08-16W-20D-DE
24 VDC 16 D08-16W-24D-DE
Part numbers
Voltage (V) Power (W) Part Number
10 VDC 16 D08-16W-10D-DED
12 VDC 16 D08-16W-12D-DED
20 VDC 16 D08-16W-20D-DED
24 VDC 16 D08-16W-24D-DED
DIN 43650 Code H
Lead wires Code L
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457.2 mm [18 in] long
457.2 mm [18 in] long
18 gauge
18 gauge
Part numbers
Voltage (V) Power (W) Part Number
10 VDC 16 D08-16W-10D-H
12 VDC 16 D08-16W-12D-H
20 VDC 16 D08-16W-20D-H
24 VDC 16 D08-16W-24D-H
110 VAC 16 D08-16W-120A-H
220 VAC 16 D08-16W-240A-H
Part numbers
Voltage (V) Power (W) Part Number
10 VDC 16 D08-16W-10D-L
12 VDC 16 D08-16W-12D-L
20 VDC 16 D08-16W-20D-L
24 VDC 16 D08-16W-24D-L
CL - 7
Cartridge Valves Coils Technical Information
TERMINALS (continued)
MetriPak 150 Type 1 Code M2
Spade Code S
Part numbers
Voltage (V) Power (W) Part Number
10 VDC 16 D08-16W-10D-M2
12 VDC 16 D08-16W-12D-M2
20 VDC 16 D08-16W-20D-M2
24 VDC 16 D08-16W-24D-M2
Part numbers
Voltage (V) Power (W) Part Number
10 VDC 16 D08-16W-10D-S
12 VDC 16 D08-16W-12D-S
20 VDC 16 D08-16W-20D-S
24 VDC 16 D08-16W-24D-S
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Cartridge Valves Coils Technical Information
D10 16 watt coils
Percent RatedVoltage
Duty cycle rating: 100% at 133% of rated voltage
Magnet wire insulation: (200°C )
Ambient temperature: -30 to 90 °C [-22 to 194 °F]
Diodes are available; contact your Danfoss ICS representative.
Environmental protection: IP65
All AC coils are internally rectied
Minimum Pull-in
Ambient Temperature (deg C )
-20 70% 80% 90% 100% 110% 120% 130% 140%
Operating Limit
16 watt coils
Voltage (V) 10 VDC 12 VDC 20 VDC 24 VDC 110 VAC 220 VAC
Resistance (Ohms) @
6.3 9 25 36 900 3600
20 °C [68 °F]
Current draw (A) at
1.6 1.33 0.8 0.67 0.13 0.07
25 °C [68 °F]
Color Green Grey Blue Black Black Black
30 watt coils
Voltage (V) 10 VDC 12 VDC 20 VDC 24 VDC 110 VAC 220 VAC
Resistance (Ohms) @
20 °C [68 °F]
Current draw (A) @
20 °C [68 °F]
Color Green Grey Blue Black Black Black
3.3 4.8 13 19 480 1920
3 2.5 1.5 1.25 0.25 0.13
Deutsch Code DE
Deutsch w/diode Code DED
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Part numbers
Voltage (V) Power (W) Part Number
10 VDC 16 D10-16W-10D-DE
12 VDC 16 D10-16W-12D-DE
20 VDC 16 D10-16W-20D-DE
24 VDC 16 D10-16W-24D-DE
10 VDC 30 D10-30W-10D-DE
12 VDC 30 D10-30W-12D-DE
20 VDC 30 D10-30W-20D-DE
24 VDC 30 D10-30W-24D-DE
Part numbers
Voltage (V) Power (W) Part Number
10 VDC 16 D10-16W-10D-DED
12 VDC 16 D10-16W-12D-DED
20 VDC 16 D10-16W-20D-DED
24 VDC 16 D10-16W-24D-DED
10 VDC 30 D10-30W-10D-DED
12 VDC 30 D10-30W-12D-DED
20 VDC 30 D10-30W-20D-DED
24 VDC 30 D10-30W-24D-DED
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Cartridge Valves Coils Technical Information
TERMINALS (continued)
DIN 43650 Code H
Lead wires Code L
Din(43650 connector)
Two 18 awg leads extending 457.2 mm [18 in] min
Part numbers
Voltage (V) Power (W) Part Number
10 VDC 16 D10-16W-10D-H
12 VDC 16 D10-16W-12D-H
20 VDC 16 D10-16W-20D-H
24 VDC 16 D10-16W-24D-H
110 VAC 16 D10-16W-120A-H
220 VAC 16 D10-16W-240A-H
10 VDC 30 D10-30W-10D-H
12 VDC 30 D10-30W-12D-H
20 VDC 30 D10-30W-20D-H
24 VDC 30 D10-30W-24D-H
110 VAC 30 D10-30W-120A-H
220 VAC 30 D10-30W-240A-H
Part numbers
Voltage (V) Power (W) Part Number
10 VDC 16 D10-16W-10D-L
12 VDC 16 D10-16W-12D-L
20 VDC 16 D10-16W-20D-L
24 VDC 16 D10-16W-24D-L
10 VDC 30 D10-30W-10D-L
12 VDC 30 D10-30W-12D-L
20 VDC 30 D10-30W-20D-L
24 VDC 30 D10-30W-24D-L
MetriPak 150 Type 1 Code M2
Part numbers
Voltage (V) Power (W) Part Number
10 VDC 16 D10-16W-10D-M2
12 VDC 16 D10-16W-12D-M2
20 VDC 16 D10-16W-20D-M2
24 VDC 16 D10-16W-24D-M2
10 VDC 30 D10-30W-10D-M2
12 VDC 30 D10-30W-12D-M2
20 VDC 30 D10-30W-20D-M2
24 VDC 30 D10-30W-24D-M2
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Cartridge Valves Coils Technical Information
TERMINALS (continued)
Dual Spade Code S
M3-0.5 threaded insert
6.4 [0.25] minimum
good thread
SAE type 1B 1/4 wide per SAE J858A
Part numbers
Voltage (V) Power (W) Part Number
10 VDC 16 D10-16W-10D-S
12 VDC 16 D10-16W-12D-S
20 VDC 16 D10-16W-20D-S
24 VDC 16 D10-16W-24D-S
10 VDC 30 D10-30W-10D-S
12 VDC 30 D10-30W-12D-S
20 VDC 30 D10-30W-20D-S
24 VDC 30 D10-30W-24D-S
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Cartridge Valves Coils Technical Information
Ambient temperature °c
Duty cycle rating: 100% at 133% of rated voltage and 50°C [122°F]
Magnet wire insulation: (200°C)
Ambient temperature: -40 to 50 °C [-40 to 112 °F]
Diodes are available; contact your Danfoss ICS representative.
Environmental protection:
IP69K: DE and L connectors IP67: AJ, M2, and M3 connectors IP65: all other connectors
Ambient temperature versus % rated voltage
Min pull-in voltage
-40 70% 80% 90% 100%110%120%130%140
% Rated voltage applied
30 watt coils
Voltage (V) 10 VDC 12 VDC 20 VDC 24 VDC
Resistance (Ohms) @
20 °C [68 °F]
Current draw (A) @
20 °C [68 °F]
Color Green Gray Blue Yellow
Amp Jr. Code AJ
3.3 4.8 13 19
3 2.5 1.5 1.25
Part numbers
Voltage (V) Power (W) Part Number
10 VDC 30 D14E-30W-10D-AJ
12 VDC 30 D14E-30W-12D-AJ
20 VDC 30 D14E-30W-20D-AJ
24 VDC 30 D14E-30W-24D-AJ
100% Operating level
Deutsch Code DE
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Part numbers
Voltage (V) Power (W) Part Number
10 VDC 30 D14E-30W-10D-DE
12 VDC 30 D14E-30W-12D-DE
20 VDC 30 D14E-30W-20D-DE
24 VDC 30 D14E-30W-24D-DE
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